9 research outputs found
Civil Society is non-government organization or an autonomous group which is faced with state and has a function for check and balance for the government policy. Civil society also has a function to social control. Lary Diamond said that civil society establish on cultural organization such as religion or ethnic or organization which keep the truth and believe. Nahdhatul Ulama is a religion organization in Indonesia which has function to social control for the government. Beside that, the activities of NU in education, democracy development and other social activities made NU still exist in social and political society in Indonesia
The issue of women’s representation in politics is important because numbers of women who occupy political posi- tions in the party, legislative and executive bodies are still low. In fact, the laws of political parties and elections have provided opportunities for women to be involved in the formal political sphere, especially in the legislature. This is why the role of political parties becomes important in carrying out the function of political recruitment and of course the selection of legislative candidates including women. This article discusses the issues faced by women candidates in the post-New Order Elections that have an impact on the low number of women’s representation in the legislation. By using qualitative method, based on literature study and interview, the study reveals that the low number of women representation in legislative institution is caused by 1) motivation of women to become legislative candidate, 2) patriarchal culture of Indonesian society, 3) limited financial capital, and 4 ) the pragmatism of political parties. This condition is a challenge for women candidates to take political positions in the post-New Order.[Isu keterwakilan perempuan dalam politik ramai diperbincangkan karena masih rendahnya jumlah perempuan yang menduduki jabatan politik baik di internal partai, lembaga legislatif maupun eksekutif. Padahal, undang-undang partai politik dan pemilu sudah memberikan peluang bagi perempuan untuk bisa masuk dalam ranah politik for- mal, khususnya lembaga legislatif. Di sinilah peran partai politik menjadi penting dalam menjalankan fungsi re- kruitmen politik dan tentu saja seleksi calon anggota legislatif termasuk perempuan. Artikel ini membahas per- soalan yang dihadapi oleh kandidat perempuan pada Pemilu pasca-Orde Baru yang berdampak terhadap rendah- nya angka keterwakilan perempuan di legislatif. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif berdasarkan studi litera- tur dan wawancara, diketahui bahwa rendahnya angka keterwakilan perempuan di lembaga legislatif disebabkan oleh 1) motivasi kandidat perempuan untuk menjadi caleg, 2) budaya patriarki yang masih melekat di masyarakat Indonesia, 3) keterbatasan modal finansial perempuan, dan 4) pragmatisme partai politik. Kondisi inilah yang men- jadi tantangan bagi kandidat perempuan untuk mengisi jabatan-jabatan politik di Indonesia pasca-Orde Baru.
Institusionalisasi Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) Pasca Pemilihan Umum 2009
Pelembagaan partai politik merupakan suatu upaya menjadikan partai itu solid. Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) adalah salah satu partai yang lahir di era reformasi dan dalam perjalanan sepuluh tahun pertama mengalami tiga kali konflik internal yang berujung dengan perpecahan. Pasca pemilu 2009, PKB melakukan pembenahan struktural dan pelembagaan partai melalui pemantapan ideologi, kaderisasi dan rekrutmen, dan menciptakan kohesivitas atau soliditas partai dengan membangun kembali komunikasi dan silaturahmi dengan pihak-pihak yang merupakan konstituen potensial PKB
Γνωσις vol.4 : Table of Contents
Penelitian ini diarahkan oleh perempuan di bawah perwakilan di parlemen setelah reformasi politik pada tahun 1998. Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) merupakan salah satu partai politik yang telah mengikuti tiga kali pemilu setelah reformasi. Partai ini diprakarsai oleh PBNU dan memiliki banyak massa dari masyarakat nahdliyyin, yang mereka memiliki perspektif patriarki menempatkan perempuan dalam agenda politik. Sebagai hasil dari perspektif patriarki, posisi perempuan dalam politik masih dalam direpresentasikan dalam struktur partai dan juga dalam tubuh parlemen. Penelitian ini juga dilakukan untuk menjawab bagaimana PKB mengadopsi langkah tegas untuk meningkatkan representasi politik kaum perempuan dalam proses rekrutmen politik dan bagaimana calon dalam pemilu 2009 harus dilakukan. Selain itu, dalam penelitian ini juga ingin mengetahui bagaimana posisi elit PKB menentukan nomor urut dan daerah pemilihan
Partai politik merupakan salah satu instrumen yang penting dalam membangun demokrasi. Namun, disaat partai politik dewasa ini dituntut untuk menjadi partai modern yang menjalankan aktivitasnya secara legal dan rasional, di era reformasi partai justru terjerumus dalam berbagai persoalan, salah satunya adalah masalah personalisasi partai politik. metode kualitatif eksplanatori dengan menjelaskan fenomena personalisasi politik dalam PDI Perjuangan, Partai Gerindra, dan Partai Nasdem, diketahui bahwa faktor penyebab partai masih didominasi oleh satu figur/individu tertentu adalah kharisma figur,kultur patron-klien, dan motif ekonomi. Sekalipun beberapa studi terdahulu menyatakan bahwa personalisasi partai politik dalam kondisi tertentu menguntungkan partai untuk menjaga soliditas partai, studi menemukan bahwa dampak positif tersebut hanyalah dampak yang bersifat semu dan jangka pendek. Personalisasi partai politik tidak dapat dimaklumi dan dikompromikan karena fenomena tersebut berdampak pada bangunan partai politik yang dibangun dari sistem ketergantungan pada figur-figur tertentu yang dapat berperan secara holistik bagi partainya. Lebih lanjut, kondisi ini mengancam demokrasi internal partai yang membuat institusionalisasi partai politik menjadi terhambat, matinya demokrasi internal partai, hingga dampak buruk pada sirkulasi elit
Several qualitative studies on party institutionalization done previously in Indonesia have not provided measurement instruments to asses the degree of party institutionalization comprehensively. The purpose of this study is to complement and strengthen the analysis of party institutionalization, which has been analyzed before. By using quantitative approach with the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) technique, the authors elaborated the four dimensions of party institutionalization by Randall and Svasand into several sub dimensions-Subsub dimension, variable and indicators which are relevant to Indonesia political parties. The authors then validated the instrument constructed by content validity method using expert judgement which is still on going. Therefore, as the preliminary study, the instrument provided here is still need further improvement by forming a construct that will perfect the entire CFA method and comprehensively produce the whole instrument of political party institutionalization index.
Peta Koalisi Partai-Partai Politik di Indonesia pada Pemilihan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Pasca Orde Baru
Reformation became an important moment of democratization in Indonesia. The two important political changes that occur in reformation era are the freedom to establish political parties and the electoral system. Such changes have an impact on the emergence of a coalition phenomenon in Indonesia, because general elections with multiparty systems are unable to produce a majority vote in parliament. This paper aims to map and analyze the dinamic of the political party coalition in Indonesia’ presidential election in the reform era within coalition theories by Riker, Katz&Mair and Swaan. Using a qualitative approach and secondary data from media and literature, the main factor that influence the formation of coalitions in the presidential elections in the reform era is political pragmatism. It Political pragmatism makes political partiesparty politics as a cartel party that becomes the agent of the state and employ the resources of the state to ensure their party’ survival. Pragmatism ultimately makes the ideology is not a binding factor in building a coalition, but simply to maximize power
Keterwakilan Perempuan pada Pemilu Pasca Orde Baru
The issue of women's representation in politics is important because numbers of women who occupy political posi- tions in the party, legislative and executive bodies are still low. In fact, the laws of political parties and elections have provided opportunities for women to be involved in the formal political sphere, especially in the legislature. This is why the role of political parties becomes important in carrying out the function of political recruitment and of course the selection of legislative candidates including women. This article discusses the issues faced by women candidates in the post-New Order Elections that have an impact on the low number of women's representation in the legislation. By using qualitative method, based on literature study and interview, the study reveals that the low number of women representation in legislative institution is caused by 1) motivation of women to become legislative candidate, 2) patriarchal culture of Indonesian society, 3) limited financial capital, and 4 ) the pragmatism of political parties. This condition is a challenge for women candidates to take political positions in the post-New Order.[Isu keterwakilan perempuan dalam politik ramai diperbincangkan karena masih rendahnya jumlah perempuan yang menduduki jabatan politik baik di internal partai, lembaga legislatif maupun eksekutif. Padahal, undang-undang partai politik dan pemilu sudah memberikan peluang bagi perempuan untuk bisa masuk dalam ranah politik for- mal, khususnya lembaga legislatif. Di sinilah peran partai politik menjadi penting dalam menjalankan fungsi re- kruitmen politik dan tentu saja seleksi calon anggota legislatif termasuk perempuan. Artikel ini membahas per- soalan yang dihadapi oleh kandidat perempuan pada Pemilu pasca-Orde Baru yang berdampak terhadap rendah- nya angka keterwakilan perempuan di legislatif. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif berdasarkan studi litera- tur dan wawancara, diketahui bahwa rendahnya angka keterwakilan perempuan di lembaga legislatif disebabkan oleh 1) motivasi kandidat perempuan untuk menjadi caleg, 2) budaya patriarki yang masih melekat di masyarakat Indonesia, 3) keterbatasan modal finansial perempuan, dan 4) pragmatisme partai politik. Kondisi inilah yang men- jadi tantangan bagi kandidat perempuan untuk mengisi jabatan-jabatan politik di Indonesia pasca-Orde Baru.
Simultaneous Elections and the Rise of Female Representation in Indonesia
In the 2019 election, the proportion of women elected to Indonesia's People's Representative Assembly (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, DPR) increased significantly to almost 21 per cent. In this article, we ask whether an institutional innovation - the introduction of simultaneous presidential and legislative elections - contributed to this change. We examine the election results, demonstrating that, overall, women candidates did particularly well in provinces where the presidential candidate nominated by their party won a majority of the vote. Having established quantitatively a connection between results of the presidential elections and outcomes for women legislative candidates, we turn to our qualitative findings to seek a mechanism explaining this outcome. We argue that the simultaneous elections helped women candidates by easing their access to voters who supported one of the presidential candidates, but who were undecided on the legislative election. Rather than imposing additional burdens on female candidates, simultaneous elections assisted them