360 research outputs found

    Strong quantum correlation in a pair hybrid optomechanical cavities

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    We show the quantum correlation between two coupled hybrid optomechanical cavities by quantifying the non-classical correlation using Gaussian quantum discord. This involves analyzing and solving Heisenberg Langevin equations to obtain the (12*12)dimensional covariance matrix of this system. Based on the experimentalist conditions, we simulate quantum correlation of bipartite steady-state with continuous conditions using Guassian quantum discord. We know that the generation of quantum correlation and its robustness essentially depend on the physical parameters of the system. We provide the stability analysis by means of the RuthsHurwitz criterion to confirm the choices made during the analysis of quantum discord dynamics

    Hubungan konsep diri dengan motivasi belajar pendidikan agama Islam (PAI) siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta Desa Sibuluan, Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah

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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai sebuah konsep diri yang seharusnya berbanding lurus dengan tingkat motivasi belajar anak, namun bisa berubah menjadi sebaliknya, sebuah konsep diri yang negatif belum tentu memberikan dampak buruk kepada motivasi belajar anak, khususnya untuk pendidikan agama Islam siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta Desa Sibuluan, Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep diri dan motivasi belajar pendidikan agama Islam siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta Desa Sibuluan, Kabupaten Tapanuli tengah. Apakah diantara kedua hal tersebut mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan.? Untuk menelaah permasalahan di atas, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampelnya adalah 25% dari seluruh populasi yang berjumlah 148 orang siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta Desa Sibuluan, Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah tahun pelajaran 2013-2014, yakni 37 orang yang hanya terdiri dari kelas VII. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang penulis gunakan adalah angket. Sementara, pengolahan dan analisa data dilakukan dengan analisa statistik yaitu dengan rumus productmoment. Berdasarkan perhitungan determinasi yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui sumbangan variabel x terhadap variabel y adalah KP= 0,6952 x 100%= 0, 483205 x 100 = 48% dengan sumbangan variabel bebas (x) terhadap variabel terikat (y) = 48% dan apabila dilihat kepada tabel interprestasi korelasi diperoleh bahwa antara variabel bebas dan terikat mempunyai hubungan yang kuat. Kemudian untuk menguji hipotesis dalam penelitian ini ,maka nilai rhitung akan dikonsultasikan kepada rtabel dengan melihat tabel berdasarkan jumlah sampel atau n=37-2 pada tarap signifikansi 5% diperoleh rtabel sebesar 0,325. Ternyata rhitung > rtabel atau 0,695 > 0,325, dan untuk uji signifikansi diperoleh thitung sebesar 5,717 selanjutnya dibandingkan dengan ttabel pada taraf 5% dan n-2 dan dk = 37-2, diperoleh ttabel sebesar 1,689. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa thitung > ttabel atau 5,717 >1,689, artinya variabel konsep diri mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap motivasi belajar pendidikan agam Islam siswa

    Evaluation of serum and salivary cortisol responses to Synacthen stimulation

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    Several studies have demonstrated the assay-dependence of cortisol measurement and the potential impact this could have on the interpretation of the Synacthen test. Prompted by clinical concern that hypoadrenalism was being over-diagnosed, this work set out to determine assay-specific serum cortisol and salivary cortisol responses to Synacthen stimulation in healthy volunteers. It begins with an overview of cortisol assays in serum and saliva from their inception 50 years ago to the present day; highlighting the limitations of serum total cortisol as an analyte and immunoassays for its measurement and exploring salivary free cortisol, calculated free cortisol and mass spectrometry as alternatives. The study itself recruited a total of 206 healthy volunteers and patients to undergo serum and salivary Synacthen tests. Serum cortisol was measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and by 5 contemporary immunoassays, salivary cortisol was measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and serum free cortisol was calculated using the Coolens’ equation and the free cortisol index. The results in serum confirmed the assay-dependence of immunoassay cortisol measurement, established valid reference ranges for each of the assays studied, proposed diagnostic cut-off concentrations and evaluated their performance in patients with suspected hypoadrenalism. The salivary results were used to establish adult reference ranges specific to the in-house LC-MS/MS assay used and subsequently demonstrated comparable performance in patients with suspected hypoadrenalism to the serum Synacthen test. Calculated serum free cortisol performed poorly compared to serum total and salivary cortisol and was subject to error because of difficulty measuring cortisol binding globulin (CBG). Comparisons between the three measures in patients with altered serum protein concentrations showed that, of the three, only salivary cortisol had the potential to accurately diagnose hypoadrenalism using a single cut-off; although confirmation of this finding is needed in a larger patient group

    A cross-sectional analysis of economic, social and political factors affecting economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa: 1960-86.

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    This thesis analyses the growth performance of Sub-Saharan African countries and the factors that appear to be most significant in the growth process. Regression analysis is the main research method employed. Data limitations restrict the sample to thirty-two countries, over the period 1960- 86, and the empirical study consists of fifteen factors. There are three main groups of equations : the growth rate, the investment ratio, and the incremental capital-output ratio (ICOR). The main conclusions were that the most significant influences on economic growth are the investment ratio, export and import growth, and political instability. The main influences on the investment (saving) ratio were found to be per capita income levels, government consumption, and political instability. The most significant effect on the ICOR appeared to be the degree of market distortions, as proxied by the ratio of the black market to the official exchange rates

    Imla’ Errors in Junior High School Students’ Writing: Criticism of Teacher's Pronunciation Error

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    The number of errors that occur in students' Arabic wordswriting was one of the strongest reasons for researchers to research and analyze students' mistakes in writing Arabic. The teacher's unclear pronunciation can be one of the biggest factors in the occurrence of errors in students' Arabic writing. The researcher aimed to find out and analyze the errors and the various causal factors in writing student disclaimers. A qualitative descriptive research method was used in the research. Then, observation, interviews and documentation were carried our as data collection at junior boarding school in Yogyakarta. In the data analysis, data reduction, data presentation and data verification were used. Based on the data collected and analyzed, it was found that there was a teacher's pronunciationerrors in the dictation that causederrors in students’ writing which was described as follows; 1) the teacher's makhorijul hurufare not fluent and clear, 2) they are not careful in pronouncing vowels and mad (long and short rules), 3) the pronunciation of alif lam qomariyah and syamsiyah is not clear. From the results of this analysis, it can be proven that the pronunciation of a teacher in conveying dictation lessons greatly influences the results of students' writing dictation. This study providesd suggestions for teachers who will deliver dictation lessons

    Baseline morning cortisol level as a predictor of pituitary-adrenal reserve: a comparison across three assays

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    The short ACTH stimulation test (250 ÎĽg) is the dynamic test most frequently used to assess adrenal function. It is possible that a single basal cortisol could be used to predict the dynamic response, but research has been hampered by the use of different assays and thresholds. OBJECTIVE: To propose a morning baseline cortisol criterion of three of the most commonly used modern cortisol immunoassays - Advia Centaur (Siemens), Architect (Abbott) and the Roche Modular System (Roche) - that could predict adrenal sufficiency. DESIGN: Observational, retrospective cross-sectional study at two centres. PATIENTS AND MEASUREMENTS: Retrospective analysis of the results of 1019 Short Synacthen tests (SSTs) with the Advia Centaur, 449 SSTs with the Architect and 2050 SSTs with the Roche Modular System assay. Serum cortisol levels were measured prior to injection of 250 ÎĽg Synacthen and after 30 min. Overall, we were able to collate data from a total of 3518 SSTs in 3571 patients. RESULTS: Using receiver-operator curve analysis, baseline cortisol levels for predicting passing the SST with 100% specificity were 358 nmol/l for Siemens, 336 nmol/l for Abbott and 506 nmol/l for Roche. Utilizing these criteria, 589, 158 and 578 SSTs, respectively, for Siemens, Abbott and Roche immunoassays could have been avoided. CONCLUSIONS: We have defined assay-specific morning cortisol levels that are able to predict the integrity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. We propose that this represents a valid tool for the initial assessment of adrenal function and has the potential to obviate the need for dynamic testing in a significant number of patients

    Antimicrobial resistance pattern and molecular epidemiology of ESBL and MBL producing Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from hospitals in Minia, Egypt

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    Introduction: Multidrug resistant (MDR) Acinetobacter baumanii (A. baumannii) strains have emerged as novel nosocomial pathogens threatening patients’ lives, especially in intensive-care units (ICUs). This study aims to determine the prevalence of carbapenemase genes and CTX-M-15 and the resistance pattern of carbapenemase producing isolates. Methods: A total of 530 clinical specimens were collected from patients suffering from different infections, antibiotic susceptibility test was performed using kirby-bauer disk diffusion method. ESβL production was detected phenotypically by double-disc synergy test (DDST). Carbapenemase production was tested by Modified Hodge Test (MHT). Then, these isolates were tested for MBL detection by disc potentiation test. Carbapenemase encoding genes (VIM, IMP, GIM and SPM, OXA-51, OXA-23 and OXA-143) and CTX-M-15 were tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: Out of 530 samples, 20 bacterial isolates were identified as A. baumannii from different infectious cases, 35% of isolates were ESBL-producers. Eleven isolates were resistant to imipenem (4 isolates) and meropenem (7 isolates). All carbapenem resistant isolates were MHT positive. Nine (45%) isolates were confirmed as A. baumannii by OXA-51 (all were carbapenem resistant). Distribution of IMP, VIM, GIM and SPM, OXA-23, OXA-143 and CTX-M-15 by PCR were 55, 50, 50, 25, 35, 45 and 33% respectively. Conclusion: The high prevalence of resistance genes and the resistance pattern of the isolates indicate that the detection of ESBLs and MBLs phenotypically and genotypically with the study of the resistance pattern of the isolates is critically important for the surveillance of drug resistance in the hospital environment
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