680 research outputs found

    Aikuiskoulutuskeskuksen näyttötutkintojärjestelmän kehittäminen

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    Formar um bom professor não é uma tarefasimples, pois existem conceitos e até metodologias que nem sempre conseguimos trabalhar em sala de aula ou nos estágios supervisionados. São conceitos que estão mais voltados para a formação humana do que para a formaçãoacadêmica. Mesmo após o estágio supervisionado, muitas vezes o novo professor não é capaz de ser um gestor social, seja em uma situação de conflito ou em uma situação no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Além disso, os professores no ensino médio nem sempre dispõe de tempo necessário com os alunos para conseguir um melhor aproveitamento acadêmico da turma. Neste trabalho, iremos mostrar como a aproximação entrelicenciandos em física e alunos do ensino médio pode render bons frutos para ambos, num processo que aqui denominamosde «cross-fertilisation»

    Semi-field assessment of the BG-Malaria trap for monitoring the African malaria vector, Anopheles arabiensis

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    Odour-baited technologies are increasingly considered for effective monitoring of mosquito populations and for the evaluation of vector control interventions. The BG-Malaria trap (BGM), which is an upside-down variant of the widely used BG-Sentinel trap (BGS), has been demonstrated to be effective to sample the Brazilian malaria vector, Anopheles darlingi. We evaluated the BGM as an improved method for sampling the African malaria vectors, Anopheles arabiensis. Experiments were conducted inside a large semi-field cage to compare trapping efficiencies of BGM and BGS traps, both baited with the synthetic attractant, Ifakara blend, supplemented with CO2. We then compared BGMs baited with either of four synthetic mosquito lures, Ifakara blend, Mbita blend, BG-lure or CO2, and an unbaited BGM. Lastly, we compared BGMs baited with the Ifakara blend dispensed via either nylon strips, BG cartridges (attractant-infused microcapsules encased in cylindrical plastic cartridge) or BG sachets (attractant-infused microcapsules encased in plastic sachets). All tests were conducted between 6P.M. and 7A.M., with 200–600 laboratory-reared An. arabiensis released nightly in the test chamber. The median number of An. arabiensis caught by the BGM per night was 83, IQR:(73.5–97.75), demonstrating clear superiority over BGS (median catch = 32.5 (25.25–37.5)). Compared to unbaited controls, BGMs baited with Mbita blend caught most mosquitoes (45 (29.5–70.25)), followed by BGMs baited with CO2 (42.5 (27.5–64)), Ifakara blend (31 (9.25–41.25)) and BG lure (16 (4–22)). BGM caught 51 (29.5–72.25) mosquitoes/night, when the attractants were dispensed using BG-Cartridges, compared to BG-Sachet (29.5 (24.75–40.5)), and nylon strips (27 (19.25–38.25)), in all cases being significantly superior to unbaited controls (p < 000.1). The findings demonstrate potential of the BGM as a sampling tool for African malaria vectors over the standard BGS trap. Its efficacy can be optimized by selecting appropriate odour baits and odour-dispensing systems

    Suspected viral erythrocytic necrosis (VEN) in the intertidal fish Mauligobius maderensis from Madeira, Portugal

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    Suspected viral erythrocytic necrosis (VEN) was detected in two specimens of the intertidal fish Mauligobius maderensis (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Madeira, Portugal. While one host was lightly infected, the other showed intraerythrocytic cytoplasmic inclusions within all mature erythrocytes examined. The inclusions were round to oval, 0-8-2-0 |im in diameter, and most were associated with dense eosinophilic granular areas of various sizes and shapes. Up to three of these granular regions accompanied each inclusion body, but they were sometimes widely separated from it. In a number of infected erythrocytes, a granular halo was observed surrounding the nucleus. The cytoplasm enclosed by the halo often had a different refringence from that outside. None of the 120 other fishes examined from Madeira, representing 43 species of intertidal, pelagic, and deep-sea origin, had detectable infections.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New Cost-Benefit of Brazilian Technology for Vector Surveillance Using Trapping System

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    The recent introduction of chikungunya and Zika virus and their subsequent dispersion in the Americas have encouraged the use of novel technologies for adult Aedes surveillance to improve vector control. In Brazil, two platforms for surveillance of eggs and gravid Aedes aegypti have been developed. First, it consists of using data of sampling of eggs in ovitraps associated with GIS technologies to monitor Aedes spp. populations. Although effective, it is not realistic to use in a large-scale epidemic scenario as it requires a large amount of human resources for field and laboratory activities. Second, it consists of trapping female Ae. aegypti citywide at fine spatial and temporal scales for vector surveillance (MI-Aedes) to detect high Aedes infestation areas using a GIS environment and the identification of arbovirus-infected trapped mosquitoes by RT-PCR (MI-Virus platforms). Such integration of continuous vector surveillance and targeting vector control in hotspot areas is cost-effective (less than US$ 1.00/person/year), and it has been shown to reduce mosquito population and prevent dengue transmission. The main advantage of the MI-Aedes platform over traditional mosquito surveillance is the integration of continuous vector monitoring coupled with an information technology platform for near real-time data collection, analysis, and decision-making. The technologies also provide data to model the role of climate on the vector population dynamics
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