83 research outputs found

    Influencia de las variaciones hormonales en el periodonto

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    Los estudios in vitro sugieren que la elevación de los niveles de hormonas sexuales femeninas (progesterona y estradiol) alteran la producción de IL-1β y PGE2 de forma sistémica y local, y postulan que estos cambios pueden ser los responsables del incremento en la inflamación gingival asociada al embarazo. Sin embargo, no existe ningún estudio clínico que haya enfocado este aspecto de forma prioritaria, tratanto de establecer in vivo si se pueden confirmar los cambios sugeridos para estos mediadores. La inflamación gingival exagerada asociada al embarazo puede estar relacionada con el incremento en los niveles hormonales característicos del mismo y con el cambio consiguiente en los niveles de IL-1β y PGE2 en el fluido crevicular gingival

    Colutorios con alcohol y su relación con el cáncer oral: análisis crítico de la literatura

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    Los colutorios se han usado durante siglos con el fin de proporcionar salud oral o beneficios cosméticos. Actualmente, en la mayoría de los países, existe una gran variedad de formulaciones disponibles para el público general en forma de productos que precisan prescripción o no. El alcohol se emplea en los colutorios, en principio, como un disolvente de otros ingredientes y como un conservante de la preparación. Se han usado diferentes formulaciones de colutorios durante años, sin embargo, recientemente se ha expresado la preocupación sobre si su contenido de alcohol podría ser una amenaza para la salud. La elevada cantidad de alcohol en algunos colutorios, así como el hecho de que permanecen en contacto con la mucosa oral durante más tiempo que una bebida alcohólica, puede hacer pensar en un efecto nocivo a partir de un mecanismo local. El enjuague oral aumenta el tiempo de exposición de la mucosa al alcohol y se ha demostrado que colutorios con alto contenido en alcohol producen lesiones hiperqueratósicas tanto en hombres como en animales de estudio. Actualmente y con los datos de que disponemos, no se ha podido establecer una relación causal entre el uso de colutorios con alcohol y el desarrollo de cáncer oral. Tampoco existen evidencias de que el alcohol aumente el efecto de los agentes antiplaca en los colutorios.For centuries, mouthwashes have been used in order to provide us with oral health or cosmetic benefits. Nowadays, in most countries, there is a variety of formulas available for the general public in the form of products which may require prescription or not. Alcohol is used in mouthwashes as a solvent of other ingredients and as a preservative of the preparation. For years, different formulas of mouthwashes have been used, however, the question about its alcohol content being a threat for health or not has recently appeared. The high quantity of alcohol in some mouthwashes combined with the fact that they keep in contact with the oral mucosa for much more time than alcoholic drinks, can make us think about a harmful effect from a local mechanism. Mouthrinses increase the time of the mucosa being in contact with alcohol and it has been proved that those with a high content of alcohol do cause hyperkerastosic lesions both in human beings and laboratory animals. At the moment and with the data we have, it has not been possible to establish a causal relationship between the use of alcohol-containing mouthwashes and the development of oral cancer. There is neither an evidence of the fact that alcohol increases the effects of antiplaque agents in mouthwashes

    Efectos del consumo de alcohol etílico en la cavidad oral: relación con el cáncer oral

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    El consumo de bebidas alcohólicas se encuentra asociado desde un punto de vista epidemiológico con un riesgo aumentado de desarrollar cáncer del tracto gastrointestinal superior. La realización de estudios que establezcan esa asociación resulta complicada, debido tanto a la confluencia de varios factores de riesgo en una misma persona, por ejemplo alcohol y tabaco, como a la falta de datos que puedan ser comprobables por el clínico. Por ello no se conoce con exactitud cual es el mecanismo patogénico responsable de este aumento de riesgo, ya que el etanol per se no ha demostrado ser carcinógeno. Se han propuesto distintas hipótesis que tratan de explicar como el etanol, ya sea por vía local o sistémica puede actuar como factor de riesgo en el desarrollo de un cáncer oral. Este trabajo supone una revisión de la situación actual de los potenciales mecanismos patogénicos, dividiéndolos en efectos locales y sistémicos. Dentro de los primeros se hace especial referencia a la alteración de la permeabilidad de la mucosa oral, a la acción del acetaldehído y al papel de los retinoidesIn an epidemiologic point of view the consumption of alcoholic beverages is found to be associated to an increased risk for developing an upper gastrointestinal tract cancer. The relation of the studies that establish this connection is complicated due to both the confluence of various risk factors within the same person such as alcohol and tobacco, and to the lack of data that can be verifiable by the clinician. For this reason the exact pathogenic mechanism responsible for this increase of risk is not known since ethanol per se was not confirmed to be carcinogenic. Different hypotheses have been proposed, explaining how ethanol, by oral or systemic route, can act as a risk factor for the development of oral cancer. This article serves as a review of the actual situation of the potential pathogenic mechanisms, dividing them in local and systemic effects. Within the aforementioned special reference is made on the alteration of the oral mucosa permeability, the action of acetaldehyde and the role of retinoids

    Comparison of the detection of periodontal pathogens in bacteraemia after tooth brushing by culture and molecular techniques

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    Background: The prevalence and amounts of periodontal pathogens detected in bacteraemia samples after tooth brushing-induced by means of four diagnostic technique, three based on culture and one in a molecular-based technique, have been compared in this study. Material and Methods: Blood samples were collected from thirty-six subjects with different periodontal status (17 were healthy, 10 with gingivitis and 9 with periodontitis) at baseline and 2 minutes after tooth brushing. Each sample was analyzed by three culture-based methods [direct anaerobic culturing (DAC), hemo-culture (BACTEC), and lysis-centrifugation (LC)] and one molecular-based technique [quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)]. With culture any bacterial isolate was detected and quantified, while with qPCR only Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans were detected and quantified. Descriptive analyses, ANOVA and Chi-squared tests, were performed. Results: Neither BACTEC nor qPCR detected any type of bacteria in the blood samples. Only LC (2.7%) and DAC (8.3%) detected bacteraemia, although not in the same patients. Fusobacterium nucleatum was the most frequently detected bacterial species. Conclusions: The disparity in the results when the same samples were analyzed with four different microbiological detection methods highlights the need for a proper validation of the methodology to detect periodontal pathogens in bacteraemia samples, mainly when the presence of periodontal pathogens in blood samples after tooth brushing was very seldom

    Surgical protocols for early implant placement in postextraction sockets: a systematic review

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    Abstract Objectives: The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the best timing for placing implants after tooth extraction, by comparing early vs. delayed implant placement and evaluating the hard and/or soft tissue ridge dimensional changes and the outcomes related with implant survival and prosthesis success. Results: Eight studies were included, although meta-analysis could only be performed with the data from two studies comparing early vs. delayed implant. The percentage of bone height and bone width reduction favoured the early placement, with pooled mean difference between groups of 13.11% (95% CI: from 3.83 to 22.4; P = 0.057) and 19.85% (95% CI: from 13.85 to 25.81) respectively. Implant survival demonstrated a non-significant higher implant survival rate for the early group (RR = 1.02, 95% CI: 0.96-1.1).With regard to patient satisfaction, statistically significant differences between the groups in favour of the early group for overall satisfaction and appearance with the restoration were demonstrated at 2 years, although these differences were lost at 5 years

    Validation of ATP bioluminescence as a tool to assess antimicrobial effects of mouthrinses in an in vitro subgingival-biofilm model

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    Objectives. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate whether the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) bioluminescence method is an appropriate tool to assess the efficacy of antiseptic mouthrinses in terms of quantitative reductions of total viable microbial counts in mixed biofilm populations in vitro. Study Design. Three mouthrinses, containing respectively, chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride (CHX/CPC), essential oils (EO) and amine fluoride/stannous fluoride (AFSF), as well as Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) used as control, were tested in an in vitro static biofilm model by ATP bioluminescence and compared to culture method. Biofilms were grown on saliva-coated hydroxyapatite disks for 72 hours and then exposed for 1 minute to the mouthrinse or control by immersion. The antibacterial effect of the rinses was tested by analysis of variance. The reliability of the ATP bioluminescence method was assessed by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficients when compared to the viable cell counts obtained by culture. Results. Using ATP bioluminescence, the antimicrobial activity of the tested mouthrinses was demonstrated when compared to the PBS control. The ATP bioluminescence values were significantly correlated (0.769, p<0.001) to the viable cell counts. CHX/CPC and AFSF showed similar antimicrobial activity, although AFSF had a less homogeneous effect, being both more effective than the EO rinse. Conclusion. ATP bioluminescence viability testing may be considered a useful tool to assess the in vitro efficacy of antibacterial compounds. In the proposed model, CHX/CPC and AFSF containing mouthrinses demonstrated superior antimicrobial activity, as compared to EO rinses, in a multispecies biofilm model

    Dental implant register : summary and consensus statements of group 2. The 5th EAO consensus conference 2018

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    Objectives: This publication reports the EAO Workshop group-2 and consensus plenary discussions and statements on a narrative review providing the background and possible facilities and importance of a dental implant register, to allow for a systematic follow-up of the clinical outcome of dental implant treatment in various clinical settings. It should be observed that the format of the review and the subsequent consensus report consciously departs from conventional consensus publications and reports. Material and methods: The publication was a narrative review on the presence and significance of quality registers regarding select medical conditions and procedures. The group discussed and evaluated the publication and made corrections and recommendations to the authors and agreed on the statements and recommendations described in this consensus report. Results: Possible registrations to be included in an implant register were discussed and agreed as a preliminary basis for further development, meaning that additional parameters be included or some be deleted. Conclusions: It was agreed to bring the idea of an implant quality register, including the presented results of discussions and proposals by the group- and plenary sessions, to the EAO Board for further discussion and decision

    A systematic review on the effects of local antimicrobials as adjuncts to subgingival debridement, compared with subgingival debridement alone, in the treatment of chronic periodontitis

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    systematic review on the effects of local antimicrobials as adjuncts to subgingival debridement, compared with subgingival debridement alone, in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol 2013; 40: 227-241. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12026. Abstract Aims: To update the existing scientific evidence on the efficacy of local antimicrobials as adjuncts to subgingival debridement in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Material and Methods: Fifty-six papers were selected, reporting data from 52 different investigations. All the studies reported changes in probing pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment level (CAL) and most in plaque index (PlI) and/or bleeding on probing (BOP). Meta-analyses were performed with the data retrieved from the studies fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Results: The overall effect of the subgingival application of antimicrobials was statistically significant (p = 0.000) for both changes in PPD and CAL with a weighted mean difference (WMD) of À0.407 and À0.310 mm respectively. No significant differences occurred for changes in BOP and PlI. Subgingival application of tetracycline fibres, sustained released doxycycline and minocycline demonstrated a significant benefit in PPD reduction (WMD between 0.5 and 0.7 mm). The rest of the tested outcomes demonstrated a high heterogeneity. The local application of chlorhexidine and metronidazole showed a minimal effect when compared with placebo (WMD between 0.1 and 0.4 mm). Conclusions: The scientific evidence supports the adjunctive use of local antimicrobials to debridement in deep or recurrent periodontal sites, mostly when using vehicles with proven sustained release of the antimicrobial