423 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Majapahit merupakan kerajaan yang besar, kekuasaan kerajaan Majapahit  hampir mencakup seluruh nusantara, kekuasaan tersebut memberi gambaran bahwa Majapahit mempunyai pengaturan politik yang baik dan armada laut yang kuat. Dibalik kekuasaan Majapahit yang luas dan memiliki armada laut yang kuat, tentu ditunjang dengan perekonomian yang maju. Faktor ekonomi adalah faktor yang berperan penting, faktor ekonomi dapat dianggap penting bagi kerajaan Majapahit karena keberadaan ekonomi yang maju akan berdampak pada aspek kehidupan lain, seperti kehidupan sosial, politik, dan budaya. Aspek ekonomi kerajaan Majapahit yang maju tidak lepas dari kondisi geografis kerajaan dengan adanya pegunungan dan aliran sungai. Keadaan geografis yang menguntungkan ini telah dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Kondisi geografis yang menguntungkan dimanfaatkan untuk menunjang pertanian dan perdagangan di Majapahit. Bengawan solo merupakan salah satu sungai yang berperan pada beberapa aspek kehidupan kerajaan Majaphit terutama aspek ekonomi. Pemanfaatan aliran sungai ini telah dilakukan sejak masa masa pra aksara hingga saat ini. Alasan pengambilan judul peran Bengawan Solo pada perekonomian Majapahit abad XIV-XVI karena peran Bengawan Solo dari masa ke masa hingga sampai periode kerajaan Majaphit sangat besar. Aliran sungai Bengawan Solo yang melintasi wilayah Jawa Timur dimanfaatkan oleh Majapahit sebagai pengairan wilayah pertanian dan jalur pelayaran sungai. Kondisi geografis wilayah Jawa Timur yang sebagian besar adalah dataran rendah dan dialiri sungai Bengawan Solo menunjang sektor perdagangan wilayah hulu dengan memanfaatkan jalur sungai tersebut. Ramainya pelayaran-pelayaran di sepanjang aliran sungai, memunculkan suatu pelabuhan sungai yang ramai.  Kata Kunci: Bengawan Solo, ekonomi, Majapahi

    Manajemen Mutu Terpadu Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an Dan Al-Hadits

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    Abstract Quality  is important  is to be undertaken  by  an  educational institution,  especially  institutions of Islamic  education because  quality  is something addressed  in the management of  an  Islamic educational  institutions.  Management  generally  have  a  lot  of  the  concept  of  quality,  but concept of quality in the Islamic educational management is little. Therefore, formulating and underlying  concepts  of quality  in the Islamic educational  management  becomes important. Quality always  associated  with customers,  stakeholder,  users of  products  or  services produced by an organization or individual. Quality is a measure used to assess the process and product.  However,  the quality  usually  determined  by the customer,  not the  supplier.  The concept of quality  in management education  can be  synchronized  with the  Islam  of the Koran  and  al-Hadith. The Koran  and  al-Hadith provide cues  about quality  in everything  with the word  ihsan. Ihsan  means  quality.  If  applicable  and  explained,  apparently  ihsan  has  implications  for  the quality of the process, the quality of the planning and control, which in turn produces quality development frameworks according to al-Qur'an and al-hadith.   Keyword: Integrated Quality Management, Al-Qur'an, Hadit

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Skripsi (Studi Kasus pada Biro Skripsi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta)

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    Essay data management implementation is now done in the Biro Skripsi Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta still manual so that the information process was very time consuming and labor intensive. This can increase the chance of error in the delivery of information, which ultimately becomes inaccurate information. Information needed but difficult to obtain, among others, student information data that does thesis, student information data submitted the title essay, the student data do guidance, monitoring faculty guidance information data to the data execution thesis trial. In this study illustrated activity stream now and the activity flow system to be designed, all depicted in the form of a flowchart to determine the stages of activity that must be passed, a flow diagram of a system or activity diagram modeling the workflow (workflow) is a business process and sequence of activities in a process , While the system design phase consists of making a Use Case Diagram and Sequence Diagram, database creation of the determination of the entity with Conseptual Data Model (CDM) and pysical Data Model (PDM), User Interface design and application programming using PHP, HTML, and JavaScrpt. The results achieved in this study is an information system for the management of the thesis at the Bureau Thesis Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, which contains about the implementation process of the thesis includes data management students and professors, information paper and printing files thesis, as well as the registration process of the review of proposals until trial pendadaran. The information system can be accessed by multiple users simultaneously via intranet or internet connection. Through this system, information can be presented with a fast, accurate, relevant and up to date. Keywords: information systems, essay, biro skripsi, system design ABSTRAK Pengelolaan data pelaksanaan Skripsi yang sekarang dilakukan di Biro Skripsi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta masih bersifat manual sehingga proses penyampaian informasi banyak menyita waktu dan tenaga. Hal ini dapat memperbesar peluang terjadinya kesalahan dalam penyampaian informasi, yang pada akhirnya informasi menjadi tidak akurat. Informasi yang dibutuhkan namun sulit didapatkan antara lain data informasi mahasiwa yang melakukan skripsi, data informasi mahasiswa mengajukan judul skripsi, data mahasiswa melakukan bimbingan, data informasi dosen memonitoring bimbingannya sampai data pelaksanaan sidang skripsi. Pada penelitian ini digambarkan alur aktivitas sekarang dan alur aktifitas sistem yang akan dirancang, semua digambarkan dalam bentuk flowchart untuk mengetahui tahapan aktivitas yang harus dilalui, diagram alir sistem atau activity diagram memodelkan alur kerja (workflow) yaitu sebuah proses bisnis dan urutan aktivitas dalam suatu proses. Sedangkan tahap perancangan sistem terdiri dari pembuatan Use Case Diagram dan Sequence Diagram, pembuatan database dari penentuan entitas dengan Conseptual Data Model (CDM) dan Pysical Data Model (PDM), perancangan User Interface dan pembuatan program aplikasi menggunakan PHP, HTML, dan JavaScrpt. Hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah sistem informasi untuk pengelolaan skripsi pada Biro Skripsi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta yang berisi tentang proses pelaksanaan skripsi meliputi pengelolaan data mahasiswa dan dosen, informasi skripsi dan pencetakan berkas-berkas skripsi, serta proses pendaftaran dari review proposal sampai sidang pendadaran. Sistem informasi dapat diakses oleh beberapa user secara bersamaan melalui koneksi intranet maupun internet. Melalui sistem ini informasi dapat disajikan dengan cepat, akurat, relevan dan up to date. Kata Kunci: sistem informasi, skripsi, biro skripsi, perancangan siste

    Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Plural-multikultural

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    Effort to develop plural-multicultural Islamic educations of great necessity to further expand and streamline the implementation of Islamic education that accommodates all forms of diversity and difference in the dynamic of life. Islamic educations essentially a multicultural education that put multiculturalisms one of the educational vision whose main characters are inclusive, egalitarian and humanist, but remained firm on spiritual values​​ and divinity based on al-Quran and as-Sunnah. Plural-multicultural Islamic education principle has clear basis, both in terms of prescriptive and empirical basis. Its principles has prominent characteristic, namely humanitarian and receive diversity. In addition, it has a great opportunity to continue to grow as it has a clear basis and is in accordance with the needs of today\u27s society

    Revitalisasi semangat bahari untuk menyongsong Indonesia sebagai poros maritim dunia melalui karya sastra Melayu

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    Indonesia memiliki bekal untuk menjadi poros maritim dunia dari segi historis-kultural. Sejarah telah mencatat bahwa di masa Kerajaan Sriwijaya dan Majapahit, Indonesia mengalami masa kejayaan di sektor maritim. Namun, perlahan-lahan kejayaan itu pudar. Menjadikan Indonesia sebagai poros maritim dunia menjadi tanggung jawab semua kalangan, termasuk peserta didik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menumbuhkan kembali semangat bahari dan budaya luhur pada diri generasi penerus bangsa melalui Hikayat Hang Tuah. Selain itu, menghayati kisah Hang Tuah juga dapat mengantarkan siswa untuk lebih mengenal jati diri bangsa

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Reciprocal Teaching Dipadukan Think Pair Share Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Metakognitif Belajar Biologi Siswa SMA Berkemampuan Akademik Berbeda Di Kabupaten Sidoarjo

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    In the globalization era, the world is developed without the boundary, the development of the sciences and technologies have been needed by people in the nation, to increase the quality of education. In the biology (sciences) has been needed to adapt student-centered learning paradigm than the teacher-centered. The purposes of the study are to apply the Reciprocal Teaching (RT), Think Pair Share (TPS), Reciprocal Teaching Plus Think Pair Share (RT+TPS) learning strategic to increase the metacognitive ability in learning biology for the senior high school students in Sidoarjo with different academic capability. The study is a quasi experiment. The research design is pre-post test non-equivalent control group design with the 4x2 factorial pattern. The total sample is 240 students. Data are subjected to the ANACOVA statistic and followed by the LSD test with 0.05 significance degree. The result of inferential analysis indicates that the learning strategy and academic capability influenced the metacognitive ability students. The average score metacognitive ability remarks in the RT+TPS with remarks 77.73 and the higher 1.65% than TPS with remarks 76.44, but the really different and the higher 2.92% than RT with remarks 75.45, 4.33% than the Conventional with remarks 74.36. The average score met cognitive ability remarks Up students academic capability performs is 76.53 is the really different and the higher 1.39% than the Down student academic capability performs is 75.46. The average score RT+TPS strategy learning in the Up academic capability with the remarks 78.93 and the higher 1.42% than TPS-Up academic with remarks 77.82, but the really different and the higher 4.86% than RT-Up academic with remarks 75.10, 5,91% than the Conventional-Up academic with remarks 74.27. The average score metacognitive ability strategy learning RT+TPS-Up academic is really different and higher 3.05% than RT+TPS-Down academic with remarks 76.53. The RT+TPS strategy learning application have the best result to increase the metacognitive ability in learning biology if it is compared with the RT, TPS, or Conventional strategy learning on the Up or Down students academic capability performs. This strategy can be used for the largest biology learning and as the alternative to manage the instruction learning in the class, the factor fundamental to make decision for the stake holders, and the first research for the references continuous research

    Studi Experimen Distribusi Kecepatan Pada Saluran Menikung Di Sungai Batang Lubuh

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    Pada dasarnya bahwa distribusi kecepatan aliran di dalam alur tidak lah sama arah horizontal maupun vertikal. Dengan kata lain kecepatan aliran pada tepi saluran tidak sama dengan kecepatan pada tengah saluran, dan juga kecepatan dipermukaan aliran tidak sama dengan kecepatan di dekat dasar saluran. Distribusi kecepatan pada saluran menikung sangat membutuhkan perhatian khusus bagi pihak – pihak yang bersangkutan hal ini di karenakan ketika di tikungan luar distribusi kecepatan sangat tinggi yang menyebabkan Perubahan daerah aliran sungai ( DAS ) secara signifikan berubah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk tujuan mengetahui dan melihat distribusi kecepatan tiap penampang aliran pada berbagai titik baik horizontal maupun vertical. Alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur kecepatan aliran adalah flow meter seri Geopacks Devon EX20-LP. Pada penelitian ini juga pengukuran kecepatan aliran difokuskan pada titik – titik profil yang telah ditentukan baik arah vertikal maupun dari segi arah horizontal. Kecepatan aliran diukur pada penampang yang telah dibagi menjadi 8 titik profil pengukuran arah tranversal dan kemudian tiap profil pengukuran arah tranversal di lakukan pula pengukuran 9 titik arah vertikal. Sehingga pengukuran tiap penampang aliran sebanyak 72 titik pengukuran yang berbeda

    Vocabulary Notebookand Young Learners’ Vocabulary Mastery

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    This study is centered on the issue of keeping vocabulary notebook in increasing young learners’ vocabulary mastery. It is aimed at discovering whether or not keeping vocabulary notebook is effective in increasing young learners’ vocabulary mastery and how the response of young learners toward keeping vocabulary notebook is. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study. The data were collected through vocabulary pre-test and post-test to gain relevant data in terms of the effectiveness of keeping vocabulary notebook. Moreover, questionnaire was used to investigate students’ response toward keeping vocabulary notebook for then being analyzed quantitatively. The study involved 50 participants of fifth grade students of an elementary school in Majalengka that were divided into control and experimental group. Experimental group received the treatment of keeping vocabulary notebook, while control learned vocabulary by using conventionallearning method where the students wrote down the vocabulary in their usual notebook. The study was conducted in six week meetings that consist of four week meetings of treatment and two week meetings of pre-test and post-test. Then, close-ended questionnaire was given to the participants in experimental group only. The findings revealed that keeping vocabulary notebook was effective in increasing young learners’ vocabulary mastery. It was indicated by the means computation in which the means of control and experimental group before receiving the treatments were (M=46.08) and (M=43.44) while the means of control and experimental group after receiving the treatments were (M=71.52) and (M=86.00). Moreover, the result of independent t-test computation of post-test score of control and experimental group showed significant difference in which that the tobt(-4.196) is higher than the tcrit(1.677) at the level of significance 0.05. Furthermore, keeping vocabulary notebook has a high effect to young learners in learning English vocabulary was justified by the computation of effect size (0.518). In addition, young learners’ showed some positive responses and opinions about keeping vocabulary notebook. Based on the findings, it is expected that keeping vocabulary notebook can be applied in young learners’ activity to master vocabulary inside or outside classroom. Even though, vocabulary notebook can be used as autonomy learning, keeping vocabulary notebook will gain optimal result, if the teachers guide the students by giving them feedback actively. In other words, keeping vocabulary notebook has a significant influence in increasing young learners’ vocabulary. For that reason, this kind of method is recommended to be applied on teaching vocabulary to young learners. Penelitianiniberkaitandenganisumembuatcatatankosa kata atauvocabulary notebook untukmeningkatkanpenguasaankosa kata anak-anak.Tujuandaripenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuiefektifitaspenggunaanvocabulary notebook dalammeningkatkanpenguasaankosa kata anak-anakdanseperti aparesponmerekaterhadappenggunaanvocabulary notebook tersebut. Eksperimensemumerupakandesaindaripenelitianini. Data penelitian yang relevandikumpulkanmelaluipre-test, post-test, dankuesioner.Terdapat 50 respondenpenelitian yang diambildarisiswakelas 5 di salahsatuSekolahDasar di Majalengka. Merekadibagikedalamkelompok control dankelompokeksperimen. Kelompok eksperimen diberikan treatment belajar kosa kata bahasa Inggris dengan Vocabulary notebook, sementara kelompok kontrol tidak diberikan tratment seperti kelompok eksperimen, melainkan belajar kosa kata bahasa Inggris dengan metode konvensional. Penelitian ini berlangsung selama 6 minggu, dimana 4 minggu diperuntukkan untuk melakukan treatment dan 2 minggu untuk pre-test dan post-test. Setelahitu, kuesionerdibagikankepadasiswa di kelompokeksperimen.Data yang diperolehdianalisissecarakuantitatif.HasildariperhitungantersebutmembuktikanbahwaVocabulary Notebook terbuktiefektifdalammeningkatkanpenguasaankota kata anak-anak. Hal tersebutterlihatdariperbedaan nilai rata-rata dari kelompok kontrol dan eksperimen pada saat sebelum diberikan treament sebesar (M=46.08) dan (M=43.44), sedangkan nilai rata-rata dari kelompok kontrol setelah diberikan treament adalah (M=71.52) and (M=86.00). Selain itu, hasil perhitungan independent t-test menunjukkan perbedaan nilai post-test yang signifikan dari kelompok kontrol dan eksperimen dimana nilai tobt(-4.196) lebih besar dari tcrit(1.677) pada tingkat segnifikan 0.05. selain itu, penggunaan vocabulary notebook mempunyai efek yang besar dalam pembelajaran kosa kata bahasa Inggris pada anak-anak. Hal terseebut terbukti dari hasil perhitungan effect size sebesar (0.518).Selainitu, hasildarikuesioner pun menunjukanbahwaanak-anakmeresponpenggunaanvocabulary notebook secarepositif.Makadariitu, Vocabulary notebook sangatdianjurkanuntukdigunakansebagaikegiatanpelengkap di dalamkelasmaupun di luarkelasuntukbelajarkosa kata bahasaInggris. Meskipun vocabulary notebookbisa digunakan untuk pembelahjaran mandiri, penggunaanya akan lebih optimal jika diawasi dan diberi masukkan oleh guru. Dengan kata lain, pembelajaran kosa kata dengan menggunakan vocabulary notebooksangat dianjurkan


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    Islam is a humanism, a religion that is very concerned with human being as a center destination. This characteristic of Islam brings the consequence that this perfect religion is very big role for human, not only regulate and contain messages that must be implemented in vertical line to God, even role to regulate social life - relative horizontal - as well as other fields such as social, economy, politics , health, culture and so on. Dawam Rahardjo, one of the leading figures of Islamic and Modern Economics, has a view and activity in the field of social economic transformation of dakwah focused on four points (Islamic Economy, Main Society, Zakat and Islamic Self-Help and Work Ethic in Islam), each peeled deeply and applicative, which is his view and experience. Nevertheless each view is inseparable from the advantages and disadvantage


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    Islam is a humanism, a religion that is very concerned with human being as a center destination. This characteristic of Islam brings the consequence that this perfect religion is very big role for human, not only regulate and contain messages that must be implemented in vertical line to God, even role to regulate social life - relative horizontal - as well as other fields such as social, economy, politics , health, culture and so on. Dawam Rahardjo, one of the leading figures of Islamic and Modern Economics, has a view and activity in the field of social economic transformation of dakwah focused on four points (Islamic Economy, Main Society, Zakat and Islamic Self-Help and Work Ethic in Islam), each peeled deeply and applicative, which is his view and experience. Nevertheless each view is inseparable from the advantages and disadvantage
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