535 research outputs found

    Meditatiepraktijken in gevangenissen. Vrij zinnig? Een onderzoek naar de meerwaarde van meditatiepraktijken in het werk van de humanistisch geestelijk begeleider binnen justitie

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    In deze scriptie is onderzoek gedaan naar de betekenis van spiritualiteit en meditatiepraktijken binnen het humanisme. Hiervoor is met name het proefschrift van Suzette van IJssel, ‘Daar hebben humanisten het niet zo over’ een belangrijke bron geweest. Tijdens mijn stage bij justitie werd ik begeleid door een humanist die bezig was met de toepassing van mindfulness in zijn werk. Op dat moment was ik ongeveer een jaar bezig me te verdiepen in het boeddhisme en in het bijzonder met verschillende vormen van meditatie. Door gesprekken met mijn stagebegeleider en de kennis die ik opdeed over het boeddhisme en meditatie ontstond bij mij de vraag wat meditatie zou kunnen toevoegen aan het werk van de humanistisch geestelijk verzorger bij justitie. Justitie in het bijzonder, omdat ik zelf graag bij justitie zou willen werken en er nog niet veel onderzoek is gedaan naar effecten van meditatiepraktijken op gedetineerden. Daarnaast leken gedetineerden mij bij uitstek een doelgroep die baat kan hebben bij meditatie. De humanisten hebben naar aanleiding van een onderzoek over de behoefte aan geestelijke begeleiding onder gedetineerden de afgelopen jaren plek moeten maken voor collega’s van andere denominaties, met name de imams. Het humanistisch geestelijk werk bij justitie zou dus nieuwe impulsen kunnen gebruiken. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat meditatiepraktijken verschillende positieve effecten hebben op zowel gezonde mensen als mensen met psychische of lichamelijke klachten. Dit is ook bij gedetineerden het geval. Daarnaast blijkt uit verschillende humanistische bronnen (bijvoorbeeld Han de Wit, Leo Apostel) dat begrippen als spiritualiteit en meditatie goed kunnen passen binnen het humanisme. In de samenleving groeit de belangstelling voor spiritualiteit en meditatie. Op de UvH loopt een nieuwe generatie humanisten rond die ook veel affiniteit hebben met spirituele praktijken. Ik pleit daarom in dit onderzoek voor een echt open, inclusief humanisme waarin meer ruimte is voor spiritualiteit en meditatiepraktijken, in het bijzonder in het werk van de humanistisch geestelijk begeleider

    Correlative Microscopy of Morphology and Luminescence of Cu porphyrin aggregates

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    Transfer of energy and information through molecule aggregates requires as one important building block anisotropic, cable-like structures. Knowledge on the spatial correlation of luminescence and morphology represents a prerequisite in the understanding of internal processes and will be important for architecting suitable landscapes. In this context we study the morphology, fluorescence and phosphorescence of molecule aggregate structures on surfaces in a spatially correlative way. We consider as two morphologies, lengthy strands and isotropic islands. It turns out that phosphorescence is quite strong compared to fluorescence and the spatial variation of the observed intensities is largely in line with the amount of dye. However in proportion, the strands exhibit more fluorescence than the isotropic islands suggesting weaker non-radiative channels. The ratio fluorescence to phosphorescence appears to be correlated with the degree of aggregation or internal order. The heights at which luminescence saturates is explained in the context of attenuation and emission multireflection, inside the dye. This is supported by correlative photoemission electron microscopy which is more sensitive to the surface region. The lengthy structures exhibit a pronounced polarization dependence of the luminescence with a relative dichroism up to about 60%, revealing substantial perpendicular orientation preference of the molecules with respect to the substrate and parallel with respect to the strands

    Pre-K-Edge Structure on Anomalous X-Ray Scattering in LaMnO3

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    We study the pre-K-edge structure of the resonant X-ray scattering for forbidden reflections (anomalous scattering) in LaMnO3, using the band calculation based on the local density approximation. We find a two-peak structure with an intensity approximately 1/100 of that of the main peak. This originates from a mixing of 4p states of Mn to 3d states of neighboring Mn sites. The effect is enhanced by an interference with the tail of the main peak. The effect of the quadrupole transition is found to be one order of magnitude smaller than that of the dipole transition, modifying slightly the azimuthal-angle dependence.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    LiFE Assessment Tool

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    As part of an ongoing study to construct a molecular Turing machine in which a polymer chain is encoded via allosteric information transfer between macrocyclic complexes, we describe the thermodynamic and kinetic characterization of a multicomponent self-assembled system based on a zinc porphyrin macrocyclic compound, a bidentate ligand (1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane, DABCO), and a viologen-substituted polymer guest. Initial addition of DABCO to the porphyrin macrocycle in chloroform solution leads to the formation of a stable 2:1 (porphyrin:DABCO) dimeric complex, even under dilute conditions, by means of strong cooperative interactions involving hydrogen and metal-ligand bonds. Further titration of the porphyrin-DABCO mixtures with the polymer gives rise to a complex array of species in the solution. The system is analyzed in detail by a combination of spectroscopic measurements and computational modeling. Each association constant in the binding scheme and the fraction of each individual complex that is formed in solution are determined precisely using a mass-balance model. Kinetic studies revealed that the rates of the polymer threading and dethreading in and out of the dimeric system are remarkably slow, indicating that the polymer is locked inside the cavity of the stable 2:1 dimeric complex as a result of strong allosteric interactions

    Topological defects and shape of aromatic self-assembled vesicles

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    We show that the stacking of flat aromatic molecules on a curved surface results in topological defects. We consider, as an example, spherical vesicles, self-assembled from molecules with 5- and 6-thiophene cores. We predict that the symmetry of the molecules influences the number of topological defects and the resulting equilibrium shape.Comment: accepted as a Letter in the J. Phys. Chem.

    Two-Dimensional Molecular Patterning by Surface-Enhanced Zn-Porphyrin Coordination

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    In this contribution, we show how zinc-5,10,15,20-meso-tetradodecylporphyrins (Zn-TDPs) self-assemble into stable organized arrays on the surface of graphite, thus positioning their metal center at regular distances from each other, creating a molecular pattern, while retaining the possibility to coordinate additional ligands. We also demonstrate that Zn-TDPs coordinated to 3-nitropyridine display a higher tendency to be adsorbed at the surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) than noncoordinated ones. In order to investigate the two-dimensional (2D) self-assembly of coordinated Zn-TDPs, solutions with different relative concentrations of 3-nitropyridine and Zn-TDP were prepared and deposited on the surface of HOPG. STM measurements at the liquid-solid interface reveal that the ratio of coordinated Zn-TDPs over noncoordinated Zn-TDPs is higher at the n-tetradecane/HOPG interface than in n-tetradecane solution. This enhanced binding of the axial ligand at the liquid/solid interface is likely related to the fact that physisorbed Zn-TDPs are better binding sites for nitropyridines.

    The measurement of interfacial tension in polymer/polymer systems: The breaking thread method

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    Synopsis When blending incompatible polymers in the melt, the resulting morphology is strongly dependent on the interfacial tension. One stage of the mixing process is now used to determine this inter-facial tension: in the absence of an overall flow field, extended liquid threads in a liquid matrix exhibit sinusoidal disturbances which cause the threads to disintegrate into lines of droplets. From the growth rate of these disturbances, the interfacial tension between the thread phase and the matrix phase is calculated. For molten polymers, this so-called "breaking thread method" is relatively fast and simple since it does not require density data for the two phases. Upon addition of a diblock copolymer to the thread phase, a considerable decrease in interfacial tension is measured

    Motor control by precisely timed spike patterns

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    A fundamental problem in neuroscience is to understand how sequences of action potentials ("spikes") encode information about sensory signals and motor outputs. Although traditional theories of neural coding assume that information is conveyed by the total number of spikes fired (spike rate), recent studies of sensory and motor activity have shown that far more information is carried by the millisecond-scale timing patterns of action potentials (spike timing). However, it is unknown whether or how subtle differences in spike timing drive differences in perception or behavior, leaving it unclear whether the information carried by spike timing actually plays a causal role in brain function. Here we demonstrate how a precise spike timing code is read out downstream by the muscles to control behavior. We provide both correlative and causal evidence to show that the nervous system uses millisecond-scale variations in the timing of spikes within multi-spike patterns to regulate a relatively simple behavior - respiration in the Bengalese finch, a songbird. These findings suggest that a fundamental assumption of current theories of motor coding requires revision, and that significant improvements in applications, such as neural prosthetic devices, can be achieved by using precise spike timing information.Comment: 48 pages, 16 figure

    Cooperative Jahn-Teller transition and resonant x-ray scattering in thin film LaMnO3{\rm LaMnO_3}

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    Epitaxial thin films of stoichiometric LaMnO3{\rm LaMnO_3} were grown on SrTiO3(110){\rm SrTiO_3(110)} substrates using the pulsed laser deposition technique. From the high resolution x-ray diffraction measurements, the lattice parameters were determined as a function of temperature and the cooperative Jahn-Teller transition was found to occur at TJTT_{JT}=573.0 K. Also measured was resonant x-ray scattering intensity of the orthorhombic (100) peak of LaMnO3{\rm LaMnO_3} near the Mn K edge from low temperatures to above TJTT_{JT}. We demonstrate that the integrated intensity of the (100) peak is proportional to the 3/2 power of the orthorhombic strain at all temperatures, and thus provide an experimental evidence that the resonant scattering near the Mn K edge in LaMnO3{\rm LaMnO_3} is largely due to the Jahn-Teller effect.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Nanoparticle formation and dynamics in a complex (dusty) plasma: from the plasma ignition to the afterglow.

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    Complex (dusty) plasmas are a subject of growing interest. They areionized gases containing charged dust particles. In capacitively-coupled RF discharges, dust growth can occur naturally and two methods can be used to grow dust particles: chemically active plasmas or sputtering. The growth of dust particles in argon discharges by RF sputtering and the effect of dust particles on theplasma have been investigated from the plasma ignition to the afterglow. It was shown that plasma and discharge parameters are greatly affected by the dust particles. Furthermore, plasma instabilities can be triggered by the presence of the dust particles. These instabilities can be due to dust particle growth or they can be instabilities of a well established dust cloud filling the interelectrode space. When the discharge is switched off, the dust particles act like a sink for the charge carrier and consequently affect the plasma losses. It was shown that the dust particles do keep residual chargeswhich values are greatly affected by the diffusion of the charge carriers and especially the transition from ambipolar to free diffusion