701 research outputs found

    Lattice thermal conductivity of Tix_xZry_yHf1xy_{1-x-y}NiSn half-Heusler alloys calculated from first principles: Key role of nature of phonon modes

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    In spite of their relatively high lattice thermal conductivity κ\kappa_{\ell}, the XNiSn (X=Ti, Zr or Hf) half-Heusler compounds are good thermoelectric materials. Previous studies have shown that κ\kappa_{\ell} can be reduced by sublattice-alloying on the X-site. To cast light on how the alloy composition affects κ\kappa_\ell, we study this system using the phonon Boltzmann-transport equation within the relaxation time approximation in conjunction with density functional theory.The effect of alloying through mass-disorder scattering is explored using the virtual crystal approximation to screen the entire ternary Tix_xZry_{y}Hf1xy_{1-x-y}NiSn phase diagram. The lowest lattice thermal conductivity is found for the Tix_xHf1x_{1-x}NiSn compositions; in particular, there is a shallow minimum centered at Ti0.5_{0.5}Hf0.5_{0.5}NiSn with κl\kappa_l taking values between 3.2 and 4.1 W/mK when the Ti content varies between 20 and 80\%. Interestingly, the overall behavior of mass-disorder scattering in this system can only be understood from a combination of the nature of the phonon modes and the magnitude of the mass variance. Mass-disorder scattering is not effective at scattering acoustic phonons of low energy. By using a simple model of grain boundary scattering, we find that nanostructuring these compounds can scatter such phonons effectively and thus further reduce the lattice thermal conductivity; for instance, Ti0.5_{0.5}Hf0.5_{0.5}NiSn with a grain size of L=100L= 100 nm experiences a 42\% reduction of κ\kappa_{\ell} compared to that of the single crystal

    In situ recordings of large gelatinous spheres from NE Atlantic, and the first genetic confirmation of egg mass of Illex coindetii (Vérany, 1839) (Cephalopoda, Mollusca)

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    In total, 90 gelatinous spheres, averaging one meter in diameter, have been recorded from ~ 1985 to 2019 from the NE Atlantic Ocean, including the Mediterranean Sea, using citizen science. More than 50% had a dark streak through center. They were recorded from the surface to ~ 60–70 m depth, mainly neutrally buoyant, in temperatures between 8 and 24°C. Lack of tissue samples has until now, prohibited confirmation of species. However, in 2019 scuba divers secured four tissue samples from the Norwegian coast. In the present study, DNA analysis using COI confirms species identity as the ommastrephid broadtail shortfin squid Illex coindetii (Vérany, 1839); these are the first confirmed records from the wild. Squid embryos at different stages were found in different egg masses: (1) recently fertilized eggs (stage ~ 3), (2) organogenesis (stages ~ 17–19 and ~ 23), and (3) developed embryo (stage ~ 30). Without tissue samples from each and every record for DNA corroboration we cannot be certain that all spherical egg masses are conspecific, or that the remaining 86 observed spheres belong to Illex coindetii. However, due to similar morphology and size of these spheres, relative to the four spheres with DNA analysis, we suspect that many of them were made by I. coindetii

    Concurrent adaptation to opposing visual displacements during an alternating movement.

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    It has been suggested that, during tasks in which subjects are exposed to a visual rotation of cursor feedback, alternating bimanual adaptation to opposing rotations is as rapid as unimanual adaptation to a single rotation (Bock et al. in Exp Brain Res 162:513–519, 2005). However, that experiment did not test strict alternation of the limbs but short alternate blocks of trials. We have therefore tested adaptation under alternate left/right hand movement with opposing rotations. It was clear that the left and right hand, within the alternating conditions, learnt to adapt to the opposing displacements at a similar rate suggesting that two adaptive states were formed concurrently. We suggest that the separate limbs are used as contextual cues to switch between the relevant adaptive states. However, we found that during online correction the alternating conditions had a significantly slower rate of adaptation in comparison to the unimanual conditions. Control conditions indicate that the results are not directly due the alternation between limbs or to the constant switching of vision between the two eyes. The negative interference may originate from the requirement to dissociate the visual information of these two alternating displacements to allow online control of the two arms

    Weight change and ovarian steroid profiles in young women

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    Objective: To investigate possible short-term effects of voluntary weight loss on ovarian steroid profiles in young women, in light of better established long-term effects in older women. Design: We tested for an association of voluntary weight change over the course of a menstrual cycle with salivary E2 and P profiles in the same menstrual cycle. Setting: Students were recruited in a college residence hall, and they provided daily saliva samples to a researcher living nearby. Patient(s): The 65 women who participated were all college students and ranged in age between 18 and 23 years. Intervention(s): None. Main Outcome Measure(s): Weight was assessed in the first week of the menstrual cycle and first week of the following menstrual cycle. Estradiol and P were measured by radioimmunoassay in daily saliva samples. Result(s): We did not detect a suppressive effect of weight loss on the overall level of either hormone. However, we did find evidence for more distinct follicular and luteal E2 peaks in women who gained weight. Peak luteal P also arrived about 2 days earlier in women who gained weight. Conclusion(s): This finding adds to evidence that short-term response of ovarian function to weight loss in young women is less pronounced than long-term response in older women.AnthropologyHuman Evolutionary Biolog

    β-Amyloid precursor protein-b is essential for Mauthner cell development in the zebrafish in a Notch-dependent manner

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    Amyloid precursor protein (APP) is a transmembrane glycoprotein that has been the subject of intense research because of its implication in Alzheimer's disease. However, the physiological function of APP in the development and maintenance of the central nervous system remains largely unknown. We have previously shown that the APP homologue in zebrafish (Danio rerio), Appb, is required for motor neuron patterning and formation. Here we study the function of Appb during neurogenesis in the zebrafish hindbrain. Partial knockdown of Appb using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides blocked the formation of the Mauthner neurons, uni- or bilaterally, with an aberrant behavior as a consequence of this cellular change. The Appb morphants had decreased neurogenesis, increased notch signaling and notch1a expression at the expense of deltaA/D expression. The Mauthner cell development could be restored either by a general decrease in Notch signaling through γ-secretase inhibition or by a partial knock down of Notch1a. Together, this demonstrates the importance of Appb in neurogenesis and for the first time shows the essential requirement of Appb in the formation of a specific cell type, the Mauthner cell, in the hindbrain during development. Our results suggest that Appb-regulated neurogenesis is mediated through balancing the Notch1a signaling pathway and provide new insights into the development of the Mauthner cell

    Association of plant-based diet and early onset of natural menopause.

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    OBJECTIVE To evaluate the association of plant-based diet index (PDI) with early onset of natural menopause in the Nurses' Health Study (NHS) and Nurses' Health Study II (NHSII). METHODS We conducted a prospective study with a mean follow-up time of 20 years among premenopausal women living across the US. Participants of the NHS (n = 121,701) and NHSII (n = 116,429) were included from 1984 (age mean [standard deviation]; 44.9 [4.3]) and 1991 (age mean [standard deviation]; 36.4 [4.6]), respectively. Early menopause was self-reported and defined as natural menopause before age 45 years. PDI was derived from semiquantitative food frequency questionnaires administered every 4 years. Cox proportional hazards models were used to assess the association between PDI in quintiles and early menopause in NHS and NHSII separately, and fixed-effect models to pool the results from both cohorts. RESULTS During follow-up, 715 and 2,185 women experienced early natural menopause in NHS and NHSII, respectively. After adjustment for potential confounders, no association was observed between PDI and incidence of early natural menopause in either cohort, or when pooling the results from both cohorts, with an exception for unhealthy plant-based diet index which was associated with higher risk of early menopause with increasing levels of consumption (P trend = 0.04). CONCLUSION Adherence to PDI was not associated with timing of menopause while unhealthy plant-based diet might be associated with higher risk of experiencing early menopause