5,362 research outputs found

    Empirical models for use in designing decompression procedures for space operations

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    Empirical models for predicting the incidence of Type 1 altitude decompression sickness (DCS) and venous gas emboli (VGE) during space extravehicular activity (EVA), and for use in designing safe denitrogenation decompression procedures are developed. The models are parameterized using DCS and VGE incidence data from NASA and USAF manned altitude chamber decompression tests using 607 male and female subject tests. These models, and procedures for their use, consist of: (1) an exponential relaxation model and procedure for computing tissue nitrogen partial pressure resulting from a specified prebreathing and stepped decompression sequence; (2) a formula for calculating Tissue Ratio (TR), a tissue decompression stress index; (3) linear and Hill equation models for predicting the total incidence of VGE and DCS attendant with a particular TR; (4) graphs of cumulative DCS and VGE incidence (risk) versus EVA exposure time at any specified TR; and (5) two equations for calculating the average delay period for the initial detection of VGE or indication of Type 1 DCS in a group after a specific denitrogenation decompression procedure. Several examples of realistic EVA preparations are provided

    High Resolution Rapid Response observations of compact radio sources with the Ceduna Hobart Interferometer (CHI)

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    Context. Frequent, simultaneous observations across the electromagnetic spectrum are essential to the study of a range of astrophysical phenomena including Active Galactic Nuclei. A key tool of such studies is the ability to observe an object when it flares i.e. exhibits a rapid and significant increase in its flux density. Aims. We describe the specific observational procedures and the calibration techniques that have been developed and tested to create a single baseline radio interferometer that can rapidly observe a flaring object. This is the only facility that is dedicated to rapid high resolution radio observations of an object south of -30 degrees declination. An immediate application is to provide rapid contemporaneous radio coverage of AGN flaring at {\gamma}-ray frequencies detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Methods. A single baseline interferometer was formed with radio telescopes in Hobart, Tasmania and Ceduna, South Australia. A software correlator was set up at the University of Tasmania to correlate these data. Results. Measurements of the flux densities of flaring objects can be made using our observing strategy within half an hour of a triggering event. These observations can be calibrated with amplitude errors better than 15%. Lower limits to the brightness temperatures of the sources can also be calculated using CHI.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in A&

    Reductions in connectivity and habitat quality drive local extinctions in a plant diversity hotspot

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    It is well documented that habitat loss is a major cause of biodiversity decline. However, the roles of the different aspects of habitat loss in local extinctions are less understood. Anthropogenic destruction of an area of habitat causes immediate local extinction but subsequently three additional gradual drivers influence the likelihood of delayed extinction: decreased habitat patch size, lower connectivity and habitat deterioration. We investigated the role of these drivers in local extinctions of 82 declining species in a UK biodiversity hotspot. We combined a unique set of ≈7000 vegetation surveys and habitat maps from the 1930s with contemporary species’ occurrences. We extrapolated from these surveys to the whole 2500-km2 study area using habitat suitability surfaces. The strengths of drivers in explaining local extinctions over this 70 year period were determined by contrasting connectivity, patch size and habitat quality loss for locations at which a species went extinct and those with persisting occurrences. Species’ occurrences declined on average by 60%, with half of local extinctions attributable to immediate habitat loss and half to the gradual processes causing delayed extinctions. On average, locations where a species persisted had a 73% higher contemporary connectivity than those suffering extinctions, but showed no differences in historical connectivity. Furthermore, locations with extinctions experienced a 37% greater decline in suitability associated with changes in habitat type. The strength of the drivers and the proportion of extinctions depended on the species’ habitat specialism, but were affected only minimally by life-history characteristics. In conclusion, we identified a hierarchy of drivers influencing local extinction: with connectivity loss being the strongest, suitability change being moderately important, but changes in habitat patch size having only weak effects. We suggest conservation efforts could be most effective by strengthening connectivity along with reducing habitat deterioration, which would benefit a wide range of species

    Vascular surgery and the Internet: A poor source of patient-oriented information

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    AbstractObjective: Increasing numbers of patients use the Internet to obtain medical information. The Internet is easily accessible, but available information is under no guidelines or regulations. We sought to evaluate the type, quality, and focus of vascular disease information presented on the Internet and the role in patient education with simple search techniques. Methods: The arbitrarily chosen search phrases “abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA),” “carotid surgery (CEA),” “claudication surgery,” and “leg gangrene surgery” were entered into five common Internet search engines. No attempt was made to refine searches. As indicated by the search engines, the 50 most commonly encountered web sites for both AAA and CEA were reviewed. The first 25 claudication sites and the first 25 gangrene sites were combined for a total of 50 leg ischemia (LIS) sites. An information score (IS) was developed as a weighted score ranging from 0 (poor) to 100 (outstanding) and was designed to assess how well the web page educated the patient about the disease, the treatment options, and the medical and surgical complications. Each vascular surgery web site was classified according to the author, the referenced information source, and the therapeutic recommendations. This was followed by an evaluation of each web site with the IS independently scored by two observers. Results: Of the 150 web sites, 146 were accessible. Ninety-six sites (65.8%) had no useful patient-oriented information (IS < 10). The mean IS and the ranges were: AAA, 14.9 (0 to 72.0); CEA, 17.5 (0 to 77.0); and LIS, 12.2 (0 to 44.5; P = .9). The mean IS of the 59 sites with scores of more than 10 were: AAA, 39.8 (n = 17); CEA, 44.8 (n = 19); and LIS, 24.8 (n = 23; P < .01, as compared with LIS scores). Differences in IS between observers were not significant (P = .9). Misleading or unconventional care recommendations were recognized in one AAA site (1 of 47, 2.1%), two CEA sites (2 of 49, 4.1%), and 13 LIS sites (13 of 50, 26.0%). The Joint Vascular Societies web page was identified only as a tertiary link. Conclusion: Patient-oriented vascular surgery information, for common vascular diseases, is difficult to find on the Internet. The overall quality is poor, and information is difficult to obtain in part because of the large number of irrelevant sites. Of the sites that were relevant to patient education (33%), one third presented information that was classified by the authors as misleading or unconventional. This was most apparent in the leg ischemia sites. The Internet is a poor overall source of patient-oriented vascular surgery information and education. Focused and refined searches and improvements in search engines and educational web sites may yield improved information. Public and medical community awareness needs to be improved regarding the severe limitations of the Internet as an information resource. (J Vasc Surg 1999;30:84-91.

    The Crystal Structure of the Extracellular 11-heme Cytochrome UndA Reveals a Conserved 10-heme Motif and Defined Binding Site for Soluble Iron Chelates

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    Members of the genus Shewanella translocate deca- or undeca-heme cytochromes to the external cell surface thus enabling respiration using extracellular minerals and polynuclear Fe(III) chelates. The high resolution structure of the first undeca-heme outer membrane cytochrome, UndA, reveals a crossed heme chain with four potential electron ingress/egress sites arranged within four domains. Sequence and structural alignment of UndA and the deca-heme MtrF reveals the extra heme of UndA is inserted between MtrF hemes 6 and 7. The remaining UndA hemes can be superposed over the heme chain of the decaheme MtrF, suggesting that a ten heme core is conserved between outer membrane cytochromes. The UndA structure has also been crystallographically resolved in complex with substrates, an Fe(III)-nitrilotriacetate dimer or an Fe(III)-citrate trimer. The structural resolution of these UndA-Fe(III)-chelate complexes provides a rationale for previous kinetic measurements on UndA and other outer membrane cytochromes

    A discursive psychology analysis of emotional support for men with colorectal cancer

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    Recent research into both masculinity and health, and the provision of social support for people with cancer has focussed upon the variations that may underlie broad assumptions about masculine health behaviour. The research reported here pursues this interest in variation by addressing the discursive properties of talk about emotional support, by men with colorectal cancer - an understudied group in the social support and cancer literature. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight men with colorectal cancer, and the transcripts analysed using an intensive discursive psychology approach. From this analysis two contrasting approaches to this group of men’s framing of emotional support in the context of cancer are described. First, talk about cancer was positioned as incompatible with preferred masculine identities. Second, social contact that affirms personal relationships was given value, subject to constraints arising from discourses concerning appropriate emotional expression. These results are discussed with reference to both the extant research literature on masculinity and health, and their clinical implications, particularly the advice on social support given to older male cancer patients, their families and friends

    Quantifying spatio-temporal boundary condition uncertainty for the North American deglaciation

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    Ice sheet models are used to study the deglaciation of North America at the end of the last ice age (past 21,000 years), so that we might understand whether and how existing ice sheets may reduce or disappear under climate change. Though ice sheet models have a few parameters controlling physical behaviour of the ice mass, they also require boundary conditions for climate (spatio-temporal fields of temperature and precipitation, typically on regular grids and at monthly intervals). The behaviour of the ice sheet is highly sensitive to these fields, and there is relatively little data from geological records to constrain them as the land was covered with ice. We develop a methodology for generating a range of plausible boundary conditions, using a low-dimensional basis representation of the spatio-temporal input. We derive this basis by combining key patterns, extracted from a small ensemble of climate model simulations of the deglaciation, with sparse spatio-temporal observations. By jointly varying the ice sheet parameters and basis vector coefficients, we run ensembles of the Glimmer ice sheet model that simultaneously explore both climate and ice sheet model uncertainties. We use these to calibrate the ice sheet physics and boundary conditions for Glimmer, by ruling out regions of the joint coefficient and parameter space via history matching. We use binary ice/no ice observations from reconstructions of past ice sheet margin position to constrain this space by introducing a novel metric for history matching to binary data


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    Includes Supplementary MaterialCan a wargame effectively model how Special Operation Forces’ (SOF) irregular warfare capabilities influence strategic competition, and more broadly, do wargames have a place in the education of SOF professionals? SOF needs educational tools that stimulate critical thinking and intellectual creativity to address the challenges and complexities of irregular warfare and strategic competition so they can maintain their position as the DOD’s premier option for irregular warfare. Educational wargames have an extensive history in professional military organizations, and the wargame Tears of Tyranny is ready for use now to educate joint SOF on irregular warfare at the tactical and operational levels. Further development of Tears of Tyranny should include digitization and refinement through an additional capstone team.Outstanding ThesisMajor, United States ArmyMajor, United States ArmyMajor, United States ArmyMajor, United States ArmyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited
