926 research outputs found

    Active Learning: An Integrative Learning Approach for Adult Learners

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    In order to appeal to adult learners, the Analytics in Medicine course utilizes active learning methodology to foster self-directed learning, critical thinking, communication skills, and acquisition of knowledge. The modified flipped classroom model requires weekly assigned reading and a written reflection exercise completed several days before face-to-face class time. The reflections are used to better inform course instructors regarding areas needing further explanation in person. In the weekly 2-hour class, students explore topics in-depth by incorporating active learning methods. Examples include think-pair-share or small group activities requiring movement, discussion, and reflection focusing on question prompts or application of principles (e.g., carousel method). The instructor continuously circulates to ensure student engagement and grasp of the material, allowing for areas of clarification to be immediately identified. Instructors often involve peers to coach one another as a method of continued active learning without going into “lecture mode.”https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/btp_expo/1092/thumbnail.jp

    Characterization of Molecular Glycerophospholipids by Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

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    The physical properties of glycerophospholipids (GPLs) are not only determined by the head group (HG), but also by their fatty acid (FA) chains, which affect their distribution and function within membranes in the cell. Understanding the microheterogenity of lipid membranes on a molecular level requires qualitative and quantitative characterization of individual lipids and identification of their FA moieties. The aim of my study was to introduce the new technology of multiple precursor ion scanning (MPIS) on a QSTAR Pulsar time-of-flight mass spectrometer (QqTOF) to analyze lipids. Detailed information on fatty acid composition of individual GPL molecules could be obtained in parallel with conventional profiling of lipid classes, and this could be done by direct analysis of total lipid extracts. This method was termed Fatty Acid Scanning (FAS) and Head Group Scanning HGS, respectively. In this way the molecular GPL composition of total lipid extracts could be charted in a single analysis accurately and rapidly at a low picomole concentration level. Furthermore, combining FAS and HGS together with ion trap MS3 analysis allowed complete charting of the molecular composition of PCs, including quantification of their positional isomers, thus providing a detailed and comprehensive characterization of molecular composition of the pool of PCs. Development of the Lipid Profiler software allowed full automation and rapid processing of complex data, including identification and quantification of molecular GPLs. This approach was evaluated by preliminary applications. First, the molecular composition of PCs of total lipid extracts of MDCK cells and of human red blood cells (RBC) could accurately be charted. Significant presence of positional isomers was observed increasing the total number of individual PC species close to one hundred. Secondly, the molecular PC and SM species distribution in detergent resistant membranes (DRMs) prepared by Triton X-100 DRMs were analyzed and were found to be enriched in distinct GPLs. The distribution in PCs and SMs of Triton X-100 DRMs of RBC were compared with those of the DRMs of MDCK cells. Finally, combining the use of a 96 well plate and a robotic system demonstrated that these analyses can be automated and analyzed with high throughput. This system we termed Shotgun Lipidomics. Taken together, this mass spectrometric methodology provides rapid and detailed insight into the distribution of the molecular GPLs of membranes and membrane sub-fractions

    Etappiluokan sosiaaliohjaajan työn prosessikuvaus Vantaan kaupungille

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    Kehittämishankkeen aihe tuli työelämän tarpeesta kehittää sosiaaliohjaajan työtä Vantaan kaupungin Etappiluokissa. Kehittämishankkeen tavoitteena oli tuottaa prosessikuvaus Etappiluokassa työskentelystä sosiaaliohjaajan näkökulmasta. Tarkoituksena oli kehittää koulun sosiaaliohjausta erityisopetuksen tukitoimena sekä ehkäistä alakoululaisten syrjäytymistä. Yhtenäisen prosessikuvauksen myötä Etappiluokkien sosiaaliohjauksella olisi yhtenäisemmät tavoitteet ja toimintakäytänteet. Kehittämishankkeen tietoperustan muodostavat dialogisuus, verkostotyö sekä erityistä tukea tarvitseva alakoululainen. Lähestymistapana on toimintatutkimus. Kehittämisen aineistonkeruumenetelminä käytettiin kyselyä, työkonferenssia sekä käsitekarttatyöskentelyä. Kehittämisen analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin sisällön analyysiä. Menetelmien ja niistä saatujen tulosten avulla luotiin prosessikuvaus ja työkäytänteet sosiaaliohjaajan työskentelyyn etappiluokassa. Kyselyn tuloksissa näkyi opettajien tarve saada moniammatillista tukea luokkaan. Työkonferenssissa nousivat esille eriävät työtavat, joita muokattiin käsitekarttatyöskentelyn avulla. Prosessikuvauksessa on pyritty huomioimaan jokaisen koulun erilaisuus, oppilaiden erilaiset tarpeet sekä työntekijöiden yksilöllisyys. Prosessikuvauksen tavoitteena on toimia sosiaaliohjaajien tukena päivittäisessä työskentelyssä. Kehittämishanke vastasi Vantaan kaupungin Etappiluokkien sosiaaliohjaajien tarpeeseen yhtenäisemmästä työn prosessikuvauksesta. Prosessikuvaus jättää mahdollisuuksia sen jatkokehittämiselle ja aktiiviselle päivittämiselle. Prosessikuvaus on jo arjen työssä käytössä, mutta kehittämishanketyön tekemisen jälkeen se selvensi työtehtävien yhteneväisyyttä Etappiluokissa.The subject for this development project came from the need to develop the work in all the Etappiluokka classes in city of Vantaa. The main priority of this development project was to produce process description of working in Etappiluokka in social instructors poin of view. The purpose was also to improve the social guidance in school as a support activity of special education and also to prevent social exclusion of children in primary school. By having a solid process description, the social guidance in all Etappiluokka classes could have more similar goals and policy. The knowledge fundament is based on the quality of being dialogical, networking and also a primary school attender who needs special support in studies. The approach for this study is activity analysis. The enquiry, working conference and a mind map were used as collecting material methods. The content analysis was used as an analysis method for development. With the help of methods and the results the process description and policy were created for social instructors in working in classes of Etappiluokka. The results revealed the teachers need to have multiprofessional support in class. Different working habits came out in working conference and they were modified with the help of mind mapping. In process description it is tried to take in to consideration that every school is different, the needs of every student are different and also the individuality of the employees. The goal of the process description is to act as a support in every day work of social instructors. Development project responded in the need for more solid process description in city of Vantaa Etappiluokka classes. Development project leaves opportunities for further development and active update. Process description is already in use but it clarified the coherence of tasks in classes of Etappiluokka after development project was made

    The case of conflicting Finnish peatland management – Skewed representation of nature, participation and policy instruments

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    Peatlands that are close to a natural state are rich in biodiversity and are significant carbon storages. Simultaneously, peat resources are of interest to industry, which leads to competing interests and tensions regarding the use and management of peatlands. In this case study, we studied knowledge-management interactions through the development of participation and the resulting representation of nature (how nature was described), as well as the proposed and implemented conservation policy instruments. We focused on the years 2009-2015, when peatland management was intensively debated in Finland. We did an interpretative policy analysis using policy documents (Peatland Strategy; Government Resolution; Proposal for Conservation Programme) and environmental legislation as central data. Our results show how the representation of nature reflected the purpose of the documents and consensus of participants' values. The representation of nature changed from skewed use of ecosystem services to detailed ecological knowledge. However, simultaneously, political power changed and the planned supplementation programme for peatland conservation was not implemented. The Environment Protection Act was reformulated so that it prohibited the use of the most valuable peatlands. Landowners did not have the chance to fully participate in the policy process. Overall, the conservation policy instruments changed to emphasize voluntariness but without an adequate budget to ensure sufficient conservation.Peer reviewe

    Turnover and nestedness drive plant diversity benefits of organic farming from local to landscape scales

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    Biodiversity-benefits of organic farming have mostly been documented at the field scale. However, these benefits from organic farming to species diversity may not propagate to larger scales because variation in the management of different crop types and seminatural habitats in conventional farms might allow species to cope with intensive crop management. We studied flowering plant communities using a spatially replicated design in different habitats (cereal, ley and seminatural grasslands) in organic and conventional farms, distributed along a gradient in proportion of seminatural grasslands. We developed a novel method to compare the rates of species turnover within and between habitats, and between the total species pools in the two farming systems. We found that the intrahabitat species turnover did not differ between organic and conventional farms, but that organic farms had a significantly higher interhabitat turnover of flowering plant species compared with conventional ones. This was mainly driven by herbicide-sensitive species in cereal fields in organic farms, as these contained 2.5 times more species exclusive to cereal fields compared with conventional farms. The farm-scale species richness of flowering plants was higher in organic compared with conventional farms, but only in simple landscapes. At the interfarm level, we found that 36% of species were shared between the two farming systems, 37% were specific to organic farms whereas 27% were specific to conventional ones. Therefore, our results suggest that that both community nestedness and species turnover drive changes in species composition between the two farming systems. These large-scale shifts in species composition were driven by both species-specific herbicide and nitrogen sensitivity of plants. Our study demonstrates that organic farming should foster a diversity of flowering plant species from local to landscape scales, by promoting unique sets of arable-adapted species that are scarce in conventional systems. In terms of biodiversity conservation, our results call for promoting organic farming over large spatial extents, especially in simple landscapes, where such transitions would benefit plant diversity most.Peer reviewe

    Untargeted Lipidomic Analysis to Broadly Characterize the Effects of Pathogenic and Non-Pathogenic Staphylococci on Mammalian Lipids

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    Modification of the host lipidome via secreted enzymes is an integral, but often overlooked aspect of bacterial pathogenesis. In the current era of prevalent antibiotic resistance, knowledge regarding critical host pathogen lipid interactions has the potential for use in developing novel antibacterial agents. While most studies to date on this matter have focused on specific lipids, or select lipid classes, this provides an incomplete picture. Modern methods of untargeted lipidomics have the capacity to overcome these gaps in knowledge and provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of lipid metabolism in the pathogenesis of infections. In an attempt to determine the role of lipid modifying enzymes produced by staphylococci, we exposed bovine heart lipids, a standardized model for the mammalian lipidome, to spent medium from staphylococcal cultures, and analyzed lipid molecular changes by MS/MSALLshotgun lipidomics. We elucidate distinct effects of different staphylococcal isolates, including 4 clinical isolates of the pathogenic species Staphylococcus aureus, a clinical isolate of the normally commensal species S. epidermidis, and the non-pathogenic species S. carnosus. Two highly virulent strains of S. aureus had a more profound effect on mammalian lipids and modified more lipid classes than the other staphylococcal strains. Our studies demonstrate the utility of the applied untargeted lipidomics methodology to profile lipid changes induced by different bacterial secretomes. Finally, we demonstrate the promise of this lipidomics approach in assessing the specificity of bacterial enzymes for mammalian lipid classes. Our data suggests that there may be a correlation between the bacterial expression of lipid-modifying enzymes and virulence, and could facilitate the guided discovery of lipid pathways required for bacterial infections caused by S. aureus and thereby provide insights into the generation of novel antibacterial agents