94 research outputs found

    Diseños de observación longitudinales: cambio intra-individual y diferencias inter-individuales observados durante la infancia

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    The study of change in repeated measures studies or longitudinal studies (cross-sectional and/or cross-sequential) is of considerable interest in the field of developmental psychology. Qualitative and quantitative measures of interindividual and intraindividual variability can be used to capture changes in cognitive development.In the present study, through an empirical analysis of infant cognitive development, we investigate whether or not longitudinal (cross-sectional/cross-sequential) research designs can be used interchangeably with univariate or multivariate data analysis techniques. Methodologically, longitudinal data can be processed by univariate or multivariate analysis. However, the results and their interpretation may be different, even when the necessary statistical requirements are performed. Current statistical programs incorporate techniques to test for the presence of significant differences in data, regardless of whether these are evaluated by univariate or multivariate analysis.The results of this study, conducted in infants studied at three time points (18, 21 and 24 months), show that both intraindividual and interindividual variability can be detected by repeated measures analyses.El estudio del cambio, en estudios de medidas repetidas o estudios longitudinales (cross-sectional y/o cross-sequential) constituyen un área de notable interés en el ámbito de la Psicología del Desarrollo. Las medidas (cualitativas/cuantitativas) que tomamos de participantes, bien intraindividualmente bien interindividualmente, permiten capturar cambios del desarrollo cognitivo.Mediante un estudio empírico de desarrollo cognitivo infantil, comprobaremos si los diseños longitudinales (cross-sectional/cross-sequential) pueden utilizarse o no indistintamente con técnicas de análisis de datos uni o multivariables. Metodológicamente es posible tratar datos longitudinales en alguna de las soluciones aportadas, uni o multivariable. Sin embargo, y aún cumpliendo los requisitos estadísticos necesarios, los resultados y la interpretación de los mismos pueden ser diferentes.Entendemos que hay soluciones en los programas estadísticos actuales que permiten la utilización de técnicas que aseguren si realmente hay diferencias significativas o no en los datos, independientemente de si son tratados con estructuras uni/multivariables.Los resultados de bebés estudiados en tres momentos temporales (18, 21 y 24 meses) mediante medidas repetidas muestran que la interpretación afecta de igual manera a datos de la variabilidad intra/interindividual

    Evaluating in the Real-World Educational Intervention to Improve Interference Control in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) present deficiencies in interference control processes. The main aim of this pilot study was to analyze the efficacy of an educational intervention designed to optimize the interference control of eight ASD children, attending to their ASD severity level. A mixed-methods approach grounded in systematic observation and nomothetic/follow-up/multidimensional observational designs was used. An observation instrument was developed to code data, which were grouped according to the ASD severity level (Group 1, requires support; Group 2, requires substantial support) and were analyzed using a lag sequential analysis. The results show that, although both groups progressed during the intervention and could have continued to improve, each group evolved differently. Group 1 performed relatively well from the onset and increased and developed their interference control strategies throughout the intervention, while Group 2, despite also acquiring new interference control strategies, took more time to show improvements. One month after the intervention ended, both groups were unable to consolidate the strategies learned. A mixed-methods approach allowed for real interference control deficits in ASD children to be captured in a natural context. To conclude, it would be necessary to lengthen this intervention and adapt it to the needs of each group

    Observational data analysis using generalizability theory and general and mixed linear models: an empirical study of infant learning and development

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    Accurate evaluation of early childhood competencies is essential for favoring optimal development, as the first years of life form the foundations for later learning and development. Nonetheless, there are still certain limitations and deficiencies related to how infant learning and development are measured. With the aim of helping to overcome some of the difficulties, in this article we describe the potential and advantages of new data analysis techniques for checking the quality of data collected by the systematic observation of infants and assessing variability. Logical and executive activity of 48 children was observed in three ages (18, 21 and 24 months) using a nomothetic, follow-up and multidimensional observational design. Given the nature of the data analyzed, we provide a detailed methodological and analytical overview of generalizability theory from three perspectives linked to observational methodology: intra- and inter-observer reliability, instrument validity, and sample size estimation, with a particular focus on the participant facet. The aim was to identify the optimal number of facets and levels needed to perform a systematic observational study of very young children. We also discuss the use of other techniques such as general and mixed linear models to analyze variability of learning and development. Results show how the use of Generalizability Theory allows controlling the quality of observational data in a global structure integrating reliability, validity and generalizability

    Discordancia de peso al nacer: consecuencias y su perdurabilidad en el desarrollo psicológico del gemelo de menor peso intrapar.

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    Cada vez nacen ma´s gemelos con discordancia de peso intrapar, factor de riesgo que puede afectar su desarrollo, espe- cialmente el del hermano de menor peso intrapar. Sin embargo, pocos estudios abordan sus posibles disfunciones ma´s alla´ de las obste´tricas; de modo que el conocimiento acerca de las consecuencias de la discordancia de peso intrapar en su desarrollo psicolo´gico es escaso. Este trabajo revisa la literatura y recapitula las consecuencias de la discordancia de peso intrapar en el desarrollo psicolo´gico de los gemelos de menor peso intrapar, comparativamente a sus hermanos de ma´s peso, asi´ como la perdurabilidad de dichas consecuencias durante su ciclo vital. La literatura revisada muestra que los gemelos de menor peso intrapar obtienen puntuaciones inferiores a sus hermanos en habilidades cognitivas, verbales y psicomotoras; y mayor probabilidad de presentar rasgos asociados al desarrollo de hiperactividad. Estas diferencias persisten desde la infancia hasta la juventud, no existiendo datos referidos a la edad adulta. En conclusio´n, las consecuencias de la discordancia de peso intrapar sobre el desarrollo psicolo´gico de los gemelos de menor peso intrapar son extensas tanto en las dimensiones afectadas como en su perdurabilidad. Es necesaria una mayor investi- gacio´n que permita disen~ar intervenciones tempranas preventivas y optimizadoras del desarrollo de estos nin~os; pues el o´ptimo desarrollo de todos los nin~os es la base de una sociedad en continuo progreso

    Discordancia de peso al nacer: consecuencias y su perdurabilidad en el desarrollo psicológico del gemelo de menor peso intrapar

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    More twins are being born with intrapair birth weight discordances. Discordance in birth weight is a risk factor that can affect the development of twins, especially that of the lightest twin. However, few studies have analysed the possible consequences of birth weight discordance on the lightest twin beyond possible neonatal obstetric problems. Thus, little is known about the consequences of birth weight discordance on the psychological development of such babies. This article reviews the literature and summarizes the effects of birth weight discordance on the psychological development of the lightest intrapair twins compared with their heavier twin siblings and the persistence of these effects during their lifetime. The literature shows that the lightest intrapair twins obtain lower scores than their siblings in cognitive, verbal, and psychomotor skills. They are also more likely to have traits associated with the development of hyperactivity. These differences persist from childhood to youth. There is no information about adulthood. In conclusion, birth weight discordance has marked effects on the psychological development of intrapair lower weight twins, both in relation to the affected dimensions and the persistence of these effects over time. Further research is needed on designing early preventative interventions that would optimize the development of these children. This proposal is of relevance, given that the optimal development of all children is the basis of a society in continuous progress.Cada vez nacen más gemelos con discordancia de peso intrapar, factor de riesgo que puede afectar su desarrollo, especialmente el del hermano de menor peso intrapar. Sin embargo, pocos estudios abordan sus posibles disfunciones más allá de las obstétricas; de modo que el conocimiento acerca de las consecuencias de la discordancia de peso intrapar en su desarrollo psicológico es escaso. Este trabajo revisa la literatura y recapitula las consecuencias de la discordancia de peso intrapar en el desarrollo psicológico de los gemelos de menor peso intrapar, comparativamente a sus hermanos de más peso, así como la perdurabilidad de dichas consecuencias durante su ciclo vital. La literatura revisada muestra que los gemelos de menor peso intrapar obtienen puntuaciones inferiores a sus hermanos en habilidades cognitivas, verbales y psicomotoras; y mayor probabilidad de presentar rasgos asociados al desarrollo de hiperactividad. Estas diferencias persisten desde la infancia hasta la juventud, no existiendo datos referidos a la edad adulta. En conclusión, las consecuencias de la discordancia de peso intrapar sobre el desarrollo psicológico de los gemelos de menor peso intrapar son extensas tanto en las dimensiones afectadas como en su perdurabilidad. Es necesaria una mayor investigación que permita diseñar intervenciones tempranas preventivas y optimizadoras del desarrollo de estos niños; pues el óptimo desarrollo de todos los niños es la base de una sociedad en continuo progreso

    Uso de estrategias cognitivas de aprendizaje en Educación Infantil: efecto de los iguales

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    Desde edades muy tempranas los niños son capaces de poner en marcha sus propias estrategias de aprendizaje. Cada niño es actor y protagonista de su aprendizaje. No obstante, no puede olvidarse que el niño es un ser social, y especialmente en las primeras edades, el aprendizaje se potencia en función de la ayuda que las personas que rodean al niño le ofrecen. Generalmente, en el contexto escolar, el profesor es quien ofrece esta ayuda. Sin embargo, los iguales también son fuente de ayuda. En relación con ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es conocer si existen diferencias en el tipo de estrategias de aprendizaje utilizadas por niños de 5 años en función de si se enfrentan solos a la tarea o lo hacen en compañía de un igual. Los resultados muestran la existencia de diferencias significativas en el uso de todas las estrategias cognitivas analizadas: estrategias cognitivas de afrontamiento, de construcción, de ubicación y de apoyo/cooperación. Estos resultados deben ser tenidos en cuenta en la planificación y puesta en marcha de la actuación educativa que impulse, guíe, sostenga y oriente al niño pero que al mismo tiempo respete su iniciativa y la realidad diferencial de su comportamiento en función de variables como la aquí abordada.Children are able to implement their own learning strategies from an early age. Every child is an actor and protagonist of his learning. However, we must remember that the child is a social being and, especially in the early ages, the learning is enhanced by the people who surround him. Generally, in the school, the teacher provides this support. However, peers also offer help. In relation to that, the aim of this study is to determine whether there are differences in the type of learning strategies used by 5 years-old children when they face a task alone or they do it in company with a peer. The results show that there are significant differences in the use of all studied cognitive strategies: coping, construction, location and support/ cooperation cognitive strategies. These results will help in the planning and implementation of an educational performance to guide, hold, boost and counsel the child but at the same time, it will respect his initiative and the differential reality of his behavior

    Herramienta para la observación de las capacidades infantiles de aprendizaje autónomo

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    Durante los últimos años, el aprendizaje autónomo está siendo objeto de estudio en múltiples estudios, si bien en su mayoría, centrados en el nivel de enseñanza universitaria. Sin embargo, el currículo escolar de Educación Infantil hace ya alusión a ciertos aspectos relativos a las estrategias de aprendizaje, la iniciativa y la capacidad de aprendizaje autónomo del niño. A pesar de que los niños de estas edades pueden enfrentarse con brillantez a la resolución de distintos tipos de problemas y son capaces de utilizar estrategias de aprendizaje propias, siempre que le demos la oportunidad para ello, son muy escasos los trabajos que abordan esta cuestión. Con la intención de contribuir en dicho conocimiento, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una herramienta que permita evaluar mediante metodología observacional las capacidades de aprendizaje autónomo en edades infantiles.In recent years, autonomous learning is being researched in multiple studies, although most of them are focused on the university level. However, the Early Childhood Education curriculum refers to certain aspects of learning strategies, initiative and self-learning ability of children, too. Although children this age can cope brilliantly to the resolution of various types of problems and are able to use learning strategies themselves, if we provide them the opportunity to do it, very few studies are focused on this question. With the intention of filling this gap, the aim of this paper is to present a tool to evaluate independent learning skills in children ages using observational methodology

    La resolución de problemas como estrategia de enseñanza para el aprendizaje de la táctica ofensiva en la categoría pre-benjamín de fútbol 8

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    Este trabajo se centra en la enseñanza de la táctica ofensiva en fútbol. La acción de ataque u ofensiva del fútbol constituye una estrategia de juego fundamental y de gran complejidad en este deporte, por todos los elementos que son necesarios coordinar. Se pretende conocer qué desarrollo se produce en dicha acción ofensiva en un equipo de fútbol 8 de categoría pre-benjamín durante la implementación en los entrenamientos de una serie de ejercicios utilizando el entrenador un estilo de enseñanza de resolución de problemas. Los resultados indican mejoras en los dos elementos trabajados que forman parte de dicha táctica: 1) conservar el balón y 2) progresar el balón y los jugadores hacia portería, avanzando desde la zona media adelantada a la zona adelantada del campo contrario, si bien el aprendizaje del primer elemento se manifiesta en sesiones anteriores al del segundo elemento. Es necesario completar el entrenamiento de esta táctica con su tercer elemento (lanzar a portería) y conocer la transferencia de todo ello a situaciones más complejas como son los partidos.This study focuses on teaching offensive tactics in soccer. Attacking tactics are a key strategic aspect of play in this sport and, given the number of factors that need to be coordinated, they are highly complex moves. The aim here was to study the way in which attacks were constructed during 8-a-side training sessions at the under 8 level where the coach used a series of drills based on the problem-solving approach to teaching. The results revealed improvements in two techniques that were worked on as part of offensive strategies, namely 1) keeping the ball, and 2) moving the ball and players towards the opponent's goal and, more specifically, the transition from an advanced midfield position to the attacking zone. The first of these techniques was shown to have been learnt prior to the second. Teaching attacking tactics needs to be complemented with a third technique (shooting at goal), and an analysis must be made of the extent to which all these skills are transferred to more complex match situations.Este trabalho centra-se no ensino da táctica ofensiva no futebol. A acção de ataque ou ofensiva no futebol constitui-se como uma estratégia fundamental do jogo e de grande complexidade neste desporto, por todos os elementos que são necessários coordenar. Pretende-se conhecer que desenvolvimento se produz na acção ofensiva numa equipa de futebol 8 no escalão de Traquinas durante a implementação em contexto de treino de uma série de exercícios, utilizando o treinador um estilo de ensino de resolução de problemas. Os resultados indicam melhorias nos dois elementos trabalhados que fazem parte desta táctica: 1) conservar a posse de bola e 2) progredir com bola até à baliza adversária, avançando desde a zona intermédia até à zona avançada do campo contrário. É necessário complementar o treino desta táctica com um terceiro elemento (remate à baliza) e conhecer o transfer de todas estas situações para um contexto mais complexo como são os jogos

    Improvement of Planning Skills in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder After an Educational Intervention: A Study From a Mixed Methods Approach

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    The literature confirms that individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have planning deficits. However, few interventions have targeted these deficits. The aims of this study were to: (1) show that the mixed methods approach can be useful in studying planning skills of children with ASD during and after an educational intervention; (2) assess whether the planning skills of two groups of children with ASD improved during the intervention and if this progress was maintained 1 month after completing the intervention. The groups were formed depending on each child''s severity level (SL) of ASD according to DSM-5: SL1 (requiring support) and SL2 (requiring substantial support). Each group was composed of four children. In the framework of mixed methods, we used observational methodology, which is considered as mixed methods in itself because it integrates qualitative and quantitative elements. A nomothetic/follow-up/multidimensional observational design was used. Planning skills manifested by children during the intervention were codified, as well as the scaffolding behaviors provided by the educational specialist. These skills and behaviors were also coded in one session, which took place 1 month after the intervention. Coded data of each group were submitted to prospective and retrospective lag sequential analysis. This informed of the sequential structure of planning skills performed by children in interaction with the educational specialist at the beginning and at the end of the intervention, as well as 1 month later after the intervention. The comparison of the patterns obtained in these three temporal moments allowed us to know the improvement of the two groups in the use of planning skills. Results showed that both groups improved their autonomous use of planning skills. However, SL1 group used successfully and autonomously complex planning skills, while SL2 group were unable to achieve this gain. SL2 group progressed in autonomy, but only using basic planning skills. Both groups can further improve their use of planning skills; therefore, the intervention should be adjusted to their characteristics and temporarily extended. These findings contribute to the, as yet, little studied field of intervention and assessment of planning skills in children with ASD using a mixed methods approach

    Aplicaciones de la metodología observacional en educación infantil

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    The observation of behavior is the basis of all scientific knowledge in general and psychological in particular, although traditionally there have been many who, making a mistake, have tried to associate scientific knowledge with experimental methodology and oppose both to observation , relegating it to the level of the pre-scientific. In the last twenty-five years, the use of observational methodology for the scientific study of human behavior in many areas of application has been clearly growing, and at the same time it has been consolidated as the most appropriate whenever the daily life of the human being is studied. its spontaneity, its activity in natural contexts, and provided that the object of study focuses on perceptible behaviors. These characteristics make it the methodology that offers the most application possibilities to capture children's competitions. In fact, in the field of education, and even more so in that of early childhood education, systematic observation has reached the rank of being, legally, one of the main methods through which the evaluation of the educational process must be carried out in said stage. , both in relation to the learning and development of the student body and the teacher's own educational practice. This is established in Order ECI / 3960/2007, of December 19, which establishes the curriculum and regulates the organization of early childhood education (BOE No. 5, of January 5, 2008). This methodology also offers multiple possibilities in research in school settings. In this Symposium five papers are presented that show the application of observational methodology in the field of early childhood education, including issues related to the process of development and learning of the student body as well as the teaching activity.La observación de la conducta es la base de todo saber científico general y psicológico en particular, si bien, tradicionalmente han sido muchos aquellos que, cometiendo un craso error, han tratado de asociar el conocimiento científico con la metodología experimental y oponer ambos a la observación, relegando esta al nivel de lo precientífico. En los últimos veinticinco años ha sido claramente creciente la utilización de la metodología observacional para el estudio científico del comportamiento humano en muchos ámbitos de aplicación, a la vez que se ha ido consolidando como la más adecuada siempre que se estudie la cotidianeidad del ser humano, su espontaneidad, su actividad en contextos naturales, y siempre que el objeto de estudio se centre en comportamientos perceptibles. Estas características la convierten en la metodología que más posibilidades de aplicación ofrece para apresar las competencias infantiles. De hecho, en el campo educativo, y más aún en el de la educación infantil, la observación sistemática ha alcanzado el rango de ser, legalmente, uno de los principales métodos a través de los que debe realizarse la evaluación del proceso educativo en dicha etapa, tanto en relación al aprendizaje y desarrollo del alumnado como de la propia práctica educativa del docente. Así lo establece la Orden ECI/3960/2007, de 19 de diciembre, por la que se establece el currículo y se regula la ordenación de la educación infantil (BOE núm. 5, de 5 de enero de 2008). Asimismo esta metodología ofrece múltiples posibilidades en la investigación en los ámbitos escolares. En este Simposio se presentan cinco ponencias que muestran la aplicación de la metodología observacional en el campo de la educación infantil, incluyendo cuestiones tanto relativas al proceso de desarrollo y aprendizaje del alumnado como de la actividad docente