56 research outputs found

    Ocean Wave Energy Converters: Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation. Some case studies

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    Wave energy has much more potential and benefits than other forms of renewable energy. It is more predictable, consistent, and controllable than wind or solar energy. In this way, an adequate infrastructure can be an alternative and also sustainable system for power supply. In this paper, different wave energy conversion mechanisms (buoys, Pelamis, and oysters) have been described. These models are implemented and simulated using the Design Modeller, ANSYS-AQWA, and WEC-SIM applications. The purpose has been to develop a complete simulation of the wave energy converter and discuss its operation. The analysis has been developed in Matlab-Simulink and both regular and irregular waves have been considered. For this, an approximation to the linear waves theory has been used. The results obtained indicate the energy absorbed from the sea waves and also the energy supplied to the power grid. The simulation results estimated with the different WEC models are comparable to the results shown by other research papers. © 2022, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ). All rights reserved

    The Challenge of Follow-Up in a Low-Income Colposcopy Clinic

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    OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to identify sociodemographic and disease-specific factors associated with follow-up in an inner-city multiethnic colposcopy clinic. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All charts of patients referred to colposcopy clinic for abnormal cervical cytology and/or high-risk human papillomavirus infections to the University of California, Irvine, Colposcopy Clinic in Santa Ana from November 2006 to December 2007 were reviewed. Compliance was defined as at least 1 follow-up evaluation within 3 to 14 months from initial colposcopy appointment. To determine compliance, the following factors were evaluated in a multivariate analysis: race, age, spoken language, insurance status, annual income, marital status, referral cytology, histology, and pregnancy status. RESULTS: Among the 1,046 scheduled appointments, 50% were attended. Of the patients, 458 with a minimum of 14 months of follow-up were included. The mean (SD) age of these patients was 31.0(10.7) years. 58% were white and 55% spoke Spanish. A total of 248 patients (54%) had appropriately timed repeat testing, whereas 210 (46%) failed to return within 14 months. In univariate analysis, women who were referred from outside the clinic, single, younger than 40 years, and with self-pay or government-funded insurance were more likely to be noncompliant although this was not statistically significant. In multivariate analysis, referral from outside the clinic, self-pay, or government-funded insurance, Spanish-speaking, and single marital status were all significantly associated with non-compliance. Although cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2 or 3 was not associated with noncompliance, 45% of women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2 or 3 still did not comply with recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: This inner-city clinic is perhaps successful at maintaining compliance for women at highest risk for cervical cancer when the triage originates from within the clinic and when the patient is married, English-speaking, and privately insured. However, reasons for those patients at highest risk for noncompliance in this clinic may need to be better characterized


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    Soil characteristics' degradation had been considered as one of the most important problems that face the agricultural development processes under arid and semi-arid conditions due to non-suitability of the applied technologies and techniques, attributed to management considerations. Consequently, higher crop yield and quality reduction had been occurred due to the degradation of the plant healthy media (soil). Therefore, the goal of this investigation was to monitor the change detection of some soil physical and hydrophysical characteristics under sprinkler irrigated agriculture. However, the terminal objectives were to evaluate and monitor some soil characteristics changes (soil bulk density, hydraulic conductivity and soil penetration resistance) under different mode of action of sprinkler types (rotating and impact sprinkler) and corresponding nozzle sizes (small and large sizes). Hereby, field experiments were carried out for two seasons (2006 and 2007) in the Desert Experimental Farm of Faculty of Agriculture, AinShamsUniversity which is located at El-Bustan region, Behaira Governorate. Results revealed that soil characteristics were highly affected with the sprinkler mode of action and corresponding nozzle sizes. However, a power function proportion of soil penetration resistance with respect to applied rotating and impact sprinkler types and corresponding small and large nozzle sizes, had been observed and analyzed. Therefore, data analysis speculated that, selection of the appropriate sprinkler types under diverse field conditions and situations such as: crop type and design criteria of sprinkler irrigation systems, have to be considered for good agricultural development processes under Egyptian newly reclaimed regions

    Modelado y Simulación de Sistemas de Conversión de Energías Marinas

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    In this thesis we will discuss and explain the different types of wave energy technologies, we will see the different existing projects of wave energy and the technology used in each case. Then, we will start in our investigation in three specific technologies which are; the Point Absorber which is the Buoy WEC (Wave Energy Converter), second the Attenuators which is The Pelamis WEC, finally we will discuss the Oyster WEC which is a hydro-electric wave energy device. We will have a full mechanical, hydraulic and electrical simulation for each case with the results of each simulation and we will have a comparison between the different technologies discussed


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    s of broccoli using steam or immersion in hot water as traditional technology and storage conditions by either canning or freezing on the content of compounds with antioxidant properties, i.e. vitamin C, carotenoids, chlorophyll, polyphenol and flavonoid compounds parameters was investigated. Results show that the content of carotenoids was 11.41µg/g while the content of chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B was 30.66 and 9.79µg/g, respectively. The content of both carotenoids and total chlorophyll were decreased after being treated prior to different period storage for 3 and 6 month. Fresh broccoli had 40.45µg/g total chlorophyll this content decreased more significantly for the control (fresh broccoli) than for treated and different storage samples. The content of vitamin C was 124.24 mg/100g. Frozen broccoli after blanching by steam and immersion in hot water at 0 times decreased the percent of ascorbic to 83.85 and 75.89%, respectively.  Jarred and canned broccoli with dill, coriander and parsley additives showed decrease in ascorbic acid to 45.98 and 40.55% meanwhile, jarred and canned broccoli without additives decreased ascorbic acid to 43.34 and 39.01%, respectively. Total polyphenols and flavonoids were 276.82 and 7.64 mg/100g on fresh weight. These contents were decreased after processing and different storage conditions. The present of antioxidant activity in fresh broccoli was 75.50%. The degradation of antioxidant activity was increased after 6 month period. The highest degradation observed with canned broccoli without additive while the lowest degradation showed with frozen broccoli blanched by steam which the percents of total antioxidant activities were14.84 and 29.65 %, respectively. The content of ferrous and zinc was 6.4 and 3.9 mg/100g on dry weight. Ferrous increased to 7.0 and 8.4 mg/100g with Jarred with dill, coriander and parsley additives and storage for 3 and 6 month broccoli and to 9.3 and 8.7 mg/100g with canned broccoli with dill, coriander and parsley additives

    Transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy: an advance or a gimmick!

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    Objective: Transvaginal Hydrolaparoscopy (TVHL) is the recent modification of a well known gynecological procedure culdoscopy used for exploration of the pelvic cavity that takes advantages of micro-endoscopic technology and uses aquafloatation for inspection of the tubo-ovarian structures. This is a case series to evaluate the feasibility, procedure performance and complications of Transvaginal Hydrolaparoscopy. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at the AinShamsUniversityMaternityHospital in Cairo. Twenty two women were included in the study being referred for diagnostic fertility investigation or for performing benign hysteroscopic surgery (e.g., myomectomy, septum resection) for infertility or recurrent miscarriage reasons. Transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy was carried out in all participants under general naesthesia. Results: Entry into the peritoneal cavity was successful in 21 out of 22 (95.5%) cases. The mean duration of the TVHL procedure was 15.6 ±3.2 minutes with a time range from 12 to 19 minutes. The pelvic inspection was excellent in 10 (45.5%), satisfactory in 3(13.6%), unsatisfactory in 7 (31.8%), and failed in 2 (9.1%). In 3 women traditional laparoscopy was performed in the same setting. There were no difficulties in inspecting the posterior wall of the uterus and the uterine contour in all women with septate or bicornuate uterus (n=7) to guide the procedure of septum resection. TVHL detected pelvic pathological findings in 12 (54%) women (4 endometriosis, 3 polycystic ovaries, 2 peritubal adhesions, 3 hydrosalpinx). Tubal patency was tested by transcervical dye hydrotubation with methylene blue in 5 (22.7%) cases only (4 of them had normal patent both tubes, 1 case had bilateral tubal obstruction). Conclusion: Transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy may allow limited detailed exploration of the tubo-ovarian structure in some infertile patients. The procedure can be combined with hysteroscopy and dye hydrotubation. Visualization is restricted to the posterior part of the uterus and can judge the uterine contour effectively. However, the whole pelvic inspection process is inferior to that achieved by conventional laparoscopy