257 research outputs found

    Study of an Optimized Micro-Grid’s Operation with Electrical Vehicle-Based Hybridized Sustainable Algorithm

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    Recently, the expansion of energy communities has been aided by the lowering cost of storage technologies and the appearance of mechanisms for exchanging energy that is driven by economics. An amalgamation of different renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, etc., is necessary to offer sustainable energy for smart cities. Furthermore, considering the induction of large-scale electric vehicles connected to the regional micro-grid, and causes of increase in the randomness and uncertainty of the load in a certain area, a solution that meets the community demands for electricity, heating, cooling, and transportation while using renewable energy is needed. This paper aims to define the impact of large-scale electric vehicles on the operation and management of the microgrid using a hybridized algorithm. First, with the use of the natural attributes of electric vehicles such as flexible loads, a large-scale electric vehicle response dispatch model is constructed. Second, three factors of micro-grid operation, management, and environmental pollution control costs with load fluctuation variance are discussed. Third, a hybrid gravitational search algorithm and random forest regression (GSA-RFR) approach is proposed to confirm the method’s authenticity and reliability. The constructed large-scale electric vehicle response dispatch model significantly improves the load smoothness of the micro-grid after the large-scale electric vehicles are connected and reduces the impact of the entire grid. The proposed hybridized optimization method was solved within 296.7 s, the time taken for electric vehicle users to charge from and discharge to the regional micro-grid, which improves the economy of the micro-grid, and realizes the effective management of the regional load. The weight coefficients λ1 and λ2 were found at 0.589 and 0.421, respectively. This study provides key findings and suggestions that can be useful to scholars and decisionmakers

    A New CuSe-TiO2-GO Ternary Nanocomposite: Realizing a High Capacitance and Voltage for an Advanced Hybrid Supercapacitor

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    A high capacitance and widened voltage frames for an aqueous supercapacitor system are challenging to realize simultaneously in an aqueous medium. The severe water splitting seriously restricts the narrow voltage of the aqueous electrolyte beyond 2 V. To overcome this limitation, herein, we proposed the facile wet-chemical synthesis of a new CuSe-TiO2-GO ternary nanocomposite for hybrid supercapacitors, thus boosting the specific energy up to some maximum extent. The capacitive charge storage mechanism of the CuSe-TiO2-GO ternary nanocomposite electrode was tested in an aqueous solution with 3 M KOH as the electrolyte in a three-cell mode assembly. The voltammogram analysis manifests good reversibility and a remarkable capacitive response at various currents and sweep rates, with a durable rate capability. At the same time, the discharge/charge platforms realize the most significant capacitance and a capacity of 920 F/g (153 mAh/g), supported by the impedance analysis with minimal resistances, ensuring the supply of electrolyte ion diffusion to the active host electrode interface. The built 2 V CuSe-TiO2-GO||AC-GO||KOH hybrid supercapacitor accomplished a significant capacitance of 175 F/g, high specific energy of 36 Wh/kg, superior specific power of 4781 W/kg, and extraordinary stability of 91.3% retention relative to the stable cycling performance. These merits pave a new way to build other ternary nanocomposites to achieve superior performance for energy storage devices

    Proučavanje relativističke tvorbe hadrona prema naprijed i unatrag u sudarima 3he i 4he s jezgrama u emulziji na energiji ubrzivača u dubni

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    The experimental results on 3He- and 4He-emulsion interactions accompanied by relativistic (shower) hadrons flying into the backward (θlab ≤ 90◦ ) hemisphere at 4.5 AGeV/c are presented and analyzed. The dependence of the probabilities of these interactions on the different target sizes, impact parameter and projectile spectator charges is studied. An investigation of average values and multiplicity distributions of these hadrons for the interactions with light and heavy emulsion nuclei has been carried out. In addition, the correlations between the multiplicities of different types of the emitted particles are studied. The data show that backward shower particles are a sensitive target parameter. The values of impact parameters can be used as good indicators for selecting events which occured with light or heavy emulsion nuclei. A comparison with the modified cascade model shows a good performance in describing the data produced in the region having less cascading (i.e. interactions with light nuclei). As for the interactions with heavy nuclei, the model overestimates the experimental data.Predstavljamo eksperimentalne rezultate i analize mjerenja međudjelovanja 3He i 4He u emulziji na 4.5 AGeV/c, u kojima se opažaju relativistički pljuskovi hadrona koji lete unatrag (θlab ≤ 90◦ ). Proučavamo ovisnost vjerojatnosti tih međudjelovanja o veličini jezgre mete, sudarnom parametru i naboju projektila-promatrača. Istražili smo prosječne vrijednosti i raspodjele višestrukosti hadrona za lake i teške jezgre u emulziji. Nadalje, proučavali smo korelacije višestrukosti različitih izlaznih čestica. Podaci pokazuju da su pljuskovi čestica unatrag osjetljiv parametar jezgri mete. Vrijednosti parametara mogu poslužiti kao dobar pokazatelj sudara s lakim odnosno teškim jezgrama. Usporedba s promijenjenim kaskadnim modelom pokazuje dobro slaganje s podacima u kojima je manje kaskada (tj. Manje sudara s lakim jezgrama). Rezultati tog modela za teške jezgre veći su od eksperimentalnih podataka

    Proceedings of US - PRC international TOGA symposium

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    A series of 12 meridional transect along longitude 165°E in the Western Equatorial Pacific ocean were made between mid-1986 and mi-1988 : a time interval spanning an El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event. Data collected on these cruises provide a detailed (albeit temporally sparse) view of the oceanic changes which occur in the Western Pacific during an ENSO event. The present work focuses on the evolution of the upper ocean thermohaline and zona velocity fields as revealed by high resolution hydrographic casts and direct near surface velocity measurements. (D'après résumé d'auteur

    Advanced Technologies for Oral Controlled Release: Cyclodextrins for oral controlled release

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    Cyclodextrins (CDs) are used in oral pharmaceutical formulations, by means of inclusion complexes formation, with the following advantages for the drugs: (1) solubility, dissolution rate, stability and bioavailability enhancement; (2) to modify the drug release site and/or time profile; and (3) to reduce or prevent gastrointestinal side effects and unpleasant smell or taste, to prevent drug-drug or drug-additive interactions, or even to convert oil and liquid drugs into microcrystalline or amorphous powders. A more recent trend focuses on the use of CDs as nanocarriers, a strategy that aims to design versatile delivery systems that can encapsulate drugs with better physicochemical properties for oral delivery. Thus, the aim of this work was to review the applications of the CDs and their hydrophilic derivatives on the solubility enhancement of poorly water soluble drugs in order to increase their dissolution rate and get immediate release, as well as their ability to control (to prolong or to delay) the release of drugs from solid dosage forms, either as complexes with the hydrophilic (e.g. as osmotic pumps) and/ or hydrophobic CDs. New controlled delivery systems based on nanotechonology carriers (nanoparticles and conjugates) have also been reviewed

    Persistence of TEL-AML1 fusion gene as minimal residual disease has no additive prognostic value in CD 10 positive B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a FISH study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objectives </p> <p>We have analyzed t(12;21)(p13:q22) in an attempt to evaluate the frequency and prognostic significance of <it>TEL-AML1 </it>fusion gene in patients with childhood CD 10 positive B-ALL by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Also, we have monitored the prognostic value of this gene as a minimal residual disease (MRD).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All bone marrow samples of eighty patients diagnosed as CD 10 positive B-ALL in South Egypt Cancer Institute were evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for t(12;21) in newly diagnosed cases and after morphological complete remission as a minimal residual disease (MRD). We determined the prognostic significance of <it>TEL-AML1 </it>fusion represented by disease course and survival.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>TEL-AML1 </it>fusion gene was positive in (37.5%) in newly diagnosed patients. There was a significant correlation between <it>TEL-AML1 </it>fusion gene both at diagnosis (r = 0.5, P = 0.003) and as a MRD (r = 0.4, P = 0.01) with favorable course. Kaplan-Meier curve for the presence of <it>TEL-AML1 </it>fusion at the diagnosis was associated with a better probability of overall survival (OS); mean survival time was 47 ± 1 month, in contrast to 28 ± 5 month in its absence (P = 0.006). Also, the persistence at <it>TEL-AML1 </it>fusion as a MRD was not significantly associated with a better probability of OS; the mean survival time was 42 ± 2 months in the presence of MRD and it was 40 ± 1 months in its absence. So, persistence of <it>TEL-AML1 </it>fusion as a MRD had no additive prognostic value over its measurement at diagnosis in terms of predicting the probability of OS.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>For most patients, the presence of <it>TEL-AML1 </it>fusion gene at diagnosis suggests a favorable prognosis. The present study suggests that persistence of <it>TEL-AML1 </it>fusion as MRD has no additive prognostic value.</p