50 research outputs found

    Arbeidsform i tiden etter Covid-19: I hvilken grad påvirker ledere hvorvidt fjernarbeid vil være en god langsiktig arbeidsform i tiden etter Covid-19?

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    I en to år lang periode har yrkesaktive i stor grad benyttet fjernarbeid som følge av Covid-19. Store bedrifter fremmer fjernarbeid som fremtidens arbeidsform og forskning tyder på at mange ønsker å fortsette med arbeidsformen i tiden etter pandemien. Vi undersøker i denne oppgaven interne forhold som kan være avgjørende for hvorvidt fjernarbeid vil være en god løsning i tiden etter Covid-19. Det økende fokuset på lederens ansvar ovenfor medarbeidere og deres trivsel på jobb de to foregående år, la grunnlaget for de interne forholdene som ble undersøkt i studien. Studiens problemstilling er: «I hvilken grad påvirker ledere hvorvidt fjernarbeid vil være en god langsiktig arbeidsform i tiden etter Covid-19?» To premisser er lagt til grunn for at fjernarbeid skal være en god langsiktig arbeidsform: ønske om fjernarbeid og tilstrekkelig oppfølging av medarbeidere ved fjernarbeid. Det teoretiske rammeverket og tidligere empiri resulterte i fire forskningsspørsmål tilknyttet lederatferd og kommunikasjon i forbindelse med overnevnte premisser. Forskningsspørsmålene er testet empirisk gjennom kvantitativ metode med spørreundersøkelse som måleverktøy. Undersøkelsen er avgrenset til foretaket Sykehusinnkjøp HF (SHI) sine 262 medarbeidere, hvor svarprosenten er 64,6 %. Det kvantitative datagrunnlagets validitet og reliabilitet er testet gjennom faktoranalyse og reliabilitetsanalyse, hvor spørsmål er gruppert og støy er ekskludert fra datasettet. Videre er dataen statistisk analysert og forskningsspørsmålene testet ved hjelp av univariat analyse, korrelasjonsanalyse og multippel regresjonsanalyse. Funnene tilsier at medarbeidere ønsker fjernarbeid i tiden etter Covid-19 og føler seg tilstrekkelig fulgt opp av nærmeste leder ved fjernarbeid. Vi finner at SHI scorer høyt på variabler vi antok ville ha positiv påvirkning og lavt på variabler vi antok ville ha negativ påvirkning på overnevnte premisser. Dette indikerer at fjernarbeid vil være en god langsiktig løsning i tiden etter Covid-19. Basert på analysene finner vi dog ingen god forklaringsfaktor tilknyttet ønske, som betyr at vi ikke kan konkludere med at ønske er tuftet på langsiktig perspektiv. Vi finner derimot at ledere i SHI i stor grad gjennom personlig kommunikasjon påvirker hvorvidt medarbeidere føler seg tilstrekkelig fulgt opp ved fjernarbeid. Lederne i SHI scorer høyt på personlig kommunikasjon, som tilsier at fjernarbeid med hensyn til tilstrekkelig oppfølging vil være en god langsiktig arbeidsform såfremt de opprettholder scoren. Ingen av våre funn tyder på at fjernarbeid vil være en dårlig løsning i SHI. Det solide nettoutvalget medfører at vi anser det mulig å generalisere våre funn til populasjonen

    Perturbing parameters to understand cloud contributions to climate change

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    The sensitivity of cloud feedbacks to atmospheric model parameters is evaluated using a CAM6 perturbed parameter ensemble (PPE). The CAM6 PPE perturbs 45 parameters across 262 simulations, 206 of which are used here. The spread in total cloud feedback and its six components across the CAM6 PPE are comparable to the spread across the CMIP6 and AMIP ensembles, indicating that parametric uncertainty mirrors structural uncertainty. However, the high-cloud altitude feedback is generally larger in the CAM6 PPE than WCRP assessment, CMIP6, and AMIP values. We evaluate the influence of each of the 45 parameters on the total cloud feedback and each of the six cloud feedback components. We also explore whether the CAM6 PPE can be used to constrain the total cloud feedback, with inconclusive results. Further, we find that despite the large parametric sensitivity of cloud feedbacks in CAM6, a substantial increase in cloud feedbacks from CAM5 to CAM6 is not a result of changes in parameter values. Notably, the CAM6 PPE is run with a more recent version of CAM6 (CAM6.3) than was used for AMIP (CAM6.0), and has a smaller total cloud feedback (0.56 W m2^{-2} K1^{-1}) as compared to CAM6.0 (0.81 W m2^{-2} K1^{-1}) owing primarily to reductions in low clouds over the tropics and middle latitudes. The work highlights the large sensitivity of cloud feedbacks to both parameter values and structural details in CAM6

    Primiparous women differ from multiparous women after early discharge regarding breastfeeding, anxiety, and insecurity:A prospective cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: Breastfeeding and factors influencing breastfeeding are essential when considering the association between parity and neonatal and maternal morbidity risks when mothers are discharged within 24 hours after birth. However, there is a lack of studies examining the effect of parity and breastfeeding in a setting where all healthy mothers are recommended discharge four hours after birth. Therefore, this study examined the association between parity and the time for discharge, breastfeeding, and factors influencing breastfeeding. METHODS: The study was designed as a prospective cohort study. Data were obtained from questionnaires at one and at six weeks after birth, and combined with registered data. All 147 included mothers were healthy, with an uncomplicated birth and a healthy newborn, discharged within 24 hours after birth. RESULTS: This study documented that primiparous women had a higher relative risk (RR=2.62; 95% CI: 1.35–5.10) of having doubts about infant feeding after discharge than multiparous women. Furthermore, 54% of primiparous women contacted the maternity ward after discharge compared to 27% of multiparous women. Twice as many primiparous than multiparous women felt anxious or depressed at one and at six weeks after birth. Finally, the study documented that 13% of primiparous women and 5% of multiparous women discharged within six hours after birth perceived the time before discharge to be too short. CONCLUSIONS: Primiparous women differ from multiparous women regarding breastfeeding, insecurity, and anxiety. Special attention towards primiparous women and a follow-up strategy that allows the mothers to contact the maternity ward after early discharge is recommended

    OLS Dialog: An open-source front end to the Ontology Lookup Service

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>With the growing amount of biomedical data available in public databases it has become increasingly important to annotate data in a consistent way in order to allow easy access to this rich source of information. Annotating the data using controlled vocabulary terms and ontologies makes it much easier to compare and analyze data from different sources. However, finding the correct controlled vocabulary terms can sometimes be a difficult task for the end user annotating these data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to facilitate the location of the correct term in the correct controlled vocabulary or ontology, the Ontology Lookup Service was created. However, using the Ontology Lookup Service as a web service is not always feasible, especially for researchers without bioinformatics support. We have therefore created a Java front end to the Ontology Lookup Service, called the OLS Dialog, which can be plugged into any application requiring the annotation of data using controlled vocabulary terms, making it possible to find and use controlled vocabulary terms without requiring any additional knowledge about web services or ontology formats.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>As a user-friendly open source front end to the Ontology Lookup Service, the OLS Dialog makes it straightforward to include controlled vocabulary support in third-party tools, which ultimately makes the data even more valuable to the biomedical community.</p

    Case studies: results and synthesis projet 7FP CLOSER (Connecting LOng and Short-distance networks for Efficient Transport) Rapport de recherche Deliverable 5.2 project européen CLOSER.

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    The CLOSER project has been set to analyse the interfaces and interconnectionsbetween long distance transport networks and local/regional transport networks of allmodes. The project is funded within the Seventh Framework Programme of theEuropean Commission, under the topic TPT-2008.0.0.13 “New mobility/organisationalschemes: interconnection between short and long-distance transport networks”.The objective of WP5 of CLOSER is to accomplish in-depth case studies to deepenand validate the understanding of results obtained in Work packages 2, 3 and 4. Thiswill be achieved by:- Developing a joint assessment and evaluation framework for the case studies,incorporating knowledge that has been obtained in WP 2, WP 3 and WP 4- Carrying out the case studies- Synthesising the results of the case studies in order to give inputs for thedevelopment of recommendations in WP 6.The deliverable at hand summarises the seven case studies that have been conductedin the CLOSER project: Leipzig-Halle airport (Germany) Armentiéres station (France) Oslo bus terminal Vaterland (Norway) Port of Helsinki (Finland) Thessaloniki port (Greece) Constantza port (Romania) Vilnius Airport (Lithuania

    Sustainability analysis of the CITYLAB solutions

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    The objective of the CITYLAB project is to develop knowledge and solutions that result in roll-out, upscaling and further uptake of cost effective strategies, measures and tools for emission free city logistics. CITYLAB includes a set of Living Laboratories where promising logistic concepts are implemented related to emissions free city logistics. The objective of this report is to assess the impact that would occur when the CITYLAB implementations would be scaled up. The main challenge that has to be overcome is the difference in type, availability and detail of data from different CITYLAB implementations. This assessment of the impacts of upscaling is done by integrating all stakeholders’ opinions in the evaluation process and taking into account the costs and benefits for society as well as the financial viability for industry partners

    Impact and process assessment of the seven CITYLAB implementations

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    CITYLAB focuses on four axes that call for improvement and intervention: •Highly fragmented last-mile deliveries in city centres •Inefficient deliveries to large freight attractors and public administrations •Urban waste, return trips and recycling •Logistics sprawl Within these axes, the project supports seven implementations that are being tested, evaluated and rolled out. An implementation is defined as the process of preparing, testing and putting into practice a new service or a new way of operating or organising logistics activities. The objective of this report is to present an assessment of the effects and consequences of the implementations as they are conducted. For each case, we summarise the process leading to the application of a specific technical and managerial solution, and present the outcomes. For each implementation, we present •Problem and aim •Description of the solution •Implementation process •Effects and consequences •Challenges ahead •Lessons and generalisation of results This deliverable provides a complete picture of the evolvement of the implementations during the CITYLAB project and final versions of the process and impact assessment

    Mass balance and hydrological modeling of the Hardangerjøkulen ice cap in south-central Norway

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    A detailed, physically based, one dimensional column snowpack model (Crocus) has been incorporated into the hydrological model, Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)-Hydro, to allow for direct surface mass balance simulation of glaciers and subsequent modeling of meltwater discharge from glaciers. The new system (WRF-Hydro/Glacier) is only activated over a priori designated glacier areas. This glacier area is initialized with observed glacier thickness and assumed to be pure ice (with corresponding ice density). This allows for melting of the glacier to continue after all accumulated snow has melted. Furthermore, the simulation of surface albedo over the glacier is more realistic, as surface albedo is represented by snow, where there is accumulated snow, and glacier ice, when all accumulated snow is melted. To evaluate the WRF-Hydro/Glacier system over a glacier in southern Norway, WRF atmospheric model simulations were downscaled to 1 km grid spacing. This provided meteorological forcing data to the WRF-Hydro/Glacier system at 100 m grid spacing for surface and streamflow simulation. Evaluation of the WRF downscaling showed a good comparison with in situ meteorological observations for most of the simulation period. The WRF-Hydro/Glacier system reproduced the glacier surface winter/summer and net mass balance, snow depth, surface albedo and glacier runoff well compared to observations. The improved estimation of albedo has an appreciable impact on the discharge from the glacier during frequent precipitation periods. We have shown that the integrated snowpack system allows for improved glacier surface mass balance studies and hydrological studies

    A simple and fast heuristic for protein structure comparison

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    Background Protein structure comparison is a key problem in bioinformatics. There exist several methods for doing protein comparison, being the solution of the Maximum Contact Map Overlap problem (MAX-CMO) one of the alternatives available. Although this problem may be solved using exact algorithms, researchers require approximate algorithms that obtain good quality solutions using less computational resources than the formers. Results We propose a variable neighborhood search metaheuristic for solving MAX-CMO. We analyze this strategy in two aspects: 1) from an optimization point of view the strategy is tested on two different datasets, obtaining an error of 3.5%(over 2702 pairs) and 1.7% (over 161 pairs) with respect to optimal values; thus leading to high accurate solutions in a simpler and less expensive way than exact algorithms; 2) in terms of protein structure classification, we conduct experiments on three datasets and show that is feasible to detect structural similarities at SCOP's family and CATH's architecture levels using normalized overlap values. Some limitations and the role of normalization are outlined for doing classification at SCOP's fold level. Conclusion We designed, implemented and tested.a new tool for solving MAX-CMO, based on a well-known metaheuristic technique. The good balance between solution's quality and computational effort makes it a valuable tool. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time the MAX-CMO measure is tested at SCOP's fold and CATH's architecture levels with encouraging results. Software is available for download at http://modo.ugr.es/jrgonzalez/msvns4maxcmo webcite.This work is supported by Projects HeuriCosc TIN2005-08404-C04-01, HeuriCode TIN2005-08404-C04-03, both from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. JRG acknowledges financial support from Project TIC2002-04242-C03-02. Authors thank N. Krasnogor and ProCKSi project (BB/C511764/1) for their support