372 research outputs found

    Orbital Stability of Planets in Binary Systems: A New Look at Old Results

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    About half of all known stellar systems with Sun-like stars consist of two or more stars, significantly affecting the orbital stability of any planet in these systems. This observational evidence has prompted a large array of theoretical research, including the derivation of mathematically stringent criteria for the orbital stability of planets in stellar binary systems, valid for the "coplanar circular restricted three-body problem". In the following, we use these criteria to explore the validity of results from previous theoretical studies.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure; submitted to: Exoplanets: Detection, Formation and Dynamics, IAU Symposium 249, eds. Y.-S. Sun, S. Ferraz-Mello, and J.-L. Zhou (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

    The impact of mass-loss on the evolution and pre-supernova properties of red supergiants

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    The post main-sequence evolution of massive stars is very sensitive to many parameters of the stellar models. Key parameters are the mixing processes, the metallicity, the mass-loss rate and the effect of a close companion. We study how the red supergiant lifetimes, the tracks in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD), the positions in this diagram of the pre-supernova progenitor as well as the structure of the stars at that time change for various mass-loss rates during the red supergiant phase (RSG), and for two different initial rotation velocities. The surface abundances of RSGs are much more sensitive to rotation than to the mass-loss rates during that phase. A change of the RSG mass-loss rate has a strong impact on the RSG lifetimes and therefore on the luminosity function of RSGs. At solar metallicity, the enhanced mass-loss rate models do produce significant changes on the populations of blue, yellow and red supergiants. When extended blue loops or blue ward excursions are produced by enhanced mass-loss, the models predict that a majority of blue (yellow) supergiants are post RSG objects. These post RSG stars are predicted to show much smaller surface rotational velocities than similar blue supergiants on their first crossing of the HR gap. The position in the HRD of the end point of the evolution depends on the mass of the hydrogen envelope. More precisely, whenever, at the pre-supernova stage, the H-rich envelope contains more than about 5\% of the initial mass, the star is a red supergiant, and whenever the H-rich envelope contains less than 1\% of the total mass the star is a blue supergiant. For intermediate situations, intermediate colors/effective temperatures are obtained. Yellow progenitors for core collapse supernovae can be explained by the enhanced mass-loss rate models, while the red progenitors are better fitted by the standard mass-loss rate models.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Constraints on planetary tidal dissipation from a detailed study of Kepler 91b

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    Context. With the detection of thousands of exoplanets, characterising their dynamical evolution in detail represents a key step in the understanding of their formation. Studying the dissipation of tides occurring both in the host star and in the planets is of great relevance in order to investigate the distribution of the angular momentum occurring among the objects populating the system and to studying the evolution of the orbital parameters. From a theoretical point of view, the dissipation of tides throughout a body may be studied by relying on the so-called phase or time-lag equilibrium tides model in which the reduced tidal quality factor Q'p, or equivalently the product between the love number and the time lag (k2DeltaT), describe how efficiently tides are dissipated within the perturbed body. Constraining these factors by looking at the current configuration of the exoplanetary system is extremely challenging, and simulations accounting for the evolution of the system as a whole might help to shed some light on the mechanisms governing this process. Aims. We aim to constrain the tidal dissipation factors of hot-Jupiter-like planets by studying the orbital evolution of Kepler-91b. Methods. We firstly carried out a detailed asteroseismc characterisation of Kepler-91 and computed a dedicated stellar model using both classical and astereoseismic constraints. We then coupled the evolution of the star to the one of the planets by means of our orbital evolution code and studied the evolution of the system by accounting for tides dissipated both in the planet and in the host star. Results. We found that the maximum value for k2DeltaT (or equivalently the minimum value for Q'p) determining the efficiency of equilibrium tides dissipation occurring within Kepler-91b is 0.4 pm 0.25 s (4.5+5.8 * 10^5).Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    How accurately can we age-date solar-type dwarfs using activity/rotation diagnostics?

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    It is well established that activity and rotation diminishes during the life of sun-like main sequence (~F7-K2V) stars. Indeed, the evolution of rotation and activity among these stars appears to be so deterministic that their rotation/activity diagnostics are often utilized as estimators of stellar age. A primary motivation for the recent interest in improving the ages of solar-type field dwarfs is in understanding the evolution of debris disks and planetary systems. Reliable isochronal age-dating for field, solar-type main sequence stars is very difficult given the observational uncertainties and multi-Gyr timescales for significant structural evolution. Observationally, significant databases of activity/rotation diagnostics exist for field solar-type field dwarfs (mainly from chromospheric and X-ray activity surveys). But how well can we empirically age-date solar-type field stars using activity/rotation diagnostics? Here I summarize some recent results for F7-K2 dwarfs from an analysis by Mamajek & Hillenbrand (2008), including an improved "gyrochronology" [Period(color, age)] calibration, improved chromospheric (R'_HK and X-ray (log Lx/Lbol) activity vs. rotation (via Rossby number) relations, and a chromospheric vs. X-ray activity relation that spans four orders of magnitude in log Lx/Lbol. Combining these relations, one can produce predicted chromospheric and X-ray activity isochrones as a function of color and age for solar type dwarfs.Comment: 8 pgs, to appear in proc. of 258th IAU Symposium "The Ages of Stars", eds. E.E. Mamajek, D.R. Soderblom, & R.F.G. Wyse (in press

    Atmospheric parameters and chemical properties of red giants in the CoRoT asteroseismology fields

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    A precise characterisation of the red giants in the seismology fields of the CoRoT satellite is a prerequisite for further in-depth seismic modelling. High-resolution FEROS and HARPS spectra were obtained as part of the ground-based follow-up campaigns for 19 targets holding great asteroseismic potential. These data are used to accurately estimate their fundamental parameters and the abundances of 16 chemical species in a self-consistent manner. Some powerful probes of mixing are investigated (the Li and CNO abundances, as well as the carbon isotopic ratio in a few cases). The information provided by the spectroscopic and seismic data is combined to provide more accurate physical parameters and abundances. The stars in our sample follow the general abundance trends as a function of the metallicity observed in stars of the Galactic disk. After an allowance is made for the chemical evolution of the interstellar medium, the observational signature of internal mixing phenomena is revealed through the detection at the stellar surface of the products of the CN cycle. A contamination by NeNa-cycled material in the most massive stars is also discussed. With the asteroseismic constraints, these data will pave the way for a detailed theoretical investigation of the physical processes responsible for the transport of chemical elements in evolved, low- and intermediate-mass stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 25 pages, 13 colour figures (revised version after language editing

    Dynamics of Multi-Player Games

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    We analyze the dynamics of competitions with a large number of players. In our model, n players compete against each other and the winner is decided based on the standings: in each competition, the mth ranked player wins. We solve for the long time limit of the distribution of the number of wins for all n and m and find three different scenarios. When the best player wins, the standings are most competitive as there is one-tier with a clear differentiation between strong and weak players. When an intermediate player wins, the standings are two-tier with equally-strong players in the top tier and clearly-separated players in the lower tier. When the worst player wins, the standings are least competitive as there is one tier in which all of the players are equal. This behavior is understood via scaling analysis of the nonlinear evolution equations.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Models of red giants in the CoRoT asteroseismology fields combining asteroseismic and spectroscopic constraints

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    Context. The availability of asteroseismic constraints for a large sample of red giant stars from the CoRoT and Kepler missions paves the way for various statistical studies of the seismic properties of stellar populations. Aims. We use the first detailed spectroscopic study of 19 CoRoT red-giant stars (Morel et al 2014) to compare theoretical stellar evolution models to observations of the open cluster NGC 6633 and field stars. Methods. In order to explore the effects of rotation-induced mixing and thermohaline instability, we compare surface abundances of carbon isotopic ratio and lithium with stellar evolution predictions. These chemicals are sensitive to extra-mixing on the red-giant branch. Results. We estimate mass, radius, and distance for each star using the seismic constraints. We note that the Hipparcos and seismic distances are different. However, the uncertainties are such that this may not be significant. Although the seismic distances for the cluster members are self consistent they are somewhat larger than the Hipparcos distance. This is an issue that should be considered elsewhere. Models including thermohaline instability and rotation-induced mixing, together with the seismically determined masses can explain the chemical properties of red-giants targets. However, with this sample of stars we cannot perform stringent tests of the current stellar models. Tighter constraints on the physics of the models would require the measurement of the core and surface rotation rates, and of the period spacing of gravity-dominated mixed modes. A larger number of stars with longer times series, as provided by Kepler or expected with Plato, would help for ensemble asteroseismology.Comment: Accepted 03/05/201

    Men’s Psychotherapy Dropout is Associated with Conformity to Traditional Masculinity Ideologies

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    Objective: High conformity to traditional masculinity ideologies (TMI) is associated with lower use of psychotherapy, higher self-stigmatization and poor mental health outcomes amongst men. However, the role of conformity to TMI in relation to psychotherapy dropout is still unclear. Aim: The present study aims to clarify the relationship between conformity to TMI and premature termination of psychotherapy (dropout) in men. Method: Data was used from an anonymous online survey in German-speaking Europe. Participants with previous psychotherapy experience provided information on sociodemographics, mental health, TMI, and their past experiences with psychotherapy. Discontinuation of psychotherapy was assessed by self-report and further differentiated into discontinuation with or without consulting the therapist. Men with an unconsulted therapy ending were defined as psychotherapy dropouts. Conformity to TMI was assessed using the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory. Results: Of the 266 men (mean [SD] age, 46.1 [13.6]) with psychotherapy experience, 30.5% (n = 81) reported having discontinued psychotherapy at least once, whereas 17.7% (n = 47) of the total sample reported dropout. These 47 men showed significantly higher conformity to TMI than men who did not report past dropout. The sub-scales of self-reliance and playboy showed the strongest associations with psychotherapy dropout. Conclusions: Dropout from psychotherapy was significantly associated with higher conformity to TMI. Therapists should consider, and where necessary, work to flexibly adapt to TMI which may influence how men engage in mental health care. Such an approach would likely improve men’s ongoing engagement in psychotherapy, promoting opportunities to prevent avoidable psychotherapy dropout for men most at risk of deleterious mental health outcomes

    Evaluation of the CELL-DYN® 3500 haematology instrument for the analysis of the mouse and rat blood

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the CELL-DYN® 3500 for rat and mouse blood analysis in a routine environment. The WBC (white blood cells), RBC (red blood cells), PLT (platelets) counts and the WBC differential were determined. In addition, the following aspects were studied: within-run precision, day-to-day precision, biasfree paired difference precision; extended ranges of linearity for RBC, HCT (haematocrit), WBC, PLT; carry-over, the fffect of blood ageing, cell stability with different anticoagulants; and the normal ranges, the out of range flagging and some typical pathology cases. The CELL-DYN® 3500 is a multiparameter flow cytometer which counts and differentiates WBC, based on the principle of multi-angle polarised light scatter separation. RBC and PLT are determined by the impedance method. The WBC count is evaluated by both, optical and impedance methods. Reference methods used were according to the ICSH recommendations on blood cell analysis, including manual counts of WBC and platelets, a centrifugal microhaematocrit method and a haemoglobin measurement by spectrophotometry using the WHO haemoglobin standard. All cell counts were compared with the results obtained by our routine blood cell analyser (Contraves AL820), and the WBC differential was compared with the manual microscopic differentiation of the 400 WBC (200 cells differentiated by two technicians). The following coefficients of variation were obtained: within-run precision was 1.2% and 2.7% for WBC; 1.0% and 1.0% for RBC; 1.3% and 0.9% for haematocrit; 2.1% and 2.7% for platelets (rats and mice respectively). Day-to-day precision was performed using human trilevel control blood, and the CVs were found to be <1.7% for WBC, <1.4% for RBC, <1.2% for haemoglobin and <6.3% for platelets. The following ranges of measurement were found to be linear in the rat: WBC: 0.10-20.20×103/μl; RBC: 0.016-14.3×106/μl; haemoglobin: 0.08-26.8 g/dl; haematocrit: 5.0%-77%; platelets: 14.0-1670.0×103/μl. Equal ranges were observed for mouse blood. Carry-over in rat blood was found to be 0.12% for WBC, 0.05% for RBC, 0.15% for haemoglobin and 0.46% for platelets. In mice, similar carry-over results were obtained. The correlation coefficients (Pearson, correlation coefficient) between the CELL-DYN® 3500 and Contraves AL 820 using linear regression analysis were as follows: 0.988 and 0.997 for WBC; 0.986 and 0.920 for RBC; 0.995 and 0.984 for haemoglobin; 0.958 and 0.85 for haematocrit; 0.958 and 0.963 for platelets, for rats and mice, respectively. Correlation coefficients between the CELL-DYN® 3500 and the manual differential of NEU (neutrophils) and LYM (lymphocytes) were higher than 0.8 in rats and higher than 0.9 in mice. Due to the relatively low absolute counts of MONO (monocytes), EOS (eosinophils) and BASO (basophils), only moderate correlation of methods was found. The CELL-DYN® 3500 was judged to be reliable, accurate and easy-to-use for counting and identifying normal and most of the pathological blood specimens obtained from mice and rats. By using the CELL-DYN® 3500, the time for blood sample analysis can be shortened significantly and provides extensive opportunities to characterise pathological sample

    Lauenen. Reformierte Pfarrkirche. Ergebnisse der Bauforschungen von 1983/84

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    Restaurierungsarbeiten an der Kirche von Lauenen veranlassten, in verschiedenen Etappen zwischen Sommer 1983 und Januar 1984 archäologische und baugeschichtliche Untersuchungen durchzuführen. Die Publikation umfasst die Ergebnisse zu den Funden und Befunden der Vorgängerkirche aus dem 16. Jh. und deren Veränderungen seit der Reformation. Es fügen sich die Auswertung der Münzen und ihrer Bedeutung für die Datierung sowie die Resultate der anthropologischen Untersuchungen an den Skeletten an
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