8 research outputs found

    Menjadi Muslim di Freiburg: Studi Kasus Praktik Keagamaan Komunitas Muslim di Freiburg, Jerman

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    There are many studies focus on minority cases that done by many researchers or scholars. But most of studies correlate minority group with the discrimination issues, human right, freedom, or the relation toward majority group and state. This study, then, provides another side of minority life of Moslem in Freiburg, Germany. Specifically, this study is explaining the religious practice of Moslem in Freiburg and asking on how do Moslems practice their religion in Freiburg individually,how does the Moslems daily life in Freiburg regarding the religious practice, and how does the Moslem organizations role for the existence of the Islam religious practice in Freiburg. To gain data, this research uses qualitative method through observation, participant observation, and interview. From this research, well know that every Moslem has their own ways to practice their religion.They still associate themselves toward the community or organization based on ethnic or nationality, including practicing religious rituals. Some of informants are still identifying themselves as Turkish, Palestinian, Arabic, Algerian, or other nationality not as Freiburger. In addition, there are some changes regarding Islamic religious practice. They also do not always require the provision of facilities, but tend to adapt for their religious practice. In their daily interaction, not all of the informants are interacting with their non-Moslem friends. The level of religiosity also affect their social interaction and ways to practice religion. However, they are still trying to achieve the balance of life, both as Moslem and Freiburger.Key words: Moslem community, religious practice, ethnic boundary, interaction, adaptation

    Ethno-Ecotourism in Kulon Progo, Indonesia: A Downstreaming Process of Natural Resources-Based Products with A Touch of Cultural Resources

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    Kulon Progo is a regency in the Special Province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, which has a remarkable potentials to be developed into tourist attractions due to its wealth of natural and cultural resources. The ethno-ecotourism in Kulon Progo is a new form of sustainable tourism development that combines ethno tourism and ecotourism activities. This concept was currently developed by the World Bank which aims to position indigenous communities as the primary stakeholder of tourism development. Downstreaming is a clustering concept to increase the added value of a product by avoiding the sale of primary forms of natural resources. This study aims to identify the potential tourism activities that will emerge in the process of developing natural resource-based products that are processed into new tourism products through the touch of cultural resources. This descriptive-analytical study using the grounded theory approach. There are a number of data collection methods utilised to undertaken this research. The primary data were collected through a systematic observation, key informants, and in-depth interviews. The secondary data were collected through literature study by using tourism and economic surveys in Kulon Progo Regency. Collected data sets were analyzed by employing interactive model analysis, triangulation, and downstream product approaches with three variables: upstream, midstream, and downstream clusters. The findings indicated that the apparent potentials lie on the processing of natural resource-based products such as cocoa, pennywort leaves, palm sugar, dragon fruit, coffee, and tea, which can be developed into various types of derivative tourism products. The first cluster is upstream or the exploration phase. The tourism activities formed in it, for instance, are the introduction of the type of vegetation, the methods of planting, and the process of farming. The second cluster is the middle stream or the processing phase. The tourism activities are in the form of a workshop on processing raw materials into finished goods. The last cluster is downstream or the packaging phase. The tourism activities are in the forms of the consumption and packaging as souvenirs of the finished products

    Difa City Tour dan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Wisata Difabel

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    Various sectors seem to ignore the existence of persons with disabilities, including the tourism industry. The majority of tourist destinations have not provided accessible facilities for them. Transportation services also do not accommodate the mobility needs of persons with disabilities. This study focused on Ojek Difa in Yogyakarta. Through observation and interviews, qualitative data was obtained to see the recreational needs of persons with disabilities and how the roles of Ojek Difa. The study found that people with disabilities have different ways of defining tourism activities. Ojek Difa offers Difa City Tour to provide services for disabled people who want to take a tour in the city or visit other tourist destinations. The existence of Difa City Tour in the Ojek Difa organization shows the importance of involving service providers from groups of persons with disabilities in the tourism sector, especially in serving disabled tourists.[Berbagai sektor tampak mengabaikan keberadaan difabel, termasuk industri pariwisata. Mayoritas destinasi wisata belum menyediakan fasilitas yang aksesibel bagi difabel. Layanan transportasi juga kurang mengakomodasi kebutuhan mobilitas difabel. Penelitian ini terfokus pada Ojek Difa di Yogyakarta yang memberikan layanan mobilitas bagi para difabel. Melalui observasi dan wawancara, data kualitatif diperoleh untuk melihat kebutuhan wisata para difabel. Penelitian menemukan bahwa para difabel memiliki cara berbeda dalam mendefinisikan kegiatan wisata. Ojek Difa menawarkan Difa City Tour untuk menyediakan layanan bagi para difabel yang ingin melakukan tur dalam kota atau mengunjungi destinasi wisata lainnya. Eksistensi Difa City Tour dalam organisasi Ojek Difa menunjukkan pentingnya melibatkan pegawai atau penyedia layanan dari kelompok difabel di sektor pariwisata terutama dalam melayani para wisatawan difabel.]


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    Food or culinary tourism is an activity that cannot be missed during destination visit and Pasar Papringan in Temanggung, Central Java is an interesting case to study. This study then aims to see the contribution of Pasar Papringan as a culinary tourism destination as a model for sustainable tourism development. The research data was collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and literature review. Interviews were conducted with parties who are directly involved in the development of Pasar Papringan, such as initiators, volunteers, culinary curators, and local residents. Meanwhile, observations were conducted by looking at market implementation practices during the event. The literature study was carried out by researchers referring to references about food tourism, sustainable tourism development, and local empowerment. The re-emergence of traditional local foods shows the efforts to preserve the heritage of the ancestors in the form of food, so that it can still be enjoyed by today's generations. In addition, the active involvement of the local community living around the Pasar Papringan location shows the steps for the welfare of local residents. They get additional income from the activities at Pasar Papringan. Thus, it can be said that local people are economically and even socially empowered. Even further, the eco-friendly or green concept promoted by Pasar Papringan makes it clear that the market cares about environmental sustainability issues, which of course also becomes a point in the development of sustainable tourism. One other point that is no less important is the support and intervention of several communities, such as Spedagi movement and the Komunitas Mata Air, which are able to make Pasar Papringan a leading tourist destination with a unique and distinctive appeal


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    Go-jek merupakan perusahaan berjiwa sosial yang memimpin revolusi industry transportasi ojek. Bentuk perjanjian kerjasama kemitraan PT.Go-jek apakah dapat dikategorikan kedalam hubungan kerja dan bagaimana perlindungannya. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui dan memahami mengenai perjanjian yang terjadi antara PT. Go-jek dengan driver dan perlindungannya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan analisis konsep hukum. Kesimpulan dan analisis dari penelitian ini adalah hubungan hukum yang terjalin antara PT.Gojek dengan driver merupakan hubungan kerja dan mendapat perlindungan sesuai dengan Undang-Undang ketenagakerjaan

    Ethno-Ecotourism in Kulon Progo, Indonesia: A Downstreaming Process of Natural Resources-Based Products with A Touch of Cultural Resources

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    Kulon Progo is a regency in the Special Province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, which has a remarkable potentials to be developed into tourist attractions due to its wealth of natural and cultural resources. The ethno-ecotourism in Kulon Progo is a new form of sustainable tourism development that combines ethno tourism and ecotourism activities. This concept was currently developed by the World Bank which aims to position indigenous communities as the primary stakeholder of tourism development. Downstreaming is a clustering concept to increase the added value of a product by avoiding the sale of primary forms of natural resources. This study aims to identify the potential tourism activities that will emerge in the process of developing natural resource-based products that are processed into new tourism products through the touch of cultural resources. This descriptive-analytical study using the grounded theory approach. There are a number of data collection methods utilised to undertaken this research. The primary data were collected through a systematic observation, key informants, and in-depth interviews. The secondary data were collected through literature study by using tourism and economic surveys in Kulon Progo Regency. Collected data sets were analyzed by employing interactive model analysis, triangulation, and downstream product approaches with three variables: upstream, midstream, and downstream clusters. The findings indicated that the apparent potentials lie on the processing of natural resource-based products such as cocoa, pennywort leaves, palm sugar, dragon fruit, coffee, and tea, which can be developed into various types of derivative tourism products. The first cluster is upstream or the exploration phase. The tourism activities formed in it, for instance, are the introduction of the type of vegetation, the methods of planting, and the process of farming. The second cluster is the middle stream or the processing phase. The tourism activities are in the form of a workshop on processing raw materials into finished goods. The last cluster is downstream or the packaging phase. The tourism activities are in the forms of the consumption and packaging as souvenirs of the finished products


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    Yogyakarta, Indonesia is home to a number of popular tourist spots, in addition to being the city of one of the top tertiary institutions, Universitas Gadjah Mada. However, this one of Indonesia's oldest colleges still offers only a few recreational opportunities and tourist attractions. This study aims to identify alternative tourism potentials at UGM by extracting data about cultural heritage, philosophy, and inspirational figures—the three main elements in this research—in order to close the gap and provide the concept of edu-heritage tour within the context of the university. The data collection method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative, includes literature reviews, documentation, observation, and in-depth interviews. The three components of this study's structure include various key ideas, such as the metaphysical dimension, epistemological dimension, axiological dimension, heritage, history, international participation, roles in academic disciplines, and views and values of life. Each component communicates a variety of values, such as adversity, openness, simplicity, unity, independence, assurance, integrity, and so on. The tour material, which consists of three components and the core values, is then created to become an educational tourism activity, with design work beginning with archival studies and ending with a brochure and poster creation. This alternative tourism activity is anticipated to adhere to the notion of sustainable tourism, which uses travel as a platform for reflection and education to raise awareness of the importance of upholding values and expressing them through actions that are morally and responsibly.Preferensi wisatawan dalam mencari bentuk dan pengalaman baru dalam berwisata mendorong kecenderungan untuk memilih wisata minat khusus. Berbagai model atraksi dan aktivitas wisata alternatif semakin banyak ditawarkan, seperti wisata agro, wisata olahraga, wisata kuliner, hingga wisata edukasi. Yogyakarta, Indonesia merupakan rumah bagi berbagai destinasi wisata sekaligus kota salah satu perguruan tinggi unggulan, yaitu Universitas Gadjah Mada. Meski demikian, masih minim aktivitas dan atraksi wisata yang ditawarkan di salah satu universitas tertua di Indonesia ini. Penelitian ini mencoba mengisi celah tersebut, sekaligus menawarkan konsep edu-heritage tour dalam konteks universitas. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data meliputi studi literatur, observasi, dan wawancara. Studi literatur memiliki porsi yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan teknik lainnya, mengingat banyak data yang dapat digali dari arsip lama UGM. Observasi dilakukan untuk memvalidasi kembali data dari arsip dengan kondisi terkini. Sementara, wawancara dilakukan dengan pakar nilai sejarah dan budaya UGM. Penelitian ini berfokus pada tiga unsur utama yang mengacu pada tujuan pendidikan dan inspirasi, antara lain figur, filosofi, dan warisan budaya. Storytelling juga disusun untuk membingkai dan menyatukan ketiga unsur tersebut. Kegiatan wisata alternatif ini diharapkan sejalan dengan konsep pariwisata berkelanjutan yang menjadikan pariwisata sebagai media edukasi dan refleksi, sehingga tumbuh kesadaran untuk ikut menjaga dan melestarikan nilai-nilai serta mengekspresikannya melalui tindakan yang berintegritas dan bertanggung jawab