1,167 research outputs found

    On the Atkin Polynomials

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    We identify the Atkin polynomials in terms of associated Jacobi polynomials. Our identificationthen takes advantage of the theory of orthogonal polynomials and their asymptotics to establish many new properties of the Atkin polynomials. This shows that co-recursive polynomials may lead to interesting sets of orthogonal polynomials.Comment: 18 pages. Accepted for publication at the Pacific Journal of Mathematic

    Days of Glory and Outside the Law: Counter-Historical Remembrances

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    French mainstream cinema has always celebrated and memorialized the resistance and heroism of white French soldiers and citizens, overlooking the decisive and vital contributions of the colonized to the independence of France and Europe in general from the Nazi regime. This erasure of the subaltern is the product of a Eurocentric History (with capital H) that “Appropriates the cultural and material production of non-Europeans while denying both their achievements and its own appropriation.” (Shohat and Stam 1994: pp 2, 3) Yet, via their films, French-Maghrebi filmmakers challenge and deconstruct such Eurocentric History through counter-filmmaking, screening a revisionist programme of alternative remembrance

    Dual and triple sequence equations involving orthogonal polynomials

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    AbstractWe extend certain results of Richard Askey concerning dual sequence equations involving Jacobi and Laguerre polynomials to dual and triple sequence equations involving general orthogonal polynomials. We approach the problem via the polynomial expansions of Fields and Wimp, and Fields and Ismail

    On solving differential and difference equations with variable coefficients

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    AbstractWe introduce a method of solving the functional equation ∑j = 0n ajLjf(x) = 0 where the a's are constants and L is a differential or finite difference operator that reduces the degree of a polynomial by 1

    Mondialisation Et Tendances De La Traduction Récente : Revisite Du Rôle Du Traducteur

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    Les progrès technologiques et la mondialisation ont permis de rapprocher les universitaires de diverses disciplines sur le plan socioculturel. En raison de l'interdisciplinarité et de ces progrès dans le monde, de nouvelles approches théoriques de la traduction au XXIe siècle ont évolué, ce qui a conduit à des changements dans les attitudes à l'égard de la traduction. Cette étude portera sur les approches les plus récentes et les plus importantes en matière d'études de traduction au 21ème siècle. La recherche vise à analyser les différents virages des études de traduction en mettant l'accent sur le virage qui est dû à la mondialisation. Il y a aussi une analyse des changements de perspective pour le virage dans les études en traduction. L’objectif de la recherche est d’analyser les différents changements de la traduction qui sont dus à la mondialisation ainsi que l’altération de l’attitude et du rôle des traducteurs afin de visualiser le futur de la traduction et ses développements. Cela permet de comprendre comment les théoriciens ont trouvé le dernier virage dans la discipline. Afin de fournir une analyse complète du changement d'attitude à l'égard de la traduction, il y a une étude approfondie des développements récents de la traduction qui sont principalement dus aux avancées technologiques. Celles-ci comprennent entre autres le Crowdsourcing, la traduction automatique en temps réel, la localisation, et la traduction assistée par l’ordinateur. Cette étude est descriptive, explicative, analytique et critique dans son examen des tendances de la traduction, elle suit un cadre de recherche théorique et analytique. Les virages de la discipline sont analysés dans un contexte socio-culturel et, à partir de cette information, le chercheur se rend compte de leur importance pour le développement de la traduction. La conclusion de l’étude est que la discipline croissante et inconstante de la traduction s'est heurtée à un certain nombre de menaces au 21ème siècle. Pour résoudre ces problèmes, toutes les organisations devraient être unies pour contribuer à la professionnalisation des traducteurs, afin de fixer des normes de qualité en tenant compte à la fois de l’impact de la technologie récente, du contexte et de l'effet de l'interdisciplinarité. Technological advances and globalization have brought academics from various disciplines closer on socio-cultural grounds. Due to interdisciplinarity and to advances in the world, new theoretical approaches to translation in the twenty first century have evolved and this consequently led to changes in attitudes towards translation. This study provides an overview of the most recent and the most important approaches to translation studies in the 21st century. It aims at analyzing the various turns in translation studies with a special focus on the globalization turn, and the changes of perspective for the Turn in Translation Studies. The objective of the research is to analyze the various changes of translation that are due to globalization, as well as the alteration in the translators’ attitude and role in order to conceive the future of translation and its developments. This enables the researcher to understand how theorists have come up with the most recent trend in the discipline. To provide a comprehensive study of the change of attitudes to translation, the article includes an in-depth study of the recent developments in translation that are mainly due to technological advancements such as Crowdsourcing, machine translation, translation-memory software, automated real-time translation, localization, and computer-assisted translation. This study is descriptive, explanatory, analytical and critical in its examination of trends in translation, it follows a theoretical and analytical research framework. The conclusion of the study is that the growing and inconstant discipline of translation has encountered a number of threats in the 21st century. To solve these problems, all organizations should be united to contribute to the professionalization of translators, in order to set quality standards taking into account both the impact of recent technology, the context and the effect of interdisciplinarity

    Fractional anisotropic Calder\'on problem on complete Riemannian manifolds

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    We prove that the metric tensor gg of a complete Riemannian manifold is uniquely determined, up to isometry, from the knowledge of a local source-to-solution operator. This later is associated to a fractional power of the Laplace-Belrami operator Δg\Delta_g. Our result holds under the condition that the metric tensor gg is known in an arbitrary small subdomain. We also consider the case of closed manifolds and provide an improvement of the main result in \cite{FGKU

    Burnout … Century sickness destabilizing vocational education

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    This is a novel concept that is not superimposed on any psychiatric diagnosis but can contribute to depression. In this sense, it is a characteristic disease of the helping relationship that encompasses and overcomes stress, where the loss of meaning in work occupies a prominent position. Nursing teachers must employ their skills and competencies to provide effective and high-quality care to carry out their assigned responsibilities. However, this efficacy can be impeded by arduous tasks and particularly in a demanding work environment. This study aims to shed light on the stressful conditions encountered by these professionals and to identify the factors that influence the onset of burnout at the level of Graduate Institutes of Nursing and Health Technology (ISPITS). In this way, significant actions can be taken to prevent this professional affliction and establish a salubrious work environment that fosters the professional development of teacher

    Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Number of Queries Necessary to Identify a Permutation

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    In the past three decades, deductive games have become interesting from the algorithmic point of view. Deductive games are two players zero sum games of imperfect information. The first player, called "codemaker", chooses a secret code and the second player, called "codebreaker", tries to break the secret code by making as few guesses as possible, exploiting information that is given by the codemaker after each guess. A well known deductive game is the famous Mastermind game. In this paper, we consider the so called Black-Peg variant of Mastermind, where the only information concerning a guess is the number of positions in which the guess coincides with the secret code. More precisely, we deal with a special version of the Black-Peg game with n holes and k >= n colors where no repetition of colors is allowed. We present a strategy that identifies the secret code in O(n log n) queries. Our algorithm improves the previous result of Ker-I Ko and Shia-Chung Teng (1985) by almost a factor of 2 for the case k = n. To our knowledge there is no previous work dealing with the case k > n. Keywords: Mastermind; combinatorial problems; permutations; algorithm