29 research outputs found

    Isolation and Molecular Detection of Gram Negative Bacteria Causing Urinary Tract Infection in Patients Referred to Shahrekord Hospitals, Iran

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    Background: Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), and their complications, cause serious health problems, which affect millions of people every year. Infections of the urinary tract are the second most common type of infection in the body and approximately 20% of women are especially prone to UTIs for reasons not yet well understood. Urinary Tract Infections in men are not as common as in women yet can be very serious when they do occur. Accurate identification of bacterial isolates is an essential task of the clinical microbiology laboratory. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence and variety of the causative microbial agents of UTIs in patients who had referred to a medical laboratory of Kashani and Hajar hospital in Shahrekord, Iran. Patients and Methods: In this cross-sectional study 147 urine samples of patients (urine test results were positive for UTIs) were examined during April to September 2013. A total of 147 urine samples of patients with clinical symptoms of UTI who had been referred to a medical laboratory of Kashani and Hajar hospital in Shahrekord (Iran), were collected and processed immediately for laboratory analysis. Results: Escherichia coli was identified as the most common causative agent of UTIs (51.70% of total isolates in both sexes), followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. Pneumoniae) (16.32%). Frequency of Proteus spp., Acinetobacter spp., Entrobacter spp., Citrobacter spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) and Providencia spp. was 10.88%, 6.12%, 5.44%, 4.08%, 3.40% and 2.04%, respectively. Statistical analysis by Fisher exact test showed that there was no significant relationship between the type of bacteria and gender (P > 0.05). Chi square test showed that there was no significant relationship between the type of bacteria and the use of catheter and age group (P > 0.05). However, there was a significant relationship between the type of bacteria and the history of hospitalization (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Our findings implied that a wide range of bacteria could be involved in creating urinary tract infection in patients referred to a medical laboratory of Kashani and Hajar hospital in Shahrekord, Iran. Regardless of age, sex and the use of catheter, a wide range of bacteria could be involved in urinary tract infections

    Molecular detection and antimicrobial resistance of Aeromonas from houseflies (Musca domestica) in Iran

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    ABSTRACT Objective. This study aimed to report the molecular detection and antimicrobial resistance of Aeromonas among houseflies (Musca domestica) in Shahrekord and Isfahan provinces of Iran. Materials and methods. Flies were caught from household kitchens, cattle farms, animal hospitals, human hospitals, slaughter house and poultry farms and put in collection separate sterile tubes. Isolation was accomplished by culture of flies in alkaline peptone water followed by identification with Aeromonas-specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Results. Out of 600 houseflies 73 (12.2%) were infected with Aeromonas spp. Significantly higher frequencies of Aeromonas were isolated in Shahrekord province (13.0%; 39/300) than in Isfahan province (11.3%; 34/300). The recovery frequencies of the organisms were significantly lower in kitchens as compared to those in cattle farms and hospital wards which were similar. Higher proportions of infected flies were obtained during summer whereas low proportions were obtained during winter. Conclusions. It is concluded that houseflies do harbor diarrheagenic pathogens, including Aeromonas especially during summer. The carried organisms are resistant to a number of antimicrobials at different levels. Thus, future plans aimed at stemming infections caused by these organisms should take flies into account. Control efforts of infections caused by this particular bacterium should therefore take into account Musca domestica


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    Dehaj-Sarduieh volcano-plutonic belt in Kerman province of Iran represents a part of Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic assemblage which is mainly composed of granodiorite, quartz diorite, tonalite granite and granophyre. These rocks emplaced in Eocene volcanic and pyroclastic deposits rocks and are considered to be Oligo-Miocene in age. Geochemical studies showed that the amphibole minerals in diorite and granodiorites are calcic in composition and range from actinolite to magnesio-hornblende. Geochemical and mineralogical results revealed that these bodies have been generated in the lower part of the lower crust at a temperature of 700 to 750 °C, with an oxygen fugacity of -13.57 to -15.76 and a low pressure of 1 to 3 kb through mixing of mantle-derived mafic magma with crustal-derived felsic melts. These amphiboles are subduction-related and in accordance with the tectono-magmatic features suggested for these massifs, they show the characteristics of subduction and active continental margin environments. Field observations and mineralogical-geochemical evidence revealed that the original magma has been calc-alkaline in composition and metaluminous I-type. It is also showed that the process of fractional crystallization has significantly contributed in the formation of these rocks. Sarduieh igneous rocks displayed an enrichment in the large-ion lithophile elements (LILE, e.g. Ce, Th, Ba, Zr, Sr) and a depletion of the high field strength elements (HFSE, e.g. Nb, P, and Ti) and Chondrite normalized REE patterns are characterized by LREE enrichment and Show slight negative Eu anomalies which reflect the influence of subductions zone and active continental margin environments. The tectonic setting of these rocks is inferred to be continental arc or active continental margin and they were deduced to be generated by the subduction of the Neotethys oceanic crust beneath the Central Iranian continental plate.O cinturão vulcânico-plutônico de Dehaj-Sarduieh, na província de Kerman, no Irã, representa uma parte do conjunto Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic, composto principalmente de granodiorito, diorito de quartzo, granito e granito. Essas rochas localizadas em depósitos vulcânicos e piroclásticos do Eoceno e são consideradas como idade do Oligo-Mioceno. Estudos geoquímicos mostraram que os minerais anfibólio nos dioritos e granodioritos são de composição cálica e variam de actinolita a magnésio-hornblenda.Resultados geoquímicos e mineralógicos revelaram que esses corpos foram gerados na parte inferior da crosta inferior a uma temperatura de 700 a 750 ° C, com uma fugacidade de oxigênio de -13,57 a -15,76 e baixa pressão de 1 a 3 kb através da mistura de magma máfico derivado do manto com derretidos félsicos derivados da crosta. Esses anfibólios estão relacionados à subducção e, de acordo com as características tectono-magmáticas sugeridas para esses maciços, mostram as características dos ambientes de subducção e margem continental ativa. As observações de campo e as evidências mineralógico-geoquímicas revelaram que o magma original tem composição alcalino-calcária e tipo I metaluminoso. Também é mostrado que o processo de cristalização fracionada contribuiu significativamente na formação dessas rochas. As rochas ígneas de Sarduieh exibiram um enriquecimento nos elementos litófilos de íons grandes (LILE, por exemplo, Ce, Th, Ba, Zr, Sr) e um esgotamento dos elementos de alta força de campo (HFSE, por exemplo, Nb, P e Ti) e Condrita normalizados Os padrões REE são caracterizados pelo enriquecimento LREE e Mostrar pequenas anomalias negativas da Eu que refletem a influência da zona de subducção e ambientes ativos de margens continentais. O cenário tectônico dessas rochas é inferido como arco continental ou margem continental ativa e elas foram deduzidas para serem geradas pela subducção da crosta oceânica de Neotethys sob a placa continental iraniana central

    Coagulase gene polymorphism of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical and sub-clinical bovine mastitis in Isfahan and Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari provinces of Iran

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    Mastitis is a common disease in dairy cattle and is an inflammatory response of the breast tissue to bacterial attack to this tissue. Mastitis causes considerable loss to the dairy industry, among the several bacterial pathogens that can cause mastitis; Staphylococcus aureus is probably the most lethal agent because it causes chronic and deep infection in the mammary glands that is extremely difficult to cure. Several virulence factors including coagulase gene are produced by S. aureus and may contribute to its pathogenicity. This study was conducted to investigate the coagulase gene polymorphism of S. aureus isolated from clinical and sub-clinical bovine mastitis milk samples in Isfahan and Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari provinces of Iran. Amplification of the coagulase gene from 86 S. aureus strains isolates by specific primers showed 31 specimens contained 970 bp fragment, and 11 strains contained 730 bp fragment relevant to coa gene (coagulase) in PCR. After enzymatic digestion with AluI, 31 specimens contained three bands: 320, 490, and 160 bp (genotype I) and 11 specimens contained two bands: 490 and 240 bp (genotype VIII) in the RFLP

    Determination of Antibiotic Resistance Pattern and Detection of tetK, ant(4)-Ia, vanA, and ermA Genes in Staphylococcus epidermidis Isolated from Clinical Samples in Shahrekord, (IRAN).

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    Background and Objectives: Coagulase-negative Staphylococci are one of the most important drug resistant pathogens in nosocomial infections. In this study, the antibiotic resistance pattern of Staphylococcus epidermidis strains isolated from clinical samples in Shaherkord, was investigated.   Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, antibiotic resistance of 80 isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis to penicillin, ciprofloxacin, oxacillin, gentamicin, tetracycline, erythromycin, cotrimoxazole, rifampicin, ceftazidime, cefalotin, cloxacillin, vancomycin, cephalexin, and amoxiclav, was studied. The frequency of tet K, ant (4) -Ia, vanA, ermA genes, was investigated in the presence of specific primers.   Results: In this study, the highest resistance was to penicillin (93.8%) and the least resistance was to amoxiclav (1.25%). In the genotypic study, the frequency of tetK, ant (4) -Ia, vanA, ermA genes, was reported 66.66%, 80%, 50%, and 47.90, respectively.   Conclusion: Considering the comparison of different percentages of antibiogram results with similar tests, it should be taken into consideration that regional variation in different parts of the world leads to different therapeutic responses to antimicrobial drugs, which is due to genetic variation of individuals, genetic variation of strains, and variation in other fields. Accordingly, the therapeutic patterns used in different regions are different and defined by specific characteristics of each region. &nbsp

    Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori vacA allels and cagA gene in the feces of seroposetive children in Kermanshah city

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    Background and Aim: Helicobacter pylori is the most common cause of Gastritis and indigestion in the human. Considering the importance of this infection and its different prevalence in different regions of Iran, this study was conducted to determine the prevalence of H. pylori vacA allels and cagA gene in the feces of seroposetive children in Kermanshah city as a high-risk province Materials and Methods: In this study, 300 children aged 2 to 9 years were examined and tested for detection of anti IgG. Then DNA extracted from stools of seropositive patients and at the present of specific primers prevalence of cagA gene and vacA alleles including (s1a, s1b, s1c, s2, m1and m2) and were determined. Results: A total of 300 serum samples, 50 cases (16.66%) positive for anti IgG against H. pylori.The findings showed that most strains of H. pylori genotypes vacA s2/m2 are isolated. But the frequency of cagA gene sees in only 10 %. Conclusions: According to the results, the most frequent allele of the gene vacA s2/m2 this area has existing children. To ensure these wider molecular studies in other populations is recommended

    Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma in slaughtered sheep: A pathological and polymerase chain reaction study

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    Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) is a contagious tumour in sheep caused by jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV). This tumour originates from the pneumocyte type II and Clara cells and grossly appears as hard, prominent nodules in different lobes. The clinical signs of the disease are similar to those of other chronic respiratory diseases and are not pathogonomic. Therefore, post mortem examinations and histopathological studies are the most reliable ways to diagnose OPA, particularly subclinical cases of this neoplasm. In this study, out of 1000 sheep lungs grossly inspected, 50 animals were suspected of OPA. The suspected lungs as well as 25 apparently normal lungs were examined by histopathological and PCR methods. The proviral DNA was detected in 1/25 apparently normal lungs and 8/50 of the suspected lungs and subsequently confirmed by histopathological studies. The PCR-positive lung samples from five sheep revealed lesions of ’atypical’ OPA and those from three sheep showed the ’classic’ form of the disease. The tumours were multifocal and the masses were distributed throughout the cranioventral and diaphragmatic lung lobes. The stroma of the tumours in the atypical cases was more severely affected with inflammatory cell infiltration and connective tissue proliferation. The histopathological characteristics of maedi including hyperplasia of the perivascular and peribronchiolar lymphoid cells, interstitial lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and smooth muscle hyperplasia were also associated with OPA, especially the atypical form of this adenocarcinoma. Atypical OPA was more prevalent than the classic form. Geographic and climatic conditions, duration of exposure to the virus and the immune status of individual animals might be responsible for the differences between the two pathological entities of OPA