13,692 research outputs found

    The Enhancement of Mathematical Communication and Self Regulated Learning of Senior High School Students Through PQ4R Strategy Accompanied by Refutation Text Reading

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    This study is experiment research with control group pretest-posttest design and aimed to examine the influence of PQ4R strategy and Refutation Text, school level, and student’s mathematical early knowledge toward achievement and enhancement of student’s mathematical communication ability and Self Regulated Learning. Subject of study as much as 241 students of class X from three Public Senior High School from high, medium, and low school level. Research instrument consist of one set of student’s mathematical communication, and one set of student’s Self Regulated Learning scale. Data analysis use Kosmogorov-Smirnov Test (Test-Z), Level Test, Test-t, one-way and two-way ANOVA, Post Hoc Test (Scheffe) and also Chi-Square Test. Study found that learning with PR4R strategy accompanied by Refutation Text Reading give consistent influence compared with conventional learning as viewed as a whole, based on school level and also mathematical early knowledge. In addition, study also found: (1) there is no interaction between learning (PQ4R) accompanied by Refutation Text reading and conventional and school level toward (a) student’s mathematical communication and (b) student’s Self Regulated Learning; (2) there is no significant interaction between learning and student’s mathematical early knowledge toward (a) student’s mathematical communication ability and (b) student’s Self Regulated Learning; and (3) there is association between student’s mathematical communication ability and student’s Self Regulated Learning. Keywords: PQ4R, Refutation Text, Mathematical Communication, and Self Regulated Learning

    Implementasi Problem Based Learning (PBL) Berbantuan Modul dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas Perkuliahan Metrologi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan kemandirian mahasiswa dalam Perkuliahan Metrologi dengan menerapkan PBL berbantuan modul; dan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh perkuliahan Metrologi dengan penerapan PBL berbantuan modul dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan strategi Problem Based Learning (PBL). Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini meliputi metode tes untuk mengetahui prestasi belajar mahasiswa, dokumentasi untuk mendapatkan catatan-catatan penting yang berhubungan dengan masalah pembelajaran, observasi untuk mengadakan pencatatan secara sistematis mengenai tingkah laku secara langsung kelompok ataupun individu, wawancara digunakan untuk mengungkap data tentang pelaksanaan perkuliahan melalui pendekatan pembelajaran PBL berbantuan modul. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa analisis deskriptif dan analisis kualitatif. Analisis deskriptif meliputi perhitungan nilai rerata, standar deviasi, dan persentase. Selanjutnya hasil pengamatan masing-masing siklus dipaparkan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perkuliahan Metrologi dengan pendekatan PBL berbantuan modul dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan kemandirian mahasiswa, serta dapat meningkatkan kualitas perkuliahan metrologi dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Dari nilai rerata yang didapatkan kelas A-1 yang diterapkan metode PBL menunjukkan nilai yang lebih tinggi. Selain itu nilai pos-test menunjukkan peningkatan. Dari nilai pre-test A-1 yang dilakukan reratanya 29,5 menjadi 74,5. dan kelas A-2 dengan rerata pre-test 28,25 menjadi 73,5, memang belumlah merupakan nilai yang tinggi, namun capaian nilai tersebut merupakan peningkatan yang baik dari mahasiswa, dibanding prestasi sebelumnya maupun dari kelas lain yang hasilnya lebih rendah. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dapat dinyatakan bahwa penerapan pendekatan PBL menunjukkan arah perbaikan peningkatan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Dan berarti pula terdapat peningkatan kualitas perkuliahan metrolog

    Employee Performance Analysis Of Social Rehabilitation Pamardi Khusnul Khotimah Tangerang Selatan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of organizational culture, work ethic and discipline on the employees performance either partially or simultaneously of Social Rehabilitation Institution Pamardi Khusnul Khotimah at Tangerang Selatan. The results showed that organizational culture based on partial test was positive and significant effect on the performance of 76,2%, while work ethos can be good too was positive and significant effect on the performance of 72,2%, then work discipline also was positive and significant effect on the performance of 73%. The result of correlation coefficient (R2) of 76,7% can be summed up the effect of the variable X1 (organizational culture),  X2 (work ethos) and X3 (discipline) to variable Y (employees performance) where the relationship is positive. The results of calculation for 53.874 F-value further consultation with the F-table with dk = k numerator and denominator dk = (nk-1) with a 5% error level the importance of the F table = 2,80. Provisions applicable for F-value greater than F-table (53.874  > 2,80), it can be stated that the multiple correlation is significant. Thus the null hypothesis (H0) that states there is no effect between organizational culture, work ethos and discipline influence on employees performance is rejected, while the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepte

    Freedom of contracts and dispute settlement between conventional banking and sharia banking

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    Purpose: This study aims to investigate the freedom of contract in conventional and sharia banking interpreted as an event of signing a credit agreement that raises the rights and obligations of the parties. Design/methodology/approach: The research design was qualitative, and the method was conducted by using a normative juridical method on a philosophical approach. Findings: The results showed that based on some lawsuit cases, in the conventional banking agreement, the customer submits the law to the credit rules made by the banking system. In Islamic banking agreements, the bank and the customers resolve the dispute to the existing agreement schemes in the sharia economic legal system. The results also reveal the construction of values contained in the principle of freedom of contract in each banking agreement. Practical implications: This paper can be used by management and legal experts to identifying the differences in principle of freedom of contract in conventional and sharia banking as a measure of justice in civil agreements in business law. Originality: This paper originally highlight that differences in principles and mechanisms for contracting affect procedures in dispute resolution.peer-reviewe

    General Senior Secondary Education Financing in Indonesia

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    This report examines the policy options and financial implications of the expansion of senior secondary education in Indonesia. The government wishes to increase the gross enrolment rate from 70% to 85% by 2014 and aims for universal 12-year education by 2019. The approach adopted has been to: analyse current costs and funding arrangements through fieldwork and a review of secondary sources; consider the financing implications of achieving a set of minimum standards; review the current government funding provision; and examine a range of policy options for the expansion of senior secondary enrolments. The current funding of government senior secondary education is complex and varies throughout the country. It involves different levels of government providing financial support for infrastructure, salaries and operational costs. A common feature of the senior secondary sub-sector is its dependence on parental contributions. This has implications for school quality and for equity. The government's policy of designating some schools as 'international standard secondary schools' (RSBI) has inadvertently adversely affected equity.The study found considerable variation in the levels of cost and the amounts of available revenue among state senior secondary schools (SMA), with the RSBI being far better resourced than the rest. Salaries of government service teachers (PNS) are the responsibility of government. Those of teachers without PNS status, who are numerous in some schools, have to be paid for from other sources and almost invariably these costs fall on parents. The burden on parents comes in various forms. There are direct charges for fees and registration books and uniforms and there are indirect costs of transport and meals. There are also high opportunity costs of sending children to senior secondary school to set against the perceived returns of this level of schooling

    On (4,2)-digraph Containing a Cycle of Length 2

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    A diregular digraph is a digraph with the in-degree and out-degree of all vertices is constant. The Moore bound for a diregular digraph of degree d and diameter k is M_{d,k}=l+d+d^2+...+d^k. It is well known that diregular digraphs of order M_{d,k}, degree d>l tnd diameter k>l do not exist . A (d,k) -digraph is a diregular digraph of degree d>1, diameter k>1, and number of vertices one less than the Moore bound. For degrees d=2 and 3,it has been shown that for diameter k >= 3 there are no such (d,k)-digraphs. However for diameter 2, it is known that (d,2)-digraphs do exist for any degree d. The line digraph of K_{d+1} is one example of such (42)-digraphs. Furthermore, the recent study showed that there are three non-isomorphic(2,2)-digraphs and exactly one non-isomorphic (3,2)-digraph. In this paper, we shall study (4,2)-digraphs. We show that if (4,2)-digraph G contains a cycle of length 2 then G must be the line digraph of a complete digraph K_5

    Determining Finite Connected Graphs Along the Quadratic Embedding Constants of Paths

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    The QE constant of a finite connected graph GG, denoted by QEC(G)\mathrm{QEC}(G), is by definition the maximum of the quadratic function associated to the distance matrix on a certain sphere of codimension two. We prove that the QE constants of paths PnP_n form a strictly increasing sequence converging to −1/2-1/2. Then we formulate the problem of determining all the graphs GG satisfying QEC(Pn)≤QEC(G)<QEC(Pn+1)\mathrm{QEC}(P_n)\le\mathrm{QEC}(G)<\mathrm{QEC}(P_{n+1}). The answer is given for n=2n=2 and n=3n=3 by exploiting forbidden subgraphs for QEC(G)<−1/2\mathrm{QEC}(G)<-1/2 and the explicit QE constants of star products of the complete graphs.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure


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    The aim of this study is to analyse the effect of Safety Leadership, Safety Culture and Safety Training that influences the employee Safety Behavior at PT. AST Indonesia Semarang. Mixed methods with sequential explanatory type approach was utilized in this study. The quantitative instruments were using SEM methods while Indonesian and Japanese manager interview was used for the qualitative instrument. The study involved 100 employees as the questionnaire respondents from 600 production employees population and 3 manager as intervieweer. Simple random sampling was use at quantitative research with a proportional quantity of responden have taken in every department depend on total employee in each department. The validation of qualitative result have used by honest validation from respondens which was confirmated and approved by responden’s with their signature at qualitative question and answer list. Based on the result of the quantitative and qualitative data, the research hypothesis conclusion for Safety Leadership, Safety Culture and Safety Training effect is positive and significant to Safety Behavior and the other findings at this research could be explained that the direct effect of Safety Culture to Safety Training (0.646) more than Safety Leadership effect to Safety Training (0.217). In other side Safety Leadership effect to Safety Behavior (0.386) more than Safety Culture effect to Safety Behavior (0.297). The indirect effect between Safety Leadership (0.08) and Safety Culture (0.239) to Safety Behavior was lower than the direct effect, this result shown that Safety Training is not an intervining variable on this research

    Relokasi Stadion Lebak Bulus Jakarta

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    Stadion Lebak Bulus sebagai salah satu stadion kebanggaan warga Jakarta, merupakan homebase dari klub Persija Jakarta.Dahulu, stadion ini sering dipakai untuk penyelenggaraan event olahraga sepakbola seperti ISL (Indonesia Super League) ataupun pertandingan persahabatan dan ujicoba dengan negara tetangga. Namun, sejak tahun 2008, PT. Liga Indonesia memutuskan untuk tidak menggunakan Stadion Lebak Bulus karena kapasitasnya yang kurang memadai untuk menyelenggarakan pertandingan sepakbola tingkat regional, nasional, ataupun internasional. Dengan demikian, Stadion Lebak Bulus dianggap tidak memiliki nilai daya jualnya kembali. Di lain sisi, terdapat kabar yang menyatakan bahwa Stadion Lebak Bulus akan digusur karena bangunan tersebut terkena dampak pembangunan stasiun MRT (Mass Rapid Transit). Penggusuran ini dilakukan karena adanya penambahan luas lahan yang semula hanya dibutuhkan sekitar 7000 meter namun kini terjadi perluasan sebesar 1 hektar.Proyek yang telah lama terhenti di tahun 2005 ini pada akhirnya dilanjutkan kembali di tahun 2013.Pemilihan lokasi proyek MRT yaitu di Kawasan Lebak Bulus didasarkan pada nilai strategis dari kawasan tersebut.Lokasi ini dilalui berbagai moda transportasi umum massal sehingga nantinya diharapkan dapat mengakomodir transportasi tersebut untuk mencapai stasiun MRT. Mengenai penggusuran Stadion Lebak Bulus, hal tersebut telah dipertimbangkan secara matang oleh berbagai pihak, mulai dari pengelola stadion hingga pemerintah.Penggusurannya pun harus menaati Peraturan Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga, bahwa untuk merobohkan sebuah stadion diperlukan sebuah stadion pengganti, sehingga nantinya Stadion Lebak Bulus harus direlokasi.Sebelum dilakukan penetapan lokasi, Pemda DKI Jakarta telah melakukan kajian terhadap beberapa lokasi pilihan, antara lain di Belakang Rumah Sakit Fatmawati, di Jl. Madrasah, tanah milik PAM Jaya dan di Jl. Ulujami Kecamatan Pesanggrahan.Lalu dari hasil kajian tersebut, maka terpilih lokasi di Ulujami.Lokasi tersebut dinilai strategis karena para penggemar sepakbola diberikan kemudahan untuk mengakses stadion, tidak hanya lewat jalan raya, namun bisa dengan menggunakan kereta.PT. KAI berencana untuk merevitalisasi kereta jurusan Serpong-Tanahabang.Selain itu, lokasinya tidak jauh dengan akses Tol Bintaro sehingga semakin mudah untuk dijangkau
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