134 research outputs found

    Transition from the industrial clusters to the smart specialization: a case study

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    International audienceKazakhstan faced the problem of falling industrial production and decrease in efficiency of former managerial methods of territorial development. Transition to the new Smart Specialization approach provides better understanding of the specifics of the region and provides the highest return on investment in innovation. The authors produce rationale for the selection of regions of Kazakhstan to determine their smart specialization. There were determined the regions, in which it is advisable to develop the general purpose technologies, and the territories, where it is more profitable to focus on applied research and transmitting them into practice in relation to existing products and technological processes

    Organizational and Legal Issues of Prosecutor’s Supervision of Noncustodial Penalties’ Enforcement

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    The article deals with a set of issues related to the due course of law in the execution of punishments not related to isolation from society, and which have recently become widespread in the framework of the implementation of one of the directions of the state's policy in the field of combating crime - the expansion of types of punishments alternative to imprisonment. The author analyzes the powers of the prosecutor's office as a guarantor of compliance with the rule of law in the field of prosecutorial supervision, the purpose of which is, on the one hand, to identify, suppress and prevent violations of the law in the execution of criminal sentences and prevention of recurrence of crimes, and on the other, to respect the rights and legitimate interests of convicts

    The Role of Conjugation in the Halogen−Lithium Exchange Selectivity: Lithiation of 4,6,7,9‐Tetrabromo‐1,3‐dimethyl‐2,3‐dihydro‐1H‐perimidine

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    The first case of successful suppression of the coordination of a lithium atom with a dialkylamino group by the effective conjugation of the latter with the aromatic core has been discovered. This effect controls regioselectivity of the bromine−lithium exchange in 4,6,7,9-tetrabromo-1,3-dimethyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-perimidine, which leads to products with the most effective conjugation. As a result, the product of this quadruple exchange demonstrates no tendency of the coordination of the NMe groups to neighboring lithium atoms despite the absence of steric restrictions. Experimental results are explained by means of quantum chemical calculations: geometry optimization, natural bond analysis and scans using the modredundant scheme

    Management of occupational safety and health in the commissioning of defective work equipment in the manufacturing industry

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    Work equipment must provide compliance with the essential safety and health requirements applicable from the design and manufacturing stage to ensure a high level of protection of social interests, safety and health at work, and environmental protection. Non-conformities are discovered during the initial commissioning of work equipment in some circumstances due to incorrect design and/or manufacture, resulting in unsafe and non-compliant equipment that is defective when placed on the market and marketed. The purpose of this article is to present the research findings. The goal was to assess the risks associated with the security aspects of digital paper and cardboard printing machinery, to ensure compliance with current safety and health regulations, and to limit the risk of operating defective products. The study offered research results on the establishment of safety and compliance conditions, in order to design a methodology for assessment and technical inspection of work equipment, based on risk assessment and taking into account the usual and anticipated use of the work equipment. Introduction on the market, to improve the efficiency of technical inspection and market surveillance operations by detecting and generating risk profiles for work equipment manufacturer non-conformity

    Кризис института брака в современной России: реальность или вымысел?

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    Some results of the latest trends study in the field of marriage and family in modern Russia are presented in this article. These are the following trends: spread of unregistered cohabitation, rise of the age at the first marriage, increase in the share of early divorces, general marriage instability in young families. These trends are demonstrated by the youngest active cohort of marriageable age in our country, which includes 25-30-year-olds or rather a generation of the last Soviet «baby boom». Therefore, there is a question of whether these trends are a sign of the destruction of the traditional marriage institution in Russia or they are superficial, temporary and can only tell about the weakening of social control function in the field of marriage, family and other social institutions. In order to answer this question the authors considered the examples of several generations. They served as a base for examining (i) external indicators of marriage institution functioning in a society; (ii) social norms and the most widespread, typical practices in the sphere of marriage and family life; (iii) the underlying motives for specific forms of marital behavior. The following methods for scientific information obtaining were used: the analysis of official statistics (primarily marriage and divorce rates), a massive questionnaire on representative data sample and in-depth interviews. As a result, a univocal conclusion was obtained that during the last 50 years the marriage institute in our country hasn’t undergone any fundamental changes. A lifelong marriage with one or more children is a basic and one of the most significant values for all demographically active generations. At the same time, most of the registered negative phenomena in this field are caused by external social factors, which should be subject to a further in-depth study.В статье представлены отдельные результаты исследования новейших тенденций в сфере брака и семьи в современной России. К таким тенденциям относятся: распространение практики нерегистрируемых сожительств, повышение возраста вступления в первый брак, увеличение доли ранних разводов, общая нестабильность брака в молодых семьях. Перечисленные тенденции демонстрирует самая молодая из когорт активного брачного возраста в нашей стране - 25-30-летние, или поколение последнего советского «бэби-бума». В этой связи возникает вопрос о том, выступают ли указанные тенденции признаком разрушения института традиционного брака в России или они являются поверхностными, временными и свидетельствуют только об ослаблении функции социального контроля в сфере брака и семьи со стороны других институтов общества. Для ответа на поставленный вопрос необходимо было на примере нескольких поколений изучить: во-первых, внешние проявления функционирования института брака на уровне общества; во-вторых, социальные нормы и наиболее распространенные, типичные практики в сфере брака и семьи; в-третьих, глубинные мотивы конкретных форм брачного поведения. В качестве методов получения научной информации в первом случае был использован анализ данных официальной статистики (прежде всего, показателей брачности и разводимости); во втором - массовый анкетный опрос по репрезентативной выборке; в третьем - глубинные интервью. В результате был получен однозначный вывод о том, что институт брака в нашей стране за последние 50 лет не претерпел принципиальных изменений. Так, для всех демографически активных поколений в течение указанного периода базовой и одной из наиболее значимых ценностей является пожизненный брак с одним или несколькими детьми. Вместе с тем большинство фиксируемых негативных явлений в данной сфере вызвано внешними социальными факторами, которые должны быть предметом самостоятельного углубленного исследования

    Interrelasi Kiai, Penghulu dan Pemangku Adat dalam Tradisi Islam Wetu Telu di Lombok

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    Islam Wetu Telu is also Islam, though it is different from traditional avtivities. Islam Wetu Telu is much colored by sincritism among Islamic teaching, Hinduism, and enciunt tradision. These three matters are sigriticantly interrelated to the true history of Islam Wetu Telu as stated by Jalaluddin. Arzaki, the director of internatural and tourism development institution. Another version stated Islam Wetu Telu etablished after the colonial of Belanda in Lombok in 1980 in relations to the strategy to againts the Islam follow of Sasak people

    Aspects of the earthing and short-circuit device’s safety quality

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    Earthing and short-circuit devices are part of the category of equipment and means of electric shock protection, and their purpose is to protect workers in the event of an accidental voltage in the work area while doing electrical installation work. The purpose of this study is to convey the findings of research into the level of safety that these devices must provide, not only in terms of electrodynamic and electro thermal consequences that occur during a short-circuit, but also in terms of mechanical, chemical, and environmental aspects. The study's risk analysis of safety performance provides critical information for earthing and shortcircuiting device manufacturers to ensure the safety function throughout their use, as well as for workers to pick, use, and maintain