277 research outputs found

    Integer programming, lattices, and results in fixed dimension

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    We review and describe several results regarding integer programming problems in fixed dimension. First, we describe various lattice basis reduction algorithms that are used as auxiliary algorithms when solving integer feasibility and optimization problems. Next, we review three algorithms for solving the integer feasibility problem. These algorithms are based on the idea of branching on lattice hyperplanes, and their running time is polynomial in fixed dimension. We also briefly describe an algorithm, based on a different principle, to count integer points in an integer polytope. We then turn the attention to integer optimization. Again, we describe three algorithms: binary search, a linear algorithm for a fixed number of constraints, and a randomized algorithm for a varying number of constraints. The topic of the next part of our chapter is how to use lattice basis reduction in problem reformulation. Finally, we review cutting plane results when the dimension is fixe

    Matching techniques ride to rescue OLED displays

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    Combinatorial optimization problems have recently emerged in the design of controllers for OLED displays. The objective is to decompose an image into subframes minimizing the addressing time and thereby also the amplitude of the electrical current through the diodes, which has a direct impact on the lifetime of such a display. To this end, we model this problem as an integer linear program. Subsequently, we refine this formulation by exploiting the combinatorial structure of the problem. We propose a fully combinatorial separation routine for the LP-relaxation based on matching techniques. It can be used as an oracle in various frameworks to derive approximation algorithms or heuristics. We establish NP-hardness and hardness of approximation. Nevertheless, we are able to work around this issue by only focusing on a subsets of the variables and provide experimental evidence that they are sufficient to come up with near optimal solutions in practice. On this basis, one can derive custom-tailored solutions adapting to technical constraints such as memory requirements. By allowing the addressing of distributed doublelines, we improve the addressing time in cases where previous approaches fall short due to their restriction to consecutive doublelines

    Complexity of short Presburger arithmetic

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    We study complexity of short sentences in Presburger arithmetic (Short-PA). Here by "short" we mean sentences with a bounded number of variables, quantifiers, inequalities and Boolean operations; the input consists only of the integers involved in the inequalities. We prove that assuming Kannan's partition can be found in polynomial time, the satisfiability of Short-PA sentences can be decided in polynomial time. Furthermore, under the same assumption, we show that the numbers of satisfying assignments of short Presburger sentences can also be computed in polynomial time

    Reverse Chv\'atal-Gomory rank

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    We introduce the reverse Chv\'atal-Gomory rank r*(P) of an integral polyhedron P, defined as the supremum of the Chv\'atal-Gomory ranks of all rational polyhedra whose integer hull is P. A well-known example in dimension two shows that there exist integral polytopes P with r*(P) equal to infinity. We provide a geometric characterization of polyhedra with this property in general dimension, and investigate upper bounds on r*(P) when this value is finite.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Logahedra: A new weakly relational domain

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    Weakly relational numeric domains express restricted classes of linear inequalities that strike a balance between what can be described and what can be efficiently computed. Popular weakly relational domains such as bounded differences and octagons have found application in model checking and abstract interpretation. This paper introduces logahedra, which are more expressiveness than octagons, but less expressive than arbitrary systems of two variable per inequality constraints. Logahedra allow coefficients of inequalities to be powers of two whilst retaining many of the desirable algorithmic properties of octagons

    LP-Based Approximation Algorithms for Facility Location in Buy-at-Bulk Network Design

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    Abstract We study problems that integrate buy-at-bulk network design into the classical (connected) facility location problem. In such problems, we need to open facilities, build a routing network, and route every client demand to an open facility. Furthermore, capacities of the edges can be purchased in discrete units from K different cable types with costs that satisfy economies of scale. We extend the linear programming frame-work of Talwar [IPCO 2002] for the single-source buy-at-bulk problem to these variants and prove integrality gap upper bounds for both facility location and connected facility location buy-at-bulk problems. For the unconnected variant we prove an integrality gap bound of O(K), and for the connected version, we get an improved bound of O(1).

    Approximating connected facility location problems via Random facility sampling and core detouring

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    We present a simple randomized algorithmic framework for connected facility location problems. The basic idea is as follows: We run a black-box approximation algorithm for the unconnected facility location problem, randomly sample the clients, and open the facilities serving sampled clients in the approximate solution. Via a novel analytical tool, which we term core detouring, we show that this approach significantly improves over the previously best known approximation ratios for several NP-hard network design problems. For example, we reduce the approximation ratio for the connected facility location problem from 8.55 to 4.00 and for the single-sink rent-or-buy problem from 3.55 to 2.92. We show that our connected facility location algorithms can be derandomized at the expense of a slightly worse approximation ratio. The versatility of our framework is demonstrated by devising improved approximation algorithms also for other related problems

    An EPTAS for Scheduling on Unrelated Machines of Few Different Types

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    In the classical problem of scheduling on unrelated parallel machines, a set of jobs has to be assigned to a set of machines. The jobs have a processing time depending on the machine and the goal is to minimize the makespan, that is the maximum machine load. It is well known that this problem is NP-hard and does not allow polynomial time approximation algorithms with approximation guarantees smaller than 1.51.5 unless P==NP. We consider the case that there are only a constant number KK of machine types. Two machines have the same type if all jobs have the same processing time for them. This variant of the problem is strongly NP-hard already for K=1K=1. We present an efficient polynomial time approximation scheme (EPTAS) for the problem, that is, for any ε>0\varepsilon > 0 an assignment with makespan of length at most (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon) times the optimum can be found in polynomial time in the input length and the exponent is independent of 1/ε1/\varepsilon. In particular we achieve a running time of 2O(Klog(K)1εlog41ε)+poly(I)2^{\mathcal{O}(K\log(K) \frac{1}{\varepsilon}\log^4 \frac{1}{\varepsilon})}+\mathrm{poly}(|I|), where I|I| denotes the input length. Furthermore, we study three other problem variants and present an EPTAS for each of them: The Santa Claus problem, where the minimum machine load has to be maximized; the case of scheduling on unrelated parallel machines with a constant number of uniform types, where machines of the same type behave like uniformly related machines; and the multidimensional vector scheduling variant of the problem where both the dimension and the number of machine types are constant. For the Santa Claus problem we achieve the same running time. The results are achieved, using mixed integer linear programming and rounding techniques

    Mirror-Descent Methods in Mixed-Integer Convex Optimization

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    In this paper, we address the problem of minimizing a convex function f over a convex set, with the extra constraint that some variables must be integer. This problem, even when f is a piecewise linear function, is NP-hard. We study an algorithmic approach to this problem, postponing its hardness to the realization of an oracle. If this oracle can be realized in polynomial time, then the problem can be solved in polynomial time as well. For problems with two integer variables, we show that the oracle can be implemented efficiently, that is, in O(ln(B)) approximate minimizations of f over the continuous variables, where B is a known bound on the absolute value of the integer variables.Our algorithm can be adapted to find the second best point of a purely integer convex optimization problem in two dimensions, and more generally its k-th best point. This observation allows us to formulate a finite-time algorithm for mixed-integer convex optimization

    Sparsity of integer solutions in the average case

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    We examine how sparse feasible solutions of integer programs are, on average. Average case here means that we fix the constraint matrix and vary the right-hand side vectors. For a problem in standard form with m equations, there exist LP feasible solutions with at most m many nonzero entries. We show that under relatively mild assumptions, integer programs in standard form have feasible solutions with O(m) many nonzero entries, on average. Our proof uses ideas from the theory of groups, lattices, and Ehrhart polynomials. From our main theorem we obtain the best known upper bounds on the integer Carathéodory number provided that the determinants in the data are small