14 research outputs found
The interface between geriatric medicine and orthopaedic surgery
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1995
- Field of study
SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:GPC/06959 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo
Discharge planning
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1995
- Field of study
SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:GPC/06961 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1995
- Field of study
SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:GPE/0821 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo
Expanded, but not regulated: ambiguity in home-care policy in Ireland
- Author
- Alber
- Burke
- Burke
- Castles
- Central Statistics Office (CSO)
- Collins
- Collins
- Dahlgren
- Department of Health and Children
- Department of Health and Children
- Department of Health and Children
- Devereux
- Donnellan
- Esping-Andersen
- Fahey
- Fanning
- Ferrera
- Government of Ireland
- Hall
- Health Service Executive
- Health Service Executive
- Health Service Executive
- Health Service Executive
- Health Service Executive
- Health Service Executive
- Inter-Departmental Committee
- Interdepartmental Working Group on Long Term Care
- Iyengar
- Korpi
- Mangan
- Mays
- Mercer
- National Economic and Social Forum (NESF)
- Nolan
- Office of the Ombudsman
- O’Dell
- O’Neill
- O’Shea
- O’Shea
- PA Consulting
- PA Consulting
- Palier
- Scott
- Taylor
- Thompson
- Timonen
- Timonen
- Timonen
- Timonen
- Tussing
- Vega
- Walshe
- Wiley
- Working Party on Services for the Elderly
- Wren
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Comprehension by older people of medication information with or without supplementary pharmaceutical pictograms
- Author
- Alan H.S. Chan
- Annie W.Y. Ng
- Bailey
- Barros
- Behrend
- Cardarelli
- Census and Statistics Department
- Census and Statistics Department
- Centre for Health Protection
- Chafac
- Chan
- Chan
- Chan
- Davis
- DeHenau
- Dowse
- Drug Office
- Edworthy
- Elderly Health Service
- Elderly Health Service
- Flesch
- Foster
- Goldsworthy
- Graf
- HomeMeds
- Hong
- Houts
- Hwang
- Hämeen-Anttila
- Katz
- Kessels
- Knapp
- Lawton
- Lee
- Lesch
- Mayhorn
- Mayhorn
- McDougall
- Meneilly
- Ng
- Ng
- Ng
- Ng
- Pawaskar
- Ruscin
- Sharif
- Steinmetz
- The Medical Council of Hong Kong
- Thompson
- United States Pharmacopeial Convention
- Vigilante
- Vincy W.S. Ho
- Wogalter
- Wogalter
- Yu
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Is there a future for the informal homecare of older people in a changing society?
- Author
- Abraham I.L.
- Audit Commission
- Blackwell J.
- Carers National Association.
- Coote A.
- Corelli P.
- Department of Health.
- Department of Health.
- Dowler J.
- Ellis K.
- Help
- Hill M.
- Joshi H.
- Land H.
- Mathews M.
- National Service Framework.
- Nolan M.
- Pateman C.
- Royal Commission on Long Term Care for the Elderly.
- Silvey J.
- Taylor-Gooby P.
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Creating a Continuum of Nutrition Services for the Older Population
- Author
- A Heiat
- AB Bernstein
- American Dietetic Association
- AT Geronimus
- AT Geronimus
- B Dawson-Hughs
- BE Millen
- BE Millen
- BM Posner
- C Bales
- CC Horwath
- CR Gallagher-Allred
- CR Gallagher-Allred
- CS Chima
- CS Ritchie
- D Volkert
- DB Reuben
- DH Sullivan
- DH Sullivan
- DR Williams
- E D’Erasmo
- E Kramarow
- Escott-Stump S
- Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics
- G Sikand
- GL Jensen
- GL Jensen
- GL Jensen
- GL Klein
- Institute of Medicine Committee on Nutrition Services for Medicare Beneficiaries
- Institute of Medicine Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
- J Cid-Ruzafa
- J Mirowski
- JA Langlois
- JA Marshall
- Jensen GL. Nutritional problems of free living elderly the rural elderly
- JM Friedmann
- JS House
- JS Lee
- JT Dwyer
- K Alaimo
- KE Covinsky
- LI Vailas
- M Gold
- M Hewitt
- M Mathieu
- M Ponza
- M-C Corti
- MA Marinelli
- MA Mcdowell
- ME Mussolino
- ME Salive
- MS Buchowski
- N Agarwal
- National Center for Health Statistics
- NR Sahyoun
- Nutrition Screening Initiative
- Nutrition Screening Initiative. Nutrition Interventions Manual for Professionals Caring for Older Americans. Greer Margolis
- Nutrition Screening Initiative. Nutrition screening manual for professionals caring for older Americans. 73 Nutrition Screening Initiative Washington, DC. Nutrition Interventions Manual for Professionals Caring for Older Americans. Greer, Margolis
- PK Whelton
- RJ Kuczmarski
- SA French
- T Constans
- TP Erlinger
- US Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service
- US Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service
- US Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy People
- US.Department of Health Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service. Healthy People
- Y Liao
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study
Growing Points in the Psychiatry of old age: Part II: Organization of Services
- Author
- Albert M.
- Arie T.
- Barraclough B.
- Barton R.
- Bergmann K.
- Bowen D.M.
- Bromley D.B.
- Butler R.N.
- Butler R.N.
- Canada's Elderly
- Carver V.
- Christie J.E.
- Comfort A.
- Copeland J.R.M.
- Corsellis J.A.N.
- Corser C.M.
- Cosin L.Z.
- Cummings J.
- Davies P.
- Deeping E.
- Dept. Health &
- Dept. Health &
- Dept. Health &
- Dept. Health &
- Dept. Health &
- Dept. Health &
- Dickinson A.G.
- Downs H.
- Drugs &
- Flieger H.
- Folsom J.C.
- Gianturco D.T.
- Glasscote R.
- Glasscote R.
- Godber C.
- Goldfarb A.
- Grimes J.A.
- Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry
- Kay D.W.K.
- Kendell R.E.
- Kral V.A.
- Lishman W.A.
- Lishman W.A.
- Marsden C.D.
- Meacher M.
- Mezey A.
- Mohs R.C.
- Moroney R.M.
- National Health Service
- Perry E.K.
- Pitt B.
- Pitt B.
- Plank D.
- Post F.
- Post F.
- Post F.
- Robb B.
- Roth M.
- Seebohm Committee
- Seligman M.E.P.
- Sendbuehler J.M.
- Smith C.M.
- Terry R.D.
- Thomson I.
- Varner R.V.
- Wiesniwski H.M.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Undernutrition in the UK
- Author
- Acheson D
- American Gastroenterological Association
- Anderson A
- Barker M
- Barrocas A
- Baxter JP
- Beier-Holgersen R
- Better Hospital Food
- Bishop CW
- Bolton-Smith C
- Bond S
- Boosalis MG
- Braddon F
- British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
- Burke A
- Burr ML
- Calvert C
- Campbell MK
- Caroline Walker Trust
- Caroline Walker Trust
- Caroline Walker Trust
- Caroline Walker Trust
- Caroline Walker Trust
- Casati A
- Chernoff R
- Chumlea WC
- Cole T
- Corish CA
- Coulston AM
- Cuthbertson DP
- Dempsey DT
- Department of Health
- Department of Health
- Department of Health
- Department of Health
- Department of Health
- Department of Health
- Department of Health
- Department of Health
- Dionigi R
- Dowler E
- Dreblow DM
- Edington J
- Edwards J
- Elia M
- Elia M
- Elia M
- Elia M
- Elia M
- Fenton J
- Fiatarone MA
- Finch S
- Fleck A
- Frankenfield DC
- Freeman J
- Galanos AN
- Garrow JS
- Garrow JS
- Green SM
- Gregory J
- Gregory J
- Gregory J
- Grindel CG
- Guigoz Y
- Ham RJ
- Haydock DA
- Herberer M
- Heymsfield SB
- Hill G
- Hunt D
- Jebb SA
- Keele AM
- Keys AJ
- King's Fund
- Klein S
- Klein S
- Klidjian AM
- Lennard-Jones JE
- Lennard-Jones JE
- Lopez J
- McWhirter JP
- McWhirter JP
- Miller D
- Mitchell DO
- Morgan DB
- Moynihan P
- National Health Service Executive
- Nightingale JM
- Nixon DW
- Nuffield Trust
- Nutrition Advisory Group for Elderly People
- Pennington CR
- Piachaud D
- Pirie P
- Potter J
- Rana SK
- Reilly HM
- Royal College of Physicians
- Royal Institute of Public Health
- Rushden C
- Schenker S
- Sizer T
- Social Exclusion Unit Cabinet Office
- Stall SH
- Stratton RJ
- Stratton RJ
- The Nutrition Screening Initiative
- Thomas B
- Truswell AS
- Unterman TG
- Whichelow M
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Prevalence and determinants of adolescent pregnancy in Africa: a systematic review and Meta-analysis
- Author
- A Conde-Agudelo
- A Nove
- A. A. Odukogbe
- A. O. Arowojolu
- AI Isa
- Alemayehu Worku Yalew
- BG Ayele
- C Cabezón
- C Izugbara
- C Karin
- C Sungwe
- CB Begg
- CC Breuner
- CC Okigbo
- Central Statistical Agency - CSA/Ethiopia ICF
- Central Statistical Office/Swaziland Macro International
- Central Statistical Office/Zambia Ministry of Health/Zambia, University of Zambia Teaching Hospital Virology Laboratory, University of Zambia Department of Population Studies, Tropical Diseases Research Centre/Zambia, ICF International
- CF Westoff
- CU Iklaki
- D Moher
- E Loaiza
- E TO
- EA Envuladu
- EA Fathi
- F Akanbi
- G Mchunu
- Getachew Mullu Kassa
- Ghana Statistical Service - GSS Ghana Health Service - GHS, ICF International
- H Brahmbhatt
- H Ezegwui
- HA Ugboma
- HB Chin
- I Garba
- I Yakubu
- J Sherris
- J Silk
- JA Kupoluyi
- JD Skatrud
- JDK Ngowa
- JE Darroch
- JK Krugu
- JP Higgins
- K Fayemi
- K Jonas
- L Iloki
- Liberia Institute of Statistics Geo-Information Services - LISGIS, Health Mo, Social Welfare/Liberia, National AIDS Control Program/Liberia, ICF International
- M Egger
- Ministry of Health CD Gender, Elderly, Children - MoHCDGEC/Tanzania Mainland, Ministry of Health - MoH/Zanzibar, National Bureau of Statistics - NBS/Tanzania, Office of Chief Government Statistician - OCGS/Zanzibar, ICF
- Ministry of Health Population/Egypt El-Zanaty, Associates/Egypt, ICF International
- Ministry of Health/Lesotho ICF International
- MT Naziru
- Namibia Ministry of Health Social Services - MoHSS/Namibia, ICF International
- National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda Finance Mo, Economic Planning/Rwanda, Ministry of Health/Rwanda, ICF International
- National Population Commission - NPC/Nigeria ICF International
- National Statistical Office/Malawi ICF
- National Statistics Evaluation Office/Eritrea ORC Macro
- NC Kaphagawani
- NM Nour
- OE Amoran
- PO Olausson
- Q Wodon
- R Gideon
- R Lyamuya
- R Pradhan
- R Vivancos
- RJ McCurdy
- S Duval
- S Mathewos
- S Mathur
- S Mayor
- S Rasheed
- SG Thompson
- Statistics Sierra Leone - SSL ICF International
- T Ganchimeg
- The Gambia Bureau of Statistics - GBOS ICF International
- The Joanna Briggs Institute
- U Schipulle
- Uganda Bureau of Statistics - UBOS ICF International
- UN DESA Statistics Division
- United Nations General Assembly
- V Guilamo-Ramos
- VN Agbor
- World Bank
- X-K Chen
- Z Munn
- Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency ICF International
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study