2,301 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de un sistema de PCR en tiempo real para la cuantificación del número de copias de ADN de "Brucella Mellitnesis" en sangre de pacientes con Brucelosis

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Dpto. Medicina Interna. Fecha de lectura: 25 de Septiembre de 2009

    Variables associated with the use of ICT as a didactic strategy in financial mathematics teaching-learning process; an experience from the classroom

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    La inclusión de las TIC (tecnologías de la información y la comunicación) en la educación cobra gran importancia en los procesos de enseñanza. En este artículo se examina la percepción del alumno hacia: el proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la matemática financiera mediado por TIC y sobre algunos conceptos asociados al proceso de enseñanza, como lo son: los contenidos de la historia de la matemática y la clase tipo taller, la programación en la hoja de cálculo, el diseño de simuladores financieros, plataformas informáticas y comunidades de aprendizaje como variables que favorecen el aprendizaje. El instrumento EAPH_MF se aplico a una muestra de 114 estudiantes de las licenciaturas en Administración y de Administración de Empresas Turísticas en los años 2007 al 2009. Los resultados apuntan al rechazo de Ho1 y Ho2 aceptando en consecuencia las hipótesis alternas Hi1 y Hi2, según evidencia obtenida en las pruebas Zc (> Zt en todos los años) y los coeficientes de correlación: R, R2, Ji2, p-value y Lamba de Wilks, lo que apunta a una percepción positiva del estudiante acerca del uso de las TIC en el proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la matemátic

    Effectiveness of Cognitive Interventions in Older Adults: A Review

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    Introduction: With older adults, cognitive intervention programs are most often used for preventing or reversing a decline in cognitive functions, but it has been recently noted that there are insufficient high-quality research studies that report the effects of cognitive intervention on the cognitive functioning of older adults. (2) Objective: To analyze the available evidence concerning the effect of cognitive interventions for improving or maintaining the general cognitive status of older adults who present different cognitive levels. (3) Method: a review of studies published between 2010 and 2019 using the following databases: PubMed, PsycINFO, Cochrane, Google Scholar, ProQuest and Medline. (4) Results: We selected 13 systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses. The results showed that the cognitive intervention programs improved general cognitive functioning and specific cognitive functions regardless of the initial cognitive level; that cognitive decline was slowed in older persons with dementia; and there was improvement in activities of daily living. Regarding duration of the results, benefits were maintained for periods of 2 months to 5 years. (5) Conclusion: Cognitive interventions have proven effective for maintaining and/or improving cognitive functioning in older adults regardless of their initial cognitive status. Even so, there are few studies that follow up these results to see whether they are maintained in the long term and whether there is transfer to other skills of daily life. However, we were able to observe in the present review how the participants’ cognitive level varied according to sociodemographic differences, and to identify which components of cognitive programs make them more effective. Based on the results found, we highlight the importance of designing cognitive intervention programs that meet these effectiveness criteria, in order to maximize the positive effects of such programs when working with a population of older adults.Ministry of Education, Government of Spain FPU15/0396

    Caregiver training: Evidence of its effectiveness for cognitive and functional improvement in older adults

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    Aims and objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess the benefits of a car-egiver training programme on the cognitive and functional status of older adults, and to compare the effects of this programme according to type of caregiver (professional vs. family caregiver).Background: Due to demographic changes that have resulted in an aging population, the role of caregiver of an older adult has become very important in recent years.Design and Methods: The sample was composed of 160 older adults: (a) 100 received care from caregivers who had taken the three- month training programme (treat-ment group), of which 60 were professional caregivers and 40 were family caregivers, and (b) 60 received care from caregivers who had not taken the programme (control group). In order to evaluate programme effects on cognitive and functional status, we used both direct measures answered by the older adults (MMSE, CAPE and EuroQol) and caregiver reports (Barthel and RMPBC). We used a quasi-experimental, pre- post design. We followed SQUIRE 2.0 guidelines for reporting.Results: The results showed that older adults who were cared for by caregivers that had participated in the training programme showed gains in quality of life and cog-nitive ability and maintenance of functional ability. Within the treatment group, al-though everyone significantly improved their scores, the older adults cared for by family caregivers improved in more of the cognitive sub-items than did their peers in the professional caregiver group.Conclusions: The data obtained show that a caregiver training programme based on cognitive stimulation produces cognitive, functional and health-related quality- of- life benefits in older adults. Furthermore, the caregivers reported increased satisfaction with their work.Relevance to clinical practice: The improvements obtained in the older adults and in caregivers show the relevance of this type of intervention when working in the clinical field of caregiving.Funding information This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education under Grant FPU15/03966. The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis and interpretation of the data; preparation, review or approval of the manuscript; or the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA

    Enseñanza de las fuerzas en 4º ESO, un enfoque innovador basado en el uso de las TIC y los trabajos prácticos

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    En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta didáctica para la enseñanza del contenido de dinámica, más concretamente las fuerzas, en la asignatura de física y química para 4º ESO. En esta propuesta se utilizan metodologías variadas basadas en la utilización de las TIC y los trabajos prácticos como herramientas para lograr un aprendizaje significativo.<br /

    Thr105Ile (rs11558538) polymorphism in the histamine N-methyltransferase (HNMT) gene and risk for Parkinson disease A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background/aims: Several neuropathological, biochemical, and pharmacological data suggested a possible role of histamine in the etiopathogenesis of Parkinson disease (PD). The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs11558538 in the histamine Nmethyltransferase (HNMT) gene has been associated with the risk of developing PD by several studies but not by some others. We carried out a systematic review that included all the studies published on PD risk related to the rs11558538 SNP, and we conducted a meta-analysis following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Methods: We used several databases to perform the systematic review, the software Meta-DiSc 1.1.1 to perform the metaanalysis of the eligible studies, and the Q-statistic to test heterogeneity between studies. Results: The meta-analysis included 4 eligible case–control association studies for the HNMT rs11558538 SNP and the risk for PD (2108 patients, 2158 controls). The frequency of the minor allele positivity showed a statistically significant association with a decreased risk for PD, both in the total series and in Caucasians. Although homozygosity for the minor allele did not reach statistical significance, the test for trend indicates the occurrence of a gene–dose effect. Global diagnostic odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for rs11558538T were 0.61 (0.46–0.81) for the total group, and 0.63 (0.45–0.88) for Caucasian patients. Conclusion: The present meta-analysis confirms published evidence suggesting that the HNMT rs11558538 minor allele is related to a reduced risk of developing PD.Trabajo financiado por: Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. Ayudas PI12/00241, PI12/00324, PI15/00303 y RETICS RD12/0013/0002 Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. Ayuda GR15026peerReviewe

    Percepción de la salud y actividades realizadas en el tiempo libre por adolescentes que viven en medios rurales

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    [Resumen] Este trabajo examina los efectos del estilo de vida en la percepción de la salud. La pobla- ción objeto de estudio está formada por 1109 escolares de 10 a 16 años que viven en el medio rural de dos comunidades españolas. En el estudio hemos utilizado como instru- mento de trabajo el cuestionario Self- Administered Physical Activity Checklist (SAPAC) adaptado a la población española. Recurrimos al análisis de tipo descriptivo, al análisis inferencial y la prueba de contraste Chi cuadrado (x2). Los resultados demostra- ron la existencia de diferencias en la percep- ción de la salud en función del sexo (p=.000), de la edad (p=.000) y del lugar de residencia (p=.015). De igual forma el consumo televisi- vo (p=.029), el tiempo dedicado al ordenador (p=.034), el tiempo dedicado a las tareas esco- lares (p=.034) y la realización de actividad física (p=.000) se relacionan con la percep- ción de la salud. El estilo de vida se relaciona con la percepción que los adolescentes tienen de su salud.[Abstract] This work he examines the property of lifestyle in the perception of health. I object the population of study he is composed of 1109 students of 10 to 16 years that they enjoy in two Spanish communities’s half way rural. In the study we have utilized like instrument of work the questionnaire Self Administered Physical Activity Checklist (SAPAC) adapted to the Spanish population. We utilized des- criptive fellow’s analysis, to the analysis infe- rencial and the test of contrast Chi cuadrado (x2). Aftermath demonstrated the existence of differences in the perception of health in terms of the sex (p=.000), of age (p=.000) and of the dwelling place (p=.015). Of equal form the television consumption (p =.029), the time dedicated to the computer (p =.034), the time dedicated to the school tasks (p =.034) and the accomplishment of physical activity (p =.000) they relate to the perception of the health. Lifestyle relates with the perception that the teens have of his health

    Evaluación dinámica de la conciencia morfológica en alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales

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    El presente estudio analiza la utilidad de la evaluación dinámica en procesos implicados en la lectura, concretamente en el ámbito de conciencia morfológica, para la formulación e implementación de propuestas de intervención centradas en las dificultades de aprendizaje de un grupo de estudiantes. A su vez, se analiza en qué medida los resultados obtenidos ofrecen información complementaria respecto a la obtenida con pruebas estáticas de evaluación de la comprensión y la inteligencia. La muestra está compuesta por 17 alumnos que presentan necesidades educativas especiales y comprende los cursos de 1º a 4º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, con un promedio de 14 años y 8 meses y una desviación típica de 0,74, a los que se aplicó experimentalmente los instrumentos de evaluación. Los resultados muestran que las puntuaciones dinámicas sirvieron de análisis de la conciencia morfológica y permitirían generar propuestas de mejora, así como una validez incremental significativa con relación a la predicción realizada con base en las pruebas estáticas de evaluación de la comprensión y del coeficiente intelectual

    Close2U: An App for Monitoring Cancer Patients with Enriched Information from Interaction Patterns

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    The management of cancer patients'' symptoms in doctor consultations is a cornerstone in clinical care, this process being fundamental for the follow-up of the evolution of these. This article presents an application that allows collecting periodically and systematically the data of cancer patients and their visualization by the medical team. In this article, we made the analysis, design, implementation, and final evaluation by analyzing the correlation of this data collection with interaction patterns to determine how the user information can be enriched with information from the interaction patterns. We have followed an agile methodology based on the iterative and incremental development of successive prototypes with increased fidelity, where the requirements and solutions have evolved over time according to the need and assessments made. The comprehensive analysis of the patient''s condition allowed us to perform a first analysis of the correlation of the states of patients concerning mood, sleeping quality, and pain with the interaction patterns. A future goal of this project is to optimize the process of data collection and the analysis of information. Another future goal is to reduce the time dedicated to reporting the evolution of symptoms in face-to-face consultations and to help professionals in analyzing the patient''s evolution even in the period that has not been attended in person