5,906 research outputs found

    Free-Floating HI Clouds in the M 81 Group

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    Recent VLA observations pointed at dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies in the M 81 group reveal a hitherto hidden population of extremely low mass (~1e5 Msol) HI clouds with no obvious optical counterparts. We have searched 10 fields in the M81 group totalling 2.2 square degree, both targeting known dwarf spheroidal galaxies and blank fields around the central triplet. Our observations show that the new population of low-mass HI clouds appears to be confined to a region toward the South-East of the central triplet (at distances of ~100 kpc from M 81). Possible explanations for these free-floating HI clouds are that they are related to the dSphs found to the South-East of M 81, that they belong to the galaxies of the M 81 triplet (equivalent to HVCs), that they are of primordial nature and provide fresh, unenriched material falling into the M 81 group, or that they are tidal debris from the 3-body interaction involving M 81-M 82-NGC 3077. Based on circumstantial evidence, we currently favour the latter explanation.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of IAU Symp. 244 on "Dark Galaxies and Lost Baryons", eds. J. I. Davies & M. J. Disne

    The Star Formation Law in Nearby Galaxies on Sub-Kpc Scales

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    (Abridged) We present a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between star formation rate surface density (SFR SD) and gas surface density (gas SD) at sub-kpc resolution in a sample of 18 nearby galaxies. We use high resolution HI data from THINGS, CO data from HERACLES and BIMA SONG, 24 micron data from the Spitzer Space Telescope, and UV data from GALEX. We target 7 spiral galaxies and 11 late-type/dwarf galaxies and investigate how the star formation law differs between the H2-dominated centers of spiral galaxies, their HI-dominated outskirts and the HI-rich late-type/dwarf galaxies. We find that a Schmidt-type power law with index N=1.0+-0.2 relates the SFR SD and the H2 SD across our sample of spiral galaxies, i.e., that H2 forms stars at a constant efficiency in spirals. The average molecular gas depletion time is ~2*10^9 yrs. We interpret the linear relation and constant depletion time as evidence that stars are forming in GMCs with approximately uniform properties and that the H2 SD may be more a measure of the filling fraction of giant molecular clouds than changing conditions in the molecular gas. The relationship between total gas SD and SFR SD varies dramatically among and within spiral galaxies. Most galaxies show little or no correlation between the HI SD and the SFR SD. As a result, the star formation efficiency (SFE = SFR SD / gas SD) varies strongly across our sample and within individual galaxies. We show that in spirals the SFE is a clear function of radius, while the dwarf galaxies in our sample display SFEs similar to those found in the outer optical disks of the spirals. Another general feature of our sample is a sharp saturation of the HI SD at ~9 M_sol/pc^2 in both the spiral and dwarf galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in the AJ special THINGS issue. For a high-resolution version visit: http://www.mpia.de/THINGS/Publications.htm

    Complete Genome Sequence of Pelosinus fermentans JBW45, a Member of a Remarkably Competitive Group of Negativicutes in the Firmicutes Phylum.

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    The genome of Pelosinus fermentans JBW45, isolated from a chromium-contaminated site in Hanford, Washington, USA, has been completed with PacBio sequencing. Nine copies of the rRNA gene operon and multiple transposase genes with identical sequences resulted in breaks in the original draft genome and may suggest genomic instability of JBW45

    Efeito Da Temperatura Sobre O Crescimento Micelial De Trichoderma, Sclerotinia Minor E S. Sclerotiorum E Sobre O Micoparasitismo

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    Environmental conditions are very important for the biological control of plant diseases. In a previous study, isolates of Trichoderma asperellum (IBLF 897, IBLF 904 and IBLF 914) and T. asperelloides (IBLF 908) were selected as antagonists of S. minor and S. sclerotiorum, causal agents of lettuce drop, one of the most relevant diseases affecting the lettuce crop. In this subsequent study, the mycelial growth of these isolates and pathogens, as well as the mycoparasitism of isolate IBLF 914, was evaluated at different temperatures. The mycelial growth of the isolates of T. asperellum and T. asperelloides, as well as of S. minor and S. sclerotiorum, was evaluated at temperatures ranging from 7 to 42°C. The parasitism of propagules of S. minor and S. sclerotiorum by the isolate IBLF 914, as well as the number of lettuce seedlings surviving drop, was evaluated at 12, 17, 22, 27 and 32°C, in gerboxes containing substrate. S. minor and S. sclerotiorum showed mycelial growth at temperatures ranging from 7 to 27°C, but no growth occurred at 32 °C, and both pathogens had greater mycelial growth at 22°C. The isolates of Trichoderma grew at temperatures ranging from 12 to 37°C, with maximum growth at 27°C. The isolate IBLF 914 had mycoparasitism and reduced the disease in lettuce seedlings at temperatures ranging from 22 to 32°C. Since lettuce drop occurs when mild temperatures and high humidity prevail and the antagonist was more effective at higher temperatures, it is recommended that Trichoderma is applied in lettuce fields in Brazil also during warmer months of the year to reduce the inoculum remaining in the soil before planting the winter crop, which is more affected by the disease. © 2016, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). All rights reserved.42322222

    Prospective randomized trial evaluating mandatory second look surgery with HIPEC and CRS vs. standard of care in patients at high risk of developing colorectal peritoneal metastases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The standard of care for colorectal peritoneal carcinomatosis is evolving from chemotherapy to cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) for patients with disease limited to the peritoneum. Peritoneal carcinomatosis from colorectal cancer treated with chemotherapy alone results in median survival of 5 to 13 months, whereas CRS with HIPEC for early peritoneal carcinomatosis from colorectal cancer resulted in median survival of 48-63 months and 5 year survival of 51%.</p> <p>Completeness of cytoreduction and limited disease are associated with longer survival, yet early peritoneal carcinomatosis is undetectable by conventional imaging. Exploratory laparotomy can successfully identify early disease, but this approach can only be justified in patients with high risk of peritoneal carcinomatosis. Historical data indicates that patients presenting with synchronous peritoneal carcinomatosis, ovarian metastases, perforated primary tumor, and emergency presentation with bleeding or obstructing lesions are at high risk of peritoneal carcinomatosis. Approximately 55% of these patient populations will develop peritoneal carcinomatosis. We hypothesize that performing a mandatory second look laparotomy with CRS and HIPEC for patients who are at high risk for developing peritoneal carcinomatosis from colorectal cancer will lead to improved survival as compared to patients who receive standard of care with routine surveillance.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>This study is a prospective randomized trial designed to answer the question whether mandatory second look surgery with CRS and HIPEC will prolong overall survival compared to the standard of care in patients who are at high risk for developing peritoneal carcinomatosis from colorectal cancer (CRC). Patients with CRC at high risk for developing peritoneal carcinomatosis who underwent curative surgery and subsequently received standard of care adjuvant chemotherapy will be evaluated. The patients who remain without evidence of disease by imaging, physical examination, and tumor markers for 12 months after the primary operation will be randomized to mandatory second look surgery or standard-of-care surveillance. At laparotomy, CRS and HIPEC will be performed with intraperitoneal oxaliplatin with concurrent systemic 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin. Up to 100 patients will be enrolled to allow for 35 evaluable patients in each arm; accrual is expected to last 5 years.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT01095523</p

    Anomalous Strain Rate Effect in Ultrafine Grained Titanium

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    An anomalous effect was found in the strain rate dependence of severe plastic deformed commercially pure titanium with ultrafinegrained structure. A maximum tensile strength was obtained for ϵ˙=10−3s−1. This did not allow a single strain rate sensitivity parameter to be defined in the interval from ϵ˙=10−5to10−1s−1. Distinct deformation mechanisms for lower and higher strain rates might be the reason for this anomaly

    Radiofrequency Ablation Resulting in Left Lobe Hypertrophy and Improved Resectability

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    Surgical resection for colorectal liver metastases may only be considered when an adequate functional residual volume can be preserved. Selective portal venous embolisation may be used to increase this volume, whilst chemotherapy and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) can be used to treat inoperable lesions. A 73-year-old man with liver metastasis proceeded to surgery, with the intention to perform a right hemi-hepatectomy. Unexpectedly at laparotomy, despite adequate pre-operative imaging, both the right and middle hepatic veins were involved. At that time extended right hemi-hepatectomy was contraindicated by insufficient residual volume and RFA was performed. Follow-up imaging revealed atrophy of the lesion. Significantly, there was also left lateral lobe hypertrophy sufficient to permit resection, which was performed without complication. Thrombosis of intra-hepatic portal veins is a recognised complication of RFA but here it appears to have been beneficial. The case highlights the need for regular review of unresectable hepatic disease by a liver surgeon and could suggest new modalities of portal embolisation

    Re-theorizing the “Structure–Agency” Relationship: Figurational Theory, Organizational Change and the Gaelic Athletic Association

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    This article illustrates how the figurational sociology associated with Norbert Elias provides an alternative theoretical framework for explaining the relationship between, ‘individualorganization- society’ and organizational change, and in so doing transverses what is conceived as a false dichotomy between structure and agency. Through an historical case study of the Gaelic Athletic Association in Ireland, the ‘individual-organization-society’ relationship is conceptualized as overlapping figurations and organizational change is explained as figurational dynamics—the shifting social interdependencies between the individuals and groups comprising an organization, between that organization and other organizations, between social groups on a higher level of integration and competition. In tandem with this, the article illustrates how changes in the sources of power and identity are connected with these figurational dynamics

    The short-duration GRB 050724 host galaxy in the context of the long-duration GRB hosts

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    We report optical and near-infrared broad band observations of the short-duration GRB 050724 host galaxy, used to construct its spectral energy distribution (SED). Unlike the hosts of long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which show younger stellar populations, the SED of the GRB 050724 host galaxy is optimally fitted with a synthetic elliptical galaxy template based on an evolved stellar population (age ~2.6 Gyr). The SED of the host is difficult to reproduce with non-evolving metallicity templates. In contrast, if the short GRB host galaxy metallicity enrichment is considered, the synthetic templates fit the observed SED satisfactorily. The internal host extinction is low (A_v \~< 0.4 mag) so it cannot explain the faintness of the afterglow. This short GRB host galaxy is more massive (~5x10^10 Mo) and luminous (~1.1 L*) than most of the long-duration GRB hosts. A statistical comparison based on the ages of short- and long-duration GRB host galaxies strongly suggests that short-duration GRB hosts contain, on average, older progenitors. These findings support a different origin for short- and long-duration GRBs.Comment: A&A in pres