88 research outputs found

    Mapping gender stereotypes: a network analysis approach

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    The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2023. 1193866/full#supplementary-materialIntroduction: Stereotypes have traditionally been considered as “mental pictures” of a particular social group. The current research aims to draw the structure of gender stereotypes and metastereotype schemes as complex systems of stereotypical features. Therefore, we analyze gender stereotypes as networks of interconnected characteristics. Method: Through an online survey (N = 750), participants listed the common female and male features to build the structure of the gender stereotypes. Participants also listed the common features of how members of one gender think they are viewed by people of the other gender to build the structure of gender metastereotypes. Results: Our results suggest that female stereotypes are characterized by a single community of features consistently associated such as intelligent, strong, and hardworkers. Female metastereotype, however, combines the previous community with another characterized by weak and sensitive. On the contrary, the male stereotype projected by women is characterized by a community of features associated such as intelligent, strong, and hardworker, but male in-group stereotypes and metastereotypes projected by men are a combination of this community with another one characterized by features associated such as strong, chauvinist, and aggressive. Discussion: A network approach to studying stereotypes provided insights into the meaning of certain traits when considered in combination with different traits. (e.g., strong-intelligent vs. strong-aggressive). Thus, focusing on central nodes can be critical to understanding and changing the structure of gender stereotypes.University of Salamanc

    Affective Polarization and Political Belief Systems: The Role of Political Identity and the Content and Structure of Political Beliefs

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    The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work is financially supported by the NORFACE Joint Research Programme on Democratic Governance in a Turbulent Age and co-funded by NWO, ESRC, AEI, NSC, FWO, and the European Commission through Horizon 2020 under grant agreement number 822166.We investigate the extent that political identity, political belief content (i.e., attitude stances), and political belief system structure (i.e., relations among attitudes) differences are associated with affective polarization (i.e., viewing ingroup partisans positively and outgroup partisans negatively) in two multinational, cross-sectional studies (Study 1 N = 4,152, Study 2 N = 29,994). First, we found a large, positive association between political identity and group liking-participants liked their ingroup substantially more than their outgroup. Second, political belief system content and structure had opposite associations with group liking: Sharing similar belief system content with an outgroup was associated with more outgroup liking, but similarity with the ingroup was associated with less ingroup liking. The opposite pattern was found for political belief system structure. Thus, affective polarization was greatest when belief system content similarity was low and structure similarity was high.NORFACE Joint Research Programme on Democratic Governance in a Turbulent AgeNetherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)AEIMinistry of Science and Technology, TaiwanFWOEuropean Commission Horizon 2020: 82216

    Las preocupaciones por la desigualdad en salud, educación e ingresos predicen con- juntamente las acciones colectivas

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    The first author is beneficiary of a grant (FPU19/04227) from the FPU Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Universities. Complementary, this research is part of the research project PID2019.105643GB.I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Introduction: Income inequality is often tolerated and justified, but when it brings about disparities in other domains of life (e.g., health or education), it may be seen with di-fferent eyes. In this research, we aimed to explore concerns regarding economic inequality in health, education, and income, and its relationship to supporting collective actions to reduce inequality. Method: We used survey data (N = 20,204, 18 countries) from the Latinobarometer 2020. We conducted descriptive analyses, latent class analyses, and analyses of multilevel linear regression to test our hypothesis. Results: We found that people were more concerned about health access and education opportunities than income inequality. We also identified two classes of people: one class concerned about education and health and the other uncon-cerned about inequality in any domain. In addition, results showed that all concerns and class membership predicted greater support of collective actions to reduce inequality. Conclusions: These preliminary findings suggest that concerns about education and health disparities may serve to increase awareness of overall inequality and mobilise the public.& COPY; 2023 Fundacion Universitaria Konrad Lorenz. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Introducción: La desigualdad de ingresos a menudo se tolera y justifica, pero cuando esta conlleva desigualdades en otros ámbitos de la vida (e.g., salud o educación), puede que se vea con ojos diferentes. En este artículo tratamos de explorar la preocupación por la desigualdad económica en salud, educación e ingresos, así como su relación con el apoyo a acciones colectivas para reducir la desigualdad. Método: Usamos datos secundarios (N = 20 204, 18 países) del Latinobarómetro 2020. Llevamos a cabo análisis descriptivos, análisis de clases latentes y análisis de regresión multinivel. Resultados: Encontramos que la gente estaba más preocupada por el acceso a la salud y las oportunidades en educación que por la desigualdad en el ingreso. También identificamos dos perfiles de personas: unas preocupadas por la educación y la salud, y otras poco preocupadas por la desigualdad en ninguno de los ámbitos. Además, los resultados mostraron que todas las preocupaciones y los distintos perfiles predecían un mayor apoyo a las acciones colectivas para reducir la desigualdad. Conclusiones: Estos hallazgos preliminares sugieren que la preocupación por las desigualdades en salud y educación podrían servir para aumentar la conciencia sobre la desigualdad general y movilizar al público.FPU Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Universities. Complementary FPU19/04227MCIN/AEI PID2019.105643GB.I0

    The perception of economic inequality in everyday life: My friends with the most and the least money

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    The study of perceived economic differences in everyday life is relevant to deepen the knowledge of how inequality shapes psychological processes. In the current research, Spanish undergraduates (N=547) were asked what their friends with the most and least money could do with their resources. Using a qualitative and quantitative approach, we performed a content analysis of the 1,085 open-ended responses given, ran latent class analyses with the coded material to identify groups of participants, and explored whether class membership was associated with their awareness of inequality and support for redistribution. Participants perceived inequality among their friends through daily indicators such as consumption, opportunities, leisure, and mental health; some participants used compensatory strategies to mitigate perceived inequality. Latent class analyses suggested that participants differed mostly in the attention paid to consumption and in the use of compensatory strategies. Exploratory analyses suggested that perceiving inequality in everyday life in terms of consumption, negative attributes towards the wealthy, or positive attributes towards low socioeconomic groups was related to acknowledging economic differences among individuals and support for redistribution. The study of perceived economic inequality in everyday life continues a new line of research with the potential to obtain results more consistent with people's experiences.OAICE-006-2017UCR::Sedes Regionales::Sede de Occident

    La formación disciplinar en matemáticas de los futuros maestros de Educación Básica

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    La formación disciplinar en matemáticas de los futuros docentes de educación primaria es un programa de formación alternativo al Plan de Estudios de la Licenciatura en educación Primaria que ofrecen las Escuelas Normales Públicas del Sistema Educativo Nacional; se inscribe en el ámbito de la Educación Matemática y adquiere su fundamentación de en la Teoría de las Situaciones Didáctica. De manera particular, enfatiza el dominio del conocimiento matemático. Para lograr los propósitos de formación y aprendizaje de las matemáticas se propone como enfoque didáctico la resolución de situaciones problemáticas. De esta manera, el dominio disciplinar se conjuga con las pretensiones del desarrollo de las competencias matemáticas y del pensamiento matemático. Por otra parte, la investigación pretende abonar la conceptualización de las categorías de competencia y pensamiento matemático a partir de los referentes empíricos y su argumentación teórica construida a partir de las formas de operar que despliegan los estudiantes normalistas durante la resolución de las situaciones-problema

    Las creencias que justifican la desigualdad moderan la relación entre el estatus socioeconómico y el apoyo a la redistribución

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    This article evaluates the interaction between socioeconomic status and inequality-justifying beliefs on support for redistribution. Using survey data from São Paulo (Brazil) (N=928), we found that support for redistribution was negatively associated with subjective socioeconomic status; but was positively related to objective socioeconomic status. In addition, system-justifying beliefs moderated this relationship. On the one hand, the negative effect of subjective status on support for redistribution was stronger for people who support system-justifying beliefs. On the other hand, the positive effect between objective status and support for redistribution occurred only for people who rejected these beliefs. The results suggest that the effect of socioeconomic status on support for redistribution depends on the degree of support for system-justifying beliefs.Este artículo examina la interacción entre el estatus socioeconómico y las creencias que justifican la desigualdad en lo relativo al apoyo a la redistribución. Utilizando datos de una encuesta de São Paulo (Brasil) (N=928), encontramos que el apoyo a la redistribución estuvo negativamente asociado con el estatus socioeconómico subjetivo; pero estuvo positivamente relacionada con el estatus socioeconómico objetivo. Además, las creencias que justifican la desigualdad moderaron esta relación. Por un lado, el efecto negativo del estatus subjetivo sobre el apoyo a la redistribución fue más fuerte para las personas que apoyan las creencias que justifican la desigualdad. Por otro lado, el efecto positivo entre el estatus objetivo y el apoyo a la redistribución solo ocurrió para las personas que rechazaron estas creencias. Los resultados sugieren que el efecto del estatus socioeconómico sobre el apoyo a la redistribución depende del grado de apoyo a las creencias ideológicas que justifican la desigualdad

    Especialización económica municipal en la región de Cuitzeo, Michoacán, un análisis desde el coeficiente de localización

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    El coeficiente de localización permite conocer el grado de especialización de los sectores de una economía, contribuye a la obtención de un diagnóstico amplio acerca de la economía de una región, beneficia a la toma de decisiones y al diseño de estrategias de política. El objetivo de la presente investigación consiste en calcular, analizar y discutir el coeficiente de localización de la región de Cuitzeo, Michoacán, para los años de 2003, 2006, 2013 y 2018, para obtener un diagnóstico sobre la situación de especialización de la región y contribuir con información que permita construir puntos iniciales para estrategias de acción de una planificación regional. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan a la existencia de una especialización en el sector 11 constituido por la agricultura, la cría y explotación de animales, el aprovechamiento forestal, la pesca y la caza. Dicha especialización únicamente se compone por cinco municipios dentro de la región, por parte de los demás municipios se presentan volatilidades en especializarse en un sector, por lo que incrementa la dependencia de la región ante las economías externas y problemas de instrumentar una planificación regional

    Los juegos recreativos como vía para la estimular la memoria en educandos con discapacidad intelectual

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    All the societies and especially in Cuba they recognize educational and formative value that has the recreational games as part of the development of the processes physique, psychological and cognitive of the scholars with intellectual disability. This it is conceived like an indispensable tool where the professor of Physical Education can work the necessities of his scholars like part of the correction y/o compensation, leaving essentially of his potentialities. With the result that the objective of the investigation is: to elaborate a program of recreational games that contributes to stimulate the memory in scholars with intellectual disability of the special school Camilo Cienfuegos. Methods of the theoretical, empiric and mathematical level were applied; those that allowed determined the theoretical and methodological historical, relating antecedents that sustain the study object, the revision of the clinical files, observations and interviews. In this study one could the characteristic psycho-pedagogical of the sample study object as well as to determine that the memory was the critical route in the psychic development of the same ones, for this one worked with an intentional sample of 18 scholars, to those that were applied a battery of recreational games in a period of time of 10 months. The results reached in the investigation demonstrate that the proposed recreational games contributed to the stimulation of the memory and other psychic processes of these scholars with intellectual disability and they can constitute a tool for the professors of Physical Education and educational psychologists of this school.Todas las sociedades y en especial en Cuba reconocen el valor educativo y formativo que tiene los juegos recreativos como parte del desarrollo de los procesos físico, psicológico y cognoscitivo de los educandos con discapacidad intelectual. Este se concibe como una herramienta indispensable donde el profesor de Educación Física puede trabajar las necesidades de sus educandos como parte de la corrección y/o compensación, partiendo esencialmente de sus potencialidades. De ahí que el objetivo de la investigación sea: elaborar un programa de juegos recreativos que contribuya a estimular la memoria en educandos con discapacidad intelectual de la escuela especial “Camilo Cienfuegos”. Se aplicaron métodos del nivel teórico, empírico y matemático, los que permitieron determinar los antecedentes históricos, referentes teóricos y metodológicos que sustentan el objeto de estudio, la revisión de los expedientes clínicos, observaciones y entrevistas. En este estudio se revelaron las características psicopedagógicas de la muestra objeto de estudioasí como determinar que la memoria era la ruta crítica en el desarrollo psíquico de los mismos, para esto se trabajó con una muestra intencional de 18 educandos, a los que se les aplicó una batería de juegos recreativos en un período de tiempo de 10 meses. Los resultados alcanzados en la investigación demuestran que los juegos recreativos propuestos contribuyeron a la estimulación de la memoria y otros procesos psíquicos de estos educandos con discapacidad intelectual, también pueden constituir una herramienta para profesores de Educación Física y psicopedagogos de esta escuela

    Reflexiones sobre el trabajo de campo en el Poder Judicial: cuando el procedimiento de investigación de transforma en datos

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    Este trabalho analisa as experiências de seis pesquisadores durante pesquisa de campo em Audiências de Custódia na cidade de São Paulo em 2019. Aspectos como as dificuldades de acesso ao Fórum, a indiferença dos juízes e relatos de intimidação narrados pelos pesquisadores indicam que embora existam regulações formais das audiências, coexistem processos de personificação da lei e dos procedimentos conduzidos pelos magistrados que por vezes contradizem essas regulações. Essas experiências vivenciadas pelos pesquisadores reforçam sob um outro ponto de vista, entraves à legitimidade do sistema de justiça, já apontados por pesquisas que discutem essa relação aos olhos dos cidadãos.This paper analyzes the fieldwork experiences of six researchers in Custody Hearings in the city of São Paulo in 2019. Aspects such as the difficulties in accessing the Forum, the indifference of the judges, and the reports of the intimidation suffered by the researchers, indicate that although there are formal regulations for hearings, processes of personification of the law and of the procedures conducted by magistrates coexist, which sometimes contradict these regulations. The experiences of the researchers reinforce another aspect of the issue: the obstacles to the legitimacy of the Criminal Justice System, already pointed out by previous research discussing this relationship from the citizens’ perspective.Este trabajo analiza las experiencias de seis investigadores durante sus estudios de campo en Audiencias de Custodia en la ciudad de San Pablo, en 2019. Aspectos tales como las dificultades en el acceso al Foro, la indiferencia de los jueces y los relatos de intimidación narrados por los investigadores indican que aunque existan regulaciones formales para las audiencias, coexistem procedimientos de personificación de la ley y de los procedimientos llevados a cabo por los magistrados, que a veces contradicen esas regulaciones. Las experiencias vivenciadas por los investigadores refuerzan otro aspecto: las trabas a la legitimidad del sistema de justicia que ya fueron remarcadas por investigaciones que discuten esa relación a los ojos de la ciudadanía.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Coverage changes of pine trees at risk in collection sites in northern Mexico

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    Objective: Analyze changes in land use and vegetation (USyV; from 1985 to 2014) in the collection sites of 16 pines listed in NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 located in northern Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: We integrate a georeferenced database of the species under study from consultations of botanical collections. A point coverage was created to add USyV vector information from Series I (1985) and VI (2014). Subsequently, spatial analysis and geoprocessing identified class changes during the period. Results: A total of 2,242 georeferenced records of pine species were obtained. The results indicated that 50.0 % of the total number of pine records consulted in collections with Series I information are in other USyV categories than primary forest. At the same time, with Series VI, this condition rises to 58.7 %. Consequently, the most critical changes in the period under study occurred in converting primary forests to agriculture, pasture, secondary vegetation of coniferous and oak forests, and urban areas. Limitations/implications: The availability of larger scale cartographic material, to generate a risk analysis study of changes and threats to the conservation of pine species. Findings/conclusions: The number of collection sites recorded in primary coniferous, scrub, and oak forests in Series I decreased significantly compared to Series VI, shifting to agriculture, water bodies, grassland, and urban areas.Objective: To analyze the changes in land-use and vegetation (LUV), from 1985 to 2014, in the sites in northern Mexico where 16 pine trees listed in the NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 are collected. Design/Methodology/Approach: Based on consultations in botanical collections, a georeferenced database of the species under study was developed. A point coverage was created to which LUV vector information from Series I (1985) and VI (2014) was added. Subsequently, LUV class changes were identified during the evaluation period through spatial analysis and geoprocessing. Results: A total of 2,242 georeferenced records of pine species were obtained. Fifty percent of the pine records consulted in collections with Series I information belong to other non-primary forest categories of LUV, while with Series VI information with this condition rose to 58.7%. Consequently, in the study period major changes occurred in the conversion of primary forests to agricultural lands, pasture, secondary vegetation in coniferous and oak forests, and mainly urban areas. Limitations/Implications: The availability of larger-scale cartographic material limited the generation of a risk analysis study about the changes and threats to forest conservation. Findings/Conclusions: The number of collection sites registered in coniferous forest, scrubland, and primary oak forest in Series I —which are now agricultural lands, water bodies, pastures, and urban areas— was significantly lower than in Series VI