297 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui perubahan memori jangka pendek pada Orang Dengan Demensia (ODD) melalui senam A-Pik. Metode yang digunakan adalah pre eksperimental dengan desain penelitian One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu orang dengan demensia sebanyak 22 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa uji tes memori yang bernama Scenery Picture Memori Test (SPMT). Analisis data menggunakan Paired Sample t-Test untuk menguji pengaruh terhadap memori jangka pendek. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap memori jangka pendek (Sig.=0.00). Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa memori jangka pendek dapat ditingkatkan dengan melakukan aktivitas fisik salah satunya senam A-Pik (Anti Pikun). Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini yaitu diharapkan untuk mencari jumlah responden yang lebih banyak agar adanya kelompok kontrol. This research aims at finding out short-term memory changes in people with dementia through the A-Pik exercise. The method employed was a pre-experimental method with a one-group pretest-posttest design research design. The sample in this research was 22 people with dementia, while the technique used in sampling was purposive sampling. The instrument employed in this research was a memory test called the Scenery Picture Memory Test (SPMT). In the data analysis, the paired sample t-test was used to test the effect on short-term memory. The results of data analysis showed that there was a significant effect on short-term memory (Sig. = 0.00). Therefore, it can be concluded that short-term memory could be improved by doing physical activities such as A-Pik (Antidementia) exercise. As a recommendation, it is expected to find a larger number of respondents so that there is a control group

    An Investigation of Communication Patterns and Strategies between International Teaching Assistants and Undergraduate Students in University-level Science Labs

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    Investigates communication between international teaching assistants and their undergraduate students in university-level chemistry labs. Qualitative and quantitative data from observations and interviews with study participants guide the analysis of laboratory interactions, which examines patterns of conversational listening. Results reveal that successful communication depends on teaching assistant listening comprehension skills and on the coordination of verbal and visual (gestural and physical resources) sources of information

    Graduate Recital: Jan Elas, Soprano; September 12, 1976

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    Centennial East Recital HallSunday EveningSeptember 12, 19768:00 p.m

    Letter, 1963 May 31, from Elsa-Mai Gottschalk to Eva Jessye

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    1 page, Gottschalk was director for the International Concert and Theatre Agency in Sweden

    Conocimiento, percepción y actitud del personal de salud del Hospital Zacamil, sobre la vacuna contra la influenza y su aplicación como medida de bioseguridad, mayo-agosto, 2011.

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    Investigación cualitativa de tipo transversal. Recomienda al Ministerio de Salud y Hospital Zacamil homogenizar el conocimiento por medio de un plan de capacitación continua que incluya los temas de: seguridad y eficacia d ela vacunación, los riesgos y beneficios sociales e individuales de exponerse a la enfermedad vrs aceptación de la vacunación, discutir y desvirtuar los mitos y creencias, así como explicar los procesos de adquisición, compra y control de calidad de las vacunas; A las Universidades formadoras de Recursos Humanos en Salud: incorporar el tema de bioseguridad y enfermedades inmunoprevenibles, así como el tema de ética; A las Asociaciones profesionales de salud de enfermería y médicos: fomentar la concientización y sensibilización de la importancia del modelaje de los profesionales en salud en la promoción de la salud, bioseguridad y prevención


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini berawal dari kurangnya keantusiasan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran siswa merasa cepat bosan sehingga siswa meminta bermain pada saat pembelajaran berlangsung sedangkan materi yang belum tersampaikan masih banyak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui bagaiman kelayakan media Quiet Book sebagai media pada pembelajaran tematik dikelas IV B dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon siswa setelah menggunakan media pemebelajaran Quiet Book pada pembelajaran tematik dikelas IV B. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SD Negeri Karundang 2 dengan subjek penelitian di kelas IV B dengan 20 siswa pada uji angket respon siswa. Hasil uji validasi oleh para ahli terhadap kualitas media Quiet Book yang dikembangkan termasuk dalam kriteria sangat layak dengan presentase sebesar 85,4%. Hasil uji angket respon siswa terhadap media Quiet Book mendapatkan kriteria sangat setuju dengan persentase sebesar 95%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa media Quiet Book pada pembelajaran tematik dapat dikatakan sangat layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran tematik. Kata Kunci: Media Quiet Book, Pembelajaran tematik.AbstractThis research starts from the lack of enthusiasm of students in the learning process students feel bored quickly so students ask to play while learning takes place while the material that has not been delivered is still a lot. This study aims to find out how the feasibility of Quiet Book media as a media in thematic learning in class IV B and to find out how students respond after using Quiet Book learning media in thematic learning in class IV B. This research was conducted at Karundang 2 Elementary School with research subjects in class IV B with 20 students on the student response questionnaire test. The results of the validation test by the experts on the quality of the developed Quiet Book media are included in the very feasible criteria with a percentage of 85.4%. The results of the questionnaire test students' responses to the media Quiet Book get criteria strongly agree with a percentage of 95%. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the Quiet Book media on thematic learning can be said to be very feasible to use in thematic learning. Keywords: Quiet Book Media, Thematic Learnin

    The role of idioms in English language learning

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    The most widely used English idioms are considered in the present paper, their role in English language learning is analyzed as well. The significance of idioms in the modern English language is impossible to underestimate since they make a colloquial speech lively and rich. And, without doubt, idioms are actually used by native speakers in their everyday language. Consequently, it is necessary to pay a particular attention to these lexical units studying a foreign language. Furthermore, some ways of learning idioms individually as well as by means of various communicative types of activity under the guidance of a teacher are also considered in the research. В данной работе рассмотрены наиболее распространенные идиомы в английском языке, проанализирована их роль в изучении английского языка. Выявлено значение идиом в современном английском языке как единиц, обеспечивающих разговорной речи живость и стилистическую выразительность, что обусловило необходимость уделить особое внимание этим лексическим единицам. Рассмотрены некоторые способы изучения идиом как самостоятельно, так и посредством различных коммуникативных видов деятельности под руководством преподавателя

    An application of modified adaptive bats sonar algorithm (MABSA) on fuzzy logic controller for dc motor accuracy

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    Controllers are mostly used to improve the control system performance. The works related to controllers attract researchers since the controller can be applied to solve many industrial problems involving speed and position. Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) gains popularity since it is widely used in industrial application. However, the FLC structure is still lacking in terms of the accuracy and time response. Although there are optimization technique used to obtain both accuracy and time response, it is still lacking. Therefore, this research presents works on the FLC system which is the fuzzy inference system that will be optimized by the modified adaptive bats sonar algorithm (MABSA) for the DC servo motor position control. The MABSA will be optimized with the range of the membership input in the FLC. The research aims are to achieve accuracy while minimizing the time response of the DC servo motor. This is done by designing the FLC using the Matlab toolbox. After the FLC is designed completely, the Simulink block diagram for the DC servo motor and FLC are built to see the performance of the controller. The range of the membership function for inputs and outputs will be optimized by the MABSA to get the best positional values. The performance of the developed FLC with the optimized MABSA is verified through the simulation and robustness tests with the system that did not use the FLC and also the system without MABSA. It was demonstrated from the study that the proposed FLC with optimization of MABSA algorithm was able to yield an improvement of 3.8% with respect to the rise time in comparison to other control schemes evaluated. When compared with PSO algorithm, proposed FLC optimized by MABSA showed improvement by 12.5% in rise time and 10% in settling time. PSO-FLC also give 0.6% steady state error compared to the MABSA-FLC. In conclusion, the results validate the better performance in terms of rise time and settling time of the developed FLC that has been optimized by the MABSA

    Scurvy presenting as vulvar folliculitis, a case report and review of the literature

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    This case examines clinical features and care of a patient with scurvy presenting with vulvar folliculitis


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    Indonesia adalah negara yang rawan bencana, pembelajaran seputar kebencanaan dalam lingkup Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) masih terbatas. Sebaran kuisioner yang diberikan kepada 100 perwakilan pendidik di lembaga PAUD, menyatakan 62% pendidik di lembaga PAUD belum mengimplementasikan program mitigasi bencana pada anak didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan program mitigasi bencana banjir bagi anak usia dini di lembaga PAUD. Metode yang digunakan adalah research and development, dengan menggunakan model ADDIE (Analysis, Desain, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari pendidik di lembaga PAUD dan 4 anak usia 5-6 tahun. Serangkaian hasil uji coba telah dilakukan oleh ahli materi dengan perolehan nilai 96%, ahli media 97%, pendidik 95%, dan uji coba small group dengan perolehan nilai 85%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa “Pengembangan Program Mitigasi Bencana Banjir bagi Anak Usia Dini di Lembaga PAUD” dapat memberikan gambaran bagi pendidik untuk melaksanakan program mitigasi bencana, yang dapat menumbuhkan pengetahuan dan sikap kebencanaan pada anak usia 5-6 tahun, melalui serangkaian kegiatan bermain kreatif yang berpusat pada anak. Indonesia is a disaster-prone country, in the scope of early childhood education disaster mitigation program are still limited. The distribution of quistionnaires given to 100 representatives of educators in PAUD institutions, stated that 62% have not implemented disaster mitigation programs with children.This study aims to find out the implementation of flood mitigation programs in PAUD institutions. This development uses ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation).The subject of this study consisted of educators in PAUD institutions and 4 children aged 5-6 years. A series of trial results have been conducted by material experts with a score of 96%, media experts 97%, educators 95%, and small group trials with a score of 85%. These results are categorized as very suitable so that "Development of Mitigation Program Flood Disaster for Early Childhood in Early Childhhood Educational Institutions" can be said to be good and has succeeded to provide an overview for educators and stimulating knowledge for disasters skills of children aged 5 to 6 years, disaster mitigation programs through a series of creative play activities centered on children