1,349 research outputs found

    Ocoxin as a complement to first line treatments in cancer

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    Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the most frequent treatment for patients suffering from malignant progression of cancer. Even though new treatments are now being implemented, administration of these chemotherapeutic agents remains as the first line option in many tumor types. However, the secondary effects of these compounds represent one of the main reasons cancer patients lose life quality during disease progression. Recent data suggests that Ocoxin, a plant extract and natural compound based nutritional complement rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory mediators exerts a positive effect in patients receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This mixture attenuates the chemotherapy and radiotherapy-related side effects such as radiation-induced skin burns and mucositis, chemotherapy-related diarrhea, hepatic toxicity and blood-infection. Moreover, it has been proven to be effective as anticancer agent in different tumor models both in vitro and in vivo, potentiating the cytotoxic effect of several chemotherapy compounds such as Lapatinib, Gemcitabine, Paclitaxel, Sorafenib and Irinotecan. The aim of this review is to put some light on the potential of this nutritional mixture as an anticancer agent and complement for the standard chemotherapy routine

    Internacionalización del aceite de oliva español en China

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    Durante este proyecto, se tratara de analizar las principales características del aceite de oliva, sus variedades, su forma de producción, su impacto económico… Todo ello desde una perspectiva del comercio internacional, ya que el fin último de este trabajo es realizar un análisis exportador. nos centraremos en un mercado de fuera de la UE, como es China, un país con un mercado potencial enorme y con el cual las relaciones comerciales cada vez son mejores.Grado en Comerci

    Four layouts of the Cathedral of Valladolid in one drawing. The new copy of Rivera Manescau's plan

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    [ES] La Catedral de Valladolid representa, pese a lo inacabado de sus fábricas, uno de los hitos del clasicismo en la arquitectura española del renacimiento. Su solar ha sido cuna del desarrollo medieval de la ciudad sobre el que, por su relevante posición topográfica, se han sucedido hasta cuatro templos. En 1943 apareció en la prensa local un plano que representaba esa superposición de colegiatas iniciada en el siglo XI. Ese plano se perdió y en la actualidad los autores han logrado localizar una nueva copia. Es objeto de este trabajo la publicación de esa nueva copia y su análisis gráfico, comprobando con la realidad su veracidad histórica, para concluir con una serie de reconstituciones digitales de los cuatro templos que aparecen en él representados.[EN] The Cathedral of Valladolid represents, despite the unfinished nature of its stone walls, one of the landmarks of classicism in Spanish Renaissance architecture. Its site has been the cradle of the medieval development of the city on which, due to its relevant topographical position, up to four temples have been built. In 1943 a plan appeared in the local press that represented this overlapping of collegiate churches that began in the 11th century. That plan was lost and today the authors have managed to locate a new copy. The object of this work is the publication of this new copy and its graphic analysis, comparing its historical veracity with reality, to conclude with a series of digital reconstructions of the four temples that appear in it.Gimeno Sanz, C.; Moral García, Á.; Carazo Lefort, E. (2023). Cuatro trazados de la Catedral de Valladolid en un dibujo. La nueva copia del plano de Rivera Manescau. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 28(48):156-167. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2023.19882156167284

    Un estudi pilot de les característiques motivacionals dels tennistes i dels tennistes en cadira de rodes en competició

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    Aquest estudi analitza les característiques motivacionals del tennis de competició en esportistes d'alta competició practicants de tennis i tennis en cadira de rodes. Per a això es pren com a marc teòric la perspectiva de les fites d'assoliment (Nicholls, 1989; Roberts, 1992). S'analitzen les relacions entre l'orientació motivacional i una sèrie de variables psicològiques com són les creences sobre les causes d'èxit en esport, la satisfacció amb els resultats esportius, la diversió amb la pràctica esportiva i la preferència per tasques amb diferent grau de dificultat. Els resultats mostren, enfront d'estudis anteriors, que tant l'orientació a l'ego com l'orientació a la tasca s'associen a patrons motivacionals adaptatius. Per últim, s'han trobat diferències significatives en algunes de les variables estudiades entre els tennistes i els tennistes en cadira de rodes. Les possibles implicacions que per a l'entrenament poden tenir aquests resultats són discutides en el treball

    Antitumoral effect of Ocoxin on acute myeloid leukemia

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous hematological malignancy whose incidence is growing in developed countries. In the relapse setting, very limited therapeutic options are available and in most cases only palliative care can be offered to patients. The effect of a composite formulation that contains several antioxidants, Ocoxin Oral solution (OOS), was tested in this condition. When analyzed in vitro, OOS exhibited anti-AML action that was both time and dose dependent. In vivo OOS induced a ralentization of tumor growth that was due to a decrease in cell proliferation. Such effect could, at least partially, be due to an increase in the cell cycle inhibitor p27, although other cell cycle proteins seemed to be altered. Besides, OOS induced an immunomodulatory effect through the induction of IL6. When tested in combination with other therapeutic agents normally used in the treatment of AML patients, OOS demonstrated a higher antiproliferative action, suggesting that it may be used in combination with those standard of care treatments to potentiate their antiproliferative action in the AML clinic.This work was partially supported by Catalysis S.L. as well as the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (BFU2012-39151). E.D.-R was supported by the Spanish Association for Cancer Research (AECC). Our cancer Research Institute and the work carried out at our laboratory receive support from the European Community through the regional development funding program (FEDER) and from the Fundación Ramón Areces.Peer Reviewe

    Structure and fluctuations of the premelted liquid film of ice at the triple point

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    In this paper we study the structure of the ice/vapor interface in the neighborhood of the triple point for the TIP4P/2005 model. We probe the fluctuations of the ice/film and film/vapor surfaces that separate the liquid film from the coexisting bulk phases at basal, primary prismatic and secondary prismatic planes. The results are interpreted using a coupled sine Gordon plus Interface Hamiltonian model. At large length-scales, the two bounding surfaces are correlated and behave as a single complex ice/vapor interface. For small length, on the contrary, the ice/film and film/vapor surfaces behave very much like independent ice/water and water/vapor interfaces. The study suggests that the basal facet of the TIP4P/2005 model is smooth, the prismatic facet is close to a roughening transition, and the secondary prismatic facet is rough. For the faceted basal face, our fluctuation analysis allows us to estimate the step free energy in good agreement with experiment. Our results allow for a quantitative characterization of the extent to which the adsorbed quasi-liquid layer behaves as water, and explains experimental observations which reveal similar activation energies for crystals grown in bulk vapor or bulk water

    Un estudio piloto de las características motivacionales de los tenistas y de los tenistas en silla de ruedas en competición

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    Este estudio analiza las características motivacionales del tenis de competición en deportistas de alta competición practicantes de tenis y tenis en silla de ruedas. Para ello se toma como marco teórico la perspectiva de las metas de Iogro (Nicholls, 1989, Roberts, 1992). Se analizan las relaciones entre la orientación motivacional y una serie de variables psicológicas como son las creencias sobre las causas de éxito en deporte, la satisfacción con los resultados deportivos, la diversión con la practica deportiva y la preferencia por tareas con diferente grado de dificultad. Los resultados muestran,frente a estudios anteriores, que tanto la orientación al ego como la orientación a la tarea se asocian a patrones motivacionales adaptativos. Por último, se han encontrado diferencias significativas en algunas de las variables estudiadas entre los tenistas y los tenistas en silla de ruedas. Las posibles implicaciones que para el entrenamiento pueden tener estos resultados son discutidas en el trabajo

    Ocoxin Increases the Antitumor Effect of BRAF Inhibition and Reduces Cancer Associated Fibroblast-Mediated Chemoresistance and Protumoral Activity in Metastatic Melanoma

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    Whereas the prevalence of several cancer types is decreasing, skin malignancies are growing more common every year. Malignant melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer with high metastatic capacity. In most cases, malignant melanoma shows acquired therapy resistance. We evaluated the ability of Ocoxin, a natural compound-based antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutritional complement, to exert an antitumor effect in melanoma. To do so, the cytotoxicity of Ocoxin in a panel of BRAF-mutated murine and human melanoma cell lines was tested alone and in combination with BRAF inhibitor Vemurafenib. Our results revealed a potent cytotoxic effect of Ocoxin against melanoma cells and a synergic effect when combined with Vemurafenib, reducing viability and increasing apoptosis. Besides, Ocoxin interferes with the cell cycle, impairs the inherent and fibroblast-mediated melanoma cell migration, and reduces resistance to BRAF inhibition. Proteomic analysis revealed reduced tumor secretion of inflammatory factors Galectin-1, Osteopontin, CCL5, and CCL9 upon treatment with Ocoxin. Moreover, RNASeq showed that Ocoxin downregulated the cell cycle and proliferation-related genes. In vivo, Ocoxin reduced the number of lung metastasis of YUMM-1.7 melanoma cells. Therefore, Ocoxin arises as a good candidate for clinical trials analyzing the beneficial effects in patients suffering from this cutaneous malignancy.This research was partly funded by Catalysis S.L

    Towards Flexible Integration of 5G and IIoT Technologies in Industry 4.0: A Practical Use Case

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    The Industry 4.0 revolution envisions fully interconnected scenarios in the manufacturing industry to improve the efficiency, quality, and performance of the manufacturing processes. In parallel, the consolidation of 5G technology is providing substantial advances in the world of communication and information technologies. Furthermore, 5G also presents itself as a key enabler to fulfill Industry 4.0 requirements. In this article, the authors first propose a 5G-enabled architecture for Industry 4.0. Smart Networks for Industry (SN4I) is introduced, an experimental facility based on two 5G key-enabling technologies—Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN)—which connects the University of the Basque Country’s Aeronautics Advanced Manufacturing Center and Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao. Then, the authors present the deployment of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) with strong access control mechanisms into such architecture, enabling secure and flexible Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications. Additionally, the authors demonstrate the implementation of a use case consisting in the monitoring of a broaching process that makes use of machine tools located in the manufacturing center, and of services from the proposed architecture. The authors finally highlight the benefits achieved regarding flexibility, efficiency, and security within the presented scenario and to the manufacturing industry overall.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through the State Secretariat for Research, Development and Innovation under the “Adaptive Management of 5G Services to Support Critical Events in Cities (5G-City)” TEC2016-76795-C6-5-R and “Towards zero touch network and services for beyond 5G (TRUE5G)” PID2019-108713RB-C54 projects and in part by the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government through the 5G4BRIS KK-2020/00031 research project