362 research outputs found

    Early season grazing effects on birch, grass, herbs and plant litter in coastal meadows used by reindeer: a short-term case study

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    The effects of short-term grazing by reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) on birch (Betula pubescens), grasses, herbs and plant litter in coastal meadows in spring were investigated in grazed and control plots in 1996 and 1997. The meadow contained 29 different plant species, all but one of which (Deschampsia caespitosa) were intensively grazed by reindeer. Young birch eaten by reindeer did not increase in mean height (9 cm), while birch protected from grazing grew from 9 to 22 cm (P<0.05) during the two years of the experiment. The ratio of grasses to herbs was higher (P<0.05) in the grazed plots than in the control plots, and the relative abundace of grasses increased during the summer in both years. The abundance of Rumex asetosa and Alchemilla subcrenata decreased (P<0.05) in response to grazing. From spring 1996, plant litter increased (P<0.05) on the control plots until the investigation came to an end in spring 1998, unlike grazed vegetation. Reindeer affects the coastal meadows in northern Norway in spring by browsing on birch and grazing on herbs and grass which in the long term might influence the cultural landscape in favour of the growth of grass species

    Utilization of old meadow by reindeer in spring in northern Norway

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    Utilization of abandoned coastal meadows in northern Norway by reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) were investigated for 25 days in spring 1996 (« = 12, 40-57 kg body mass (BM)) and 24 days in 1997 (» = 12, 39-61 kg BM). Grass production on grazed and ungrazed meadow was measured both years. Faecal dry matter (DM) production and ruminai in vitro DM digestibility (IVDMD) of selected plants were measured in the reindeer 15-22 days after the grazing experiment started each year. During the grazing period mean, standard deviation (s), temperature was 8.7, s = 2.8, °C in 1996 and 11.0, s = 3.0, °C in 1997, while temperature the first week was significantly higher in 1997 (P < 0.05). Mean herbage mass, on ungrazed meadow (control), after one week of plant growth in 1996 (408, J" = 166, kg DM ha"1) was significantly different (P < 0.05) from 1997 (576, s = 110, kg DM ha'). We believe the low temperature the first week in 1996 affected the plant production, and was the main reason for the significant (P < 0.05) difference in mean daily plant DM production on the grazed meadow between 1996 (57, s = 16, kg DM ha') and 1997 (81, s = 16, kg DM ha"1). Mean ruminai IVDMD of a mixture of meadow plants, differed (P<0.05) between 1996 (72.4, s = 1.0, %) and 1997 (83.9, s = 1.3, %), and mean daily food intake in 1996 (82, s = 13.5, g DM/kg0 75) was significantly lower than the intake in 1997 (131, s = 15.8, g DM/kg0 75). Daily digestible energy intake in reindeer was estimated to 0.96 Ml/kg07"5 X d 1 in 1996 and 1.85 Ml/kg""5 X d"1 in 1997, which was 1.3 and 2.5 times the resting metabolic rate in reindeer, respectively. We therefore assume the difference in food intake could be due to the initial difference in herbage mass

    The association between care co-ordination and emergency department use in older managed care enrollees

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between care co-ordination and use of the Emergency Department (ED) in older managed care enrollees. DESIGN: Nested case-control with 103 cases (used the ED) and 194 controls (did not use the ED). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Older patients with multiple chronic illnesses enrolled in a care management programme of a large group-model health maintenance organisation with more than 50,000 members over the age of 64. Better care co-ordination was defined as timely follow-up after a change in treatment; fewer decision-makers involved with the care plan; and a higher patient-perceived rating of overall care co-ordination. Logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between ED use (the outcome variable) and measures of care co-ordination (the predictor variables). RESULTS: Self-reported care co-ordination was not significantly different between cases and controls for any of the four classifications of inappropriate ED use. Similarly, no differences were found in the number of different physicians or medication prescribers involved in the patients' care. Four-week follow-up after potentially high-risk events for subsequent ED use, including changes in chronic disease medications, missed encounters, and same day encounters, did not differ between subjects with inappropriate ED use and controls. CONCLUSION: Existing measures of care co-ordination were not associated with inappropriate ED use in this study of older adults with complex care needs. The absence of an association may, in part, be attributable to the paucity of validated measures to assess care co-ordination, as well as the methodological complexity inherent in studying this topic. Future research should focus on the development of new measures and on approaches that better isolate the role of care co-ordination from other potential variables that influence utilisation

    Development and testing of a measure designed to assess the quality of care transitions

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    BACKGROUND: To improve the quality of care delivered to older persons receiving care across multiple settings, interventions are needed. However, the absence of a patient-centred measure specifically designed to assess this care has constrained innovation. OBJECTIVE: To develop a rigorously designed and tested measure, the Care Transition Measure (CTM). SETTING: A large, integrated managed care organisation in Colorado with approximately 55,000 members over the age of 65 years. PARTICIPANTS: Patients 65 years and older who were recently discharged from hospital and received subsequent skilled nursing care in a facility or in the home. METHODS: Six focus groups of older persons and their caregivers (n=49) were established. Standard qualitative analytic techniques were applied to written transcripts and four key domains were identified: (1) information transfer; (2) patient and caregiver preparation; (3) self-management support; and (4) empowerment to assert preferences. Specific CTM items were developed, pilot tested, and refined. Psychometric testing, conducted in a different population but selected using the same entry criteria (n=60), included content and construct validity, intra-item variation, and floor/ceiling properties. RESULTS: Older patients and clinicians found the measure to be highly relevant and comprehensive (i.e. content validity). Construct validity was assessed by comparing items from the CTM to selected items from a measure developed by Hendriks and colleagues (Medical Care 2001; 39(3): 270–283). Inter-item Spearman correlations ranged 0.388–0.594. No significant floor or ceiling effects were detected. CONCLUSIONS: The CTM was developed with substantial input from older patients and their caregivers. Psychometric testing suggested that the measure was valid. The CTM may serve to fill an important gap in health system performance evaluation by measuring the quality of care delivered across settings

    Socioeconomic status and risk for child psychopathology: exploring gene–environment interaction in the presence of gene–environment correlation using extended families in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Birth Cohort Study

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    Background Low socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with increased risk for emotional and behavioural problems among children. Evidence from twin studies has shown that family SES moderates genetic and environmental influences on child mental health. However, it is also known that SES is itself under genetic influence and previous gene–environment interaction (G×E) studies have not incorporated the potential genetic overlap between child mental health and family SES into G×E analyses. We applied a novel approach using extended family data to investigate the moderation of aetiological influences on child emotional and behavioural problems by parental socioeconomic status in the presence of modelled gene–environment correlation. Methods The sample comprised >28,100 children in extended‐family units drawn from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Mothers reported children's emotional and behavioural symptoms. Parents' income and educational attainment were obtained through linkage to administrative register data. Bivariate moderation Multiple‐Children‐of‐Twins‐and‐Siblings (MCoTS) models were used to analyse relationships between offspring outcomes (emotional and behavioural symptom scores) and parental socioeconomic moderators (income rank and educational attainment). Results The aetiology of child emotional symptoms was moderated by maternal and paternal educational attainment. Shared environmental influences on child emotional symptoms were greater at lower levels of parents' education. The aetiology of child behavioural symptoms was moderated by maternal, but not paternal, socioeconomic factors. Genetic factors shared between maternal income and child behavioural symptoms were greater in families with lower levels maternal income. Nonshared environmental influences on child behavioural symptoms were greater in families with higher maternal income and education. Conclusions Parental socioeconomic indicators moderated familial influences and nonshared environmental influences on child emotional and behavioural outcomes. Maternal SES and child mental health share aetiological overlap such that shared genetic influence was greater at the lower end of the socioeconomic distribution. Our findings collectively highlight the role that family socioeconomic factors play in shaping the origins of child emotional and behavioural problems

    Rhythmic Clock Gene Expression in Atlantic Salmon Parr Brain

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    To better understand the complexity of clock genes in salmonids, a taxon with an additional whole genome duplication, an analysis was performed to identify and classify gene family members (clock, arntl, period, cryptochrome, nr1d, ror, and csnk1). The majority of clock genes, in zebrafish and Northern pike, appeared to be duplicated. In comparison to the 29 clock genes described in zebrafish, 48 clock genes were discovered in salmonid species. There was also evidence of species-specific reciprocal gene losses conserved to the Oncorhynchus sister clade. From the six period genes identified three were highly significantly rhythmic, and circadian in their expression patterns (per1a.1, per1a.2, per1b) and two was significantly rhythmically expressed (per2a, per2b). The transcriptomic study of juvenile Atlantic salmon (parr) brain tissues confirmed gene identification and revealed that there were 2,864 rhythmically expressed genes (p < 0.001), including 1,215 genes with a circadian expression pattern, of which 11 were clock genes. The majority of circadian expressed genes peaked 2 h before and after daylight. These findings provide a foundation for further research into the function of clock genes circadian rhythmicity and the role of an enriched number of clock genes relating to seasonal driven life history in salmonid

    Photoreception and transcriptomic response to light during early development of a teleost with a life cycle tightly controlled by seasonal changes in photoperiod

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    Light cues vary along the axis of periodicity, intensity and spectrum and perception of light is dependent on the photoreceptive capacity encoded within the genome and the opsins expressed. A global approach was taken to analyze the photoreceptive capacity and the effect of differing light conditions on a developing teleost prior to first feeding. The transcriptomes of embryos and alevins of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to different light conditions were analyzed, including a developmental series and a circadian profile. The results showed that genes mediating nonvisual photoreception are present prior to hatching when the retina is poorly differentiated. The clock genes were expressed early, but the circadian profile showed that only two clock genes were significantly cycling before first feeding. Few genes were differentially expressed between day and night within a light condition; however, many genes were significantly different between light conditions, indicating that light environment has an impact on the transcriptome during early development. Comparing the transcriptome data from constant conditions to periodicity of white light or different colors revealed overrepresentation of genes related to photoreception, eye development, muscle contraction, degradation of metabolites and cell cycle among others, and in constant light, several clock genes were upregulated. In constant white light and periodicity of green light, genes associated with DNA replication, chromatin remodeling, cell division and DNA repair were downregulated. The study implies a direct influence of light conditions on the transcriptome profile at early developmental stages, by a complex photoreceptive system where few clock genes are cycling.publishedVersio

    Effects of similar intakes of marine n-3 fatty acids from enriched food products and fish oil on cardiovascular risk markers in healthy human subjects

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    There is convincing evidence that consumption of fish and fish oil rich in long-chain (LC) n-3 PUFA (n-3 LCPUFA), EPA (20 : 5n-3) and DHA (22 : 6n-3) reduce the risk of CHD. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether n-3 LCPUFA-enriched food products provide similar beneficial effects as fish oil with regard to incorporation into plasma lipids and effects on cardiovascular risk markers. A parallel 7-week intervention trial was performed where 159 healthy men and women were randomised to consume either 34 g fish pâté (n 44), 500 ml fruit juice (n 38) or three capsules of concentrated fish oil (n 40), all contributing to a daily intake of approximately 1 g EPA and DHA. A fourth group did not receive any supplementation or food product and served as controls (n 37). Plasma fatty acid composition, serum lipids, and markers of inflammation and oxidative stress were measured. Compared with the control group, plasma n-3 LCPUFA and EPA:arachidonic acid ratio increased equally in all intervention groups. However, no significant changes in blood lipids and markers of inflammation and oxidative stress were observed. In conclusion, enriched fish pâté and fruit juice represent suitable delivery systems for n-3 LCPUFA. However, although the dose given is known to reduce the risk of CVD, no significant changes were observed on cardiovascular risk markers in this healthy populatio

    Quantitative Analysis of BTF3, HINT1, NDRG1 and ODC1 Protein Over-Expression in Human Prostate Cancer Tissue.

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    Prostate carcinoma is the most common cancer in men with few, quantifiable, biomarkers. Prostate cancer biomarker discovery has been hampered due to subjective analysis of protein expression in tissue sections. An unbiased, quantitative immunohistochemical approach provided here, for the diagnosis and stratification of prostate cancer could overcome this problem. Antibodies against four proteins BTF3, HINT1, NDRG1 and ODC1 were used in a prostate tissue array (> 500 individual tissue cores from 82 patients, 41 case pairs matched with one patient in each pair had biochemical recurrence). Protein expression, quantified in an unbiased manner using an automated analysis protocol in ImageJ software, was increased in malignant vs non-malignant prostate (by 2-2.5 fold, p<0.0001). Operating characteristics indicate sensitivity in the range of 0.68 to 0.74; combination of markers in a logistic regression model demonstrates further improvement in diagnostic power. Triple-labeled immunofluorescence (BTF3, HINT1 and NDRG1) in tissue array showed a significant (p<0.02) change in co-localization coefficients for BTF3 and NDRG1 co-expression in biochemical relapse vs non-relapse cancer epithelium. BTF3, HINT1, NDRG1 and ODC1 could be developed as epithelial specific biomarkers for tissue based diagnosis and stratification of prostate cancer

    Reaction Time Variability in Children Is Specifically Associated With Attention Problems and Regional White Matter Microstructure

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    Background Increased intraindividual variability (IIV) in reaction times (RTs) has been suggested as a key cognitive and behavioral marker of attention problems, but findings for other dimensions of psychopathology are less consistent. Moreover, while studies have linked IIV to brain white matter microstructure, large studies testing the robustness of these associations are needed. Methods We used data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study baseline assessment to test the associations between IIV and psychopathology (n = 8622, age = 8.9–11.1 years) and IIV and white matter microstructure (n = 7958, age = 8.9–11.1 years). IIV was investigated using an ex-Gaussian distribution analysis of RTs in correct response go trials in the stop signal task. Psychopathology was measured by the Child Behavior Checklist and a bifactor structural equation model was performed to extract a general p factor and specific factors reflecting internalizing, externalizing, and attention problems. To investigate white matter microstructure, fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, axial diffusivity, and radial diffusivity were examined in 23 atlas-based tracts. Results Increased IIV in both short and long RTs was positively associated with the specific attention problems factor (Cohen’s d = 0.13 and d = 0.15, respectively). Increased IIV in long RTs was also positively associated with radial diffusivity in the left and right corticospinal tract (both tracts, d = 0.12). Conclusions Using a large sample and a data-driven dimensional approach to psychopathology, the results provide novel evidence for a small but specific association between IIV and attention problems in children and support previous findings on the relevance of white matter microstructure for IIV.publishedVersio