20 research outputs found

    Polémicos privilegios: dos versiones de la primera sátira conocida en contra de los conversos

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    The anti-Converso literature of the 15th century is noteworthy for its variety of genres –prose treatises, sermons, satirical poetry, allegories, etc.–, but what unites all of these works is their intent to mock individuals or vilify conversos as a whole. While most of these works convey their hostility in crude, stereotypical fashion, a few are distinguished by their clever form, a rhetorical cloak designed to conceal the morally repugnant sentiments contained in these texts. Among the latter is a curious, unedited document entitled Privilege that King Juan II granted to a man named Hernando, one of his favored, to become a marrano, even though he was not one by birth. The 18th-century manuscript –“copied by hand from an old book”– is housed in the Royal Library of Madrid, and satirizes not only conversos but also patents of nobility. It is here edited for the first time. A work belonging to the same tradition, Transcript of a letter of privilege that King Juan II granted to a hidalgo, is found in two manuscripts in the National Library of Madrid. The editorial misfortunes it has suffered over more than a century warrant its publication here in a reliable edition.La literatura anticonversa del siglo XV se destaca por su diversidad genérica –tratados en prosa, sermones, sátiras poéticas, alegorías, etc.–, pero todas estas obras coinciden en su finalidad de ridiculizar individuos o envilecer la colectividad conversa. Mientras que la mayor parte de estos escritos expresan su animadversión de forma tosca y estereotipada, algunos se distinguen por su forma ingeniosa de diatriba, cobijo retórico que pretende disfrazar los sentimientos moralmente repugnantes que abarcan. Entre ellos se encuentra un curioso documento inédito llamado Privilegio del rey don Juan Segundo concedido a un hombre llamado Hernando, privado suyo, para ser marrano, aunque no lo era por nacimiento, texto manuscrito del siglo XVIII –«Copióse de un libro antiguo de mano»– que custodia la Real Biblioteca de Madrid y que se caracteriza por su doble sátira de los conversos y de las patentes nobiliarias. Aquí se edita por primera vez. Pertenece a esta misma tradición el Traslado de una carta de privilegio que el rey don Juan Segundo dio a un hijodalgo, texto que se encuentra en dos manuscritos de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid. Sus infortunios editoriales durante más de una centuria justifican aquí una edición fidedigna

    Educational Studies and the Domestication of Utopia

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    This paper offers a critique of educational real utopias. Real Utopias are experimental forms of thought and practice intended to harness the transgressive force of traditional utopianism while avoiding its associated dangers. The concept has been embraced by the field of educational studies and applied to the study of various educational settings, institutions and processes. This paper does four things. Firstly, it outlines the concept of utopian realism and highlights those aspects that are said to differentiate it from the utopia that supposedly played a role in the human catastrophes of the twentieth century. It then evaluates a selection of educational real utopias to assess whether they can, in fact, be said to have succeeded in the task of harnessing the intellectual force while overcoming the dangers of traditional utopianism. Thirdly, the paper offers a critique of utopian realism, arguing that the concept of utopia has become thoroughly domesticated. Finally, the paper defends the expansive and holistic concept of utopia that utopian realism rejects. The argument here is that only when utopia is understood as a holistic system is it able to produce its most potent pedagogical effects

    Grand Designs The Peace Plans of the Late Renaissance

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