719 research outputs found

    The rise and fall of international administrative arbitration: An inquiry into the commerciality of international arbitration under Egyptian Law

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    تقدم هذه المقالة فهماً جديداً وموسعاً لتعريف التحكيم الدولي التجاري وتداعياته على القانون الذي يطبق وفقاً لأسس موضوعية، وكذلك على اختصاص المحاكم وسلطتها في مراجعة وتنفيذ قرارات التحكيم الأجنبية. وهذه المشكلة تظهر في الدول ذات الأنظمة القضائية المزدوجة مثل مصر وفرنسا، حيث نجد لديها محاكم عادية ومحاكم إدارية. وفي تلك الدول، تختص المحاكم الإدارية بالنظر في العقود التي تبرمها الدولة باعتبارها شخصاً عاماً يتمتع بسلطات سيادية، مثل العقود الإدارية، في حين يمتد اختصاص المحاكم العادية ليشمل جميع المنازعات التي تنشأ بين أطراف خاصة. وخلافاً للمحاكم العادية، تطبق المحاكم الإدارية القانون العام وُتعلي اعتبارات المصلحة العامة فوق الاعتبارات الخاصة. وينبغي إخضاع القضية للتمييز عندما يتعلق الأمر بالتحكيم، حتى وإن كانت الدولة مشاركة في ما يسمى بالعقد الإداري، لأن التحكيم يعتبر وسيلة خاصة لتسوية المنازعات. وهذا هو السبب في أن المادة 1 من قانون التحكيم المصري الخاص بالمسائل المدنية والتجارية (قانون التحكيم) ُتوسع صراحة نطاق تطبيقه ليشمل ”جميع عمليات التحكيم التي تقع بين أشخاص في القانون العام أو الخاص، مهما كانت طبيعة العلاقة القانونية التي يتمحور حولها النزاع“. وفوق ذلك، تربط المادة 2“ صفة التجارية“ في النزاع بطابعه الاقتصادي، رغم قدرات الأطراف أو طبيعة علاقتهم القانونية سواء كانت تعاقدية أو غير تعاقدية. وعلى الرغم من عدم اليقين الذي ولدته القرارات المتناقضة للمحكمة في عدة سوابق مثل قضية كرومالوي التي يستشهد بها كثيراً، فإن هذه الأحكام تنص بوضوح على أن المشرع يعتزم توسيع نطاق أحكام قانون التحكيم إلى جميع النزاعات ذات الطبيعة الاقتصادية دون تمييز بين النزاعات المدنية والإدارية، شريطة أن ترتبط المسألة بمعاملات دولية. والنتيجة الطبيعية لذلك هي أن أحكام قانون التحكيم هي وحدها التي ينبغي أن تسود في أي تحكيم دولي بشأن علاقة قانونية ذات طبيعة اقتصادية حتى حينما يتعلق الأمر بعقد إداري. ويترتب على ذلك أيضاً أن على هذه المنازعات ٰ ق ب ُط القانون الخاص، أي القوانين المدنية والتجارية، وليس القانون الإداري العام هو ما ينبغي أن ي موضوعية. وهذا يعني منح المحاكم العادية سلطة حصرية لمراجعة ُسس إذا كان القانون المصري يطبق على أ وإنفاذ القرارات التحكيمية الدولية. ويتماشى هذا التفسير المقترح، الذي يناقض فكرة العقود الإدارية في المعاملات الدولية، مع أهداف التحكيم التجاري الدولي باعتباره وسيلة خاصة وتوافقية لتسوية المنازعات بين الأنداد. كما أن تبني مثل هذا النهج يساعد على استعادة ثقة المستثمرين في الحكومة المصرية ويشجع الاستثمارات الأجنبية اللازمة لتعزيز قوة الاقتصاد المصري ما بعد الثورة.This article proposes a new expanded take on the definition of commerciality of international arbitration and its ramifications on the applicable law to the merits, the jurisdiction and authority of courts to review and execute foreign arbitral awards. The problem manifests in states with dual jurisdiction court systems such as Egypt and France, where there are ordinary courts and administrative courts. In such states, administrative courts assume jurisdiction over contracts entered by the state as a public person enjoying sovereign powers, i.e., administrative contracts, whereas ordinary courts’ jurisdiction extends to all disputes arising between private parties. Unlike ordinary courts, administrative courts apply public law and favor public interest considerations over private ones. The case should be distinguished when it comes to arbitration even when the state is involved in a so-called administrative contract, for arbitration is a private means of dispute settlement. This is why article 1 of Egypt's Arbitration Law on Civil and Commercial Matters (Arbitration Law) expressly extends its scope of application to “all arbitration between public or private law persons, whatever the nature of the legal relationship around which the dispute revolves”. Furthermore, article 2 ties the “commerciality” of a dispute to its economic nature notwithstanding the parties’ capacities or the nature of their legal relationship whether contractual or non-contractual. Despite the uncertainty created by Egypt's paradoxical court decisions in several precedents such as the oft-cited Chromalloy case, these provisions imply that the legislator intended to extend the provisions of Arbitration Law to all disputes of economic nature without distinguishing between civil and administrative disputes, providing that the matter relates to international transaction. A corollary is that only the provisions of Arbitration Law should govern any international arbitration over a legal relationship of an economic nature even when it relates to an administrative contract. It also follows that private law, i.e., civil and commercial laws, not public administrative law should apply to such disputes if Egyptian law is applicable to the merits. And this means granting ordinary courts an exclusive authority to review and enforce international arbitral awards. This proposed interpretation, which controverts the idea of administrative contracts in international transactions, is in line with international commercial arbitration objectives as a private and consensual means of settling disputes between equals. Adopting such approach also helps restore investor confidence in the Egyptian government and encourage foreign investments needed to boost Egyptian post-revolutionary economy

    STG-MTL: Scalable Task Grouping for Multi-Task Learning Using Data Map

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    Multi-Task Learning (MTL) is a powerful technique that has gained popularity due to its performance improvement over traditional Single-Task Learning (STL). However, MTL is often challenging because there is an exponential number of possible task groupings, which can make it difficult to choose the best one, and some groupings might produce performance degradation due to negative interference between tasks. Furthermore, existing solutions are severely suffering from scalability issues, limiting any practical application. In our paper, we propose a new data-driven method that addresses these challenges and provides a scalable and modular solution for classification task grouping based on hand-crafted features, specifically Data Maps, which capture the training behavior for each classification task during the MTL training. We experiment with the method demonstrating its effectiveness, even on an unprecedented number of tasks (up to 100).Comment: Accepted submission to DMLR workshop @ ICML 2

    A Holistic Framework for Transitional Management

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    For all business organizations, there comes a time when a change must take place within their eco-system. It consumes a great deal of thought and planning to ensure that the right decision is made as it could alter the entire course of their business for a number of years to come. This change may appear in the form of a brilliant CEO reaching the age of retirement, or an unsuccessful Managing Director being asked to leave before fulfilling the term of her contract. Regardless of the cause, a transition must occur in which a suitable successor is chosen and put into place while minimizing costs, satisfying stakeholders, ensuring that the successor has been adequately prepared for their new position, and minimizing work place gossip, among other things. It is also important to understand how the nature of the business, as well as its financial standing, effects such a transition. Engineering and management principles come together in this study to ensure that organizations going through such a change are on the right course. As the problem of transitional management is not one of concrete values and contains many ambiguous concepts, one way to tackle the problem is by utilizing various industrial engineering methodologies that allow these companies to systematically begin preparing for such a change. By default, organizational strategy has to change, technology is continually being renewed and it becomes very hard for the same leader to constantly implement new and innovative developments. Organizations today have a very poor understanding of where they currently stand and as a result the cause for a company\u27s lack of profitability is often overlooked with time and money being wasted in an attempt to fix something that is not broken. To be able to look at the bigger picture of an organization and from there begin to close in on the main problems causing a negative impact, the Matrix of Change is used and takes in many factors to layout an accurate representation of the direction in which an organization should be headed and how it can continue to grow and remain successful. The Theory of Constraints on the other hand is used here as a step-by-step guide allowing companies to be better organized during times of change. And System Dynamics modeling is where these companies can begin to simulate and solve the dilemma of transitional management using causal loop diagrams and stock and flow diagrams. Through such tools a framework can begin to be developed, one that is valued by corporations and continually reviewed. Several case studies, simulation modeling, and a panel of experts were used in order to demonstrate and validate this framework

    Improving the voltage quality of Abu Hummus network in Egypt

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    In this paper the performance of the electrical network of Egypt is studied by considering a small part on the network (Abu Hummus city). The transmission network of Abu Hummus city was created for 66 kV, 11 kV, and 0.4 kV in the digital simulation and electrical network calculation (DIgSILENT power factory software) to study the voltage profiles. The load flow operational analysis was performed to obtain the voltage magnitudes at every bus bar. The voltage magnitudes in 11 kV and 0.4 kV networks were 10% to 15% less than the nominal value due to overloading off the transmission lines and the voltage magnitudes in 66 kV was within permissible limits. By using automatic tap-changing transformer or Static VAR System, the main idea of this paper is to obtain the voltage profiles at every bus bar to improve the voltage quality of the networks, so as to achieve better voltage profiles on the low voltage side without much effect on high voltage side under various operating conditions

    Republication of Uses of Braces and Orthotics for Conservative Management of Foot and Ankle Disorders .

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    Nonsurgical management is almost always considered the first-line treatment for the vast majority of foot and ankle pathologies. Foot orthoses, shoe modifications, and therapeutic footwear are considered essential tools for successful conservative management of different foot and ankle disorders. Orthopedic foot and ankle surgeons should have a meticulous understanding of the lower extremity biomechanics as well as the pathoanatomy and the sequelae of diseases affecting the foot and/or ankle. This is essential to the understanding of the desired effects of the different inserts, orthotics, shoe modifications, or braces that may be prescribed for these conditions. In this article, we will summarize the orthoses used for treatment of the most commonly encountered foot and ankle pathologies, with the exclusion of treatment for the diabetic foot because of the unique requirements of that disease process

    Laparoscopic management of pediatric and adolescent patients with intra-abdominal complications of ventriculoperitoneal shunt

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    Background/purpose: Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt is the most common operative procedure performed in the treatment of hydrocephalus. The aim of this procedure is to drain CSF from the ventricles to the peritoneal cavity, thus to decrease the intracranial pressure. Numerous complications as a result of this technique are reported in the literature and are most commonly located around the peritoneal end of the shunt tube. The standard approach for management is laparotomy and correction of the complication. This approach, although solves the problem, causes the formation of adhesions, which are also not devoid of consequences. The aim of this study is to present our experience and outline the role of laparoscopy in the management of intraabdominal complications of VP shunt in pediatric and adolescent patients.Patients and Methods: Over a period of 4 years, 14 patients were managed and recruited in this study. All patients were presented with recurrent abdominal signs and symptoms or elevated intracranial pressure. All patients were managed laparoscopically according to the final diagnosis.Results: Fourteen patients (9 men and 5 women) with abdominal complications of VP shunt catheter were managed. Their ages at operation were ranged from 10 months to 15 years. All patients were investigated, diagnosed and managed laporoscopically. The median operative time of the laparoscopic procedure varied according to the diagnosis. It was 120 minutes in pseudocysts, 45 minutes in recurrent congenital inguinal hernias, 100 minutes in adhesive intestinal obstruction and 35 minutes in subcutaneous cyst and 30 minutes in umbilical fistula. Follow up period extended for 24 months after the procedure and all patients had complete resolution of their presenting abdominal or neurological symptoms. The length of the postoperative hospital stay ranged from one day in recurrent congenital hernias up to 4 days in the other procedures. There were no intra- or postoperative complications related to the laparoscopic technique.Conclusion: Laparoscopic is a very useful diagnostic and therapeutic tool in dealing with intra-abdominal complications of VP shunt with high safety and an excellent outcome.Keywords: hydrocephalus, laparoscopic management, ventriculoperitoneal shun

    Computer Numerical Control CNC Machine Health Prediction using ‎Multi-domain Feature Extraction and Deep Neural Network Regression

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    Tool wear monitoring has become more vital in intelligent production to enhance Computer Numerical Control CNC machine health state. Multidomain features may effectively define tool wear status and help tool wear prediction. Prognostics and health management (PHM) plays a vital role in condition-based maintenance (CBM) to prevent rather than detect malfunctions in machinery. This has great advantage of saving costs of fault repair including human effort, financial costs as long as power and energy consumption. The huge evolution of Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) and industrial big data analytics has made Deep Learning a growing field of research. The PHM society has held many competitions including PHM10 concerning CNC milling machine cutters data for tool wear prediction The purpose of this paper is to predict tool wear of CNC cutters and. We adopted a multi-domain feature extraction method for health statement of the cutters. and a deep neural network DNN method for tool wear prediction

    Serological survey of wild cervids in England and Wales for bovine viral diarrhoea virus

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    Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) is a production disease commonly found in British cattle herds. Species other than cattle have been shown to be infected with the virus, thereby providing a potential source of infection for livestock. This study surveyed serum samples taken from 596 culled wild deer from England and Wales, between 2009 and 2010, for the presence of BVD antibodies