100 research outputs found

    Space Time MUSIC: Consistent Signal Subspace Estimation for Wide-band Sensor Arrays

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    Wide-band Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation with sensor arrays is an essential task in sonar, radar, acoustics, biomedical and multimedia applications. Many state of the art wide-band DOA estimators coherently process frequency binned array outputs by approximate Maximum Likelihood, Weighted Subspace Fitting or focusing techniques. This paper shows that bin signals obtained by filter-bank approaches do not obey the finite rank narrow-band array model, because spectral leakage and the change of the array response with frequency within the bin create \emph{ghost sources} dependent on the particular realization of the source process. Therefore, existing DOA estimators based on binning cannot claim consistency even with the perfect knowledge of the array response. In this work, a more realistic array model with a finite length of the sensor impulse responses is assumed, which still has finite rank under a space-time formulation. It is shown that signal subspaces at arbitrary frequencies can be consistently recovered under mild conditions by applying MUSIC-type (ST-MUSIC) estimators to the dominant eigenvectors of the wide-band space-time sensor cross-correlation matrix. A novel Maximum Likelihood based ST-MUSIC subspace estimate is developed in order to recover consistency. The number of sources active at each frequency are estimated by Information Theoretic Criteria. The sample ST-MUSIC subspaces can be fed to any subspace fitting DOA estimator at single or multiple frequencies. Simulations confirm that the new technique clearly outperforms binning approaches at sufficiently high signal to noise ratio, when model mismatches exceed the noise floor.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Accepted in a revised form by the IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing on 12 February 1918. @IEEE201

    Pandémie et Santé Mentale

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    Cet essai présente plus d’interrogations que de certitudes. On y pense à propos du sujet de la pandémie et la santé psychique. On comprend la pandémie, comme une vraie tragedie contemporaine qui s’articule et se multiplie sur d’autres tragedies. On se demande quels apprentissages, pourra-t-elle nous laisser. Il est sûr qu’on apprendra à affronter des pandémies. Pourtant, un apprentissage a toujours une ignorance comme antécédent. Nous étions, tous et toutes,  ignorants sur ce qui était traverser une pandémie et en sortir sains et saufs. En sortira-t-on indemne? Quelles traces resteront  dans nos psychismes? Le thème/le problème du traumatique en santé, c’est que les temps psychiques ne sont pas homogènes, ils répondent plutôt à des caractéristiques strictement personnels: selon l’âge, le sexe, les expériences antérieures, les contextes personnels historiques et géographiques, entre autres facteurs.  On observe aussi, les conséquences de la pandémie et en plus, l’isolement social qui se traduisent en plusieurs symptômes, des troubles, même dans certains cas en pathologies. On peut concluir, que les agents de la santé devront se tenir prêts vers les étapes post-pandémiques, vu la probabilité d’apparition d’événements inattendus.This essay has more questions than certainties. Here we think about the issue of the pandemic and mental health. We understand the pandemic as a true contemporary tragedy that is articulated and multiplies on other tragedies. We wonder what learnings it will leave us. We will, probably, learn to face pandemics. But always knowledge proceeds by ignorance. We were all ignorant of what it was like to go through a pandemic and come out unharmed. Will we come out unscathed? What traces of this tragedy will remain in our psyches? The issue of trauma in mental health is that mental times are not homogeneous, but respond to strictly personal attributes: according to age, sex (or gender), early experiences, personal, historical and geographical contexts, among others factors. We can also see the consequences of the pandemic and, added to it, of social isolation; which translates into a multiplicity of symptoms, discomforts and in some cases pathologies. Therefore, mental health workers must be prepared for the post-pandemic stages.Este ensayo tiene más interrogantes que certezas. Acá se piensa sobre el tema de la pandemia y la salud mental. Entendemos a la pandemia como una verdadera  tragedia contemporánea que se articula y se multiplica sobre otras tragedias. Nos preguntamos qué aprendizajes nos dejará. Seguramente que aprenderemos a enfrentar pandemias. Pero siempre a un aprendizaje le antecede una ignorancia. Todos y todas éramos ignorantes sobre qué era atravesar una pandemia y salir ilesos. ¿Saldremos ilesos? ¿Qué huellas quedaran de esta tragedia en nuestras psiquis? El tema/problema de lo traumático en salud mental es que los tiempos mentales no son homogéneos, sino que responden a características estrictamente personales: de acuerdo con la edad, el sexo, las experiencias tempranas, los contextos personales e históricos y geográficos, entre otros factores. Observamos también las consecuencias de la pandemia y, sumado a ello, del aislamiento social, que se traducen en una multiplicidad de síntomas, malestares y en algunos casos patologías.  Concluimos en que el personal que trabaja en la salud mental deberá estar preparado para las etapas pos pandémicas porque es muy probable que surjan eventos inesperados.Este ensaio tem mais perguntas do que certezas. Aqui pensamos sobre a questão da pandemia e saúde mental. Entendemos a pandemia como uma verdadeira tragédia contemporânea que se articula e se multiplica em outras tragédias. Nós nos perguntamos que tipo de aprendizado isso nos deixará. Certamente aprenderemos a enfrentar as pandemias. Mas sempre um aprendizado é precedido pela ignorância. Todos nós não sabíamos o que era passar por uma pandemia e sair ileso. Sairemos ilesos? Que vestígios dessa tragédia permanecerão em nossa psique? A questão / problema do trauma em saúde mental é que os tempos mentais não são homogêneos, mas respondem a características estritamente pessoais: de acordo com a idade, sexo, experiências iniciais, contextos pessoais e históricos e geográficos, entre outros fatores. Observamos também as consequências da pandemia e, somadas a ela, do isolamento social, que se traduzem em uma multiplicidade de sintomas, desconfortos e, em alguns casos, patologias. Concluímos que o pessoal de saúde mental deve estar preparado para os estágios pós-pandêmicos porque é muito provável que ocorram eventos inesperados

    Revista Electrónica de Psicología Política (Argentina) : 10 années contribuant à la définition de la discipline

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    El presente artículo pretende hacer una reseña descriptiva de las características más relevantes de la Revista Electrónica de Psicología Política (Argentina), a lo largo de sus 10 años de publicación en línea. Para tal descripción, fueron tenidas en cuenta las temáticas abordadas por los artículos publicados en la revista, los autores según su origen y filiación institucional, y las características de difusión de la publicación en cuanto a diversidad idiomática y gratuidad de acceso a sus artículos.Este artigo tem como objetivo fazer uma revisão descritiva das características mais relevantes da Revista Electrónica de Psicología Política (Argentina), ao longo de seus 10 anos de publicação online. Para tal descrição, foram tidas em conta as questões abordadas pelos artigos publicados na revista, os autores de acordo com a sua origem e filiação institucional, e as características de difusão da publicação em termos de diversidade linguística e livre acesso aos seus artigos.This article aims to do a descriptive review of the most relevant features of Revista Elctrónica de Psicología Política (Argentina), throughout its 10 years of online publishing. For such a description, takes into account the issues addressed by the articles published in the journal, the authors according to their origin and institutional affiliation, and the diffusion characteristics of the publication in terms of language diversity and free access to their articles.Fil: Cuello Pagnone, Marina Soledad. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Parisi, Elio Rodolfo. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Argentin

    The Functionally Distinct Hemoglobins of the Arctic Spotted Wolffish Anarhichas minor

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    The Arctic fish Anarhichas minor, a benthic sedentary species, displays high hemoglobin multiplicity. The three major hemoglobins (Hb 1, Hb 2, and Hb 3) show important functional differences in pH and organophosphate regulation, subunit cooperativity, and response of oxygen binding to temperature. Hb 1 and Hb 2 display a low, effector-enhanced Bohr effect and no Root effect. In contrast, Hb 3 displays pronounced Bohr and Root effects, accompanied by strong organophosphate regulation. Hb 1 has the beta (beta(1)) chain in common with Hb 2; Hb 3 and Hb 2 share the alpha (alpha(2)) chain. The amino acid sequences have been established. Several substitutions in crucial positions were observed, such as Cys in place of C-terminal His in the beta(1) chain of Hb 1 and Hb 2. In Hb 3, Val E11 of the beta(2) chain is replaced by Ile. Homology modeling revealed an unusual structure of the Hb 3 binding site of inositol hexakisphoshate. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that only Hb 2 displays higher overall similarity with the major Antarctic hemoglobins. The oxygen transport system of A. minor differs remarkably from those of Antarctic Notothenioidei, indicating distinct evolutionary pathways in the regulatory mechanisms of the fish respiratory system in the two polar environments

    Zinc transport and metallothionein secretion in the intestinal human cell line Caco-2.

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    Caco-2, a human cell line, displays several biochemical and morphological characteristics of differentiated enterocytes. Among these is the ability to transport zinc from the apical to the basal compartment. This process was enhanced following exposure by the apical compartment to increasing concentrations of the metal. High pressure liquid chromatography fractionation of the media obtained from cells labeled with radioactive zinc showed that metallothioneins (MTs), small metal-binding, cysteine-rich proteins), were present in the apical and basal media of controls as well as in cells grown in the presence of high concentrations of zinc. Following exposure to the metal, the levels of Zn-MTs in the apical medium increased, while in the basal compartment the greatest part of zinc appeared in a free form with minor changes in the levels of basal MTs. Metabolic labeling experiments with radioactive cysteine confirmed the apical secretion of MTs. A stable transfectant clone of Caco-2 cells (CL11) was selected for its ability to express constitutively high levels of the mouse metallothionein I protein. This cell line showed an enhanced transport of the metal following exposure to high concentrations of zinc and a constitutive secretion of the mouse metallothionein I protein in the apical compartment. Together, these findings strongly support the hypothesis of a functional role between the biosynthesis and secretion of MTs and the transport of zinc in intestinal cells

    Experiencias educativas en el marco de un proyecto de extensión

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    La presente comunicación describe el modo de trabajo del Proyecto de extensión “La Facultad va a la Escuela”, perteneciente a la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, y las experiencias interactivas entre diferentes niveles educativos que éste ofrece. En particular se exponen tres situaciones educativas: el taller “Uso y Aplicaciones del Microscopio”; una Jornada de Evaluación Conjunta entre les extensionistas y destinataries y una Jornada de Talleres realizada en el edificio Karakachoff. A partir de ellas concluimos que es necesario no solo generar propuestas centradas en espacios presenciales de trabajo conjunto, sino también ampliar el alcance de las intervenciones, permitiendo una interacción continua entre docentes de escuela primaria y extensionistas en pos de fortalecer la articulación entre estes. Frente a esto proponemos la implementación de tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICs), de acuerdo a lo impulsado desde la Dirección General de Cultura y Educación de la provincia de Buenos Aires.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Experiencias educativas en el marco de un proyecto de extensión

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    La presente comunicación describe el modo de trabajo del Proyecto de extensión “La Facultad va a la Escuela”, perteneciente a la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, y las experiencias interactivas entre diferentes niveles educativos que éste ofrece. En particular se exponen tres situaciones educativas: el taller “Uso y Aplicaciones del Microscopio”; una Jornada de Evaluación Conjunta entre les extensionistas y destinataries y una Jornada de Talleres realizada en el edificio Karakachoff. A partir de ellas concluimos que es necesario no solo generar propuestas centradas en espacios presenciales de trabajo conjunto, sino también ampliar el alcance de las intervenciones, permitiendo una interacción continua entre docentes de escuela primaria y extensionistas en pos de fortalecer la articulación entre estes. Frente a esto proponemos la implementación de tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICs), de acuerdo a lo impulsado desde la Dirección General de Cultura y Educación de la provincia de Buenos Aires.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Experiencias educativas en el marco de un proyecto de extensión

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    La presente comunicación describe el modo de trabajo del Proyecto de extensión “La Facultad va a la Escuela”, perteneciente a la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, y las experiencias interactivas entre diferentes niveles educativos que éste ofrece. En particular se exponen tres situaciones educativas: el taller “Uso y Aplicaciones del Microscopio”; una Jornada de Evaluación Conjunta entre les extensionistas y destinataries y una Jornada de Talleres realizada en el edificio Karakachoff. A partir de ellas concluimos que es necesario no solo generar propuestas centradas en espacios presenciales de trabajo conjunto, sino también ampliar el alcance de las intervenciones, permitiendo una interacción continua entre docentes de escuela primaria y extensionistas en pos de fortalecer la articulación entre estes. Frente a esto proponemos la implementación de tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICs), de acuerdo a lo impulsado desde la Dirección General de Cultura y Educación de la provincia de Buenos Aires.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Frontotemporal dementia and its subtypes: a genome-wide association study

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    SummaryBackground Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a complex disorder characterised by a broad range of clinical manifestations, differential pathological signatures, and genetic variability. Mutations in three genes—MAPT, GRN, and C9orf72—have been associated with FTD. We sought to identify novel genetic risk loci associated with the disorder. Methods We did a two-stage genome-wide association study on clinical FTD, analysing samples from 3526 patients with {FTD} and 9402 healthy controls. To reduce genetic heterogeneity, all participants were of European ancestry. In the discovery phase (samples from 2154 patients with {FTD} and 4308 controls), we did separate association analyses for each {FTD} subtype (behavioural variant FTD, semantic dementia, progressive non-fluent aphasia, and {FTD} overlapping with motor neuron disease FTD-MND), followed by a meta-analysis of the entire dataset. We carried forward replication of the novel suggestive loci in an independent sample series (samples from 1372 patients and 5094 controls) and then did joint phase and brain expression and methylation quantitative trait loci analyses for the associated (p<5 × 10−8) single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Findings We identified novel associations exceeding the genome-wide significance threshold (p<5 × 10−8). Combined (joint) analyses of discovery and replication phases showed genome-wide significant association at 6p21.3, \{HLA\} locus (immune system), for rs9268877 (p=1·05 × 10−8; odds ratio=1·204 95% \{CI\} 1·11–1·30), rs9268856 (p=5·51 × 10−9; 0·809 0·76–0·86) and rs1980493 (p value=1·57 × 10−8, 0·775 0·69–0·86) in the entire cohort. We also identified a potential novel locus at 11q14, encompassing RAB38/CTSC (the transcripts of which are related to lysosomal biology), for the behavioural \{FTD\} subtype for which joint analyses showed suggestive association for rs302668 (p=2·44 × 10−7; 0·814 0·71–0·92). Analysis of expression and methylation quantitative trait loci data suggested that these loci might affect expression and methylation in cis. Interpretation Our findings suggest that immune system processes (link to 6p21.3) and possibly lysosomal and autophagy pathways (link to 11q14) are potentially involved in FTD. Our findings need to be replicated to better define the association of the newly identified loci with disease and to shed light on the pathomechanisms contributing to FTD. Funding The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and National Institute on Aging, the Wellcome/MRC Centre on Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's Research UK, and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center