13 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Status Gizi Balita di Indonesia

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    The health status of children under five is one of the primary indicators of public health in a country. Nutritional became one of the health problems that affect the quality of human resources, an indicator of the success of the nation's development and could result in infant mortality and morbidity. Some research suggests that social and demographic conditions affecting the nutritional status of children, factors or geographic region will be very important role in the incidence of nutritional problems in Indonesia. So the need for mapping the problem to determine troubleshooting steps. This study aims to map the nutritional status of children under five in Indonesia. The method used is non-reactive studies using secondary data reports Riskesdas 2010. The sample taken is the entire province in Indonesia. Data were analyzed using ArchView GIS 3.3. The results showed that there are three (3) of the province that has the most low nutritional status of children in Indonesia, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Southeast Sulawesi and North Maluku. The provinces that have good nutritional status (height), the DI Yogyakarta, Jakarta and West Sumatra

    AFB smear positive 1+: a dominant factor in Pulmonary TB household transmission

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    Latar belakang: TBC menjadi masalah kesehatan dunia, termasuk Indonesia karena kasus baru TB paru terus meningkat. Penelitian ini mengkaji faktor dominant yang mempengaruhi penularan kontak serumah pasien TB paru. Metode: Studi observasional dengan desain analitik cross sectional ini menggunakan populasi seluruh penderita dan anggota keluarga pasien TB paru di Puskesmas Kedundung tahun 2015 2016. Sampel sejumlah 52 orang dihitung menggunakan rumus besar sampel infinith dan diambil secara konsekutif. Variabel penelitian meliputi perilaku pencegahan, Gradasi BTA dan penularan kontak serumah. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar wawancara, lembar pengumpul data, sputum pot steril. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Spearman Rank dan uji regresi logistik binary dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,05. Hasil: Perilaku pencegahan (p=0.093), BTA positive 2+ (p=0.377) tidak berpengaruh terhadap penularan kontak serumah pasien TB paru, sedangkan BTA positive 1+ mempengaruhi penularan kontak serumah pasien TB paru (p= 0,007). Nilai Exp (B) BTA positif (1+) menunjukkan 12,144 artinya pasien BTA positif (1+) memiliki risiko 12,144 kali lebih tinggi menularkan ke kontak serumah dibandingkan dengan BTA positif (3+). Sedangkan pasien BTA positif (2+) memiliki risiko 3,328 kali menularkan ke kontak serumah dibandingkan dengan BTA positif (3+). Kesimpulan: Pasien TB paru dengan pemeriksaan BTA positif (1+) menjadi faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi penularan kontak serumah pasien TB paru. Upaya komunikasi dan edukasi personal higiene, tingkat kepatuhan pengobatan pasien TB paru perlu ditingkatkan untuk menekan kejadian baru TB paru. Kata kunci: Gradasi BTA, TB Paru, Perilaku Pencegahan, Penularan Kontak Rumah Tangga   Abstract   Background: Tuberculosis has become a global health problem, included in Indonesia, new cases of pulmonary TB increase continuously. This study examined the dominant factors that influenced the transmission of household contacts in pulmonary TB patients. Methods: This observational study was a cross-sectional analytic design which used a population of all patients and family members of pulmonary TB patients at the Kedundung Health Center in 2015 until 2016. A sample of 52 people was counted using the infinith sample size formula and taken consecutively. Research variables include prevention behavior, AFB smear gradation, and household contact transmission. Collecting data used interview sheets, data collection sheets, sterile sputum pots. Data was analyzed by chi-square test and binary logistic regression test with a significance level of 0.05. Results: Prevention behavior (p=0.093), AFB smear-positive 2+ (p=0.377) did not affect on household contact transmission in pulmonary TB patients, whereas AFB smear-positive 1+ affected household contacts transmission of pulmonary TB patients (p=0.007). The value of Exp (B), AFB smear-positive (1+) have a risk of 12.144 times transmitting to household contact when compared to AFB smear-positive (3+). Whereas patients with AFB smear-positive (2+) have a risk of 3,328 times transmitting to household contact when compared with AFB smear-positive 3+. Conclusion: Pulmonary TB patients with AFB smear-positive (1+) was the dominant factor affecting household contact transmission. Communication and personal hygiene education efforts, the level of adherence in the treatment of pulmonary TB patients needs to be increased to suppress the new incidence of pulmonary TB. Keywords: AcidFast Bacilli (AFB) gradation, pulmonary TB, Prevention Behavior, Transmission of Household Contact


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    Under  nutrition  in  adolescent have  reach  ranges  from  30%  -  40%. Nutritional status influenced by eating patterns, namely food limitations or self- limiting eating. Adolescence is a period of growth and maturation of reproduction. Growth causes physical changes that affect the needs and adequacy of nutrient intake. An imbalance between needs and adequacy will have an impact on the problem of over nutrition and under nutrition. EDAMTIKA formula has the main ingredient of edamame,  as  a  source  of  vegetable protein  food,  more protein content than other plant foods. EDAMTIKA formula helping young women improve their nutritional  status.  This pre experimental study aim  to  identify increasing of weight in female students.. The sample were treath by EDAMTIKA formula twice a day for a week. The average of weight enhancement of 1171 grams/ week. Wilcoxon signed ranks test show there is increasing ofbody weight after intervention (p= 0.000). However female students need consider an adequate food intake in order to up weight


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    Kemuning Lor, as the assisted village of Politeknik Negeri Jember, has improved to reduce the spread of the covid-19 virus in the community; the village community has to be able to change their habits to clean and healthy life behavior (CHLB). Considering that the community morbidity rate in Kemuning Lor is relatively high, the first rank is upper respiratory tract infection (RTI). RTI is an indicator of low CHLB, which can trigger new problems in the health sector. Health maintenance practices in the community of Kemuning Lor are still relatively low. Some people still litter, including household waste disposal, namely used cooking oil (Jelantah). Jelantah can pollute the environment but can be a raw material for liquid or solid soap products. In this pandemic, hand washing soap has become very important to support the handwashing with soap (HWS) activities to prevent Covid-19. This community service aims to increase the knowledge and practice of community CHLB in using the jelantah as a primary ingredient in making antiseptic microgel soap. Through training and mentoring activities, the program starts with preparation and implementation and ends with an evaluation. There was an increase in target knowledge in the practice of HWS and target skills in producing soap from used cooking oil. The output of this activity is the video tutorials on making microgel soap and HWS, microgel soap products, CHLB of household-level book, and HWS stickers. ... Desa Kemuning Lor sebagai Desa binaan penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Jember, telah berbenah diri untuk berusaha mengurangi penyebaran virus covid-19 di masyarakat, masyarakat desa tentunya harus mampu merubah kebiasaan untuk berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS). Mengingat tingkat kesakitan masyarakat di Desa Kemuning Lor masuk dalam kategori relatif tinggi, peringkat pertama adalah infeksi saluran pernafasan atas (ISPA). ISPA menjadi indikator rendahnya PHBS di suatu wilayah yang tentunya dapat memicu munculnya masalah baru dibidang kesehatan. Praktik pemeliharaan kesehatan di lingkungan masyarakat Desa Kemuning Lor masih relatif rendah. Sebagian masyarakat masih membuang sampah sembarangan, termasuk pembuangan limbah rumah tangga yaitu minyak goreng bekas (jelantah). Minyak jelantah dapat mencemari lingkungan, namun bisa menjadi bahan baku produk sabun cair maupun padat. Dalam suasana pandemi ini, sabun cuci tangan menjadi kebutuhan yang sangat utama sebagai penunjang kegiatan Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) untuk mencegah covid-19.  Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan praktik PHBS masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan jelantah sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan sabun mikrojel antiseptik. Melalui kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan, program dimulai dari tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan dan diakhiri dengan evaluasi. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan sasaran dalam praktik CTPS dan keterampilan sasaran dalam memproduksi sabun dari minyak jelantah. Adapun Output dari kegiatan ini berupa video tutorial pembuatan sabun mikrojel, produk sabun mikrojel, buku panduan PHBS tingkat rumah tangga, video CTPS dan stiker langkah CTPS

    Correlation Analysis Of HIV Stadium With Opportunistic Infection In Pregnant Women At Ibnu Sina General Hospital Gresik

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    HIV-AIDS is an infectious disease caused by infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV can be transmitted through sex, blood transfusions, sharing needles and mother-to-child transmission (perinatal). Heterosexual risk factors were the highest, namely 82.8%, followed by homosexuals by 7.4% and perinatal by 4.0%. At Gresik Regency in 2016, was found that the number of HIV sufferers had increased by 29% from 2015. This study aimed to identify the relationship between HIV Stadium and Opportunistic Infection in Pregnant Women At Ibnu Sina General Hospital Gresik. This non-reactive research use analytic cross-sectional design. Sample was taken using total sampling technique. Secondary data were taken since 2013- March 2018 using data collection sheets and analysis using chi-Square test (alpha: 0.05). The results showed there were 29 pregnant women with HIV-AIDS, 96.6% of patients came from Gresik Regency, and 3.4% from outside, the most of age group were > 25-30 years (34.5%), 96.6% of respondents had married, education was mostly high school (58.6%), most respondents (75.9%) had no opportunistic infections, HIV stadium at level asimtomatik reached 51.7% and simtomatik stadium level reach 48.3%. There was a correlation between the stadium of HIV and opportunistic infections with p-value 0.011. So that it needs optimal attention especially the provision of ART therapy and treatment of opportunistic infection in pregnant wome

    Modeling Risk Factors of Dysmenorrhea in Adolescent

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    Dysmenorrhoea is more widely experienced by adolescents due to stress, lack of rest, lack of exercise and balanced nutrition. Some impact on teenagers in schools is declining spirit of learning, impaired concentration, there are up to leave the activity.  In Indonesia, the incidence of dysmenorrhoea in teenagers consists of 54.89%. This study wants to modeling the risk factor of dysmenorrhoea in an adolescent. This research uses the analytical method by using the cross-sectional study design. As many as 57 student populations with a large sampling of 51 adolescent girls at SMAN 1 Menganti. Simple random sampling was used as sampling techniques. With research tools such as hemoglobin examination, measurement of body weight and height using digital and microtoise scales, questionnaire to identify knowledge, physical activity, anemia and Mass Body Index in adolescents girls. The result obtained the adolescent who has less physical activity will 7,441 times greater to experience dysmenorrhea than good physical activity, the adolescent who has less knowledge 0.241 times more likely to experience dysmenorrhea than good knowledge and the adolescent who has anemic disease was 20,123 times more likely to experience dysmenorrhea than has not anemia disease. Healthy living behavior, adequate vitamin intake, reduced mind burden, adequate rest and regular exercise need to continue to be the main message in providing health education to adolescents. Included in it is a message to avoid an unbalanced die


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    Anemia becomes an unsolved nutritional problem, the prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls increased continuously. Anemia in adolescents at 2018 reached 48.9%. The high prevalence of anemia  is  caused  by:  chronic  blood  loss,  insufficient  iron  intake,  inadequate  absorption, consumed  some  drugs  that  inhibit  iron  absorption, increased  need  for  iron.  There  have  been many studies on processed food products and drinks made from fruits and vegetables, one of become a trend since 2009 is dragon fruit (hylocereus polyrhizus). In addition to dragon fruit, Moringa leaves one vegetable has a fairly complex nutritional content, one of is iron. Although there  are  many  formulas  of  dragon  fruit,  but  the  study  of fortification  of  dragon  fruit with moringa  leaves  has  never  been  done.  The  addition  of moringa  leaves extract  will  affect  the aroma,  taste,  color,  texture,  so  it  is  necessary  to find the appropriate composition  of dragon fruit skimmed addition and moringa leaves extract. So organoleptic testing will determine the acceptance  of dragon  fruit  and moringa  leaves fortification  products.  Organoleptic  test using completely  randomized  design  (CRD),  with  a  total  of  4  treatments.  Data analyzed  non- parametric using Kruskall Wallis and Mann Whitney tests with alpha 0.05. Results showed the fortification  of  10% hylocereus  polyrhizus and  5%  Moringa  leaves  are  the  best  and  most preferred formula

    Immunoreactivity of 36 kDa Outer Membrane Proteins (OMP) Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhi as Candidate Immunodiagnostic for Typhoid Fever

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    A simple, rapid and early diagnostic test for typhoid fever urgently needed for clinicians. It’s have been discovered 36 kDa OMP’s from Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study was aimed to determine potency of 36 KDa OMP’s to react with antibody of typhoid fever patients as candidate immunodiagnostic of typhoid fever. An OMP ‘s of S. Typhi with an apparent molecular mass of 36 kDa that is highly immunogenic, evokes humoral and cell-mediated immune responses, and confers 100% protection to immunized rats against challenge with very high doses of S. Typhi has been identified. Further, very efficient clearance of bacteria from the liver of immunized animals was seen. This protein is recognized by the antibodies present in serum of typhoid patients. The agglutination slide indicated that the immunoreactive protein evoked a strong immune response in rats. Serology test by dri-dot resulted OMP can react with serum of typhoid patients (n=25) with sensitivity 100

    Penerapan Partial Least Square Status Kesehatan Balita di Indonesia

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    Status kesehatan anak balita (bawah lima tahun) adalah salah satu indikator utama kesehatan masyarakat di suatu negara. Status kesehatan anak balita adalah sulit untuk diukur secara langsung, sehingga membutuhkan indikator untuk menggambarkan. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) sangat membantu untuk mengetahui pengaruh terhadap indikator dan menghasilkan model yang lebih baik daripada analisis multivariat lainnya. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor langsung (ANC, INC dan PNC) yang mempengaruhi status kesehatan anak balita di Indonesia dan pemetaan indikator gizi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode un-obstruktif, yang terdiri dari 4 variabel laten dan 22 indikator menggunakan berbasis SEM varians (Partial Least Square). Data dianalisis dengan R program dan ArchView GIS 3.3. Ada 14 indikator yang mempengaruhi status kesehatan anak balita yaitu tidak dilakukannya kunjungan antenatal pertama (K1), tidak adanya kunjungan antenatal keempat (K4), tidak mendapatkan 3 kali FE (FE-3) , pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan pengobatan tradisional (ANC dukun), tidak memeriksakan kehamilan, tidak adanya kunjungan antenatal ke petugas kesehatan profesional, bukan operasi kelahiran (SC), persalinan di rumah, balita tidak mendapatkan vitamin A, balita tidak ditimbang, balita mengkonsumsi lebih sedikit kalori, protein, serta bayi berat badan lahir rendah dan bayi dengan gizi buruk. Sebaiknya peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan difokuskan pada indikator yang signifi kan


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    HIV / AIDS as an infectious disease whose prevalence continues to increase becoming a trend of cases interesting to review. The number of prevalence of HIV sufferers in 2017 in Gresik Regency is experiencing an increase of 29% from 2015. This study aims to identify demographics HIV-AIDS sufferers at the Alun-Alun Health Center in Gresik Regency. Research design using non-reactive type of research, with total sampling technique. Secondary data taken cross-sectionally using data collection sheets. The results showed there were 22 people with HIV-AIDS in the period from January to July 2018, 77.3% of patients came from Gresik Regency, and 22.7% from outside the Gresik Regency Region, the smallest age of respondents was 8 years and the highest 53 years, with the most age groups 20-30 years (45.45%), gender respondents 72.73% male and 4.55% trans sexual, special group respondents (pregnant women) reached 9.09% were found in trimesters I and III, 50% of respondents were married and 4.55% were widowed, education the majority of SMA (63.64%), 86.4% did not work, 81.82% of respondents did not find any related disease / concomitant, but there are 4.55% suffering from TB. The HIV-AIDS epidemic in the Gresik Public Health Center classified as a concentrated epidemic, so curative action is needed in sufferers of the group specifically through the early provision of ART, optimization of HIV-AIDS screening in pregnant women, as well as HIV-AIDS socialization to the community