17 research outputs found

    Physicochemical and biological characterization of Ti6Al4V particles obtained by implantoplasty: an in vitro study. Part I.

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    Implantoplasty is a mechanical decontamination technique that consists of polishing the supra-osseous component of the dental implant with peri-implantitis. This technique releases metal particles in the form of metal swarf and dust into the peri-implant environment. In the present in vitro study, the following physicochemical characterization tests were carried out: specific surface area, granulometry, contact angle, crystalline structure, morphology, and ion release. Besides, cytotoxicity was in turn evaluated by determining the fibroblastic and osteoblastic cell viability. As a result, the metal debris obtained by implantoplasty presented an equivalent diameter value of 159 µm (range 6-1850 µm) and a specific surface area of 0.3 m2/g on average. The particle had a plate-like shape of different sizes. The release of vanadium ions in Hank's solution at 37 °C showed no signs of stabilization and was greater than that of titanium and aluminum ions, which means that the alloy suffers from a degradation. The particles exhibited cytotoxic effects upon human osteoblastic and fibroblastic cells in the whole extract. In conclusion, metal debris released by implantoplasty showed different sizes, surface structures and shapes. Vanadium ion levels were higher than that those of the other metal ions, and cell viability assays showed that these particles produce a significant loss of cytocompatibility on osteoblasts and fibroblasts, which means that the main cells of the peri-implant tissues might be injured

    Acute mountain sickness susceptibility and basic cognitive function after a brief simulated altitude of 4800 m.

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    Twelve climbers with not been exposed in the last 12 months at high altitude were evaluated using verbal, spatial, reasoning and numerical tasks from Thurstone's (1969) Primary Mental Abilities (PMA) test. These tasks were undertaken before and immediately after completing the Richalet et al. (1988) Normobaric Hypoxic (NH) test, which evaluates the acute mountain sickness (AMS) risk using a FiO2 of 11.5% during rest and exercise. A control group of eight climbers did not perform the NH test, so as to rule out the possible learning effect of the PMA test. Four participants (33%) from the experimental group were classified as having high susceptibility to AMS. However, the PMA test performed after the NH test did not significantly differ from the one carried out before the NH test or from the cognitive abilities measured in the control group (p> .05)

    Evaluation of the inflammatory and osteogenic response induced by titanium particles released during implantoplasty of dental implants

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    Implantoplasty is a mechanical decontamination technique that consists of removing the threads and polishing and smoothing the dental implant surface. During implantoplasty there is a large release of titanium metal particles that might provoke a proinflammatory response and reduce the viability of osteogenic cells. We analyze the inflammatory and osteogenic response induced by Ti6Al4V particles released during implantoplasty and by as-received commercially pure Ti particles. Macrophages stimulated with metal particles obtained by implantoplasty and with as-received Ti particles showed an increased proinflammatory expression of TNF-alpha and a decreased expression of TGF-beta and CD206. Regarding cytokine release, there was an increase in IL-1 beta, while IL-10 decreased. The osteogenic response of Ti6Al4V extracts showed a significant decrease in Runx2 and OC expression compared to the controls and commercially pure Ti extracts. There were no relevant changes in ALP activity. Thus, implantoplasty releases metal particles that seems to induce a pro-inflammatory response and reduce the expression of osteogenic markers

    Association between tumor necrosis factor-alpha promoter polymorphisms and type 2 diabetes and obesity in Chilean elderly women Asociación entre polimorfismos de la región promotora del gen del factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNF-alfa) con obesidad y dia

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    Background : Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) has an increased expression in the adipose tissue of obese subjects and is involved in insulin resistance. Aim: To screen for associations between -308G/A, -238G/A, -376G/A and -163G/A genetic variants of the TNF-alpha gene, diabetes and obesity-related variables. Material and methods: A group of 263 elderly women aged 60-90 years were recruited. Among them, an oral glucose tolerance test was performed and serum lipids measured in 100 women. TNF-alpha genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and analysis of restriction fragment lenght polymorphisms. Results: No significant differences were found when comparing allele frequencies in TNF-alpha polymorphisms of normal subjects with those having impaired glucose tolerance or type 2 diabetes. After excluding patients with previous diagnosis of diabetes, no significant differences by polymorphism carrier status were found for plasma levels of lipids, glucose and insuli

    Producción de biomasa y exopolisacáridos de grifola frondosa bajo cultivo sumergido utilizando fuentes de carbono no convencionales

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    Grifola frondosa es un hongo Basidiomycete comestible y medicinal que produce polisacáridos tipo glucanos (β-1,6 y β-1,3) con actividad antitumoral e inmunomoduladora. Para el presente trabajo, el objetivo fue evaluar la incidencia de diferentes fuentes de carbono (FC) en la producción de biomasa y exopolisacáridos (EPS), bajo condiciones de cultivo sumergido, utilizando un diseño estadístico factorial con dos factores: fuente de carbono (FC(1-7)) y medio (MB y MS). La máxima producción de biomasa micelial (21,10 ± 0,82) g/l y la máxima producción de EPS (6,53 ± 0,14) g/l se logró utilizando el medio MB suplementado con FC4. Además de lo anterior, se logró desarrollar un medio de cultivo que cumple con el objetivo de disminuir costos, de Col 18.455a18.455 a 656 por litro de medio, produciendo (14,14 ± 0,82) g/l de biomasa y (5,16 ± 0,14) g/l de EPS, utilizando el medio MS suplementando con FC4. Estos resultados abren nuevas alternativas y posibilidades en nuestro país para el desarrollo de productos a partir de esta especie con costos que estén al alcance de la población.Grifola frondosa is a Basidiomycete fungus edible and medicinal, it produces polysaccharides such a glucans (β-1,6 and β-1,3) with anti-tumor and inmuno-stimulating activity. For this work, the aim was evaluate the incidence of different carbon sources (FC) in biomass and exo-polymer (EPS) production, under submerged culture conditions, by using a factorial statistical design with two factors: carbon source (FC(1-7)) and medium (MB and MS). The maximal yield of mycelial biomass (21,10 ± 0,82) g/l and the maximal yield in EPS (6,53 ± 0,14) g/l was achieved by using the MB medium supplemented with FC4. Besides, it was possible to develop a medium that fulfills the objective of reducing costs from 18.455to18.455 to 656 Colombian pesos for each liter of medium used, which produces (14,14 ± 0,82) g/l of biomass and (5,16 ± 0,14) g/l of EPS, using the MS medium supplemented with FC4. This result opens new alternatives and possibilities in our country for developing products of this species with cost that can be reached by population

    Removal of N-Terminal Peptide Impacts Structural Aspects of an IgE-Reactive Recombinant Der p 5

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    (1) Background: Modification of the structural elements of allergens is widely used in the field of allergies. The goal of the present research was to express, purify, and characterize the shortened recombinant group 5 allergen of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (rDer p 5). (2) Methods: rDer p 5 storage stability and aggregation capacity were explored through in silico analysis, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and SDS-PAGE. Serum IgE reactivity and cytokine amount were investigated in sera or cell culture supernatants through ELISA, MULTIPLEX®, and Western blot analysis using sera from sensitized humans from Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador. (3) Results: Dimeric rDer p 5 was detected through native PAGE, and this result was confirmed by data from DLS. The protein was thermically stable, as it did not degrade at 4 °C for 21 days. The shortened rDer p 5 was classified as a major IgE allergen in Brazil and Colombia, but minor in Ecuador. IL-13, IL-10, IL-1β, and IL-6 were significantly elevated in the sera of rDer p 5-reactive patients. The same cytokines plus IL-5 were more secreted by human cells upon rDer p 5 stimulation. (4) Conclusions: N-terminal peptide deletion led to a higher rDer p 5 folding stability, which, even though dimeric, was an IgE-reactive protein. Therefore, rDer p 5 could be used for molecular diagnostic applications or as backbone for hypoallergen design

    The impact of medical education and networking on the outcome of leukemia treatment in developing countries. The experience of International Consortium on Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (IC-APL)

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    Objectives: Several clinical trials conducted in Europe and US reported favorable outcomes of patients with APL treated with the combination of all trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and anthracyclines. Nevertheless, the results observed in developing countries with the same regimen was poorer, mainly due to high early mortality mainly due bleeding. The International Consortium on Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (IC-APL) is an initiative of the International Members Committee of the ASH and the project aims to reduce this gap through the establishment of international network, which was launched in Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay. Methods: The IC-APL treatment protocol is similar to the PETHEMA 2005, but changing idarubicin to daunorubicin. All patients with a suspected diagnosis of APL were immediately started on ATRA, while bone marrow samples were shipped to a national central lab where genetic verification of the diagnosis was performed. The immunofluorescence using an anti-PML antibody allowed a rapid confirmation of the diagnosis and, the importance of supportive measures was reinforced. Results: The interim analysis of 97 patients enrolled in the IC-APL protocol showed that complete remission (CR) rate was 83% and the 2-year overall survival and disease-free survival were 80% and 90%, respectively. Of note, the early mortality rate was reduced to 7.5%. Discussion: The results of IC-APL demonstrate the impact of educational programs and networking on the improvement of the leukemia treatment outcome in developing countries

    Stimuli-SoS: a model-based approach to derive stimuli generators for simulations of systems-of-systems software architectures

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    Abstract Background Systems-of-systems (SoS) are alliances of independent and interoperable software-intensive systems. SoS often support critical domains, being required to exhibit a reliable operation, specially because people’s safety relies on their services. In this direction, simulations enable the validation of different operational scenarios in a controlled environment, allowing a benchmarking of its response as well as revealing possible breaches that could lead to failures. However, simulations are traditionally manual, demanding a high level of human intervention, being costly and error-prone. A stimuli generator could aid in by continuously providing data to trigger a SoS simulation and maintaining its operation. Methods We established a model-based approach termed Stimuli-SoS to support the creation of stimuli generators to be used in SoS simulations. Stimuli-SoS uses software architecture descriptions for automating the creation of such generators. Specifically, this approach transforms SoSADL, a formal architectural description language for SoS, into dynamic models expressed in DEVS, a simulation formalism. We carried out a case study in which Stimuli-SoS was used to automatically produce stimuli generators for a simulation of a flood monitoring SoS. Results We run simulations of a SoS architectural configuration with 69 constituent systems, i.e., 42 sensors, 9 crowdsourcing systems, and 18 drones. Stimuli generators were automatically generated for each type of constituent. These stimuli generators were capable of receiving the input data from the database and generating the expected stimuli for the constituents, allowing to simulate constituent systems interoperations into the flood monitoring SoS. Using Stimuli-SoS, we simulated 38 days of flood monitoring in little more than 6 h. Stimuli generators correctly forwarded data to the simulation, which was able to reproduce 29 flood alerts triggered by the SoS during a flooding event. In particular, Stimuli-SoS is almost 65 times more productive than a manual approach to producing data for the same type of simulation. Conclusions Our approach succeeded in automatically deriving a functional stimuli generator that can reproduce environmental conditions for simulating a SoS. In particular, we presented new contributions regarding productivity and automation for the use of a model-based approach in SoS engineering