29 research outputs found

    Changes in Intra-industry Competitiveness of the New Member States (EU-10) Economies During the Crisis, the Years 2009-2011

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    This paper aims to present the main results of our analysis of changes in the trade flows of the examined countries in the initial years after the accession (2003-2008), and subsequently during the crisis (2009-2011). It especially focuses on presenting the main tendencies in intra-industry trade development in mutual trade among the new member states and with the EU-15 countries, and the main changes in a vertical and horizontal intra-industry specialization.Kryzys gospodarczy wywołany głównie czynnikami zewnętrznymi, nie pozwolił na utrzymanie tendencji wzmacniających siłę gospodarek krajów UE-10, będących efektem rzetelnie przeprowadzonych reform strukturalnych w okresie przedakcesyjnym. W artkule podjęto więc następujący problem badawczy: jak w czasie kryzysu postępowały zmiany konkurencyjności wewnątrzgałęziowej gospodarek nowych państw członkowskich (UE-10) oraz w jakim stopniu zakłócone zostały pozytywne procesy dostosowawcze, jakie dokonały się w strukturach ich gospodarkach przed i po akcesji do UE, odzwierciedlające stopień przygotowań do ich pełnej integracji z jednolitym rynkiem UE. W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze wyniki analizy zmian strumieni handlu analizowanych krajów w pierwszych latach po akcesji (w latach 2003-2008) oraz w okresie kryzysu (2009-2011). Szczególna uwaga została wrócona na wskazanie najważniejszych tendencji w rozwoju handlu wewnątrzgałęziowego nowych państw członkowskich w handlu wzajemnym oraz w handlu z państwami UE-15, a także głównych zmian pionowej i poziomej specjalizacji wewnątrzgałęziowej

    Changes In Competitiveness Among The Visegrad Countries After Accession To The European Union: A Comparative Analysis Based On A Generalized Double Diamond Model

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    National competitiveness is a buzzword that awakens much interest and controversy. In its broadest perspective, it is seen as a modern way of describing the development efforts of nations in the times of globalization (Reinert 2001, p. 23-42). This means that forces driving the changes in the global economy: liberalization of international trade, booming investment by multinational enterprises and development of regional integration groupings, need to be included into the competitiveness model. Well-known and commonly used approach to national competitiveness: Porter’s diamond of competitive advantage does not however capture this international context. By concentrating solely on the elements of the domestic environment, the model does not show the complicated international linkages that have shaped the competitiveness of many countries. Especially in the case of small, open ‘catching-up’ economies, assessing national competitiveness solely on the basis of the potential of domestic companies, based on local conditions, does not fully reflect their developmental context, which is also driven by the complex networks of international interdependencies. Building upon the generalized double diamond model developed by Moon et al. (2000), this paper explores the extent to which economic relations with international partners and the activities oftransnational corporations affect the competitiveness of the Visegrad Group countries, and how this relationship has been changing in the post-accession period. To answer the research problem posed, Eurostat and Global Competitiveness Report data have been gathered to assess the competitiveness variables on both the domestic/national and international levels. It has been shown that integration within the global economy constitutes an essential element of competitiveness for each of the analysed countries.Międzynarodowa konkurencyjność gospodarki narodowej to zagadnienie, które wybudza wiele kontrowersji. W najszerszej perspektywie: to „współczesne” ujęcie fundamentalnych problemów rozwoju gospodarczego, osadzone w realiach globalizacji (Reinert, 2001, s. 23-42). Oznacza to, że siły napedzające rozwój gospodarki globalnej: liberalizacja handlu międzynarodowego, działalność inwestycyjna korporacji transnarodowych oraz zacieśnianie współpracy gospodarczej w ramach regionalnych ugrupowań integracyjnych, powinny zostać uwzględnione w modelu konkurencyjności. Jedno z najpopularniejszych wielowymiarowych ujęć: diament przewag konkurencyjnych Portera skupia się na źródłach konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw w ramach poszczególnych gałęzi przemysłu. Poprzez podnoszenie stopnia zaawansowania technologicznego firm, poprawia się produktywność czynników wytwórczych, co w efekcie przyczynia się do rozwoju gospodarczego i wzrostu standardu życia ludności. Pomimo popularności tego ujęcia, nie znajduje ono zastosowania dla wszystkich krajów. Szczególnie w przypadku małych, doganiających gospodarek otwartych, których rozwój jest w dużej mierze uzależniony od efektywnej integracji w ramach międzynarodowego podziału pracy, spojrzenie na źródła konkurencyjności jedynie przez pryzmat warunków wewnętrznych jest niekompletne. Bazując na uogólnionym modelu podwójnego diamentu przewag konkurencyjnych Moona (2000), w niniejszym artykule, podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie: w jak dużym stopniu powiązania gospodarcze z partnerami międzynarodowymi oraz działalność korporacji transnarodowych wpływały na kształtowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej firm z krajów grupy Wyszehradzkiej oraz jak rola ta zmieniała się w przypadku każdego z tych państw w okresie poakcesyjnym. W celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na to pytanie badawcze, zgromadzono dane z baz Eurostat oraz wskaźniki Global Competitiveness Report aby oszacować zmienne na poziomie krajowym i międzynarodowym. Wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy potwierdzają, że integracja w ramach gospodarki globalnej to ważny element konkurencyjności każdego z krajów grupy Wyszehradzkiej

    An Internationally Competitive Economy: a Comparison of Poland and the Visegrad Group Countries in the Post‑Accession Period

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    This article presents the results of an analysis comparing the competitive position of Poland and other countries of the Visegrad Group (V4) in the post‑accession period (2004-2015). The assumption is that among the V4 countries, Poland has joined those countries where the diverse effects of EU membership are clearly visible. In the study, analysis was applied to secondary data pertaining to pillars of economic competitiveness, as determined by the ‘Global Competitiveness Reports’ prepared by the World Economic Forum. The article ends with a list of vital conclusions based on the presented analysis

    Wpływ kryzysu finansowo-gospodarczego na sytuację fiskalną w nowych krajach członkowskich (UE-10)

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    The article undertakes the topic of fiscal sustainability in the New EU Member States in the context of the recent economic crisis. Sharp falls in GDP lead to an increase of the basic indicator of fiscal sustainability: debt to GDP ratio. Additionally, the economic slowdown worsens fiscal balance both because of automatic stabilization mechanism and discretionary government actions. The article presents economic situation in the EU-10 countries directly after the accession. Then, the transmission mechanisms of the global crisis and the related dangers for the EU-10 countries are exposed. An analysis of the business cycle in EU-10 countries and their fiscal position implied by the crisis as well as the fiscal policy actions undertaken with the assessment of their impact for economic growth and fiscal sustainability. Conclusions indicate that the majority of the analyzed countries maintain a sustainable fiscal position in spite of its significant worsening during the crisis. However, the situation of Hungary is very difficult and requires urgent corrective actions and Poland (and to a smaller extent) Slovenia and Slovakia should be cautious in their fiscal policy stance

    International competitive positions of the Baltic States – changes and determinants in the post-accession period

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    The article presents the results of an analysis comparing changes in the competitive positions of the Baltic States in comparison with the Visegrad Group countries and the new EU Member States in the post-accession period (2006–2017). This type of study has not been presented in more detail in the available literature. Researchers of international economic competitiveness mostly focussed on the EU-15. The Baltic States mainly have been excluded from such investigations. Therefore, the article may significantly contribute to bridging the gap. The study employs the method of secondary data’s comparative analysis concerning indices and pillars of economic competitiveness described in The Global Competitiveness Reports of the World Economic Forum. An important element of the examination was to identify major determinants of those developments. It focussed on the identification of structural factors shaping the competitive positions of the countries covered. The demonstration which of the factors determine competitiveness and the assessment of long-term changes may serve as the basis for economic policy making. The assumption is that the EU accession had a considerable impact on the development of the competitive position but specific effects varied between countries. The Baltic States differed rather widely regarding the improvement of their competitive positions throughout the post-accession period

    Intra-industry trade and revealed comparative advantage : empirical analysis of new members state's economic competitiveness (EU-8) on a single market between 2000 and 2007

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    This article analyzes changes in the intensity of intra-industry trade between the new Member States (EU-8) and the EU-15 in the period of 2000-2007. The authors claimed that the results should help to assess adaptation processes which had taken place in these countries before and after the accession to the EU. By analysis of revealed comparative advantage and horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade further research examines the real adjustment processes in terms of EU-8 state economic competitiveness, which occurred during the pre- and post-accession period in order to prepare them to maximize the benefits of the Single European Market. Shares of intra-industry trade, and their dynamics was calculated on the basis of the Grubel and Lloyd`s intra-industry trade (IIT) index. Analysis of the competitiveness of goods from EU-8 in a trade with the EU-15 was based on the Balassa`s revealed comparative advantage index, RCA. Three trade types (one-way, two-way trade in similar products, two-way trade in vertically differentiated products) indictors were calculated using the Freudenberg and Fontagné methodology

    A lengyel export technológiai igényessége - változások a 2004-2017 közötti időszakban

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    A tanulmány célja a lengyel áruexport 2004 és 2017 közötti változása elemzése eredményeinek a bemutatása, különös figyelemmel technológiai igényességére Az elemzés tárgya a lengyel kivitel nagyságának, valamint földrajzi- és áruszerkezetének változása. Ez a tanulmány megmutatja, mennyire sikerül Lengyelországnak felzárkóznia az Európai Unió vezető gazdaságaihoz, és mennyire messze van tőlük gazdaságilag. Az elemzést azzal az évvel kezdjük, amelyikbenr Lengyelország csatlakozott az Európai Unióhoz, és azzal az évvel fejezzük be, amelyről statisztikai adatok állnak rendelkezésre. A tanulmány korlátozott terjedelme miatt az áruk exportjára összpontosítunk, nem véve figyelembe a szolgáltatások exportját. Lemondunk az import elemzéséről is, csak arra korlátozzuk a vizsgálatát, hogyan változott a kereskedelmi mérleg egyenlege, amely – közvetett módon – megmutatja a lengyel export helyzetét. The main goal of this text is to scrutinize the changes of Polish exports during 2004- 2017 with the special focus on its technological intensity (Lall’s classification). The membership of Poland in the European Union is accompanied by the significant increase the value of Polish exports. The commodity structure of Polish exports has been evolving towards medium and high technology manufactures, but this process is sluggish. Thus, the changes in technological intensity of Polish exports during 2004- 2017 are not satisfactory. Still agro-based products and low technology manufactures play more important role than medium and high technology products

    The competitiveness of manufacturing in Poland and the other V4 countries against the backdrop of digital transformation challenges

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    Competitiveness is most frequently defined as an economy’s ability to cope with international competition and to ensure high employment and returns on production factors employed. Considering the importance of manufacturing in the economies of the Visegrad (V4) countries, is seems justified to examine the competitiveness of the economic sector, particularly in the perspective of the ongoing digital transformation. The article aims to present research findings regarding developments in the competitive position of manufacturing in Poland as compared to the V4 countries and to identify those countries’ preparedness for implementing changes resulting from the assumptions of the Industry 4.0 concept. The most significant inferences to be drawn from the analysis are discussed in the Conclusions section. Although the issue of competitiveness has been addressed by various economists and scholars, the existing body of publications still lacks investigations of manufacturing and the Visegrad countries. The analysis presented attempts to fill in the gap in that regard