467 research outputs found

    Religion And Religious Language A Religious Symbolism For Nonreligious Purposes

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    Religion is a very important thing in the people's lives. They need religion because of their weaknesses and limitations to face something outside themselves. Their limitations, especially in spiritual and metaphysical aspects, hence the people search for references which are considered hits, it is the religion. The spirit of religion in the collective life is to create the beneficiaries for the adherents. But, the religious symbolism is no less important than religion in life, so that religious symbols are greatly needed by the people. Moreover, religious symbolism is sometimes treated more than to the religion itself. Maybe public passion towards religious symbols more powerful than passion towards religion itself. Because it's not uncommon religious symbols are used for a variety of interests outside the religious interests, for example economic interests, political interests, and so on.Agama adalah hal yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Mereka membutuhkan agama karena kelemahan dan keterbatasan mereka untuk menghadapi sesuatu di luar diri mereka. Keterbatasan mereka, terutama dalam aspek spiritual dan metafisis, maka orang-orang mencari referensi yang dianggap hits, itu adalah agama. Semangat agama dalam kehidupan kolektif adalah menciptakan para penerima manfaat bagi para penganutnya. Namun, simbolisme agama tidak kurang penting daripada agama dalam kehidupan, sehingga simbol-simbol agama sangat dibutuhkan oleh rakyat. Selain itu, simbolisme agama kadang-kadang diperlakukan lebih dari pada agama itu sendiri. Mungkin hasrat publik terhadap simbol-simbol agama lebih kuat daripada hasrat terhadap agama itu sendiri. Karena itu tidak jarang simbol-simbol agama digunakan untuk berbagai kepentingan di luar kepentingan agama, misalnya kepentingan ekonomi, kepentingan politik, dan sebagainy

    Examining the Role of Social Trust in the Angel Investors’ Decision-Making Process: The Case of Egypt

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    This study focuses on examining the role of trust in the angel investors’ decision-making process. It was developed with the aim to advance understanding of the relationship between social trust and angel investments in a developing country such as Egypt and to examine the implications on transaction cost. Studying angel investment in the Egyptian context is important due to the existing boom in entrepreneurship in the country, lack of access to finance, and the nature of the economic ecosystem in Egypt shaped by cultural and social ties. The importance of these types of investors to the economic growth and sustainability of the entrepreneurial ecosystem is the main motive to examine angel investors’ decision-making processes. This study was conducted using in depth semi-structured interviews with ten angel investors located in Egypt. The findings of this study disassociated trust from social capital, which contradicts views of extant work and was more aligned with the notion that trust is a collective asset built from working on social capital. Further, the findings of this study highlighted the role of feelings and emotions as a key decision-making factor contributing to the evolution of the angel – entrepreneur relationship during the decision-making process. In this study, participants used ‘marriage’ and ‘friendship’ as a metaphor to their relationship with the entrepreneur, reflecting the emotional dimension they confer to their interactions with the entrepreneurs. These findings resonate with existing literature, though sparse, illustrating that the investor’s internal emotional or mood state, while taking an investment decision, could affect their judgment as well as their behavior to allocate equity towards a company. This work extends existing research by furthering understandings that angel investors associate emotions with their decisions, not only at the equity allocation phase and while making the final decision but also throughout the different pre-investment activities. Moreover, their perception of trust and how it relates to moving from one stage to another or even surpassing certain stages had an emotional dimension triggering the decision. Interestingly and of theoretical importance, angels in this study conceptualized trust as feelings and emotions; referring to trusting an entrepreneur or deciding to invest in certain venture, as a ‘gut’ feeling. Taking into consideration the aforementioned findings, this study suggests integrating non-economic factors such as trust and emotions into the angel investment process, specifically in the decision-making process to accommodate the impact of emotions and gut feelings

    A Study of the Implementation of Multi-Tiered System of Supports in One School

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    Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is designed to help schools identify struggling students. This study aimed to determine the perception of MTSS through the lens of kindergarten through fifth-grade teachers and teacher leaders who participate in the school-wide MTSS process. The context of this inquiry was one elementary school in a large urban district where teachers had implemented MTSS for several years. I used a mixed methods research design. A survey of classroom teachers with Likert scale items and open-ended questions and data from a focus group interview of teacher leaders provided quantitative and qualitative data. I found a disconnect between the perceptions of teachers and teacher leaders regarding what the teachers needed to support them to implement MTSS effectively. I recommended a policy change that requires teachers to have MTSS certification and developed a change leadership plan based on Kotter’s (2014) 8-step process

    Gas-side particulate fouling in biomass gasifiers

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    Particulate fouling is defined as the accumulation of particles on a heat exchanger-surface forming an insulating powdery layer. Particulate fouling in biomass gasifiers is a major problem that may lead to inefficient operation. As observed in a large-scale biomass gasifier the character of the fouling layer is related to the local gas temperature and velocity. At high gas-side temperatures, the fouling layer structure changes from a fragile powdery form to a coherent sintered structure. Particulate fouling of heat exchangers shows an asymptotic growth rate with a levelling off increase of the thickness. The fouling growth rate is determined by the difference between the deposition rate and the removal rate of particles on and from the fouling layer respectively. Till now, most attention has been given to the deposition process. The objective of this research project is to study and model removal of particles from particulate fouling layers as a function of the fouling layer structure. By integrating the removal rate and the depositing rate a complete perspective can be given about the fouling process. Two mechanisms contribute to the removal of particles from fouling layers: the transfer of kinetic energy from an incident particle to bed particles or the forces exerted on the bed of particles by a shear flow. To study the removal of particles from fouling layers by shear flow, fouling experiments in a heat exchanger set-up have been done with particles of different sizes and different materials running under different gas speeds. It is found that the smallest particles in the flow deposit first on the tubes of the heat exchanger at areas of minimum flow velocities. Then the larger particles deposit and the fouling layer starts to build up. The fouling layer thickness and growth over the heat exchanger tube is influenced by the flow speed. As the flow speed in the heat exchanger increases, the thickness and the surface area of the fouling layer deposited over the heat exchanger tube are reduced. There is a limiting flow speed above which fouling is avoided. This limiting speed appears to be related to the critical flow velocity required to roll a particle resting on a flat surface. To prevent fouling, the gas speed in a heat exchanger should be larger than the critical flow velocity that corresponds to the particle size most likely to stick on the heat exchanger tube. It appeared that the removal of particles from fouling layers by shear flow becomes important at high gas speeds. The second mechanism, which is the removal of particles by an incident particle impact, is the dominant removal mechanism at low gas speeds. The removal of particles from powdery fouling layers due to an incident particle impact is investigated numerically and experimentally. A numerical model is developed to simulate the interaction between a particle hitting a bed of particles. The numerical model is based on the discrete element method. The forces during collision are based on the concepts of contact mechanics. The numerical model can predict the particle velocity at which an incident particle starts either to stick, rebound or remove other particles from the impacted bed of particles. The critical sticking and removal velocities of a particle hitting a powdery layer become independent of the layer thickness, if the thickness is larger than a certain limit. This limit is of a thickness of 2 particles in case of a monodisperse particulate layer and when the particles in the layer are arranged in an orthorhombic structure. It is found that the ejection time of particles from a bed of particles due to an incident particle impact is proportional to its diameter and to the square root of the number of bed layers. To validate the numerical model, experiments are carried out in a vacuumed column. In the experiment, incident particles drop on a bed of particles and the sticking, bouncing and removal behaviour is measured as a function of the incident particle impact speed. The numerical model predictions regarding the critical sticking and removal velocities are in agreement with the experimental results. During operation of heat exchangers, particulate fouling layers may sinter due to the high gas-side temperature. The influence of the gas-side temperature on the fouling layer structure and consequently on the removal and deposition of particles are investigated. The fouling layer structure is dependent on the gas-side temperature in relation to the minimum sintering temperature. Impaction experiments are carried out to determine the sticking and removal velocities for an incident particle hitting a bare tube surface, a powdery fouling layer and a sintered layer. The change in the heat exchanger surface from a bare tube to a powdery one increases the critical sticking velocity with at least one order of magnitude, which consequently speeds up the fouling process. The further change in the heat exchanger surface from a powdery form to a sintered one lowers significantly the ability of an incident particle to stick on the fouling layer or to remove particles out of the fouling layer. Particles that are still able to deposit on the sintered fouling layer will not sinter immediately and can therefore be removed, due to an incident particle impact. Sintering reduces the fouling rate of heat exchangers by lowering the deposition rate of new particles and increasing the removal rate of newly deposited particles, such that the fouling process becomes as slow as the formation of a single layer on a bare tube during the initiation period. When the initiation period is longer than the characteristic sintering time, the newly deposited particles become sintered and we revert again to the sintered case, which leads to a very slow fouling process known as the asymptotic behaviour of particulate fouling layers. The numerical model is extended to account for an incident particle hitting a sintered layer. Summarizing, the removal and deposition of particles from particulate fouling layers as a function of the fouling layer structure have been numerically modelled and the model is experimentally validated. By combining the numerical model together with a CFD-particle transport model, the growth rate of the particulate fouling layer around a heat exchanger tube can be quantitatively predicted

    Sress and strain concentration factors for plate with small notch subjected to biaxial loading – Three dimensional finite element analysis

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    AbstractThe through-thickness variations of stress and strain concentration factors for plate with small central notch, circular notch or double U-notch, subjected to uniaxial and biaxial loading have been systematically analyzed by using three dimensional finite element method (3D FEM). It is found that the maximum stress and strain concentration factors occur on the mid plane of plate only in the case of thin plate. However, in the case of thick plates, the sites of these maximum values are found near the plate surface. Furthermore, this site is more close to the plate surface in the case of small notch radius and/or large plate thickness. The stress and strain concentration factors increase with decreasing the biaxial ratio at the plate interior, while, the opposite trend is found at the plate surface

    Nonlinear wave interactions in swept wing flows

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    An analysis is presented which examines the modulation of different instability modes satisfying the triad resonance condition in time and space in a three-dimensional boundary layer flow. Detuning parameters are used for the wave numbers and the frequencies. The nonparallelism of the mean flow is taken into account in the analysis. At the leading-edge region of an infinite swept wing, different resonant triads are investigated that are comprised of travelling crossflow, vertical vorticity and Tollmein-Schlichting modes. The spatial evolution of the resonating triad components are studied

    Tarbiyah Amaliyah Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kompetensi Mengajar

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    Pentingnya penelitian ini terletak pada peran pendidikan dalam menyongsong kemajuan zaman serta menyiapkan lulusan yang berkualitas dan mampu beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi penerapan pembelajaran Tarbiyah Amaliah dalam mempersiapkan santri sebagai calon pendidik yang berkualitas, dengan fokus pada kompetensi mengajar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, melibatkan observasi terhadap subjek penelitian, yaitu siswa-siswi kelas enam Madrasatul Mu‘allimin wal Mu‘allimat al-Islamiyyah (MMI dan MMAI) di Pondok Pesantren Baitul Arqom Jember. Data dianalisis melalui narasi untuk menggambarkan pengalaman dan hasil observasi. Dari hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa pembelajaran Tarbiyah Amaliah mengakomodasi perbedaan karakter materi pelajaran, kurikulum menekankan pada pengembangan kompetensi mengajar, dan kesuksesan pembelajaran bergantung pada semangat guru. Implikasi penelitian ini menunjukkan perlunya persiapan yang cermat dan kreatif dalam kegiatan mengajar, dengan mengacu pada langkah-langkah yang ditetapkan dalam kitab Tarbiyah Amaliah.

    Effect of Earthquake loads on School Buildings in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    Background: The designing of the reinforced concrete building for the reduction of the seismic load has significantly gained popularity. Most of the buildings in Saudi Arabia are designed for the gravity load, based on its seismicity level. Objective: The study evaluates the effects of the earthquake load on the RC school building located in Saudi Arabia. Method: An equivalent static analysis technique used to apply the seismic analysis and design method according to Saudi Building Code SBC301 (2007). This design code is used to redesign the chosen school building. The SAP 2000 structural analysis software was used to analyses and study the structure behaviour due to the seismic load. Results: The results of the study provide that the RC school building design in Saudi Arabia is inadequate, and unsafe for the earth quakes. Conclusion: One of the important conclusions in this study is that the designer of the school building in Saudi Arabia should take into consideration the earthquake loads. It also emphasizes on the development of the adequate framework for the implementation of the safe designing of the buildings inclusive of earthquake safety measures

    Women’s Access to Islamic Higher Education

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    This study aims to describe women's access to PTKI (Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam/Islamic Higher Education) and ma'had aly institutions. The method used was a qualitative approach with a gender perspective. Interviews, observations, and documentary studies were applied to collect the data. This research was conducted in PTKI and ma'had aly institution that are located in East Java. The results show that there are gaps in accessing education between male and female students in the national context which can be seen from the net enrollment rate. This gap also occurred in women's educational participation at PTKI and ma'had aly institutions. The disparity of education access can be observed in terms of women’s participation in intracurricular and extracurricular activities at ma’had aly institutions. There is a difference in the level of women's participation in Islamic higher education for Islamic studies compared to ma'had aly
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