13 research outputs found

    Phylogeny-Directed Search for Murine Leukemia Virus-Like Retroviruses in Vertebrate Genomes and in Patients Suffering from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Prostate Cancer

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    Gammaretrovirus-like sequences occur in most vertebrate genomes. Murine Leukemia Virus (MLV) like retroviruses (MLLVs) are a subset, which may be pathogenic and spread cross-species. Retroviruses highly similar to MLLVs (xenotropic murine retrovirus related virus (XMRV) and Human Mouse retrovirus-like RetroViruses (HMRVs)) reported from patients suffering from prostate cancer (PC) and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) raise the possibility that also humans have been infected. Structurally intact, potentially infectious MLLVs occur in the genomes of some mammals, especially mouse. Mouse MLLVs contain three major groups. One, MERV G3, contained MLVs and XMRV/HMRV. Its presence in mouse DNA, and the abundance of xenotropic MLVs in biologicals, is a source of false positivity. Theoretically, XMRV/HMRV could be one of several MLLV transspecies infections. MLLV pathobiology and diversity indicate optimal strategies for investigating XMRV/HMRV in humans and raise ethical concerns. The alternatives that XMRV/HMRV may give a hard-to-detect “stealth” infection, or that XMRV/HMRV never reached humans, have to be considered

    Microsphere-based antibody assays for human parvovirus B19V, CMV and T. gondii

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    Background: Human parvovirus B19 (B19V), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) may cause intrauterine infections with potentially severe consequences to the fetus. Current serodiagnosis of these infections is based on detection of antibodies most often by EIA and individually for each pathogen. We developed singleplex and multiplex microsphere-based Suspension Immuno Assays (SIAs) for the simultaneous detection of IgG antibodies against B19V, CMV and T. gondii. Methods: We tested the performances of SIAs as compared to in-house and commercial reference assays using serum samples from well-characterized cohorts. Results: The IgG SIAs for CMV and T. gondii showed good concordance with the corresponding Vidas serodiagnostics. The B19V IgG SIA detected IgG in all samples collected >10 days after onset of symptoms and showed high concordance with EIAs (in-house and Biotrin). The serodiagnostics for these three pathogens performed well in multiplex format. Conclusions: We developed singleplex and multiplex IgG SIAs for the detection of anti-B19V,-CMV and -T. gondii antibodies. The SIAs were highly sensitive and specific, and had a wide dynamic range. These components thus should be suitable for construction of a multiplex test for antibody screening during pregnancy.Peer reviewe

    Hybridization properties of long nucleic acid probes for detection of variable target sequences, and development of a hybridization prediction algorithm

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    One of the main problems in nucleic acid-based techniques for detection of infectious agents, such as influenza viruses, is that of nucleic acid sequence variation. DNA probes, 70-nt long, some including the nucleotide analog deoxyribose-Inosine (dInosine), were analyzed for hybridization tolerance to different amounts and distributions of mismatching bases, e.g. synonymous mutations, in target DNA. Microsphere-linked 70-mer probes were hybridized in 3M TMAC buffer to biotinylated single-stranded (ss) DNA for subsequent analysis in a Luminex® system. When mismatches interrupted contiguous matching stretches of 6 nt or longer, it had a strong impact on hybridization. Contiguous matching stretches are more important than the same number of matching nucleotides separated by mismatches into several regions. dInosine, but not 5-nitroindole, substitutions at mismatching positions stabilized hybridization remarkably well, comparable to N (4-fold) wobbles in the same positions. In contrast to shorter probes, 70-nt probes with judiciously placed dInosine substitutions and/or wobble positions were remarkably mismatch tolerant, with preserved specificity. An algorithm, NucZip, was constructed to model the nucleation and zipping phases of hybridization, integrating both local and distant binding contributions. It predicted hybridization more exactly than previous algorithms, and has the potential to guide the design of variation-tolerant yet specific probes

    Murine Gammaretrovirus Group G3 Was Not Found in Swedish Patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

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    BACKGROUND: The recent report of gammaretroviruses of probable murine origin in humans, called xenotropic murine retrovirus related virus (XMRV) and human murine leukemia virus related virus (HMRV), necessitated a bioinformatic search for this virus in genomes of the mouse and other vertebrates, and by PCR in humans. RESULTS: Three major groups of murine endogenous gammaretroviruses were identified. The third group encompassed both exogenous and endogenous Murine Leukemia Viruses (MLVs), and most XMRV/HMRV sequences reported from patients suffering from myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Two sensitive real-time PCRs for this group were developed. The predicted and observed amplification range for these and three published XMRV/HMRV PCRs demonstrated conspicuous differences between some of them, partly explainable by a recombinatorial origin of XMRV. Three reverse transcription real-time PCRs (RTQPCRs), directed against conserved and not overlapping stretches of env, gag and integrase (INT) sequences of XMRV/HMRV were used on human samples. White blood cells from 78 patients suffering from ME/CFS, of which 30 patients also fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia (ME/CFS/FM) and in 7 patients with fibromyalgia (FM) only, all from the Gothenburg area of Sweden. As controls we analyzed 168 sera from Uppsala blood donors. We controlled for presence and amplifiability of nucleic acid and for mouse DNA contamination. To score as positive, a sample had to react with several of the XMRV/HMRV PCRs. None of the samples gave PCR reactions which fulfilled the positivity criteria. CONCLUSIONS: XMRV/HMRV like proviruses occur in the third murine gammaretrovirus group, characterized here. PCRs developed by us, and others, approximately cover this group, except for the INT RTQPCR, which is rather strictly XMRV specific. Using such PCRs, XMRV/HMRV could not be detected in PBMC and plasma samples from Swedish patients suffering from ME/CFS/FM, and in sera from Swedish blood donors

    Development of Real-Time PCR Based Methods for Detection of Viruses and Virus Antibodies

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    Quantitative real-time PCR (QPCR) technology has been very useful for diagnosis of viral diseases. QPCR has recently reached a level of sensitivity, simplicity, and reproducibility which allows a large number of samples to be screened rapidly, make it a suitable tool for the clinical virology diagnostics. In this thesis, broadly targeted and degenerated quantitative QPCR assays were used. A somewhat novel single-tube real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (QRT-PCR), with takes advantage of ability of rTth DNA polymerase to reverse transcribe RNA in the presence of Mn2+ at elevated temperatures and includes protection against amplimer contamination by using thermolabile UNG, was developed. A new technique for diagnostic of recent viral infection by detection of viral immunoglobulin M (IgM) was also developed. In the first paper, a sensitive single-tube QRT-PCR for detection of enteroviral RNA in patients with aseptic meningitis was presented. In the second paper, a single-serum-dilution real-time PCR-based PIA (PCR-enhanced immunoassay), called quantitative PIA (QPIA), to detect enterovirus IgM for diagnosis of EV infection in patients with aseptic meningitis, was also developed. In the third paper, a broadly targeted, simple, single tube degenerated quantitative QPCR technique for detection of JCV, BKV and SV40 DNA was developed. A conserved region of the VP2 gene of JCV, BKV and SV40 was targeted. A false positive result due to contamination with commonly used SV40 T-antigen plasmids was therefore avoided. In manuscript four, the QPIA assay provide a rational strategy for detection of EV IgM, allows the use of viral antigens isolate from newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes patients (T1D-EV-QPIA) to measured IgM against diabetogenic viruses in serum from newly diagnosed T1D children, siblings, and healthy children. To conclude, novel broadly targeted real-time PCR methods for diagnosis of entero- and polyoma viral infections were developed

    Infection Elicited Autoimmunity and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An Explanatory Model

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    Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) often also called chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a common, debilitating, disease of unknown origin. Although a subject of controversy and a considerable scientific literature, we think that a solid understanding of ME/CFS pathogenesis is emerging. In this study, we compiled recent findings and placed them in the context of the clinical picture and natural history of the disease. A pattern emerged, giving rise to an explanatory model. ME/CFS often starts after or during an infection. A logical explanation is that the infection initiates an autoreactive process, which affects several functions, including brain and energy metabolism. According to our model for ME/CFS pathogenesis, patients with a genetic predisposition and dysbiosis experience a gradual development of B cell clones prone to autoreactivity. Under normal circumstances these B cell offsprings would have led to tolerance. Subsequent exogenous microbial exposition (triggering) can lead to comorbidities such as fibromyalgia, thyroid disorder, and orthostatic hypotension. A decisive infectious trigger may then lead to immunization against autoantigens involved in aerobic energy production and/or hormone receptors and ion channel proteins, producing postexertional malaise and ME/CFS, affecting both muscle and brain. In principle, cloning and sequencing of immunoglobulin variable domains could reveal the evolution of pathogenic clones. Although evidence consistent with the model accumulated in recent years, there are several missing links in it. Hopefully, the hypothesis generates testable propositions that can augment the understanding of the pathogenesis of ME/CFS.Funding Agencies|SolveME/CFS Initiative; Swedish ME Association; Open Medicine Foundation [1011454]; Uppsala Academic Hospital [FOU2017-0039]; Invest in ME Foundation, London</p

    Antibodies to Human Herpesviruses in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients

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    Myalgic encephalomyelitis, also referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating disease characterized by myalgia and a sometimes severe limitation of physical activity and cognition. It is exacerbated by physical and mental activity. Its cause is unknown, but frequently starts with an infection. The eliciting infection (commonly infectious mononucleosis or an upper respiratory infection) can be more or less well diagnosed. Among the human herpesviruses (HHV-1 -8), HHV-4 (Epstein-Barr virus; EBV), HHV-6 (including HHV-6A and HHV-6B), and HHV-7, have been implicated in the pathogenesis of ME/CFS. It was therefore logical to search for serological evidence of past herpesvirus infection/reactivation in several cohorts of ME/CFS patients (all diagnosed using the Canada criteria). Control samples were from Swedish blood donors. We used whole purified virus, recombinant proteins, and synthetic peptides as antigens in a suspension multiplex immunoassay (SMIA) for immunoglobulin G (IgG). The study on herpesviral peptides based on antigenicity with human sera yielded novel epitope information. Overall, IgG anti-herpes-viral reactivities of ME/CFS patients and controls did not show significant differences. However, the high precision and internally controlled format allowed us to observe minor relative differences between antibody reactivities of some herpesviral antigens in ME/CFS versus controls. ME/CFS samples reacted somewhat differently from controls with whole virus HHV-1 antigens and recombinant EBV EBNA6 and EA antigens. We conclude that ME/CFS samples had similar levels of IgG reactivity as blood donor samples with HHV-1-7 antigens. The subtle serological differences should not be over-interpreted, but they may indicate that the immune system of some ME/CFS patients interact with the ubiquitous herpesviruses in a way different from that of healthy controls

    Epitopes of Microbial and Human Heat Shock Protein 60 and Their Recognition in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

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    Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME, also called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), a common disease with chronic fatigability, cognitive dysfunction and myalgia of unknown etiology, often starts with an infection. The chaperonin human heat shock protein 60 (HSP60) occurs in mitochondria and in bacteria, is highly conserved, antigenic and a major autoantigen. The anti-HSP60 humoral (IgG and IgM) immune response was studied in 69 ME patients and 76 blood donors (BD) (the Training set) with recombinant human and E coli HSP60, and 136 30-mer overlapping and targeted peptides from HSP60 of humans, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma and 26 other species in a multiplex suspension array. Peptides from HSP60 helix I had a chaperonin-like activity, but these and other HSP60 peptides also bound IgG and IgM with an ME preference, theoretically indicating a competition between HSP60 function and antibody binding. A HSP60-based panel of 25 antigens was selected. When evaluated with 61 other ME and 399 non-ME samples (331 BD, 20 Multiple Sclerosis and 48 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus patients), a peptide from Chlamydia pneumoniae HSP60 detected IgM in 15 of 61 (24%) of ME, and in 1 of 399 non-ME at a high cutoff (p&lt;0.0001). IgM to specific cross-reactive epitopes of human and microbial HSP60 occurs in a subset of ME, compatible with infection-induced autoimmunity

    Comparison of IgG and IgM results.

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    <div><p>A-D: Epitope scanning with synthetic 30-mer peptides overlapping by 15 amino acids, from human HSP60. Peptides were covalently coupled to carboxylated color-coded beads. Binding values were partially subtracted with the non-template control (NTC) value. A. Averages of results with anti-IgG conjugate (protein G). B. Results with IgM (polyclonal anti-human IgM) conjugate. C. Binding of the detection components directly to beads, without presence of patient sample, the NTC. D. 10-logarithm of the p value from the Fischer Exact Test (FET). The upper arrow shows the p value of peptides with ME preference, the lower one shows the p value of peptides with BD preference. The red line denotes a p value of 0.001. Error bars denote standard error of the mean. The dark blue bars (pt_avg) denote averages from ME patient samples, the light blue bars (bd_avg) from BD. The abscissa shows results with successive overlapping peptides (G1-G38). </p> <p>E-H: Further epitope scanning of human HSP60. Peptide sequences were displaced three times, three amino acids at a time, either towards the amino end of human HSP60 (peptides a-c), or towards the carboxyl end (peptides d-f), starting either from peptide G15, or peptide G20. Abbreviations and conventions are as in A--D.</p></div

    Epitope scanning with overlapping <i>Chlamydia pneumoniae</i> HSP60 peptides coupled with short (tri-ethylene glycol; C series) and long (hexa-ethylene glycol; E series) spacer.

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    <p>Reactions (MFI, after subtraction of NTC values) in the IgG and IgM assays, were measured. Frames E and F show the NTC values. Frames G and H show the probabilities calculated according to the Fisher Exact Test. The red line shows an estimated probability of 0.001. </p