77 research outputs found

    Visualización de conjunto de datos de múltiples instancias

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    Este trabajo de grado aborda la problemática de la visualización de conjuntos de datos de múltiples instancias (MI), en busca de entender las particularidades de estos conjuntos de datos y sus relaciones. Como en la literatura existen pocos trabajos relacionados a este tema, se considera que el resultado puede ser de utilidad para quienes actualmente trabajan con el paradigma de aprendizaje de múltiples instancias (MIL). Así, la intención de este trabajo es desarrollar un método de visualización que permita a los usuarios entender cuáles son las relaciones o patrones ocultos en los conjuntos de datos de MI. Con este n se plantea una pregunta de investigación importante, Que métodos de visualización se pueden adaptar para explorar conjuntos de datos de MI. La respuesta a la pregunta de investigación se busca mediante la creación de una propuesta de visualización y experimentando con diferentes métodos de visualización en los conjuntos de datos. La propuesta de visualización se validó mediante encuestas y cuestionarios a expertos en MIL además con pruebas y comparaciones internas. Los experimentos realizados mostraron que usar métodos combinados de visualización permite extraer más información del conjunto de datos. Teniendo esto en cuenta y siguiendo las recomendaciones de los expertos, sería bueno crear herramientas que permitan representar un conjunto de MI en diferentes métodos de visualización y a su ve hacer herramientas más intuitivas, para que el proceso de visualización de datos sea más rápido y efectivo en la detección de patrones.This degree work addresses the problem of the visualization of data sets of multiple instances (MI), seeking to understand the particularities of these data sets and their relationships. As there are few works related to this topic in the literature, it is considered that the result may be useful for those who currently work with the multi-instance learning paradigm (MIL). Thus, the intention of this work is to develop a visualization method that allows users to understand what the relationships or hidden patterns in MI data sets. To this end, an important research question is posed, what visualization methods can be adapted to explore MI data sets? The answer to the research question is sought by creating a visualization proposal and experimenting with different visualization methods on the data sets. The visualization proposal was validated through surveys and questionnaires to MIL experts in addition to internal tests and comparisons. The experiments carried out showed that using combined visualization methods allows extracting more information from the data set. Taking this into account and following the recommendations of the experts, it would be good to create tools that allow representing a set of MI in different visualization methods and in turn make more intuitive tools, so that the data visualization process is faster and more effective in pattern detection.Magíster en Ingeniería de SoftwareMaestrí

    A systematic procedure to combine the integral management systems in a services sector company

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    Nowadays, the companies with national leadership have decided to provide services that allow the industries to give solutions for manufacturing, repair, reconstruction, maintenance and supply to the necessary tools necessary for the operation of the machinery required in the development of projects. The objective of this work is based on the identification of the relationship and points of convergence between the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 50001:2011, and OHSAS 18001:2007 standards, for the implementation of the IMS-HSE (Integrated Management System and Health, Safety and the Environment respectively), in companies in the metal-mechanical sector that develop their economic activity in Colombia. An analysis of the regulatory structure was conducted, identifying common and non-common aspects to find a compliance baseline that provides business leaders with a decision-making tool for implementing Geographical Information System (GIS) and HSE aimed at continuous improvement. The result of this research offers a characterization regarding scope, planning, performance evaluation and development in legal terms, applied to the systems integrated into the service company in the metal-mechanical sector. So that, the results can be used as an operational and organizational tool that provides them with a characteristic of viability, competitiveness, and profitability compared to companies in the same dynamic scenario, guaranteeing compliance with the legal commitments of the Colombian regulatory framework

    Application of equivalent occupation method as a tool for energy management in hotel sector

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    At nowadays, the operational control of energy performance indicators based on the equivalent occupation method plays a fundamental role in the rational use of energy for the hotel sector, since it allows in a competitive way to comply with the quality of the service offered by the company in terms of the thermal comfort of the occupants, minimizing the environmental impact. Within the framework of the energy diagnosis and implementation of the program of efficient energy management under ISO 50001: 2011, based on the method of equivalent occupation for a hotel company on the Colombian Caribbean coast, the line base, target line by 2015, determining performance control indicators such as accumulative trend and base efficiency index 100, to identify potential savings. From the diagnosis, 9.11% of energy savings were obtained by operational control. Through the implementation of corrective action plans, such as the shutdown of unnecessary equipment in the company, installation of LED lighting modules, the configuration of thermostats, in addition to training and sensitization to staff, and reactive energy control in the hotel effective savings were achieved around 8% of primary energy consumption by 2016

    Risk-assessment V1.0: A new interactive software to develop risk assessment using MATLAB®

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    This article presents the use of an interactive computer tool developed in MATLAB® called RISKASSESSMENT v1.0, to perform market risk analysis of commercial products, through the development of cash flow, sensitivity analysis, and SpiderPlot graphics, which allow the identification of the economic-financial equilibrium point of a company. The tool facilitates the reduction of the uncertainty produced in the return on investment due to changes in the economic environment of the sector in which the company operates, through statistical techniques and tools that involve parameters such as the annual effective rate in the Colombian national currency, net present value, internal rate of return, period of recovery of capital, through a sensitivity analysis. To validate the effectiveness of using software in the development of risk analysis, a case study was conducted for an alcohol beverage sales business, where, based on the portfolio containing the product quantity, unit variable cost, sales price, percentage of sales growth and annual sales volume, in addition to detailed information on the initial investment, the cash flow with a 5-year horizon, the net present value, the internal rate of return, the period of capital recovery and the average accounting profitability are calculated. The tool also performs sensitivity analysis and SpiderPlot for each of the products. Finally, the program presented allows to calculate the annual cash flows in a fast and didactic way, which normally requires time and specialized training in a traditional exercise

    Risk-assessment V1.0: A new interactive software to develop risk assessment using MATLAB®

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    This article presents the use of an interactive computer tool developed in MATLAB® called RISKASSESSMENT v1.0, to perform market risk analysis of commercial products, through the development of cash flow, sensitivity analysis, and SpiderPlot graphics, which allow the identification of the economic-financial equilibrium point of a company. The tool facilitates the reduction of the uncertainty produced in the return on investment due to changes in the economic environment of the sector in which the company operates, through statistical techniques and tools that involve parameters such as the annual effective rate in the Colombian national currency, net present value, internal rate of return, period of recovery of capital, through a sensitivity analysis. To validate the effectiveness of using software in the development of risk analysis, a case study was conducted for an alcohol beverage sales business, where, based on the portfolio containing the product quantity, unit variable cost, sales price, percentage of sales growth and annual sales volume, in addition to detailed information on the initial investment, the cash flow with a 5-year horizon, the net present value, the internal rate of return, the period of capital recovery and the average accounting profitability are calculated. The tool also performs sensitivity analysis and SpiderPlot for each of the products. Finally, the program presented allows to calculate the annual cash flows in a fast and didactic way, which normally requires time and specialized training in a traditional exercise

    Una visión mundial del ciclo Rankine orgánico como alternativa de recuperación de calor residual

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    In this work the advantage of the use and implementation of ORC heat recovery systems for low temperature (<230°C) exhaust gases from a natural gas engine was studied. Different organic fluids and working conditions were analyzed in order to determine the best decision in terms of energy efficiency and exergética refers to criteria such as cost, environmental impact, flammability toxicity among others. It was found that the performance for the different configurations is closely linked to the evaporation pressure, reaching an electrical power of 120kWe (10%) for the simple configuration. The working fluid with the highest performance was acetone regardless of the configuration analyzed. Simultaneously, an international and national context was created in different fields for heat recovery systems.En este trabajo se estudió la ventaja que posee el uso e implementación de los sistemas de recuperación de calor ORC para los gases de escape a baja temperatura (<230°C) proveniente de un motor a gas natural. Diferentes fluidos orgánicos y condiciones de trabajo fueron analizados con la finalidad de determinar la mejor decisión en cuanto a eficiencia energética y exergética se refiere teniendo criterios tales como, costos, impacto ambiental, toxicidad, flamabilidad  entre  otros.  Se  encontró  que  el  rendimiento  para  las  distintas  configuraciones  está estrechamente ligada a la presión de evaporación, llegando a alcanzar una potencia eléctrica de 120kWe (10%) para la configuración simple. El fluido de trabajo con mayor desempeño fue la acetona independientemente de la configuración analizada. De manera simultánea se realizó un contexto a nivel internacional y nacional en diferentes ámbitos para los sistemas de recuperación de calor


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    Different types of family support in the educational process of children are studied based on the averages variability of the Saber 11 test got by public schools in 27 non-certified municipalities of Córdoba, Colombia. For the size of the sample was used a multi-stage sampling which displayed a sample of 109 educational institutions in the first stage, distributed in three strata of the municipalities. In the second stage were estimated 629 families selected by the simple random method. The data were analyzed with the principal components analysis method, which allowed the construction of a support index to establish the correlations between the variables. Relevant results show there does not exist a significant relationship between family support and the classification results of public schools in the State test in 2016. But, it is found that when the family support in the educational process is greater, the probability of get a score with an average of 50% is 4.650 higher. Among the explanatory variables with the greatest influence on family support were: living in an urban area, municipalities with 6 to 10 schools, the female sex, the highest level of parents education, housewives and families with access to the computer. It is inferred the lack of relevance of the Saber 11 test related to the acquired learning and the types of evaluation applied in the schools.Se examina las diferentes formas de acompañamiento de la familia en el proceso educativo de sus hijos a partir de la variabilidad de los promedios de las pruebas de Estado 2016 obtenidos por las instituciones educativas oficiales en 27 municipios no certificados del Departamento de Córdoba, Colombia. Para el tamaño de la muestra se utilizó un muestreo polietápico, que arrojó en la primera etapa una muestra de 109 instituciones educativas distribuidas en tres estratos de municipios. En la segunda etapa se estimó un total de 629 familias seleccionadas con el método aleatorio simple. Los datos se analizaron con el método de análisis de componentes principales que permitió construir un índice de acompañamiento para establecer las correlaciones entre las variables. Como resultados relevantes se encontró ausencia de relación significativa entre el acompañamiento familiar y la variabilidad de los promedios de dichos resultados por municipios. Pero se constata que, a mayor acompañamiento de las familias en el proceso educativo, la probabilidad de obtener un puntaje promedio dentro del 50% más alto es 4.650 veces mayor. Entre las variables explicativas de mayor influencia en el acompañamiento familiar se obtuvo: vivir en zona urbana, los municipios entre 6 y 10 instituciones educativas, el sexo femenino, el mayor nivel de educación de los padres, las amas de casa y familias con acceso a computador. Se infiere la poca pertinencia de las Pruebas Saber 11 respecto a los aprendizajes adquiridos y los tipos de evaluación aplicados en las escuelas a sus estudiantes.Исследуются различные формы сопровождения семей в образовательном процессе их детей на основе вариативности средних показателей государственных тестов 2016 года, полученных официальными образовательными учреждениями в 27 несертифицированных муниципалитетах департамента Кордова, Колумбия. Для определения размера выборки использовалась многоступенчатая выборка, которая на первом этапе дала выборку из 109 образовательных учреждений, распределенных по трем стратам муниципалитетов. На втором этапе была проведена оценка 629 семей, отобранных методом случайных чисел. Данные были проанализированы с помощью метода анализа главных компонент, что позволило построить индекс сопровождения для установления корреляций между переменными. В качестве соответствующих результатов, не было обнаружено существенной связи между сопровождением семьи и вариативностью средних значений этих результатов по муниципалитетам. Однако было установлено, что чем больше сопровождение семьи в образовательном процессе, тем в 4,650 раз выше вероятность получения среднего балла в 50% лучших. Среди объясняющих переменных, оказывающих наибольшее влияние на поддержку семьи, были следующие: проживание в городской местности, муниципалитеты с количеством учебных заведений от 6 до 10, женский пол, более высокий уровень образования родителей, домохозяйки и семьи, имеющие доступ к компьютеру. Можно сделать вывод, что значимость тестов Saber 11 по отношению к полученным знаниям и видам оценивания, применяемым в школах к своим ученикам, невысока.从哥伦比亚科尔多瓦省 27 个非认证城市的官方教育机构获得的 2016 年国家测试平均值的可变性中,我们研究了家庭在子女教育过程中的不同形式的陪伴。研究采用了多阶段抽样的样本规模,在第一阶段采纳了分布在三个市镇的 109 所教育机构的样本。在第二阶段,用简单随机方法对 629 个家庭进行了分析。我们采用了主成分分析方法对数据进行分析,该方法允许构建后续指标以建立变量之间的相关性。作为相关结果,家庭支持与市政当局的上述结果平均值的可变性之间没有显着关系。但研究发现,家庭在教育过程中得到的支持越多,获得最高50%以内平均分的概率要大4650倍。对家庭支持影响最大的解释变量包括:居住在城市地区、拥有 6 至 10 所教育机构的市镇、女性、父母的教育水平较高、家庭主妇和拥有计算机的家庭。 Sabre 11 测试的相关性很小,这是从所获得的学习和学校对学生应用的评估类型推断出来的

    Computational simulation of the gas emission in a biomass on grid energy system using HOMER pro software

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    To reach the Sustainable Development Goals and delivering on the Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation, a Biomass on grid power system is proposed to supply 33,640 kWh/day, which is the average annual energy consumption from a group of office buildings. This study shows the behavior of the gas emission of a Biomass on Grid Energy System Using HOMER Pro Software, composed by two 500 kW biogas-powered electric generator, using different types of biomass resource from the Colombian Caribbean Region like manure obtained from the livestock sector and solid urban organic waste. The simulation results showed some emission decrease when operating on the grid the Biogas generator such as the carbon dioxide, the sulfur dioxide and the nitrogen oxides on 11.6% while the carbon monoxide increased on 8.7% concerning the power supply system through electrical grid coming from thermoelectric power plants and hydroelectric power plants

    Comparison analysis of an energy generation system using diesel, natural gas and biogas as a primal fuel resource

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    With the aim to study the behavior of biogas versus different types of fossil fuels and determine the optimal fuel resource for an Energy Generation System, an electric generation system and different types of fuels were proposed to supply an energy demand of 2424 kWh/day, which is the scaled annual average of a chemical laboratory facility. This study shows the behavior of different fuels and how they affect the operating cost of the system using HOMER Pro software. The proposed system consists of different electric generators (340kW) for each type of fuel. The results of the simulation showed that the biogas works very efficiently regarding the production of polluting gases compared to the fossil fuels used in the simulation. However, the installation costs for the devices necessary to obtain biogas from a biomass resource are expensive

    Characterization of auto-Ignition phenomena in spark ignition internal combustion engine using gaseous fuels obtained from biomass

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    Studies have been carried out on the phenomenon of auto-ignition in liquid fuels and natural gas, but research on the application of gaseous fuels obtained from biomass is limited. Existing investigations about autoignition mainly focused on the combustion kinetics to determine the delay time, but not on the prediction of the set of parameters that encourage the presence of the phenomenon. In the present research, a thermodynamic model is developed for the prediction of the auto-ignition in Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engine operated with gaseous fuels, which are obtained from the process of gasification of biomass. The formulated model can handle variable compositions of gaseous fuels and to optimize the main operational parameters of the engine, to verify its influence on the phenomenon under study. Results show the application of this type of alternative fuels in commercial engines that operated with natural gas, varying engine operational parameters while maximizing the power output of the engin