26 research outputs found

    Potencialidades e fragilidades institucionais no cuidado ao idoso com hipertensão

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    Objective: to evaluate the institutional capacity to care for hypertensive patients in health services for older adults, based on the perception of health teams. Method: a cross-sectional study with 53 health professionals from outpatient institutions specializing in the care of older adults in the city of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. The Institutional Capacity Assessment for Attention to Chronic Conditions (ACIC) was applied. Data are presented in mean values. Results: the strengths were in the dimensions: self-management support (6.1 ± 2.7), organization of health care (5.5 ± 2.1), and delivery system design (5.1 ± 2.6). The weaknesses were: clinical information system (3.9 ± 2.7), community resources (4.0 ± 2.9), integration of the components of the care model (4.1 ± 2.7), and decision support (4.4 ± 2.9). Conclusion: according to the ACIC, the institutions presented a basic capacity to provide care to hypertensive patients.Objetivo: evaluar la capacidad institucional para la atención de hipertensos en los servicios de salud del anciano, a partir de la percepción de los equipos de salud. Método: estudio transversal, con 53 profesionales de la salud de instituciones ambulatorias especializadas en el cuidado de ancianos en la ciudad de Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil. Se aplicó la Evaluación de la Capacidad Institucional para la Atención de Condiciones Crónicas (ACIC). Los datos se presentan como valores medios. Resultados: las potencialidades estuvieron en las dimensiones: autocuidado apoyado (6,1 ± 2,7), organización de la atención en salud (5,5 ± 2,1) y diseño del sistema de prestación de servicios (5,1 ± 2,6). Las debilidades fueron: sistema de información clínica (3,9 ± 2,7), recursos comunitarios (4,0 ± 2,9), integración de los componentes del modelo de atención (4,1 ± 2,7) y apoyo a las decisiones (4,4 ± 2,9). Conclusión: según la ACIC, las instituciones tenían una capacidad básica para brindar atención a los pacientes hipertensos.Objetivo: avaliar a percepção das equipes de saúde sobre o cuidado ofertado ao paciente hipertenso nos serviços de saúde destinados aos idosos. Método: estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa, realizado com profissionais de saúde (n=53) das instituições ambulatoriais especializadas no cuidado do paciente idoso na cidade de Manaus. Os dados foram obtidos através questionário de Avaliação da Capacidade Institucional para Atenção às Condições Crônicas, considerando variação de 0-11. Resultados: as dimensões que apresentaram maiores pontuações foram autocuidado apoiado (5,97 pontos), organização da atenção à saúde (5,46 pontos) e desenho do sistema de prestação de serviços (4,99 pontos).  As principais fragilidades foram nas dimensões sistema de informação clínica (3,77 pontos), recursos da comunidade (3,95 pontos), integração dos componentes do modelo de atenção (4,00 pontos) e suporte às decisões (4,35 pontos). Conclusão: as instituições de saúde especializadas no cuidado ao idoso apresentaram capacidade básica na prestação de cuidado do paciente crônico hipertenso

    ERICA : inatividade física no lazer em adolescentes brasileiros

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    Objetivo: avaliar a prevalência de inatividade física no lazer em adolescentes brasileiros e sua associação com variáveis geográficas e sociodemográficas. Métodos: a amostra foi composta por 74.589 adolescentes participantes do Estudo de Riscos Cardiovasculares em Adolescentes (ERICA). Esse estudo transversal de base escolar com abrangência nacional envolveu adolescentes brasileiros de 12 a 17 anos de municípios com mais de 100 mil habitantes. A prevalência de inatividade física no lazer foi categorizada de acordo com o volume de prática semanal (< 300; zero min). As prevalências foram estimadas para o total da amostra analisada e por sexo. Modelos de regressão de Poisson foram utilizados para avaliar fatores associados. Resultados: a prevalência de inatividade física no lazer foi de 54,3% (IC95% 53,4-55,2), superior no sexo feminino (70,7%, IC95% 69,5-71,9) comparado ao masculino (38,0%, IC95% 36,7-39,4). Mais de um quarto dos adolescentes (26,5%, IC95% 25,8-27,3) referiram não praticar atividade física no lazer, condição mais prevalente no sexo feminino (39,8%, IC95% 38,8-40,9) que no masculino (13,4%, IC95% 12,4-14,4). Para o sexo feminino, as variáveis que se associaram à inatividade física foram: residir nas regiões Nordeste (RP = 1,13, IC95% 1,08-1,19), Sudeste (RP = 1,16, IC95% 1,11-1,22) e Sul (RP = 1,12, IC95% 1,06-1,18); ter 16-17 anos (RP = 1,12, IC95% 1,06-1,15); e pertencer à classe econômica mais baixa (RP = 1,33, IC95% 1,20-1,48). Os mesmos fatores, exceto residir no Sudeste e Sul, também associaram-se com não praticar atividade física no lazer no mesmo grupo. No sexo masculino, além da região, ser mais velho (p < 0,001) e declarar-se indígena (RP = 0,37, IC95% 0,19-0,73) associaram-se à prevalência de não praticar atividade física no lazer. Conclusões: a prevalência de inatividade física no lazer em adolescentes brasileiros é elevada, apresenta variações regionais e está associada à idade e ao baixo nível socioeconômico. Especial atenção deve ser dada às meninas e aos que não praticam nenhuma atividade física no lazer, a fim de que estes possam adotar estilo de vida mais ativo.Objective: to evaluate the prevalence of leisure-time physical inactivity in Brazilian adolescents and their association with geographical and sociodemographic variables. Methods: the sample was composed by 74,589 adolescents participating in the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA). This cross-sectional study of school basis with national scope involved adolescents aged from 12 to 17 years in Brazilian cities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants. The prevalence of leisure-time physical inactivity was categorized according to the volume of weekly practice (< 300; 0 min). The prevalences were estimated for the total sample and by sex. Poisson regression models were used to assess associated factors. Results: the prevalence of leisure-time physical inactivity was 54.3% (95%CI 53.4-55.2), and higher for the female sex (70.7%, 95%CI 69.5-71.9) compared to the male (38.0%, 95%CI 36.7-39.4). More than a quarter of adolescents (26.5%, 95%CI 25.8-27.3) reported not practicing physical activity in the leisure time, a condition more prevalent for girls (39.8%, 95%CI 38.8-40.9) than boys (13.4%, 95%CI 12.4-14.4). For girls, the variables that were associated with physical inactivity were: reside in the Northeast (RP = 1.13, 95%CI 1.08-1.19), Southeast (RP = 1.16, 95%CI 1.11-1.22) and South (RP = 1.12, 95%CI 1.06-1.18); have 16-17 years (RP = 1.06, 95%CI 1.12-1.15); and belong to the lower economic class (RP = 1.33, 95%CI 1.20-1.48). The same factors, except reside in the Southeast and South, were also associated with not practicing physical activity in the leisure time for the same group. In males, as well as the region, being older (p < 0.001) and declaring to be indigenous (RP = 0.37, 95%CI 0.19-0.73) were also associated with not practicing physical activities in the leisure time. Conclusions: the prevalence of leisure-time physical inactivity in Brazilian adolescents is high. It presents regional variations and is associated with age and low socioeconomic status. Special attention should be given to girls and to those who do not engage in any physical activity during the leisure time, so that they can adopt a more active lifestyle

    Desafíos para la recolección de sangre y el análisis bioquímico en un gran estudio multicéntrico con adolescentes en las escuelas : lecciones del ERICA en Brasil

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    O Estudo de Riscos de Cardiovasculares em Adolescentes (ERICA) é um estudo pioneiro que tem como objetivo avaliar a prevalência de fatores de risco cardiovascular, incluindo componentes da síndrome metabólica, entre adolescentes brasileiros. Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever os aspectos metodológicos relacionados com a coleta de sangue, assim como informar os resultados da preparação, transporte, armazenamento e exames no ERICA. Os exames foram realizados em um único laboratório e as amostras de sangue foram coletadas de forma padronizada. A logística envolveu o transporte aéreo das amostra até o laboratório de referência, com a temperatura controlada desde a coleta do sangue. O soro foi armazenado em biorrepositores locais em quatro centros e se serão utilizados em análises futuras. Durante o estudo foram realizados 284.247 exames e a taxa de participação foi de 56,2%, representando 40.732 adolescentes. Do total, 92,6% das amostras chegaram ao laboratório de referência mantendo a temperatura entre 0-10°C. Não foram identificadas alterações clínicas significativas nos resultados devido a mudanças de temperatura. O controle de qualidade externo registrou resultados satisfatórios em 98,7% das avaliações. Foram criados quatro biorrepositores com amostras de 7.785 adolescentes. Assim, podemos considerar que a logística adotada no ERICA foi bastante exitosa e sua descrição, tal como as dificuldades experimentadas no Brasil, podem informar e facilitar o planejamento de futuros estudos, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento.The Study of Cardiovascular Risk in Adolescents (ERICA) is a pioneering study that aimed to assess the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, including metabolic syndrome components in Brazilian adolescents. This study aims to describe the methodological aspects related to blood collection as well as to report pertaining results of the preparation, transport, storage, and exams in ERICA. Exams in ERICA were performed in a single laboratory and blood samples were collected in schools in a standardized manner. Logistics involved air transportation of samples to the reference laboratory with controlled temperature since sample collection. The serum was stored in local biorepositories in four centers to be used in future analyses. During the study, 284,247 exams were performed and rate of participation in exams was 56.2%, thus involving 40,732 adolescents. From the total, 92.6% of the samples reached the reference laboratory maintaining the temperature between 0-10°C. No clinical significant changes in results due to temperature changes were identified. External quality control recorded satisfactory results in 98.7% of the evaluations. Four biorepositories with samples of 7,785 adolescents were created. Thus, we can consider that the logistics adopted in ERICA was fairly successful and description of this as well as the difficulties experienced in Brazil can inform and facilitate the planning of future studies, especially in developing countries.El Estudio de Riesgos Cardiovasculares en Adolescentes (ERICA) es un estudio pionero que tiene como objetivo evaluar la prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular, incluyendo componentes del síndrome metabólico en adolescentes brasileños. Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir los aspectos metodológicos relacionados con la recolección de sangre, así como informar sobre los resultados de la preparación, transporte, almacenamiento y exámenes en el ERICA. Los exámenes en ERICA se realizaron en un solo laboratorio y se recogieron muestras de sangre en las escuelas de manera estandarizada. La logística involucró el transporte aéreo de muestras al laboratorio de referencia con temperatura controlada desde la recolección de muestras. El suero fue almacenado en biorepositories locales en cuatro centros que se utilizarán en análises futuros. Durante el estudio se realizaron 284.247 exámenes y la tasa de participación fue de 56,2%, lo que involucró a 40.732 adolescentes. Del total, el 92,6% de las muestras alcanzaron el laboratorio de referencia manteniendo la temperatura entre 0-10°C. No se identificaron cambios clínicos significativos en los resultados debido a cambios de temperatura. El control de calidad externo registró resultados satisfactorios en el 98,7% de las evaluaciones. Se crearon cuatro biorrepositores con muestras de 7.785 adolescentes. Así, podemos considerar que la logística adoptada en el ERICA fue bastante exitosa y su descripción así como las dificultades experimentadas en Brasil pueden informar y facilitar la planificación de futuros estudios, especialmente en los países en desarrollo

    ERICA: leisure-time physical inactivity in Brazilian adolescents

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    OBJETIVO Avaliar a prevalência de inatividade física no lazer em adolescentes brasileiros e sua associação com variáveis geográficas e sociodemográficas. MÉTODOS A amostra foi composta por 74.589 adolescentes participantes do Estudo de Riscos Cardiovasculares em Adolescentes (ERICA). Esse estudo transversal de base escolar com abrangência nacional envolveu adolescentes brasileiros de 12 a 17 anos de municípios com mais de 100 mil habitantes. A prevalência de inatividade física no lazer foi categorizada de acordo com o volume de prática semanal (< 300; zero min). As prevalências foram estimadas para o total da amostra analisada e por sexo. Modelos de regressão de Poisson foram utilizados para avaliar fatores associados. RESULTADOS A prevalência de inatividade física no lazer foi de 54,3% (IC95% 53,4-55,2), superior no sexo feminino (70,7%, IC95% 69,5-71,9) comparado ao masculino (38,0%, IC95% 36,7-39,4). Mais de um quarto dos adolescentes (26,5%, IC95% 25,8-27,3) referiram não praticar atividade física no lazer, condição mais prevalente no sexo feminino (39,8%, IC95% 38,8-40,9) que no masculino (13,4%, IC95% 12,4-14,4). Para o sexo feminino, as variáveis que se associaram à inatividade física foram: residir nas regiões Nordeste (RP = 1,13, IC95% 1,08-1,19), Sudeste (RP = 1,16, IC95% 1,11-1,22) e Sul (RP = 1,12, IC95% 1,06-1,18); ter 16-17 anos (RP = 1,12, IC95% 1,06-1,15); e pertencer à classe econômica mais baixa (RP = 1,33, IC95% 1,20-1,48). Os mesmos fatores, exceto residir no Sudeste e Sul, também associaram-se com não praticar atividade física no lazer no mesmo grupo. No sexo masculino, além da região, ser mais velho (p < 0,001) e declarar-se indígena (RP = 0,37, IC95% 0,19-0,73) associaram-se à prevalência de não praticar atividade física no lazer. CONCLUSÕES A prevalência de inatividade física no lazer em adolescentes brasileiros é elevada, apresenta variações regionais e está associada à idade e ao baixo nível socioeconômico. Especial atenção deve ser dada às meninas e aos que não praticam nenhuma atividade física no lazer, a fim de que estes possam adotar estilo de vida mais ativo.OBJECTIVE To evaluate the prevalence of leisure-time physical inactivity in Brazilian adolescents and their association with geographical and sociodemographic variables. METHODS The sample was composed by 74,589 adolescents participating in the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA). This cross-sectional study of school basis with national scope involved adolescents aged from 12 to 17 years in Brazilian cities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants. The prevalence of leisure-time physical inactivity was categorized according to the volume of weekly practice (< 300; 0 min). The prevalences were estimated for the total sample and by sex. Poisson regression models were used to assess associated factors. RESULTS The prevalence of leisure-time physical inactivity was 54.3% (95%CI 53.4-55.2), and higher for the female sex (70.7%, 95%CI 69.5-71.9) compared to the male (38.0%, 95%CI 36.7-39.4). More than a quarter of adolescents (26.5%, 95%CI 25.8-27.3) reported not practicing physical activity in the leisure time, a condition more prevalent for girls (39.8%, 95%CI 38.8-40.9) than boys (13.4%, 95%CI 12.4-14.4). For girls, the variables that were associated with physical inactivity were: reside in the Northeast (RP = 1.13, 95%CI 1.08-1.19), Southeast (RP = 1.16, 95%CI 1.11-1.22) and South (RP = 1.12, 95%CI 1.06-1.18); have 16-17 years (RP = 1.06, 95%CI 1.12-1.15); and belong to the lower economic class (RP = 1.33, 95%CI 1.20-1.48). The same factors, except reside in the Southeast and South, were also associated with not practicing physical activity in the leisure time for the same group. In males, as well as the region, being older (p < 0.001) and declaring to be indigenous (RP = 0.37, 95%CI 0.19-0.73) were also associated with not practicing physical activities in the leisure time. CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of leisure-time physical inactivity in Brazilian adolescents is high. It presents regional variations and is associated with age and low socioeconomic status. Special attention should be given to girls and to those who do not engage in any physical activity during the leisure time, so that they can adopt a more active lifestyle

    Desafíos para la recolección de sangre y el análisis bioquímico en un gran estudio multicéntrico con adolescentes en las escuelas: lecciones del ERICA en Brasil

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    The Study of Cardiovascular Risk in Adolescents (ERICA) is a pioneering study that aimed to assess the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, including metabolic syndrome components in Brazilian adolescents. This study aims to describe the methodological aspects related to blood collection as well as to report pertaining results of the preparation, transport, storage, and exams in ERICA. Exams in ERICA were performed in a single laboratory and blood samples were collected in schools in a standardized manner. Logistics involved air transportation of samples to the reference laboratory with controlled temperature since sample collection. The serum was stored in local biorepositories in four centers to be used in future analyses. During the study, 284,247 exams were performed and rate of participation in exams was 56.2%, thus involving 40,732 adolescents. From the total, 92.6% of the samples reached the reference laboratory maintaining the temperature between 0-10°C. No clinical significant changes in results due to temperature changes were identified. External quality control recorded satisfactory results in 98.7% of the evaluations. Four biorepositories with samples of 7,785 adolescents were created. Thus, we can consider that the logistics adopted in ERICA was fairly successful and description of this as well as the difficulties experienced in Brazil can inform and facilitate the planning of future studies, especially in developing countries.O Estudo de Riscos de Cardiovasculares em Adolescentes (ERICA) é um estudo pioneiro que tem como objetivo avaliar a prevalência de fatores de risco cardiovascular, incluindo componentes da síndrome metabólica, entre adolescentes brasileiros. Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever os aspectos metodológicos relacionados com a coleta de sangue, assim como informar os resultados da preparação, transporte, armazenamento e exames no ERICA. Os exames foram realizados em um único laboratório e as amostras de sangue foram coletadas de forma padronizada. A logística envolveu o transporte aéreo das amostra até o laboratório de referência, com a temperatura controlada desde a coleta do sangue. O soro foi armazenado em biorrepositores locais em quatro centros e se serão utilizados em análises futuras. Durante o estudo foram realizados 284.247 exames e a taxa de participação foi de 56,2%, representando 40.732 adolescentes. Do total, 92,6% das amostras chegaram ao laboratório de referência mantendo a temperatura entre 0-10°C. Não foram identificadas alterações clínicas significativas nos resultados devido a mudanças de temperatura. O controle de qualidade externo registrou resultados satisfatórios em 98,7% das avaliações. Foram criados quatro biorrepositores com amostras de 7.785 adolescentes. Assim, podemos considerar que a logística adotada no ERICA foi bastante exitosa e sua descrição, tal como as dificuldades experimentadas no Brasil, podem informar e facilitar o planejamento de futuros estudos, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento.El Estudio de Riesgos Cardiovasculares en Adolescentes (ERICA) es un estudio pionero que tiene como objetivo evaluar la prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular, incluyendo componentes del síndrome metabólico en adolescentes brasileños. Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir los aspectos metodológicos relacionados con la recolección de sangre, así como informar sobre los resultados de la preparación, transporte, almacenamiento y exámenes en el ERICA. Los exámenes en ERICA se realizaron en un solo laboratorio y se recogieron muestras de sangre en las escuelas de manera estandarizada. La logística involucró el transporte aéreo de muestras al laboratorio de referencia con temperatura controlada desde la recolección de muestras. El suero fue almacenado en biorepositories locales en cuatro centros que se utilizarán en análises futuros. Durante el estudio se realizaron 284.247 exámenes y la tasa de participación fue de 56,2%, lo que involucró a 40.732 adolescentes. Del total, el 92,6% de las muestras alcanzaron el laboratorio de referencia manteniendo la temperatura entre 0-10°C. No se identificaron cambios clínicos significativos en los resultados debido a cambios de temperatura. El control de calidad externo registró resultados satisfactorios en el 98,7% de las evaluaciones. Se crearon cuatro biorrepositores con muestras de 7.785 adolescentes. Así, podemos considerar que la logística adoptada en el ERICA fue bastante exitosa y su descripción así como las dificultades experimentadas en Brasil pueden informar y facilitar la planificación de futuros estudios, especialmente en los países en desarrollo

    Erica: Prevalences Of Hypertension And Obesity In Brazilian Adolescents

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)To estimate the prevalence of arterial hypertension and obesity and the population attributable fraction of hypertension that is due to obesity in Brazilian adolescents. METHODS: Data from participants in the Brazilian Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA), which was the first national school-based, cross-section study performed in Brazil were evaluated. The sample was divided into 32 geographical strata and clusters from 32 schools and classes, with regional and national representation. Obesity was classified using the body mass index according to age and sex. Arterial hypertension was defined when the average systolic or diastolic blood pressure was greater than or equal to the 95th percentile of the reference curve. Prevalences and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) of arterial hypertension and obesity, both on a national basis and in the macro-regions of Brazil, were estimated by sex and age group, as were the fractions of hypertension attributable to obesity in the population. RESULTS: We evaluated 73,399 students, 55.4% female, with an average age of 14.7 years (SD = 1.6). The prevalence of hypertension was 9.6% (95% CI 9.0-10.3); with the lowest being in the North, 8.4% (95% CI 7.7-9.2) and Northeast regions, 8.4% (95% CI 7.6-9.2), and the highest being in the South, 12.5% (95% CI 11.0-14.2). The prevalence of obesity was 8.4% (95% CI 7.9-8.9), which was lower in the North region and higher in the South region. The prevalences of arterial hypertension and obesity were higher in males. Obese adolescents presented a higher prevalence of hypertension, 28.4% (95% CI 25.5-31.2), than overweight adolescents, 15.4% (95% CI 17.0-13.8), or eutrophic adolescents, 6.3% (95% CI 5.6-7.0). The fraction of hypertension attributable to obesity was 17.8%. CONCLUSIONS: ERICA was the first nationally representative Brazilian study providing prevalence estimates of hypertension in adolescents. Regional and sex differences were observed. The study indicates that the control of obesity would lower the prevalence of hypertension among Brazilian adolescents by 1/5.501Brazilian Department of Science and Technology at the Secretariat of Science and TechnologyStrategic Inputs of the Ministry of Health (Departamento de Ciencia e Tecnologia da Secretaria de Ciencia e Tecnologia e Insumos Estrategicos do Ministerio da Saude - Decit/SCTIE/MS)Health Fund Sector (Fundo Setorial de Saude - CT-health) at the Ministry of science, Technology and Innovation (Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao - MCTI)FINEP [01090421]CNPq [2010/565037-2]hospital research incentive fund for Clinics in Porto Alegre (fundo de incentivo a Pesquisa do Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre - HCPA) [405,009/FIPE-2012-7]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Erica: Prevalence Of Metabolic Syndrome In Brazilian Adolescents

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components in Brazilian adolescents. METHODS: We evaluated 37,504 adolescents who were participants in the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA), a cross-sectional, school-based, national study. The adolescents, aged from 12 to 17 years, lived in cities with populations greater than 100,000 inhabitants. The sample was stratified and clustered into schools and classes. The criteria set out by the International Diabetes Federation were used to define metabolic syndrome. Prevalences of metabolic syndrome were estimated according to sex, age group, school type and nutritional status. RESULTS: Of the 37,504 adolescents who were evaluated: 50.2% were female; 54.3% were aged from 15 to 17 years, and 73.3% were from public schools. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 2.6% (95% CI 2.3-2.9), slightly higher in males and in those aged from 15 to 17 years in most macro-regions. The prevalence was the highest in residents from the South macro-region, in the younger female adolescents and in the older male adolescents. The prevalence was higher in public schools (2.8% [95% CI 2.4-3.2]), when compared with private schools (1.9% [95% CI 1.4-2.4]) and higher in obese adolescents when compared with nonobese ones. The most common combinations of components, referring to 3/4 of combinations, were: enlarged waist circumference (WC), low HDL-cholesterol (HDL-c) and high blood pressure; followed by enlarged WC, low HDL-c and high triglycerides; and enlarged WC, low HDL-c, high triglycerides and blood pressure. Low HDL was the second most frequent component, but the highest prevalence of metabolic syndrome (26.8%) was observed in the presence of high triglycerides. CONCLUSIONS: ERICA is the first Brazilian nation-wide study to present the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and describe the role of its components. Despite the prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome being low, the high prevalences of some components and participation of others in the syndrome composition shows the importance of early diagnosis of this changes, even if not grouped within the metabolic syndrome.501Department of Science and Technology of the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Strategic Inputs of the Ministry of Health (Decit/SCTIE/MS)Health Sectorial Fund (Fundo Setorial de Saude - CT-Saude) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI)FINEP [01090421]CNPq [2010/565037-2]Research Incentive Fund of the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre - (Fundo de Incentivo a Pesquisa do Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre - FIPE-HCPA) [405.009/2012-7]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Erratum to: The study of cardiovascular risk in adolescents – ERICA: rationale, design and sample characteristics of a national survey examining cardiovascular risk factor profile in Brazilian adolescents

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