37 research outputs found

    Pitkäaikaistyöttömien työllistyminen ja aktivointisuunnitelmien vaikuttavuus

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    Different microalgae species as a substitutive protein feed for soya far bean meal in grass silage based dairy cow diets

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    This experiment was conducted to evaluate different microalgae species as protein supplements in the nutrition of lactating dairy cows in comparison to soya bean meal. Four multiparous lactating Finnish Ayrshire cows (112 days in milk) were used in a balanced 4 × 4 Latin square study. Cows were fed separately fixed amount of cereal-sugar beet pulp based concentrate (12.5 kg/d) and grass silage ad libitum. Experimental treatments consisted of four isonitrogenous protein supplements: soya bean meal (SOY), Spirulina platensis (SPI), Chlorella vulgaris (CHL) and a mixture of C. vulgaris and Nannochloropsis gaditana (1:1 on dry matter (DM) basis; CHL-NAN). The substitution of soya bean meal by microalgae did not affect the quantity of total DM intake (DMI), but changed the composition of DMI by decreasing the concentrate:forage ratio of the diet (P=0.054) owing to the poorer palatability of microalgae. Intake of methionine was increased (P<0.01) and that of histidine decreased (P<0.01) with microalgae diets compared to SOY, but no significant changes in arterial concentrations were observed. The digestibility of nutrients, milk or energy corrected milk (ECM) yield were not affected by dietary treatments. Though, owing to SPI, algae diets resulted in numerically +2.2 kg/d higher ECM yield than SOY. Microalgae diets tended to result in higher milk fat (P=0.073), arterial acetic acid (P=0.055) and non-esterified fatty acid (P=0.060) concentrations than SOY. Milk fat (P<0.05) and arterial acetic acid (P=0.010) concentrations were increased and milk fat yield tended to increase (P=0.098) on SPI compared to CHL and CHL-NAN. Urinary nitrogen excretion was also lower (P<0.05) for microalgae diets than for SOY. Microalgae diets resulted in higher secretion of Δ16:2 (P<0.05), cis-9, cis-12, cis-15 18:3 (α-linoleic acid; ALA) (P<0.05), cis-6, cis-9, cis-12 18:3 (P<0.05) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (P<0.05) in milk than SOY. Secretion of cis-5, cis-8, cis-11, cis-14, cis-17 20:5 (eicosapentaenoic acid; EPA) in milk tended to be higher on CHL and CHL-NAN than on SPI (P=0.060), and was higher on CHL-NAN than on CHL (P<0.05). Also the omega-6:omega-3 ratio was lower (P<0.05) for CHL-NAN than for CHL. The results suggest that microalgae are likely comparable protein feed to soya bean meal in dairy cow nutrition, especially if palatability of microalgae can be improved.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of microalgae and rapeseed meal as supplementary protein in the grass silage based nutrition of dairy cows

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    Two experiments were conducted to evaluate microalgae as a protein supplement in the nutrition of lactating dairy cows in relation to unsupplemented and rapeseed meal supplemented diets. In both experiments multiparous Finnish Ayrshire cows were fed separately fixed amount of cereal-sugar beet pulp based concentrate (11 kg/d in Exp. 1 and 12 kg/d in Exp. 2), and grass silage ad libitum. In Exp. 1, six cows (212 days in milk; DIM) were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square. Diets were supplemented isonitrogenously with rapeseed meal (pelleted rapeseed supplement, RSS), mixture of Spirulina platensis and Chlorella vulgaris microalgae (1:1 on dry matter (DM) basis; ALG) or a mixture of RSS and ALG (1:1 on crude protein (CP) basis; RSS-ALG). In Exp. 2, four intact cows and four rumen cannulated cows (190 DIM) were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square. Treatments consisted of basal diet without protein supplement (NEG) or supplemented similarly as in Exp. 1 with the exception of RSS-ALG and ALG containing only S. platensis. Protein supplementation increased fibre and N digestibility but did not affect dry matter intake (DMI) or milk yield. The substitution of rapeseed by microalgae did not affect total DMI or milk yield in neither of the experiments, but changed the quality of DMI in Exp.2 by linearly decreasing concentrate:forage ratio of the diet due to poorer palatability of microalgae. The efficiency of N utilisation (NUE) in milk production varied from moderate (Exp. 1) to high (Exp. 2), and in Exp. 2 was decreased by both protein supplementation and microalgae inclusion in the diet. Protein supplementation or microalgae inclusion in the diet did not affect ruminal pH or major volatile fatty acids in Exp. 2, but both increased ruminal NH3-N concentration. There was likely a shortage of N for rumen microbes on NEG in Exp. 2 as indicated by low milk urea N and increased microbial N flow on protein supplemented diets. In both experiments, only minor differences were observed in plasma metabolites when microalgae substituted rapeseed. Even though arterial histidine concentrations were high, arterial histidine and carnosine concentrations (Exp. 1 and 2) and milk protein yields (Exp. 2) decreased by microalgae inclusion suggesting that histidine supply may become suboptimal on microalgae supplemented diets. Experiments demonstrated the suitability of microalgae as protein supplement for dairy cows, however, the protein value of microalgae is likely slightly lower than that of rapeseed meal.Two experiments were conducted to evaluate microalgae as a protein supplement in the nutrition of lactating dairy cows in relation to unsupplemented and rapeseed meal supplemented diets. In both experiments multiparous Finnish Ayrshire cows were fed separately fixed amount of cereal-sugar beet pulp based concentrate (11 kg/d in Exp. 1 and 12 kg/d in Exp. 2), and grass silage ad libitum. In Exp. 1, six cows (212 days in milk; DIM) were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square. Diets were supplemented isonitrogenously with rapeseed meal (pelleted rapeseed supplement, RSS), mixture of Spirulina platensis and Chlorella vulgaris microalgae (1:1 on dry matter (DM) basis; ALG) or a mixture of RSS and ALG (1:1 on crude protein (CP) basis; RSS-ALG). In Exp. 2, four intact cows and four rumen cannulated cows (190 DIM) were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square. Treatments consisted of basal diet without protein supplement (NEG) or supplemented similarly as in Exp. 1 with the exception of RSS-ALG and ALG containing only S. platensis. Protein supplementation increased fibre and N digestibility but did not affect dry matter intake (DMI) or milk yield. The substitution of rapeseed by microalgae did not affect total DMI or milk yield in neither of the experiments, but changed the quality of DMI in Exp.2 by linearly decreasing concentrate:forage ratio of the diet due to poorer palatability of microalgae. The efficiency of N utilisation (NUE) in milk production varied from moderate (Exp. 1) to high (Exp. 2), and in Exp. 2 was decreased by both protein supplementation and microalgae inclusion in the diet. Protein supplementation or microalgae inclusion in the diet did not affect ruminal pH or major volatile fatty acids in Exp. 2, but both increased ruminal NH3-N concentration. There was likely a shortage of N for rumen microbes on NEG in Exp. 2 as indicated by low milk urea N and increased microbial N flow on protein supplemented diets. In both experiments, only minor differences were observed in plasma metabolites when microalgae substituted rapeseed. Even though arterial histidine concentrations were high, arterial histidine and carnosine concentrations (Exp. 1 and 2) and milk protein yields (Exp. 2) decreased by microalgae inclusion suggesting that histidine supply may become suboptimal on microalgae supplemented diets. Experiments demonstrated the suitability of microalgae as protein supplement for dairy cows, however, the protein value of microalgae is likely slightly lower than that of rapeseed meal.Peer reviewe

    Päiväkodin arki lapsen kertomana - Sadutus osallistavana menetelmänä

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    Opinnäytetyö on toteutettu espoolaisessa päiväkodissa osana VKK-Metro-hanketta. VKK-Metro on varhaiskasvatuksen kehittämisyksikkö, joka toimii yhteistyössä pääkaupunkiseudun kuntien kanssa sekä Helsingin yliopiston ja sosiaalialan osaamiskeskus Soccan kanssa. VKK-Metron kauden 2009—2011 yhtenä keskeisenä tavoitteena on lasten ja heidän vanhempiensa osallisuuden vahvistaminen, mistä päiväkoti on johtanut oman tavoitteensa: ”lapsen osallisuuden lisääminen kiirettä vähentämällä”. Opinnäytetyön aihe nousi päiväkodin tavoitteista ja tarkoituksena oli ensisijaisesti tuoda lapsen ääni kuuluviin ja näin edistää päiväkodin tavoitteessaan korostamaa lapsilähtöisyyttä. Tämä opinnäytetyö on laadullinen tutkimus. Tutkimuspäiväkodista mukana opinnäytetyössä oli yksi 3—5-vuotiaiden lasten ryhmä, josta opinnäytetyön toteutukseen osallistui 15 lasta. Aineistonkeruu toteutettiin tammi-helmikuussa 2011 ja menetelmänä käytettiin sadutusta. Sadutus on suomalainen innovaatio, jonka avulla lapsen ääni saadaan kuuluviin tämän kertomien satujen kautta. Sadutusta toteutettiin päiväkodilla kahteen otteeseen, joista ensimmäisen kierroksen sadutuksista muodostui satukirja päiväkodin käyttöön ja toisen kierroksen sadut analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Opinnäytetyössä haluttiin vastata siihen, miten lapset kokevat päiväkodin arjen ja miten osallisuus ilmenee lasten tarinoissa. Päiväkodin arki muodostuu lasten tarinoiden mukaan seuraavista osa-alueista: päiväkodissa viihtymiseen vaikuttavat asiat, perushoidolliset tilanteet, perhe, ohjattu toiminta ja toiminnan raamit. Osallisuuden ilmenemistä tarinoissa tutkittiin Mikko Orasen osallisuuden kuuden ulottuvuuden näkökulmasta. Osallisuus ilmenee myös lasten tarinoissa. Kaikkien ulottuvuuksien ei tarvitse toteutua, jotta osallisuutta olisi. Tarinoissa osallisuus ilmenee muun muassa mahdollisuutena ja oikeutena valita osallistuuko toimintaan, oikeutena saada tietoa ja mahdollisuutena ilmaista omia ajatuksiaan. Opinnäytetyön tärkeimpänä johtopäätöksenä nousi esiin, että tarinoiden mukaan lapset viihtyvät päiväkodissa ja kokevat päiväkodin arjen mielekkääksi. Päiväkodin tavoite tuntuu lasten tarinoiden perusteella toteutuneen. Opinnäytetyömme tulokset annetaan tutkimuspäiväkodin ja VKK-Metro-hankkeen käyttöön. Toiveena on, että opinnäytetyömme aihetta tutkitaan jatkossakin ja lasten mielipiteitä ja ajatuksia otetaan yhä enemmän ja paremmin huomioon varhaiskasvatuksen eri saroilla.How Children Experience the Everyday Life at Day Care — Storycrafting as a participative method Our thesis was carried out as a part of VKK-Metro program in a day care centre in Espoo. VKK-Metro, the metropolitan area early childhood education development unit, co-operates with the municipalities of Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Helsinki University, and Socca, the Centre of Excellence on Social Welfare in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. One of the program’s primary goals for 2009—2011 was to strengthen the participation of children and their parents which the day care centre turned into their own goal, “Increasing a child’s participation by reducing hurry”. Our thesis topic was derived from the day care centre’s goals and the primary aim was at making the children’s voices heard and thus promoting child-centricity emphasized by the day care centre. This thesis is a qualitative study. 15 children from a group of children aged three to five par-ticipated in the study. The material was gathered by storycrafting in January and February 2011. Storycrafting is a Finnish invention for making a child’s voice heard through stories. Storycrafting was conducted twice, the first round being documented as a storybook and the second one analyzed by qualitative content analysis methods. We wanted to learn how the children interpret the everyday life of the day care centre and how participation is present in the stories. The everyday life consists of the following categories: things affecting enjoyment in day care, basic care situations, family, adult led activities and the framework for activity. The presence of participation was studied by using the six dimensions of participation by Mikko Oranen. Participation was identified in the stories. All the dimensions don’t have to be present for participation to exsist. Participation was displayed in the stories e.g. through being able to decide whether to take part in activities, having the right to be informed, and having an opportunity for expressing one’s thoughts. The most important conclusion in our thesis was that according to children’s stories, they seem to enjoy themselves in day care and regard the everyday life as meaningful. Based on the stories, the day care centre’s goal can be considered achieved. The results of our thesis will be handed over to the day care centre and VKK-Metro program. We wish that the topic is further studied and children’s opinions and thoughts better considered in different areas of early childhood education

    Toimintakykyinen vanhus -hankkeen arviointi ja kehittäminen

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää keväällä 2015 aloittaneiden sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden sekä heitä ohjanneiden hoitajien kokemuksia keväällä 2015 Hyvinkään palvelutaloissa toteutetusta Toimintakykyinen vanhus -hankkeesta. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yhteistyössä Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulun sekä Sahamäen, Paavolan ja Kauniston palvelutalojen kanssa. Tavoitteena oli vastausten pohjalta nostaa kehitysehdotuksia hanketyöskentelyn ja hankeprosessin parantamiseksi, jotta se tulevaisuudessa palvelisi kaikkia osapuolia mahdollisimman hyvin. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuudessa esitellään aluksi sairaanhoitajakoulutuksen kehityksen vaiheita, sairaanhoitajakoulutuksen sisältämät keskeiset osaamisalueet sekä hankkeen pohjana toimiva Laureassa kehitetty Learning by Developing oppimismalli. Lisäksi käsitellään hanketyöskentelyn ja ikääntyneiden hoitotyön ajankohtaista teoriatietoa, joka toimii vahvana perustana Toimintakykyinen vanhus -hankkeelle. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin laadullisena kyselytutkimuksena sähköisten kyselylomakkeiden muodossa. Kyselylomakkeita oli kaksi, joista toinen oli tarkoitettu opiskelijoille ja toinen ohjanneille hoitajille. Opiskelijoiden kyselylomake muodostui viidestä ja ohjanneiden hoitajien kyselylomake neljästä avoimesta kysymyksestä opinnäytetyön tavoitteeseen liittyen. Vastauksia saatiin yhteensä 19, joista opiskelijoiden vastauksia oli 15 ja ohjanneiden hoitajien vastauksia 4. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet opiskelijat ja ohjanneet hoitajat kuvasivat vastauksissaan omia henkilökohtaisia kokemuksiaan hankeprosessista, hankepäivien toteutuksesta, vahvuuksista ja puutteista hankkeessa sekä sen yhteydessä opituista asioista. Vastaukset analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä. Keskeisinä tuloksina opinnäytetyössä nousi esille ohjauksen osalta sen tason kehittäminen tasalaatuisemmaksi kaikilla palvelutalojen osastoilla, jotta jokaisella opiskelijalla olisi samat edellytykset oppimiselle. Hankkeeseen liittyvää ohjausta ja opetusta koululla tulisi tulosten mukaan selkeyttää ja lisätä, jotta ne tukisivat riittävästi opiskelijoiden oppimista ja hankkeen toteutusta. Yhteistyö tiedottamisen näkökulmasta vaatii myös tulevaisuudessa kehittämistä, jotta tieto saavuttaa tasaisesti kaikki hankkeen osapuolet. Hankeprosessiin liittyen opiskelijat toivoivat erityisesti hankeryhmien pienentämistä, jotta työnjako olisi tasaisempaa ja kokonaisuus saataisiin pysymään paremmin hallinnassa. Tätä tuki myös ohjanneiden hoitajien kokemus siitä, että hankeryhmien sisällä keskinäinen sopiminen ja asioiden organisointi ei sujunut parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla. Heidän mielestään myös hankepäiviä voitaisiin kehittää virikkeellisemmiksi ja hanketta laajentaa siten, että palvelutalossa vietettäisiin enemmän aikaa. Jatkossa olisi hyödyllistä selvittää miten opinnäytetyön tuloksia on hyödynnetty käytännössä. Lisäksi olisi mielenkiintoista tietää, onko kehittämisehdotusten hyödyntämisellä ollut vaikutusta hanketyöskentelyn sujuvuuteen.The purpose of this thesis was to find out about the experiences of nursing students and their mentoring nurses regarding the "High Functioning Elderly" -project which was carried out in the spring of 2015 in Hyvinkää Service Houses for the Elderly. The nursing students started their education as well in the spring of 2015. The thesis was carried out in cooperation with Laurea University of Applied Sciences and with Sahamäki’s, Paavola’s and Kaunisto’s Service Houses for the Elderly.The objective was to bring development proposals for the project work and project process so that in the future it would serve all participants as well as possible. The theory part of the thesis firstly presents the development of nursing education and the main competence areas in nursing education. The first part also introduces a learning model developed by Laurea, called "Learning by Developing” which also serves as the working basis for the project. In addition the thesis discusses theoretical knowledge about project work and geriatric nursing, which serve as a strong basis for the" High Functioning Elderly” -project. The thesis was carried out as a qualitative survey in the form of electronic questionnaires. There were two questionnaires, one for the students and another one for the mentoring nurses. The students' questionnaire consisted of five open questions and the mentoring nurses’ questionnaire of four open questions related to the tasks of the thesis. A total of 19 responses were received, 15 from students and four from mentoring nurses. Students and mentoring nurses in their responses described their own personal experiences with the project process, project implementation, strengths and weaknesses in the project days and the things they learnt in connection with the project. The answers were analyzed by using inductive content. The main results in the thesis came up in relation to mentoring and its development towards a more uniform level in the wards of service houses, so that every student could have the same opportunities for learning. According to the results, the mentoring and teaching at the school should be made clearer and they should be increased to support students learning and the implementation of the project in the best possible way. Cooperation from the perspective of communication also requires development in the future, so that information reaches all participants of the project equally. Related to the project process, students expressed their wishes that project teams be smaller so that the division of work would be more balanced and the entity better controlled. This is also supported by the mentoring nurses’ experience that the project agreement and organization of the issues within the groups didn’t go in the best possible way. Also in their view the project days could be developed in a more stimulating way and the project be expanded, so that the students would spend more time in the service house. In the future, it would be useful to find out how the results of the thesis have been implemented in practice. In addition, it would be interesting to learn whether utilization of development proposals have had an impact on the smooth flow of the project work

    Eristyspotilas natiiviröntgentutkimuksissa : Verkko-oppimateriaalia röntgenhoitajaopiskelijoille

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    Vuonna 2011 Suomessa tehtiin röntgentutkimuksia hieman yli 3,6 miljoonaa, joista natiiviröntgentutkimusten osuus oli reilut 3,2 miljoonaa (Helasvuo 2013, 10–11). Natiivitutkimuksella tarkoitetaan ilman varjoainetta tehtävää röntgentutkimusta (Säteilyturva-keskus 2013). ”Terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilön ammattitoiminnan päämääränä on terveyden ylläpitäminen ja edistäminen, sairauksien ehkäiseminen sekä sairaiden parantaminen ja heidän kärsimystensä lievittäminen” (Laki terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöistä 559/1994). Tässä opinnäytetyössä käytettiin toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön menetelmää. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli lisätä röntgenhoitajaopiskelijoiden tietoutta kosketus-, ilma- ja pisaraeristyspotilaiden natiiviröntgentutkimuksiin liittyvistä suojaustoimenpiteistä. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa oppimateriaalia Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun oppimisympäristö Tabula-Moodleen röntgenhoitajaopiskelijoille kosketus-, ilma- ja pisaraeristyspotilaiden natiiviröntgentutkimuksista. Opinnäytetyön tehtävät olivat: Millainen verkko-oppimisympäristö tukee oppimista? Miten tartuntatautien leviämistä voidaan ehkäistä natiiviröntgentutkimuksissa? Miten henkilökunnan suojautuminen toteutetaan kosketus-, ilma- ja pisaraeristyspotilaan natiiviröntgentutkimuksissa? Opinnäytetyön tuotteena tehtiin röntgenhoitajaopiskelijoille verkko-oppimateriaalia Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun oppimisympäristö Tabula-Moodleen. Verkko-oppimateriaali on tarkoitettu itseopiskelumateriaaliksi ja se on opiskelijan saatavissa ajasta riippumatta. Tuote koostuu monipuolisessa muodossa olevasta oppimateriaalista (kuvista, teksteistä, Internet-linkeistä) ja sen tarkoituksena on palvella monenlaisia oppijoita. Tuote sisältää tietoa tartuntataudeista, eristysluokista, henkilönsuojaimista ja hygieniasta. Oppimateriaalin avulla röntgenhoitajaopiskelijat saavat tietoa kuinka toimia eristystä vaativan potilaan natiiviröntgentutkimuksessa. Teoreettinen viitekehys käsittelee verkko-oppimisympäristössä käytettävää oppimateriaalia sekä tartuntatautien ja infektioiden torjuntaa. Kehittämisehdotuksena opinnäytetyöntekijät ehdottavat vastaavanlaisen itseopiskelumateriaalin tuottamista toisesta aiheesta röntgenhoitajaopiskelijoille. Lisäksi opinnäytetyöntekijät ehdottavat kvantitatiivisen tutkimuksen tekemistä oppimateriaalin toimivuudesta, sisällöstä sekä hyödynnettävyydestä.The purpose of this study was to provide e-learning material to radiography students. The material was prepared for Tabula-Moodle learning environment of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. The study material gives information on contact, airborne and droplet precautions in patients’ native x-ray examinations and it is intended for self-study material. There is also information about different kinds of infectious diseases, hygiene and personal protective equipment. The theoretical framework has two chapters. The first chapter contains information about e-learning material in e-learning environment. The section presents the factors that have an effect on learning and how to plan and produce high quality e-learning material. The second chapter contains information about infectious disease prevention. There is information on how to prevent infections and information about different isolation methods. The approach of this study was functional. The methodology chapter reports how authors have planned, produced and evaluated the product of the study. Further study proposal is to make similar e-learning material about another subject for the radiography students. Another proposal for further study is to conduct a quantitative study about the functionality, content and utility of the present study material

    The Key to Sustainable Migration Management : Building up Cohesion, Capacity and Choices in the European Union Migration Partnership Framework

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    This thesis examines how the European Union Migration Partnership Framework represents a partial shift in the European Union policies in a new direction, where migration and development policies are seen intertwined and mutually beneficial in order to manage migration in a sustainable manner that works for all partners. The European migration crisis has caused turmoil within the EU and its Member States, and the Migration Partnership Framework presents various tools that ought to affect the irregular movement of people to the EU. The material of this research is compiled of the EU documents on the Migration Partnership Framework that was launched in June 2016. Since its launch, five progress reports and various additional papers on the implementation and experiences of the Framework have been published. The analysis of the material has been conducted by following the principles of theory guided content analysis and the chapters of analysis have been constructed based on the notion that policies configured on the idea of partnership are looking for a ‘win-win-win’ solution. The choice of the EU to emphasise the notion of partnership and harness development for the purpose of managing migration invoked my interest to study the Framework through a neoliberal point of view, especially focusing on the theoretical debate concerning neoliberal governance. Due to the focus on the migration-development nexus, it is also relevant to discuss the relation between governance and development within this thesis. This research into the European Union Migration Partnership Framework has revealed that even though there is a shift towards the empowerment of the partner countries in migration and development policies, the actions presented in the name of partnership are in fact characteristic of the forms of neoliberal governance. The tools presented in the Framework attempt to build up cohesion, capacity and choices, but in a way that is most suitable for the EU