854 research outputs found

    Pessoas, Qualidade e Gestão do Conhecimento

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    The literature on quality management and knowledge management underlines the importance of an appropriate way of managing people so that their implementation occurs with the required success. Our perspective considers people as the fundamental piece in optimizing the organizational results arising from adoption of these two management philosophies. It is in this context that the article reflects on the importance of people and the role attributed to/demanded of them in quality management and knowledge management, considering also the relationships between these two management philosophies. In the reflection carried out, we took into consideration different theoretical contributions from the literature on the subject, which we will attempt to systematize and articulate.A literatura sobre a gestão da qualidade e a gestão do conhecimento sublinha a importância de um adequado modo de gerir as pessoas para que a sua implementação ocorra com o sucesso requerido. A perspectiva em que nos situamos considera as pessoas como a peça fundamental na optimização dos resultados organizacionais decorrentes da adopção destas duas filosofias de gestão. É neste contexto que no presente artigo se reflecte sobre a importância das pessoas e o papel que às mesmas é atribuído/exigido na gestão da qualidade e na gestão do conhecimento, abordando-se, ainda, as relações entre estas duas filosofias de gestão. Para a reflexão efectuada tivemos em consideração diferentes contributos teóricos oriundos da literatura a este respeito produzida, que procuraremos sistematizar e articular

    Super skills for life – US : protocolo para funcionários do CAMPIS

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    Knowledge management, customer satisfaction and organizational image discriminating certified from non-certified (ISO 9001) municipalities

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to ascertain the extent to which knowledge management (KM), customer satisfaction (CS) and organizational image (OI) discriminate quality-certified municipalities from non-certified ones (ISO 9001). Design/methodology/approach An empirical study was carried out involving 81 Portuguese municipalities (40 certified, 41 non-certified), paired in a random sampling procedure. The Knowledge Management Questionnaire (n=1,372 municipality employees), the Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire and the Organizational Image Questionnaire (n=3,096 residents) were applied. Multiple discriminant analysis was performed. Findings The results indicate that certified and non-certified municipalities are distinct based on a function that considers KM (competitive orientation and formal KM practices), CS (intangible and tangible factors) and OI (favorable image). Research limitations/implications The findings need further validation in other countries. However, the results highlight the importance of quality certification for both employees and residents. Practical implications The results encourage local public administration organizations to introduce and maintain quality certification. Originality/value This research is the only one, to the authors’ knowledge, that simultaneously explores organizational processes of KM, CS and OI in local public administration. The sampling procedure and the information from diverse data sources are unique contributions. The conclusions may aid practitioners and scholars in understanding these organizational phenomena in the context of quality-certified and quality non-certified municipalities

    The ‘Lunar Side’ of the story: exploring the sustainability of curricular internships in higher education

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    Curricular internships are increasingly seen as an effective strategy capable of contributing to the objectives and targets of the sustainable development paradigm, both in its social, economic and institutional dimensions. This positive outlook is ingrained within the large bulk of existing research, which has been focused on the discussion of positive outputs, such as the enhancement of graduates′ competences (employability) and their work integration (employment). An important, albeit relatively unexplored, feature of the sustainable institutional politics of curricular internship management pertains to the assessment of its associated liabilities and tensions. This article seeks to address this challenge, by analyzing two interrelated dimensions. First, it seeks to understand the internship processes ranging from the planning to the implementation stages. Second, it elicits the associated negative aspects (the ‘lunar side’) of internships, allowing for an assessment of the features where there is room for improvement. Empirically, this article draws on in‐depth qualitative research. It presents the results of four focus groups, voicing the perceptions of top management structures and students involving first cycle degrees in the areas of Marketing, Management, and Accounting from four public Portuguese Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)‐three polytechnics and one university. Findings confirm the general positive outlook of internships. Perceived negative perspectives report to both internal problems (such as the lack of institutional support and curricular design) and external problems (e.g., the shortage of suitable internship placements), constituting barriers towards sustainable institutional policies and strategies. Adaptive strategies to overcome specific difficulties are highlighted (e.g., establishment of advisory committees with local businessmen). Finally, recommendations regarding curricular internship management at HEIs are delineated (e.g., investment in monitoring and evaluation strategies of internships).publishe

    Design de Novos Produtos e Serviços na Era Digital – Alguns limites éticos

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    A conceção de produtos e serviços é uma área complexa de trabalho, nomeadamente pelas interações entre equipas, tecnologias e áreas de conhecimento. O ciclo da qualidade e da inovação e desenvolvimento de novos produtos mostra que as primeiras fases (identificação de necessidades e expetativas, expressão funcional das mesmas e design) determinam o custo do ciclo de vida. As melhores soluções para a sustentabilidade (ambiental, económica e social) são também encontradas na fase de design/conceção. Ao longo do tempo têm sido desenvolvidas técnicas e metodologias para ajudar a conceção de que são exemplos: Gestão do Valor, QFD, FMEA, KANSEI, Teoria Axiomática (Suh, 1993; 2001). Nestas, o cliente não tinha que dar nada em troca para além da quantia monetária, embora sendo desejado o seu envolvimento no design. A era digital vem trazer alterações significativas. Do lado positivo, são exemplos o acesso a informação e a funcionalidades diretamente úteis aos clientes/consumidores/cidadãos. Do lado negativo, temos o uso de dados pessoais para fins de publicidade dirigida de bens e serviços, usando técnicas mais ou menos agressivas de marketing, por vezes tentando condicionar os comportamentos. Contudo, outro fenómeno ocorre frequentemente, talvez induzido por deficiente entendimento das relações desejadas entre fornecedores e clientes: as plataformas de serviços (ou melhor de autosserviços), são desenhadas, com frequência, para beneficiar o fornecedor, prejudicando o cliente (ex.: exigindo deste meios informáticos). Neste artigo, questionamos as práticas de conceção na era digital, incluindo princípios, valores, conceitos nefastos, e utilidade de reforçar as componentes éticas

    Os estágios curriculares e o seu impacto na empregabilidade dos licenciados

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    Em Portugal, de acordo com os dados do Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), a taxa de desemprego entre os jovens, no primeiro trimestre de 2013, foi de 42,1 por cento. Embora esta taxa seja inferior entre os licenciados é, no entanto, preocupante, uma vez que tem vindo a aumentar concomitantemente com a visibilidade social do desemprego neste grupo de jovens. Desta forma, poderá contribuir, a prazo, para diminuir a população escolar e o número de candidatos ao ensino superior, dificultando o necessário aumento da qualificação dos jovens, com prejuízos ao nível do desenvolvimento do país

    Yes, we can: internships providing leverages in the labour market

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    Facing unprecedented challenges to deal with the problem of graduate unemployment, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are increasingly concerned with the professional insertion of their graduates in the labour market and with the design of institutional mechanisms that facilitate students’ transition from higher education to work. This has been achieved, inter alia, through the creation of study programmes with internships, or several other forms of cooperative education between HEIs and employing institutions. Benefits of internships are extensively reported in the majority of studies dealing with the professional integration of graduates. There is a general consensus that internships can be regarded as an institutional mechanism that facilitates students’ transition from higher education to work. However, there seems to be a gap between the intended results and the actual impact of internships on employability, which needs to be better understood. Moreover, existing research tends to be largely based on the perceptions of the main stakeholders involved – students, HEIs, and employing institutions – rather than on actual post-graduation career outcomes. This paper aims to assess the importance of internships for the employability of graduate students. Three inter-related dimensions are explored. Firstly, the extent to which the introduction of internships in study programmes contributes to the decrease of graduate unemployment rates is analysed. Second, the extent to which the different features of internships, namely those associated with their length and structure, contribute to lower graduate unemployment rates is assessed. Thirdly, the internship approaches, which seem to allow greater job preparedness, namely those related to interns’ supervision entailing close collaboration between universities and employers, are discussed. Our empirical data consists of a unique database comprising 1,168 Portuguese first cycle degrees, with study programmes approved from 2006 to 2009 and published in the Official Gazette. These results are crosschecked with the perspectives of the main stakeholders involved in internships, regarding their motivations; required efforts; and expected outcomes. Empirically, this is based on the content analysis of semi-structured individual interviews to units’ coordinators and also focus groups conducted with the coordinators of study programmes; academic internship supervisors; and former interns

    Intervenção na formação no ensino superior: a aprendizagem baseada em problemas (PBL)

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    O presente artigo, a partir de uma incursão pela literatura, visa apresentar o estado da arte da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (PBL) no Ensino Superior. Nesse sentido, procura apresentar estudos desenvolvidos com a aplicação desta metodologia, mais especificamente ao ensino médico e ao ensino da psicologia. Partimos de uma experiência aplicada à disciplina de Fisiopatologia, do curso de medicina da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, e ao curso de Psicologia da UNIDERP, Brasil. Outros estudos são apresentados, com o intuito de analisar outras investigações que permitam enquadrar as vantagens ou inconvenientes, em implementar o método PBL no ensino superior.publishe

    Accessible Learning Management Systems: Students’ Experiences and Insights

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    Learning Management System (LMS) is a type of an e-learning system is one of the main infrastructural requirements that improves access to higher education for persons with disabilities. The primary aim of the research study[1] was to explore perceptions of students with disabilities regarding the use and accessibility of learning management systems and benefits and/or barriers in e-learning. Students mainly have negative experiences while attempting to enter university web-sites/libraries/LMSs because of the inadequate adaptation to the specific needs of students with disabilities. In countries that do not have a developed LMS, the prevalent mean of communication with professors is via e-mail, in those where there is a LMS, there is not a fully accessibility of entire content and services for students with special needs. This research defined the need for creation of an accessible LMS or adjusted already existing LMS with accessibility solutions such as: a text-to-speech engine for blind students, a mode with sign language support for deaf students and a mode which supports dyslexic.Â

    Effect of Cinnamon Tea on Postprandial Glucose Concentration

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    Glycaemic control, in particular at postprandial period, has a key role in prevention of different diseases, including diabetes and cardiovascular events. Previous studies suggest that postprandial high blood glucose levels (BGL) can lead to an oxidative stress status, which is associated with metabolic alterations. Cinnamon powder has demonstrated a beneficial effect on postprandial glucose homeostasis in animals and human models. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of cinnamon tea (C. burmannii) on postprandial capillary blood glucose level on nondiabetic adults. Participants were given oral glucose tolerance test either with or without cinnamon tea in a randomized clinical trial. The data revealed that cinnamon tea administration slightly decreased postprandial BGL. Cinnamon tea ingestion also results in a significantly lower postprandial maximum glucose concentration and variation of maximum glucose concentration (p < 0.05). Chemical analysis showed that cinnamon tea has a high antioxidant capacity, which may be due to its polyphenol content. The present study provides evidence that cinnamon tea, obtained from C. burmannii, could be beneficial for controlling glucose metabolism in nondiabetic adults during postprandial period