171 research outputs found

    Determination of environmental flows in rivers using an integrated hydrological-hydrodynamic-habitat modelling approach

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    [EN] We propose the novel integrated modelling procedure 3H-EMC for the determination of the environmental flow in rivers and streams; 3H-EMC combines Hydrological, Hydrodynamic and Habitat modelling with the use of the Environmental Management Classes (EMCs) that are defined by the Global Environmental Flow Calculator. We apply 3H-EMC in the Sperchios River in Central Greece, in which water abstractions for irrigation cause significant environmental impacts. Calculations of the hydrodynamic-habitat model, in which the large and the small chub are the main fish species, suggest discharge values that range from 1.0 m3/s to 4.0 m3/s. However, hydrological modelling indicates that it is practically difficult to achieve discharges that are higher than approximately 1.0-1.5 m3/s. Furthermore, legislation suggests significantly lower values (0.4-0.5 m3/s) that are unacceptable from the ecological point of view. This behaviour shows that a non-integrated approach, which is based only on hydrodynamic-habitat modelling does not necessarily result in realistic environmental flows, and thus an integrated approach is required. We propose the value of 1.0 m3/s as the "optimum" environmental flow for Sperchios River, because (a) it satisfies the habitat requirements, as expressed by the values of weighted useable area that are equal to 2180 and 1964 m2 for the large and small chub, respectively, and correspond to 82 and 95% of their respective maximum values, (b) it is consistent with the requirements of Environmental Classes A and B, whose percentiles are higher than 75% for discharge (77.2%) and for habitat availability (>83.5% for the large chub and >85.0% for the small chub), (c) it is practically achievable from the hydrological point of view, and (d) it is higher than the value proposed by the Greek legislation. The proposed modelling approach can be applied to any river or stream using the same or similar modelling tools, which should be linked via suitable coupling algorithms.Hydraulic field measurements were performed within the framework of a research project by the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research (HCMR) entitled KRIPIS “Development of an integrated management system for river basin, coastal and marine zones” (http://imbriw.hcmr.gr/en/). Fish habitat data were collected within the framework of the ECOFLOW research project (www. ecoflow.gr). A part of the modelling work has been performed, while the first author was a visiting professor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM); thanks are due to the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).Stamou, A.; Polydera, A.; Papadonikolaki, G.; Martinez-Capel, F.; Muñoz Mas, R.; Papadaki, C.; Zogaris, S.... (2018). Determination of environmental flows in rivers using an integrated hydrological-hydrodynamic-habitat modelling approach. Journal of Environmental Management. 209:273-285. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.12.038S27328520

    Study of K0(1430)K^*_0(1430) and a0(980)a_0(980) from BK0(1430)πB\to K^*_0(1430)\pi and Ba0(980)KB\to a_0(980)K Decays

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    We use the decay modes BK0(1430)πB \to K^*_0(1430) \pi and Ba0(980)KB \to a_0(980) K to study the scalar mesons K0(1430)K^*_0(1430) and a0(980)a_0(980) within perturbative QCD framework. For BK0(1430)πB \to K^*_0(1430) \pi, we perform our calculation in two scenarios of the scalar meson spectrum. The results indicate that scenario II is more favored by experimental data than scenario I. The important contribution from annihilation diagrams can enhance the branching ratios about 50% in scenario I, and about 30% in scenario II. The predicted branching ratio of Ba0(980)KB \to a_0(980) K in scenario I is also less favored by the experiments. The direct CP asymmetries in BK0(1430)πB \to K^*_0(1430) \pi are small, which are consistent with the present experiments.Comment: More references are added. Published Versio

    High-Tc via electron polar coupling: relation to low-Tc superconductivity and to chiral symmetry in particle physics

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    Directional coupling of Thornber-Feynman polarization with the high-Tc ARPES distribution specifies the optimum flatband pseudogap \Delta and mobile localized quasiparticle. This coupling peaks by tuning the statistics and interaction energy to produce stable short-ranged directional pairing that reflects the lattice asymmetry. Analogous energy gap and BCS ratio parameters are identified for low-Tc long-range acoustical phonons and for quark-anti-quark tightly bound chiral pions in particle physics.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physica

    2d Stringy Black Holes and Varying Constants

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    Motivated by the recent interest on models with varying constants and whether black hole physics can constrain such theories, two-dimensional charged stringy black holes are considered. We exploit the role of two-dimensional stringy black holes as toy models for exploring paradoxes which may lead to constrains on a theory. A two-dimensional charged stringy black hole is investigated in two different settings. Firstly, the two-dimensional black hole is treated as an isolated object and secondly, it is contained in a thermal environment. In both cases, it is shown that the temperature and the entropy of the two-dimensional charged stringy black hole are decreased when its electric charge is increased in time. By piecing together our results and previous ones, we conclude that in the context of black hole thermodynamics one cannot derive any model independent constraints for the varying constants. Therefore, it seems that there aren't any varying constant theories that are out of favor with black hole thermodynamics.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, to appear in JHE

    Recent Results from PHOBOS at RHIC

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    The PHOBOS experiment at RHIC has recorded measurements for Au-Au collisions spanning nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energies from 19.6 GeV to 200 GeV. Global observables such as elliptic flow and charged particle multiplicity provide important constraints on model predictions that characterize the state of matter produced in these collisions. The nearly 4 pi acceptance of the PHOBOS experiment provides excellent coverage for complete flow and multiplicity measurements. Results including beam energy and centrality dependencies are presented and compared to elementary systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, proceedings from PANIC02 in Osaka, Japa

    Global Observations from PHOBOS

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    Particle production in Au+Au collisions has been measured in the PHOBOS experiment at RHIC for a range of collision energies. Three empirical observations have emerged from this dataset which require theoretical examination. First, there is clear evidence of limiting fragmentation. Namely, particle production in central Au+Au collisions, when expressed as dN/dηdN/d\eta' (ηηybeam\eta' \equiv \eta-y_{beam}), becomes energy independent at high energy for a broad region of η\eta' around η=0\eta'=0. This energy-independent region grows with energy, allowing only a limited region (if any) of longitudinal boost-invariance. Second, there is a striking similarity between particle production in e+e- and Au+Au collisions (scaled by the number of participating nucleon pairs). Both the total number of produced particles and the longitudinal distribution of produced particles are approximately the same in e+e- and in scaled Au+Au. This observation was not predicted and has not been explained. Finally, particle production has been found to scale approximately with the number of participating nucleon pairs for Npart>65N_{part}>65. This scaling occurs both for the total multiplicity and for high \pT particles (3 <\pT< 4.5 GeV/c).Comment: QM2002 plenary talk, 10 pages, 11 figure

    Universal Behavior of Charged Particle Production in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    The PHOBOS experiment at RHIC has measured the multiplicity of primary charged particles as a function of centrality and pseudorapidity in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 19.6, 130 and 200 GeV. Two kinds of universal behavior are observed in charged particle production in heavy ion collisions. The first is that forward particle production, over a range of energies, follows a universal limiting curve with a non-trivial centrality dependence. The second arises from comparisons with pp/pbar-p and e+e- data. N_tot/(N_part/2) in nuclear collisions at high energy scales with sqrt(s) in a similar way as N_tot in e+e- collisions and has a very weak centrality dependence. This feature may be related to a reduction in the leading particle effect due to the multiple collisions suffered per participant in heavy ion collisions.Comment: 4 Pages, 5 Figures, contributed to the Proceedings of Quark Matter 2002, Nantes, France, 18-24 July 200

    Fast route to obtain Al2O3-based nanocomposites employing graphene oxide: Synthesis and Sintering

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    A fast approach based on microwave technology was employed for the sintering of novel composites of alumina and using graphene oxide (GO) as susceptor. The thermal stability and structure of GO materials produced by chemical oxidation of graphite were characterized. The morphology, structure and mechanical properties of the composites sintered by microwave approach were reported to the counterparts sintered by conventional method. The results indicated the formation of an interconnecting graphene network promoted the electrical conductivity in the composite having only 2 wt.% GO. Hardness and elastic modulus decreased significantly in samples sintered by conventional method due to lower values of density while microwave technology allowed to achieve a positive effect on the densification and showed a smaller grain size when compared to the one achieved by conventional heating. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Financial support from European Commission (project no. NMP3-SL-2010-246073), Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (project SP20120677) and Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad - MINECO (project TEC2012-37532-C02-01, co-funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Funds) is gratefully acknowledged. A.B. acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contract JCI-2011-10498). A.P. acknowledges support from Romanian Authority for Scientific Research - UEFISCDI (project no. PN-II-RU-PD-2012-3-0124).Benavente Martínez, R.; Pruna, AI.; Borrell Tomás, MA.; Salvador Moya, MD.; Pullini, D.; Penaranda-Foix, FL.; Busquets Mataix, DJ. (2015). Fast route to obtain Al2O3-based nanocomposites employing graphene oxide: Synthesis and Sintering. Materials Research Bulletin. 64:245-251. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.materresbull.2014.12.075S2452516

    Potential red-flag identification of colorectal adenomas with wide-field fluorescence molecular endoscopy

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    Adenoma miss rates in colonoscopy are unacceptably high, especially for sessile serrated adenomas / polyps (SSA/Ps) and in high-risk populations, such as patients with Lynch syndrome. Detection rates may be improved by fluorescence molecular endoscopy (FME), which allows morphological visualization of lesions with high-definition white-light imaging as well as fluorescence-guided identification of lesions with a specific molecular marker. In a clinical proof-of-principal study, we investigated FME for colorectal adenoma detection, using a fluorescently labelled antibody (bevacizumab-800CW) against vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA), which is highly upregulated in colorectal adenomas. Methods: Patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (n = 17), received an intravenous injection with 4.5, 10 or 25 mg of bevacizumab-800CW. Three days later, they received NIR-FME. Results: VEGFA-targeted NIR-FME detected colorectal adenomas at all doses. Best results were achieved in the highest (25 mg) cohort, which even detected small adenomas ( < 3 mm). Spectroscopy analyses of freshly excised specimen demonstrated the highest adenoma-to-normal ratio of 1.84 for the 25 mg cohort, with a calculated median tracer concentration in adenomas of 6.43 nmol/mL. Ex vivo signal analyses demonstrated NIR fluorescence within the dysplastic areas of the adenomas. Conclusion: These results suggest that NIR-FME is clinically feasible as a real-time, red-flag technique for detection of colorectal adenomas