3,950 research outputs found

    Non-collinear spin-spiral phase for the uniform electron gas within Reduced-Density-Matrix-Functional Theory

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    The non-collinear spin-spiral density wave of the uniform electron gas is studied in the framework of Reduced-Density-Matrix-Functional Theory. For the Hartree-Fock approximation, which can be obtained as a limiting case of Reduced-Density-Matrix-Functional Theory, Overhauser showed a long time ago that the paramagnetic state of the electron gas is unstable with respect to the formation of charge or spin density waves. Here we not only present a detailed numerical investigation of the spin-spiral density wave in the Hartree-Fock approximation but also investigate the effects of correlations on the spin-spiral density wave instability by means of a recently proposed density-matrix functional.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Intraossäre Infusion: Eine wichtige Technik auch für die Kinderanästhesie

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    Zusammenfassung: Die zeitgerechte Etablierung eines venösen Zugangs kann insbesondere bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern eine große Herausforderung sein. Hier hat sich die intraossäre Infusionstechnik seit den 1940er Jahren als schnelle, effiziente und sichere Alternativmethode zur Schaffung eines Gefäßzugangs bewährt, um einem vitalgefährdeten Kind dringend benötigte Medikamente und Flüssigkeiten zu applizieren. Während in den internationalen Leitlinien zur pädiatrischen Notfallmedizin der intraossären Infusion eine hohe Priorität eingeräumt wird, greifen die meisten Anästhesisten nur sehr zögerlich auf diese langjährig bewährte Punktionstechnik zurück. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die intraossäre Infusionstechnik, stellt zwei unterschiedliche Kanülierungssysteme vor und diskutiert, basierend auf den aktuellen notfallmedizinischen Leitlinien sowie anhand von eigenen Fallbeispielen, potenzielle Indikationen für die Kinderanästhesie. Demnach sollten insbesondere akut vital-gefährdete Kinder mit Kreislaufstillstand, Laryngospasmus, akuter Atemwegsblutung, hypovolämischem Schock oder Hypothermie bei ausgedehnten Verbrennungen ohne liegenden bzw. rasch anzulegenden venösen Zugang mit einer intraossären Kanüle versorgt werden. Inwieweit die intraossäre Infusion auch beim nichtakut vital-gefährdeten Kind mit schwierigem oder unmöglichem peripheren Venenzugang in der Anästhesie überbrückend und zeitlich begrenzt eingesetzt werden sollte, wird die zukünftige Diskussion zeigen. Die erfolgreiche Anwendung der intraossären Infusionstechnik in der Kinderanästhesie verlangt die unmittelbare Verfügbarkeit der entsprechenden Ausrüstung, die umfassende Schulung und das regelmäßige Training sowie eine klare Regelung für ihre Anwendung innerhalb der Anästhesieabteilun

    Response-Conflict Moderates the Cognitive Control of Episodic and Contextual Load in Older Adults

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    OBJECTIVES: Decline in cognitive control is one of the primary cognitive changes in normal aging. Reaching a consensus regarding the nature of these age-related changes, however, is complicated by the complexity of cognitive control as a construct. METHODS: Healthy older and younger adults participated in a multifactorial test of cognitive control. Within participants, the procedure varied as a function of the amount contextual load, episodic load, and response-conflict load present. RESULTS: We found that older adults showed impaired performance relative to younger adults. We also found, however, that the response selection process underlying the response-conflict manipulation was a major moderator of age-related differences in both the contextual and episodic load conditions-suggesting a hierarchical organization. DISCUSSION: These findings are consistent with previous findings, suggesting that deficits in cognitive control in older adults are directly related to the resolution of response-conflict and that other apparent deficits may be derivative upon the more basic response-conflict related deficit

    Excited states in bilayer graphene quantum dots

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    We report on ground- and excited state transport through an electrostatically defined few-hole quantum dot in bilayer graphene in both parallel and perpendicular applied magnetic fields. A remarkably clear level scheme for the two-particle spectra is found by analyzing finite bias spectroscopy data within a two-particle model including spin and valley degrees of freedom. We identify the two-hole ground-state to be a spin-triplet and valley-singlet state. This spin alignment can be seen as Hund's rule for a valley-degenerate system, which is fundamentally different to quantum dots in carbon nano tubes and GaAs-based quantum dots. The spin-singlet excited states are found to be valley-triplet states by tilting the magnetic field with respect to the sample plane. We quantify the exchange energy to be 0.35meV and measure a valley and spin g-factor of 36 and 2, respectively

    Kindersimulation heute und morgen: Perspektiven und Konzepte

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Konfrontation mit kritisch kranken Neugeborenen, Säuglingen und Kleinkindern ist selten und stellt ein Behandlungsteam vor besondere Herausforderungen. Für eine erfolgreiche Notfallbehandlung sind sichere technische und nichttechnische Fertigkeiten essenziell. Kindersimulatoren ermöglichen die Schaffung einer didaktischen Infrastruktur zur Vernetzung von Lehrbuchtheorie mit erfahrungsaktiver Praxis. Zur Erfassung des aktuellen Status der Kindersimulation in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz wurde eine Onlinebefragung aller entsprechend aktiven Zentren durchgeführt. Derzeit wird Kindersimulation in 24Zentren betrieben. Diese verfügen über 39 pädiatrische Simulatoren: 8 für Neugeborene, 26 für Säuglinge und 5 für Kinder. Eine gewisse Kongruenz im Standard ist unter den Zentren feststellbar. Die meisten Instruktoren verfügen über eine spezialisierte Instruktorenausbildung. Von den Instruktoren sind 26% Pflegefachkräfte und 67% Ärzte, davon haben Pädiater und Anästhesisten den größten Anteil. Viele Zentren (38%) funktionieren lediglich durch das spezielle Engagement ihrer Mitarbeiter, die diverse Aktivitäten in ihrer Freizeit organisieren. Videogestützte Nachbesprechungen gelten als Grundlage für ein effektives Training. Einen besonderen inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt legen fast alle Zentren (92%) auf die Vermittlung von nichttechnischen Fertigkeiten (interpersonelle Aspekte des Zwischenfallmanagements). Im Rahmen des kürzlich etablierten PaedSim-Projekts sollen die Curricula von Kindersimulationskursen noch klarer strukturiert sowie international standardisiert werden, um dadurch Trainingseffektivität und -nachhaltigkeit zu erhöhe

    Airway complications after lung transplantation: risk factors, prevention and outcome

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    PURPOSE: Anastomotic complications following lung transplantation (LuTx) have been described in up to 15% of patients. Challenging to treat, they are associated with high morbidity and a mortality rate of 2-5%. The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence of complications in a consecutive series of bronchial anastomosis after LuTx at our center and to delineate the potential risk factors. METHODS: Between 1992 and 2007, 441 bronchial anastomoses were performed in 235 patients. Indications for transplantation were cystic fibrosis (35.7%) emphysema (28.1%) pulmonary fibrosis (12.8%) and pulmonary hypertension (7.7%). There were 206 sequential bilateral and 28 single transplants including lobar engraftments in 20 cases. The donor bronchus was shortened to the plane of the lobar carina including the medial wall of the intermediate bronchus. Peribronchial tissue was left untouched. Anastomosis was carried out using a continuous absorbable running suture (PDS 4/0) at the membranous and interrupted sutures at the cartilaginous part. Six elective surveillance bronchoscopies were done monthly during the first half-year post-LuTx, with detailed assessment of the pre- and post-anastomotic airways. RESULTS: One-year survival since 2000 was 90.5%. In all 441 anastomoses performed, no significant dehiscence was observed. In one patient, a small fistula was detected and closed surgically on postoperative day five. Fungal membranes were found in 50% of the anastomoses at 1 month and in 14% at 6 months. Discrete narrowing of the anastomotic lumen without need for intervention was found in 4.9% of patients at 1 month and in 2.4% at 6 months. Age, cytomegalovirus status, induction therapy, immunosuppressive regimen, ischemic time, and ventilation time had no influence on bronchial healing. CONCLUSIONS: Clinically relevant bronchial anastomotic complications after LuTx can be avoided by use of a simple standardized surgical technique. Aggressive antibiotic and antifungal therapy might play an important supportive rol

    Time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with optimized high-harmonic pulses using frequency-doubled Ti:Sapphire lasers

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    Time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (trARPES) using femtosecond extreme ultraviolet high harmonics has recently emerged as a powerful tool for investigating ultrafast quasiparticle dynamics in correlated-electron materials. However, the full potential of this approach has not yet been achieved because, to date, high harmonics generated by 800 nm wavelength Ti:Sapphire lasers required a trade-off between photon flux, energy and time resolution. Photoemission spectroscopy requires a quasi-monochromatic output, but dispersive optical elements that select a single harmonic can significantly reduce the photon flux and time resolution. Here we show that 400 nm driven high harmonic extreme-ultraviolet trARPES is superior to using 800 nm laser drivers since it eliminates the need for any spectral selection, thereby increasing photon flux and energy resolution to < 150 meV while preserving excellent time resolution of about 30 fs. © 2014 The Authors

    Effect of resonant magnetic perturbations on low collisionality discharges in MAST and a comparison with ASDEX Upgrade

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    Sustained ELM mitigation has been achieved on MAST and AUG using RMPs with a range of toroidal mode numbers over a wide region of low to medium collisionality discharges. The ELM energy loss and peak heat loads at the divertor targets have been reduced. The ELM mitigation phase is typically associated with a drop in plasma density and overall stored energy. In one particular scenario on MAST, by carefully adjusting the fuelling it has been possible to counteract the drop in density and to produce plasmas with mitigated ELMs, reduced peak divertor heat flux and with minimal degradation in pedestal height and confined energy. While the applied resonant magnetic perturbation field can be a good indicator for the onset of ELM mitigation on MAST and AUG there are some cases where this is not the case and which clearly emphasise the need to take into account the plasma response to the applied perturbations. The plasma response calculations show that the increase in ELM frequency is correlated with the size of the edge peeling-tearing like response of the plasma and the distortions of the plasma boundary in the X-point region.Comment: 31 pages, 28 figures. This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article submitted for publication in Nuclear Fusion. IoP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from i