17 research outputs found

    ‘Everyone thought I was a very very bad person… no one want to know you like the nurses and doctors’:using focus groups to elicit the views of adults with learning disability who use challenging behaviour services

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    and Tables S1–S3. (PDF 3090 kb

    An epigenetic clock for gestational age at birth based on blood methylation data

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    Background: Gestational age is often used as a proxy for developmental maturity by clinicians and researchers alike. DNA methylation has previously been shown to be associated with age and has been used to accurately estimate chronological age in children and adults. In the current study, we examine whether DNA methylation in cord blood can be used to estimate gestational age at birth. Results: We find that gestational age can be accurately estimated from DNA methylation of neonatal cord blood and blood spot samples. We calculate a DNA methylation gestational age using 148 CpG sites selected through elastic net regression in six training datasets. We evaluate predictive accuracy in nine testing datasets and find that the accuracy of the DNA methylation gestational age is consistent with that of gestational age estimates based on established methods, such as ultrasound. We also find that an increased DNA methylation gestational age relative to clinical gestational age is associated with birthweight independent of gestational age, sex, and ancestry. Conclusions: DNA methylation can be used to accurately estimate gestational age at or near birth and may provide additional information relevant to developmental stage. Further studies of this predictor are warranted to determine its utility in clinical settings and for research purposes. When clinical estimates are available this measure may increase accuracy in the testing of hypotheses related to developmental age and other early life circumstances.Peer reviewe

    Nicholas Charlemagne’s Educational Heritage in the Context of Ecological Education

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню педагогічної спадщини видатного вченого-біолога, педагога й громадського діяча Миколи Шарлеманя (1887–1970). Педагогічна творчість М. Шарлеманя відповідала назрілим потребам перебудови системи освіти в Україні й була підпорядкована розв’язанню найголовніших соціально-педагогічних завдань. Науково-педагогічний доробок ученого є цінним джерелом ідей, думок щодо екологічної освіти й виховання. Учений обстоював думку бережливого ставлення до природи, був прихильником активних методів навчання. Зробив вагомий внесок в організацію та розвиток біологічної науки в Україні. Аналіз праць ученого дає підстави стверджувати, що погляди М. Шарлеманя на навчання та виховання не втратили своєї актуальності й нині.The article is devoted to studying of the pedagogical heritage of outstanding biologist, educator and social activist Nikolai Charlemanya (1887–1970). The career of M. Charlemanya and his work are a vivid example of a complete dedication to science. Which topics would not elect a scientist – a study of fauna, natural history, historical, educational, even literary searching – they are always dealt with Ukraine. Pedagogical creativity of N. Charlemanya meets the urgent needs of the restructuring of the education system in Ukraine. It was submitted to the decision of the main social and educational tasks. The scientific and pedagogical contribution of the scientist is a valuable source of ideas and thoughts on environmental education. The scientist defended the idea of caring attitude to nature, he was the supporter of active methods of learning. He made a significant contribution to the organization and development of biological science in Ukraine. At the beginning of XX century, when the nature of the problem was not so acutely, he tried to decide these questions, understanding their importance. M. Charlemanya devoted much attention to the problems of teaching natural science, in particular, promoted the visual methods of learning. The ideas of M. Charlemanya about the harmonization of man's relationship with nature and society stand today as the central task of the educational process and in the system of environmental disciplines, and in the synthesis of the individual sciences. M. Charlemane though that among the ways and methods of natural propaganda the main are phonological observations, the creation of school over the nature, the lectures on environmental topics, organizing excursions in nature, attraction to the circle of scientists, the creation and use of natural museums in the press. The main role the scientist aslloted the reserves, national parks, natural history museums. The proof of this is the fact that during his life M. Charlemane took an active part in the creation, organization and protection of such organizations. The teacher is the author of the first Ukrainian determinant of animals, an organizer and editor in the chief of the Zoological Journal. Analysis of the scientist works gives the reason to believe that the views of N. Charlemagne on training and education are still actual today

    MOESM1 of HAM-TBS: high-accuracy methylation measurements via targeted bisulfite sequencing

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    Additional file 1. A table containing the genomic coordinates of a smaller panel of 11 amplicons located within the FKBP5 locus. These amplicons were used to assess the source of potential biases as well as variability between replicates

    MOESM4 of HAM-TBS: high-accuracy methylation measurements via targeted bisulfite sequencing

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    Additional file 3. A figure displaying the QC statistics of a HAM-TBS experiment with 95 samples using the FKBP5 panel and methylation levels of the H19 locus

    Additional file 1: of The epigenetic clock and pubertal, neuroendocrine, psychiatric, and cognitive outcomes in adolescents

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    Table S1. Associations between epigenetic age acceleration and covariates in 11.0–13.2-year-old adolescents. Table S2. Associations between epigenetic age acceleration and cognition in 11.0–13.2-year-old adolescents. (DOCX 17 kb

    Additional file 2: of The epigenetic clock and pubertal, neuroendocrine, psychiatric, and cognitive outcomes in adolescents

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    Figure S1. A scatterplot with a regression lines showing associations between epigenetic age acceleration and salivary cortisol awakening response in 11.0–13.2-year-old adolescent boys and girls. Epigenetic age acceleration is calculated as the residual from a linear regression where DNA methylation age is regressed on chronological age and adjusted for 6 cell types. Numbers showing percent increase in salivary cortisol upon awakening per 1 year increase in epigenetic age acceleration and 95% confidence intervals are derived from generalized linear models with Gaussian reference distribution and adjusted for three multidimensional scaling components from genome-wide data and time upon awakening. (PPTX 38 kb