13 research outputs found

    Role of intermediary cells in Peltodon radicans (Lamiaceae) in the transfer of calcium and formation of calcium oxalate crystals

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    Com o objetivo de estudar a relação entre cristais de oxalato de cálcio e floema, fragmentos de folhas de Peltodon radicans foram fixados e processados, segundo métodos usuais, para estudos ao microscópio de luz e eletrônico de transmissão. Observou-se que os cristais ocorrem nas células da bainha do feixe, lateralmente em relação ao floema. Células intermediárias estabelecem conexão entre elemento crivado e células da bainha, portadoras de cristais, com crescimento intrusivo entre estas. Íons cálcio são abundantes no citoplasma das células da bainha que contém cristais de oxalato de cálcio. Nas células intermediárias a detecção ultra-citoquímica de cálcio também apresentou resultados positivos, enquanto nos elementos crivados a presença deste íon não foi constatada. Há, portanto, um gradiente crescente de concentração de cálcio dos elementos crivados para as células da bainha. Assim, formulamos a hipótese de que a formação de cristais de oxalato de cálcio tem, em P. radicans, o objetivo de controlar os níveis de cálcio citossólico nos elementos crivados.With the objective of studying the connection between calcium oxalate crystals formation and the phloem, fragments of leaves of Peltodon radicans Pohl (Lamiaceae) were fixed and processed, for light and electron-transmission microscopes. It was observed that the crystals occurred in the cells of the bundle sheath, juxtaposed in relation to the phloem. Intermediary cells established a connection between the sieve element and crystal-bearing sheath cells. Calcium was present abundantly in the cytoplasm of sheath cells as calcium oxalate crystals. The presence of calcium was also detected in the intermediary cells, but in the sieve elements it was not detected. There was, therefore, an increasing concentration gradient of calcium in the sieve elements from sheath cells. Thus, we hypothesized that the formation of calcium oxalate crystals regulates calcium levels in the sieve elements

    Food bodies in Cissus verticillata (Vitaceae): ontogenesis, structure and functional aspects

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    The distinction between pearl bodies (or pearl glands) and food bodies (FBs) is not clear; neither is our understanding of what these structures really represent. The present work examined the ontogenesis, structure, ultrastructure and histochemical aspects of the protuberances in Cissus verticillata, which have been described since the beginning of the 19th century as pearl glands or pearl bodies, in order to establish a relationship between their structure and function.Segments of stems and leaves in different stages of development were collected and fixed for study under light microscopy as well as electron transmission and scanning microscopy. Samples of FBs were subjected to chemical analysis using thin-layer chromatography.The FBs in C. verticillata are globose and attached to the plant by a short peduncle. These structures are present along the entire stem during primary growth, and on the inflorescence axis and the abaxial face of the leaves. The FBs were observed to be of mixed origin, with the participation of both the epidermis and the underlying parenchymatic cells. The epidermis is uniseriate with a thin cuticle, and the cells have dense cytoplasm and a large nucleus. The internal parenchymatic cells have thin walls; in the young structures these cells have dense cytoplasm with a predominance of mitochondria and plastids. In the mature FBs, the parenchymatic cells accumulate oils and soluble sugars; dictyosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum predominate in the cytoplasm; the vacuoles are ample. Removal of the FBs appears to stimulate the formation of new ones, at the same place.The vegetative vigour of the plant seems to influence the number of FBs produced, with more vigorous branches having greater densities of FBs. The results allow the conclusion that the structures traditionally designated pearl glands or pearl bodies in C. verticillata constitute FBs that can recruit large numbers of ants.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Glandular trichomes in Connarus suberosus (Connaraceae): distribution, structural organization and probable functions

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    Connarus suberosus is a typical species of the Brazilian Cerrado biome, and its inflorescences and young vegetative branches are densely covered by dendritic trichomes. The objective of this study was to report the occurrence of a previously undescribed glandular trichome of this species. The localization, origin and structure of these trichomes were investigated under light, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Collections were made throughout the year, from five adult specimens of Connarus suberosus near Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, including vegetative and reproductive apices, leaves and fruits in different developmental stages, as well as floral buds and flowers at anthesis. Glandular trichomes (GTs) occurred on vegetative and reproductive organs during their juvenile stages. The GTs consisted of a uniseriate, multicellular peduncle, whose cells contain phenolic compounds, as well as a multicellular glandular portion that accumulates lipids. The glandular cell has thin wall, dense cytoplasm (with many mitochondria, plastids and dictyosomes), and a large nucleus with a visible nucleolus. The starch present in the plastids was hydrolyzed during the synthesis phase, reducing the density of the plastid stroma. Some plastids were fused to vacuoles, and some evidence suggested the conversion of plastids into vacuoles. During the final activity stages of the GTs, a darkening of the protoplasm was observed in some of the glandular cells, as a programmed cell death; afterwards, became caducous. The GTs in C. suberosus had a temporal restriction, being limited to the juvenile phase of the organs. Their presence on the exposed surfaces of developing organs and the chemical nature of the reserve products, suggest that these structures are food bodies. Field observations and detailed studies of plant-environment interactions, as well as chemical analysis of the reserve compounds, are still necessary to confirm the role of these GTs as feeding rewards.<br>Connarus suberosus es una especie típica del bioma Cerrado brasileño, y sus inflorescencias junto con los ramos vegetativos jóvenes están densamente cubiertos por tricomas dendríticas. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar la ocurrencia de un tricoma glandular sin descripción previa para esta especie. La localización, origen y estructura de estos tricomas se observó mediante microscopia óptica, así como electrónica de transmisión y de barrido. Los tricomas glandulares (TGs) se producen en los órganos vegetativos y reproductivos, en sus fases jóvenes. Los TGs consisten en un pedúnculo uniseriado y multicelular, cuyas células contienen compuestos fenólicos, así como un sitio en el cual las células glandulares acumulan compuestos pécticos, almidón y lípidos. La acumulación de aceite en el citosol es impresionante, pues ocupa una gran parte del volumen celular. La porción glandular presenta células con paredes delgadas, un denso citoplasma y un núcleo grande con nucleolo visible. El citoplasma contiene gran cantidad de mitocondrias, plástidos y dictiosomas. El almidón presente en los plástidos se hidroliza durante la fase de síntesis, de tal modo que reduce la densidad del estroma plastidial. Algunos plástidos se fusionan con las vacuolas, además hay pruebas de la conversión de los plástidos en vacuolas. Durante las etapas finales de la actividad de los TGs, se observó un oscurecimiento del protoplasma en algunas de las células glandulares lo que sugiere la existencia de la muerte celular programada; después de lo anterior, los TGs se convierten en caducas. Por lo tanto la aparición de TGs en las superficies expuestas de los órganos en desarrollo en C. suberosus y la naturaleza química de los productos de reserva sugieren que estas estructuras son cuerpos alimenticios. Hay evidencias sobre el papel de estos tricomas en las interacciones planta-hormiga, especialmente en el bioma Cerrado

    Nectar secretion of floral buds of Tococa guianensis mediates interactions with generalist ants that reduce florivory

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    The specialised mutualism between Tococa guianensis and ants housed in its leaf domatia is a well-known example of myrmecophily. A pollination study on this species revealed that flowers in the bud stage exude a sugary solution that is collected by ants. Given the presence of this unexpected nectar secretion, we investigated how, where, and when floral buds of T. guianensis secret nectar and what function it serves. We studied a population of T. guianensis occurring in a swampy area in the Cerrado of Brazil by analyzing the chemical composition and secretion dynamics of the floral-bud nectar and the distribution and ultrastructure of secretory tissues. We also measured flower damage using ant-exclusion experiments. Floral bud nectar was secreted at the tip of the petals, which lack a typical glandular structure but possess distinctive mesophyll due to the presence of numerous calcium oxalate crystals. The nectar, the production of which ceased after flower opening, was composed mainly of sucrose and low amounts of glucose and fructose. Nectar was consumed by generalist ants and sporadically by stingless bees. Ant exclusion experiments resulted in significantly increased flower damage. The floral nectar of T. guianensis is produced during the bud stage. This bud-nectar has the extranuptial function of attracting generalist ants that reduce florivory. Pollen is the unique floral resource attracting pollinators during anthesis. Tococa guianensis, thus, establishes relationships with two functional groups of ant species: specialist ants acting against herbivory and generalist ants acting against florivory.Fil: Mesquita-Neto, José Neiva. Universidad Católica del Maule; Chile. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Paiva, Elder Antônio Sousa. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Galetto, Leonardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Kienzler, Clemens. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Brasi

    First Report of Colleters in Araceae: A Case Study in <i>Anthurium andraeanum</i> Reveals Diverse Mucilage Glands Associated with the Developing Shoot

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    Araceae comprises a diverse group of plants that grow in various habitats, ranging from submerged aquatics to lithophytes. Thus, aroids are likely to show diverse glands acting in several plant–environment interactions, including colleters that protect young shoots. Based on this premise and the lack of studies regarding secretory structures in Araceae, we employed standard light and electron microscopy methods to test the hypothesis that colleters are present in Anthurium. Our main goals were to identify mucilage glands in A. andraeanum by conducting a detailed anatomical study of their structure, ultrastructure, and secretory activity. We found finger-like colleters in the apex of young leaves, spathes, and unexpanded cataphylls as well as secreting zones at the apex of expanded cataphylls, at the margins of non-fused cataphylls, and throughout the keels in two-keeled cataphylls. The colleters develop precociously and senesce shortly afterwards. Ultrastructural data and histochemistry confirmed the production of a polysaccharide-rich secretion that fills the spaces within the developing shoot. As far we know, this is the first time that colleters have been reported for Araceae. The functional roles of the secretion and the position of finger-like colleters concerning the ‘precursor tip’ of monocotyledons are discussed. Future research correlating secretory activity in colleters of species from different habitats might reveal a great diversity of mucilage glands with ecological and evolutionary significance to the family