166 research outputs found

    Influence of non-stationary field of magnetospheric convection on the D-region

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    Perturbations of F region electron density caused by the extension of magnetospheric convection electric field to middle latitudes are already well known. For the D region of the first observations are believed to be reported by Eliseyev, Kashpar and Nikitin (1988). On several occasions, following the southward turning of the Bz-component of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) small disturbances of the D region electron density were detected at night by steep-incidence VLF sounding, which may be attributed to the influence of the penetrated convection electric field (CEF). Some evidence is given of a local time dependence of the CEF effect in the D region and a rather good correlation is demonstrated at the initial stage of disturbance between high latitude magnetic field variations and simultaneous perturbation of the midlatitude ionospheric reflection height

    Multiparticle interactions in the high and superhigh energy region

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    Digital computers used to calculate multiparticle interactions in high and superhigh energy regio

    Addressing missing values in kernel-based multimodal biometric fusion using neutral point substitution

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    In multimodal biometric information fusion, it is common to encounter missing modalities in which matching cannot be performed. As a result, at the match score level, this implies that scores will be missing. We address the multimodal fusion problem involving missing modalities (scores) using support vector machines with the Neutral Point Substitution (NPS) method. The approach starts by processing each modality using a kernel. When a modality is missing, at the kernel level, the missing modality is substituted by one that is unbiased with regards to the classification, called a neutral point. Critically, unlike conventional missing-data substitution methods, explicit calculation of neutral points may be omitted by virtue of their implicit incorporation within the SVM training framework. Experiments based on the publicly available Biosecure DS2 multimodal (scores) data set shows that the SVM-NPS approach achieves very good generalization performance compared to the sum rule fusion, especially with severe missing modalities

    Применение эторикоксиба у больных подагрой в реальной клинической практике

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    Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of etoricoxib (Arcoxia ®) in gouty patients with an acute arthritis attack in real clinical practice. Subjects and methods. Thirty patients (25 men and 5 women; mean age 52.4±13.5 years) with crystal-verified gout participated in the pilot open-label study of the patients with arthritis, including those who had taken other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) without any effect. All the patients received etoricoxib (Arcoxia ®) in a dose of 120 mg/day for 7 days and, if arthritis persisted, in a dose of 90 mg/day for 7 more days. The authors estimated an articular index, swelling and hyperemia indices, resting and movement pain by a visual analogue scale (VAS), therapy tolerance in the patient's opinion before and 7 days after therapy and, in the patients taking etoricoxib for 14 days, after 14 days of therapy. Biochemical and clinical blood tests were carried out at the first and subsequent visits. Results. Seven days after therapy, an arthritis attack was abolished in 24 of the 28 patients, following 14 days, arthritis persisted only in 1 patient, but the number of affected joints reduced from 8 to 2. Following 7 days, there was a reduction in the mean erythrocyte sedimentation rate from 37.2+10.2 (before etoricoxib intake) to 15.3±8.3 mm/h (p<0.001), VAS resting pain from 48.6±21.4 to 5.2±3.5 mm (p<0.001), swelling (p<0.001) and hyperemia (p< 0.001) indices, and articular index (p<0.001). In 2 patients with baseline uncontrolled arterial hypertension, the drug was discontinued because of elevated blood pressure; periorbital edema was noted in one case by the end of a therapy course. There were no increases in the serum levels of liver enzymes, in the concentrations of creatinine and urea, and in glomerular filtration rate. Conclusion. Etoricoxib (Arcoxia ®) is highly effective and safe when used in patients with acute gouty arthritis, including those who had not benefited from previous NSAID therapy and those with oligoand polyarthritis.Цель исследования — оценка эффективности и безопасности эторикоксиба (Аркоксиа ®) у больных подагрой с острым приступом артрита в реальной клинической практике. Материал и методы. В пилотном открытом исследовании участвовало 30 больных кристалл-верифицированной подагрой (25 мужчин и 5 женщин, средний возраст — 52,4±13,5 года). Включали больных с наличием артрита, в том числе ранее без эффекта принимавших другие нестероидные противовоспалительные препараты (НПВП). Всем больные получали эторикоксиб (Аркоксиа ®) в течение 7 дней в дозе 120 мг/сут, при сохранении артрита — еще 7 дней 90 мг/сут. До и через 7 дней терапии, а у больных, принимавших эторикоксиб в течение 14 дней, через 14 дней терапии были оценены: суставной индекс, индексы припухлости, гиперемии, боль в покое и при движении по визуально-аналоговой шкале (ВАШ), переносимость терапии по мнению больного. При первом и последующих визитах проводили биохимическое исследование крови, клинический анализ крови. Результаты исследования. Через 7 дней терапии приступ артрита был купирован у 24 из 28 больных, через 14 дней артрит сохранялся у только 1 больного, но число пораженных сустав сократилось с 8 до 2. Через 7 дней отмечено снижение среднего показателя СОЭ: с 37,2+10,2 (до приема эторикоксиба) до 15,3±8,3 мм/ч (p<0,001), боли по ВАШ в покое с 48,6±21,4 до 5,2±3,5 мм (p<0,001), индексов припухлости (p<0,001), гиперемии (p<0,001), суставного индекса (p<0,001). У 2 больных с исходно неконтролируемой артериальной гипертензией препарат был отменен из-за повышения АД, в 1 случае к моменту завершения курса терапии отмечался периорбитальный отек. Повышения сывороточных уровней печеночных ферментов, уровня креатинина и мочевины, скорости клубочковой фильтрации не зафиксировано. Выводы. Эторикоксиб (Аркоксиа ®) высокоэффективен и безопасен при применении у больных с острым подагрическим артритом, в том числе при отсутствии эффекта от предшествующей терапии НПВП и в случае олигои полиартрита

    Применение мелоксикама (Амелотекс®) у больных хронической подагрой с целью профилактики артрита

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    The paper presents the results of a trial of the efficacy and safety of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug Amelotex® (meloxicam) used to prevent episodes of arthritis in patients with gout during initiation of allopurinol therapy. The study has demonstrated that one-month therapy with Amelotex® can minimize the risk of arthritis exacerbations when allopurinol is used. Amelotex® shows a good tolerability and causes the low rates of side effectsВ статье представлены результаты исследования эффективности и безопасности применения нестероидного противовоспалительного препарата Амелотекс® (мелоксикам), назначаемого с целью профилактики приступов артрита у больных подагрой при инициации терапии аллопуринолом. Результаты исследования продемонстрировали, что проведение месячного курса терапии Амелотексом® позволяет минимизировать риск развития обострений артрита при назначении аллопуринола. Прием Амелотекса® характеризуется хорошей переносимостью, низкой частотой побочных эффекто

    Addressing missing values in kernel-based multimodal biometric fusion using neutral point substitution

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    In multimodal biometric information fusion, it is common to encounter missing modalities in which matching cannot be performed. As a result, at the match score level, this implies that scores will be missing. We address the multimodal fusion problem involving missing modalities (scores) using support vector machines with the Neutral Point Substitution (NPS) method. The approach starts by processing each modality using a kernel. When a modality is missing, at the kernel level, the missing modality is substituted by one that is unbiased with regards to the classification, called a neutral point. Critically, unlike conventional missing-data substitution methods, explicit calculation of neutral points may be omitted by virtue of their implicit incorporation within the SVM training framework. Experiments based on the publicly available Biosecure DS2 multimodal (scores) data set shows that the SVM-NPS approach achieves very good generalization performance compared to the sum rule fusion, especially with severe missing modalities

    Перспективы применения современного противовоспалительного препарата мелоксикам (Амелотекс) в клинической практике

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    The paper presents data on the effectiveness, safety, tolerance, major mechanisms of action, and prospects for clinically using meloxicam, a current selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, against cyclooxygenase-2. It describes the advantages of meloxicam for injections, which begins acting promptly and shows an adequate long analgesic effect.Представлены данные об эффективности, безопасности, переносимости, основных механизмах действия, перспективах применения в клинической практике мелоксикама - современного селективного в отношении циклооксигеназы 2 нестероидного противовоспалительного препарата. Показаны преимущества инъекционной формы мелоксикама, характеризующейся быстрым и продолжительным анальгетическим действием

    Use of additive test methods in the simulation of the methanol synthesis column for the creation of a control system from the model

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    The object of the study is the methodology of developing automatic control systems for one class of technological objects, namely, multi-tonnage chemical-technological productions. This class of technological objects is characterized by significant inertia, which makes them objects with difficult control. In addition, high production productivity to prevent economic losses requires ensuring the stability of the technological process without significant deviations from design norms. Based on this, the development methodology for objects of this class should be strictly consistent and theoretically grounded. The work presents an algorithm for developing the structure of the automatic control system of a large-tonnage chemical-technological facility based on its technological features. The algorithm begins with the analysis of a large-tonnage chemical-technological object as a control object. At the final stage, let’s obtain the complete structure of the control system as a self-adjusting extreme control system with an object model. The selected structure of the automatic control system, in turn, puts forward specific conditions for the type of mathematical model of the control object. The work presents an algorithm for developing a combined mathematical model, which begins with structural identification and ends with parametric identification. This mathematical model is the most suitable for use in automatic control systems for technological objects of this class. The conclusions were confirmed by many years of research on real technological objects, including, on the example of the ASK TP methanol synthesis column. The application of the described approach on the example of the development of an automatic control system for the technological process of methanol synthesis confirmed the economic feasibility of implementing the proposed solution

    Горная наука в Российском университете дружбы народов

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    The actual problem of preservation of scientific shots of the mining industry is discussed. One of ways of the decision of this point in question at the Russian university of friendship of the people is considered.Обсуждается актуальная проблема сохранения научных кадров горнодобывающей промышленности. Рассмотрен один из способов решения данного вопроса в Российском университете дружбы народов

    Parametric x-ray radiation in polycrystals

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    Parametric X-ray radiation produced during the interaction of charged particles with polycrystals is regarded. A review of the existing theories, perspectives of application and performed experiments is presented. The evolution of experimental capabilities as well as the progress in the process comprehension is illustrated. The state of the art of PXR in polycrystals is presente