5,385 research outputs found

    Christophe Couderc & Marcella Trambaioli, eds., «Paradigmas teatrales en la Europa moderna: circulación e influencias (Italia, España, Francia, siglos XVI-XVII)»

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    Reseña de Christophe Couderc y Marcella Trambaioli, eds., Paradigmas teatrales en la Europa moderna: circulación e influencias (Italia, España, Francia, siglos XVI-XVII), Presses Universitaires du Midi («Anejos de Criticón», 21), Toulouse, 2016, 344 pp. ISBN: 9782810704781.Review of Christophe Couderc y Marcella Trambaioli, eds., Paradigmas teatrales en la Europa moderna: circulación e influencias (Italia, España, Francia, siglos XVI-XVII), Presses Universitaires du Midi («Anejos de Criticón», 21), Toulouse, 2016, 344 pp. ISBN: 9782810704781

    Modelling Private Wealth Accumulation and Spend-down in the Italian Microsimulation Model CAPP_DYN: A Life-Cycle Approach

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    In microsimulation literature a limited number of models include a module aimed at analyzing and projecting the evolution of privat e wealth over time. However, this issue appears crucial in order to comprehensively evaluate the li kely distributional effects of institutional reforms adopted to cope with population ageing. In this work we describe the implementation in the Italian dynamic micro simulation model CAPP_DYN of a new module in which households\u2019 savings and asset allocation are modelled. In parti cular, we aim to account for possible behavioural responses to pension reforms in househo ld savings. To this end, we rely on an approximate life cycle structural framework for est imating saving behaviour, while adopting a traditional stochastic micro simulation approach fo r asset allocation. In line with Ando and Nicoletti Altimari (2004), we emphasize the role of lifetime economic resources in households\u2019 consumption decisions, yet we further account for i nternal habit formation and subjective expectations on pension outcomes in the econometric stage. In addition, we model intergenerational transfers of private wealth in a probabilistic fashio

    Il filosofo di campagna goldoniano tradotto da Ramón de la Cruz Note di lingua e riscrittura

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    Il saggio analizza dal punto di vista linguistico-letterario alcuni passi della zarzuela di Ramón de la Cruz El filósofo ldeano,traduzione-adattamento di un dramma giocoso goldoniano, allo scopo di identificare le linee maestre seguite dal drammaturgo spagnolo per la sua rielaborazione drammatica. La campionatura dei testi, che tiene conto sia delle tipologie testuali che della caratterizzazione comica o seria dei personaggi, permette di enucleare la tendenza di Ramón de la Cruz ad accentuare il carattere popolare - con un abbassamento stilistico-linguistico del dettato - delle figure comiche. Se nel caso di Don Alfonso e dello scrivano, lo scopo è quello parodistico, caricaturale; nel caso del contadino-filosofo (e della servetta, qui vista di sfuggita), gli interventi vanno, invece, in direzione opposta.This essay discusses, from a linguistic-literary viewpoint, some movements of the zarzuela El Filósofo Aldeano by Ramón de la Cruz (which is a translation-adaptation of a goldonian "dramma giocoso"), with the aim of identifying the framework followed by the Spanish playwright in order to achieve his dramatic re-elaboration. Our sampling of the texts, which takes into account the textual typologies as much as the characterization (serious or comic) of the characters, allows us to elucidate de la Cruz's tendency to emphasise the popular character of the comic figures (which also involves a stylistic lowering of the dictation). If in the case of Don Alfonso and of the scrivener the purpose is parodic or caricaturesque, in the case of the peasant-philosopher (and of the servant, seen here in passing) the interventions work, on the contrary, in the opposite direction

    The Introduction of a Private Wealth Module in CAPP_DYN: an Overview

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    Household saving rate in Italy declined over the last two decades.This trend still persists despite three pension reforms have been enacted since the beginning of the nineties. In this paper we search further evidence of general macroeconomic effects through the analysis of households behaviour. In the first part of the paper we use data from five surveys of the Bank of Italy Surveys of Household Income and Wealth (SHIW) to estimate the lifetime profiles of saving and wealth accumulation. Estimates show that the age profile of the propensity to save has been influenced more by cohort effects than by general trend effects; whereas the age profile of the ratios of financial assets to disposable income has been subject to relevant trend effects. In the second part of the paper we analyse the effects of pension reforms on saving behaviour of Italian Households. Firstly we use a difference-in-difference estimator in order to test whether the groups more severely hit by the reforms actually increased their saving rate relative to the other groups. Then we estimate the Social Security Net Wealth (SSWN) for each individual in the SHIW in the analysed period (1989-2000). Finally we estimate the substitution coefficient between SSWN and private wealth taking into account that the reaction of saving to a change in SSWN depends also on age of the individual. Our results show that the reduction of SSWN is unequally distributed across individuals. The cut is stronger for self employed, young workers and women. Most of the groups more severely hit by the reforms did not increase their saving rate relative to the control group: younger households, in particular, did not increase the saving rate. On the whole a reduction of one Euro in SSWN seems to induce, on the average, a compensating increase in private wealth by about fifty cents. The substitution coefficient between private and social security wealth is higher for the richest and oldest part of the sample. Finally when we split the sample observations by year we find that the more dramatised is the impact of the reform, the higher is the substitution coefficient.Pension reform; household saving; social security wealth; difference-in-difference

    Modelling Private Wealth Accumulation and Spend-down in the Italian Microsimulation Model CAPP_DYN: A Life-Cycle Approach

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    In microsimulation literature a limited number of models are provided with a module aimed at analyzing and projecting the evolution of private wealth over time. However, this issue appears crucial in order to get a comprehensive evaluation of the likely distributional effects of institutional reforms adopted to cope with population ageing. In this work we describe the implementation in the Italian dynamic micro simulation model CAPP_DYN of a new module in which household’s savings and asset allocation are modelled. In particular, our efforts are addressed at accounting for some possible behavioural responses to pension reforms in household savings. To this end, we rely on an approximate life cycle structural framework for estimating saving behaviour, while adopting the traditional stochastic micro simulation approach for assets allocation. In line with Ando and Nicoletti Altimari (2004), we emphasize the role of lifetime economic resources in households’ consumption decisions, yet we further account for internal habit formation and subjective expectations on pension outcomes in the econometric stage. In addition, we model intergenerational transfers of private wealth in a probabilistic fashion. Despite possible saving responses to pension reforms, simulated results for the period 2008-2050 suggest a rising dispersion in saving propensity and intergenerational transfers received are largely responsible for the predicted increase in disposable income inequality in the next decades which, differently from the recent past, will also affect the group of elderly.household consumption, habit formation, pension expectations, social security, intergenerational transfers, income and wealth distribution, microsimulation

    Powerline Communication in Home-Building Automation Systems

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    Domotics, Smart Home Systems, Ambient Intelligence are all terms that describe the intelligent cooperation of several different equipments to manage the home environment in an intelligent, safe and comfortable way. The same idea is also applicable to bigger constructions, and in that case it takes the name of Building Automation. Whatever term one wants to use, it refers to a multidisciplinary field that includes informatics, electronics, automation and telecommunication, and also touches fields like building constructions and architecture. In fact, during the process of designing a building, people have to consider appropriate spaces for the electric plant, and if the presence of a domotic system is planned, it is better to take it into account during the design phase, just to optimize spaces, the amount of used wires, the position of the modules and so on. There are really many home system producers in the world (Smart Home Systems, EIB-Konnex, Lonworks, Bticino, Vimar, Duemmegi, EasyDom Corporation, Futurware, Digital Cybermasters, Hills Home Systems, Intellihome etc, just to mention a few) , and their products differ from each others in many characteristics, such as functionality, dimension, weight, typology of installation, materials, net topology, power consumes, aesthetic appearance, communication protocol and communication mean. Regarding this last point, the majority of the domotic systems, especially in Europe, tend to use a dedicated bus cable to exchange data among modules, to make the communication link more robust and reliable. Lately, using radio communication is in fashion, but radio modules, respect to their equivalent standard ones, are more expensive, and in the bargain many people don’t want to use them due to the fear of radio signals (even if it were proved that they are completely harmless). Another communication mean, that is often not taken into account, is the powerline. In point of fact, using the installed poweline wires to send information is a very smart idea: there is no additional cost to install other dozens of meters of wires, there is not the necessity to break the walls and to do building works at home, there are no interferences with other devices (like in the radio communication case) or reflection problems (like in the infrared case), there is the possibility to put the modules in every place (it is sufficient to have an electrical socket in the nearness, or to use an extension cable), there is no need to have an extra power source (usually, in a bus cable domotic system, there is a direct voltage generated by a power supply and distribuited on the whole domotic net). Moreover, powerline communication (PLC, also called BPL in the USA, where the acronym stays for Broadband over Power Line, or NPL, Narroband over Power Line) is not only used in a home environment to create a virtual net among domotic modules, but is also used on the power distribution net to perform actions like reading the electricity meter, monitoring the power consumes and the state of a building, finding faults along the net, detecting illegal electricity usages and to solve the so-called last mile problem , that is the problem related to the final leg of delivering connectivity from a communications provider to a customer. In fact a cheap possibility to cover this final leg is using powerline communication. The intent of this work is therefore to illustrate, going into more details, advantages and disadvantages of the powerline communication systems (PLCS), to show the differences between PLCS for power distribution net and PLCS for home and building environments, to indagate the methods to send data over the powerline, to explain which are the automations that is possible to connect and to control in a powerline domotic system and to show some case studies tackled by the authors

    Biomaterials-Enhanced Intranasal Delivery of Drugs as a Direct Route for Brain Targeting

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    Intranasal (IN) drug delivery is a non-invasive and effective route for the administration of drugs to the brain at pharmacologically relevant concentrations, bypassing the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and minimizing adverse side effects. IN drug delivery can be particularly promising for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. The drug delivery mechanism involves the initial drug penetration through the nasal epithelial barrier, followed by drug diffusion in the perivascular or perineural spaces along the olfactory or trigeminal nerves, and final extracellular diffusion throughout the brain. A part of the drug may be lost by drainage through the lymphatic system, while a part may even enter the systemic circulation and reach the brain by crossing the BBB. Alternatively, drugs can be directly transported to the brain by axons of the olfactory nerve. To improve the effectiveness of drug delivery to the brain by the IN route, various types of nanocarriers and hydrogels and their combinations have been proposed. This review paper analyzes the main biomaterials-based strategies to enhance IN drug delivery to the brain, outlining unsolved challenges and proposing ways to address them

    Angiola d’Orso y la traducción de 'Con quien vengo, vengo'

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    El trabajo de la profesora Marcello trata sobre la traducción italiana de 'Con quien vengo, vengo', llevada a cabo por la actriz italiana Angiola d’Orso en 1666. El análisis de la traducción busca establecer las diferencias de interpretación desde la perspectiva italiana de un texto español visto como contemporáneo. Professor Marcello’s work treats the Italian translation of 'Con quien vengo, vengo', realized by the Italian actress Angiola d’Orso in 1666.The analysis of the translation seeks to establish the differences of interpretation from the Italian perspective of a Spanish text seen as contemporary

    Unsupervised Domain Adaptation using Graph Transduction Games

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    Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) amounts to assigning class labels to the unlabeled instances of a dataset from a target domain, using labeled instances of a dataset from a related source domain. In this paper, we propose to cast this problem in a game-theoretic setting as a non-cooperative game and introduce a fully automatized iterative algorithm for UDA based on graph transduction games (GTG). The main advantages of this approach are its principled foundation, guaranteed termination of the iterative algorithms to a Nash equilibrium (which corresponds to a consistent labeling condition) and soft labels quantifying the uncertainty of the label assignment process. We also investigate the beneficial effect of using pseudo-labels from linear classifiers to initialize the iterative process. The performance of the resulting methods is assessed on publicly available object recognition benchmark datasets involving both shallow and deep features. Results of experiments demonstrate the suitability of the proposed game-theoretic approach for solving UDA tasks.Comment: Oral IJCNN 201