50 research outputs found

    Stain techniques for detection of Encephalitozoon cuniculi in tissue sections

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    No presente trabalho, foram avaliadas diferentes técnicas de coloração aplicadas a cortes histológicos para a identificação de Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Foram utilizados fragmentos hepáticos de camundongos Balb-c, imunossuprimidos com ciclofosfamida e inoculados com esporos de Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Os cortes histológicos incluídos em parafina foram corados pelas técnicas de hematoxilina-eosina (H-E), tricrômica modificada, Gram-Chromotrope, Giemsa, Brown-Hopps, PAS, Ziehl-Neelsen e Grocott, e ainda pela técnica de calcoflúor. As colorações azul de toluidina-fucsina e azul de toluidina foram utilizadas para os cortes incluídos em resina plástica. As técnicas de Gram-Chromotrope, Brown-Hopps e Ziehl-Neelsen foram as que permitiram melhor visualização dos esporos para o diagnóstico de E. cuniculi em cortes histológicos incluídos em parafina, uma vez que possibilitaram a clara diferenciação dos esporos de outras estruturas teciduais. Nos tecidos incluídos em resina plástica, as colorações de azul de toluidina-fucsina e azul de toluidina também facilitaram o encontro do agente. Por outro lado, a técnica tricrômica apresentou grande variabilidade nos resultados, sendo, portanto, pouco indicada para o diagnóstico em tecido. As demais técnicas - H-E, calcoflúor, Grocott, Giemsa e PAS - não permitiram a fácil identificação do E. cuniculi.In this study, it was investigated different staining techniques applied to histological sections for identification of Encephalitozoon cuniculi. It was used liver fragments from Balb-c mice immunosuppressed with cyclophosphamide and inoculated with spores of Encephalitozoon cuniculi. The histological paraffin embedded sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (H-E), modified trichrome, Gram-Chromotrope, Giemsa, Brown-Hopps, PAS, Ziehl-Neelsen, and Grocott and also by the technique of calcofluor. Toluidine blue-fuchsin and toluidine blue stainings were used for the cuts embedded in plastic resin. Gram-Chromotrope, Brown-Hopps and Ziehl-Neelsen staining techniques permitted the best visualization of the spores for the diagnosis of E. cuniculi in histological paraffin embedded sections, since they allowed the clear differentiation of the spores among other tissue structures. In tissues embedded in plastic resin, toluidine blue-fuchsin and toluidine blue stainings also facilitate the finding of the agent. On the other hand, the trichrome technique showed great variability on results, therefore, allowing the identification of the parasite in tissue. The other techniques, H-E, calcofluor, Grocott, Giemsa and PAS did not permited the easy identification of the E. cuniculi spores

    Occurrence of Giardia, Cryptosporidium and microsporidia in wild animals from a deforestation area in the state of São Paulo, Brazil

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    A ocorrência de Giardia, Cryptosporidium e microsporídios foi investigada por meio da análise de 98 amostras fecais de animais silvestres capturados em uma área de desmatamento para a construção das barragens de Paraitinga e Biritiba, localizadas nos Municípios de Mogi das Cruzes, Salesópolis e Biritiba-Mirim, no Estado de São Paulo. As amostras foram obtidas de 46 roedores, 21 marsupiais, 16 sapos, nove morcegos, três primatas e três lagartos. As técnicas de centrífugo-flutuação com sulfato de zinco, de Kinyoun e a coloração de Gram-Chromotrope foram utilizadas, respectivamente, para a pesquisa de Giardia, de Cryptosporidium e de microsporídios. O total de animais parasitados por um dos protozoários investigados foi de 17,35% (17/98). Cistos de Giardia foram encontrados em amostras fecais de dois pequenos roedores da espécie Coendou villosus (ouriço-cacheiro). Os três animais positivos para Cryptosporidium foram roedores das espécies Akodon montensis, Thaptomys nigrita (ambos conhecidos como ratos do mato) e Sciurus aestuans (serelepe ou caxinguelê). Esporos de microsporídios foram encontrados nas fezes de 12 animais, sendo seis roedores das espécies Oligoryzomys sp.(um), Akodon montensis (três) e Coendou villosus (dois), três marsupiais pertencentes às espécies Didelphis aurita (dois) e Marmosops incanus (um) e três morcegos da espécie Diphylla ecaudata. Este é o primeiro relato de microsporidiose em animais silvestres no Brasil. A presente investigação enfatiza a importância de animais silvestres, particularmente pequenos mamíferos, como potenciais fontes de infecção desses protozoários para outras populações animais, incluindo o homem, em áreas de desmatamento.The occurrence of Giardia, Cryptosporidium and microsporidia was investigated in 98 faecal specimens from wildlife animals, captured in an area of deforestation for the construction of two water reservoirs (Paraitinga and Biritiba), located in the municipalities of Mogi das Cruzes, Salesópolis and Biritiba-Mirim, in the state of São Paulo (Brazil). Samples were obtained from 46 rodents, 21 marsupials, 16 frogs, 9 bats, 3 tamarins and 3 lizards. For the detection of Giardia, Cryptosporidium and microsporidia it was used, respectively, the floatation technique with lead sulphate, the Kinyoun method and the Gram-Chromotrope staining. The total number of parasitized animals by one of these protozoans was 17.35% (17/98). Cysts of Giardia were found in faecal samples from 2 prehensile-tailed porcupines (Coendou villosus). The three positive animals for Cryptoporidium were rodents - 1 montane akodont (Akodon montensis), 1 ebony akodont (Thaptomyces nigrita) and 1 guainan squirrel (Sciurus aestuans). Microporidia spores were seen in the stools of 12 animals - 6 small rodents, including 3 montane akodonts, 1 prehensile-tailed porcupine and 2 pigmy rice rats (Oligoryzomys sp.); 3 marsupials, including 1 gray slender mouse opossum (Marmosops incanus) and 2 big eared opossums (Didelphis aurita); 3 hairy-legged vampire bats (Diphylla ecaudata). This is the first description of microsporidiosis in wildlife animals in Brazil. The present study emphasizes the importance of these animals, particularly small mammals, as potential sources of protozoan infection to other animal populations, including man, in areas of deforestation

    West Nile Fever Virus Infection in Horses in São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Background: The West Nile virus (WNV) antibodies were reported in Brazil in the serum samples taken from horses and birds in the Midwest region and Paraíba state in 2008 and 2013, respectively. In 2014, the first human case was confirmed in a rural worker in the state of Piauí and, in 2018, the virus was isolated from the central nervous system of a horse with nervous symptoms in the state of Espírito Santo. The virus is a member of the Flaviviridae family of the genus Flavivirus (neurotropic), infecting several mammalian species, with humans and horses being the most susceptible. Approximately 35% of horses develop clinical signs, thus they are considered the best sentinels for this disease. The aim of this case report is to describe the first confirmed cases of West Nile Fever (WNF) in two horses in the state of São Paulo.Cases: Two horses with neurological symptoms were treated at the Veterinary Hospital of Cruzeiro do Sul University (São Paulo, SP), in 2019. Both horses came from neighboring regions that have a large Atlantic Forest preservation area and are also routes for migratory birds, known to be competent hosts for transmitting the West Nile Fever virus, such as the swallow, the falcon and the hawk. The first one had symptoms, such as weakness and sporadic seizures; however, after recovering, it was hospitalized a few days later due to kidney failure and laminitis. The second one showed incoordination, pelvic limb weakness, and was walking in circles, evolving to seizures. Both animals were euthanized, and their central nervous system samples and total blood samples were tested for rabies, herpes virus, and WNV; the first 2 tests showed negative results. Ribonucleic acids (RNA) were extracted from erythrocytes using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique in-house. The WNV-specific reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction amplification products were obtained using the nested PCR-multiplex PCR combination.Discussion: Since the 1940s, several WNF outbreaks have been reported around the world (Africa, Europe, Asia and Middle East). In the 2000s, the USA had the most amount of WNF cases reported; cases started being reported in Central and South America in the following years. The virus was identified for the first time in Brazil in 2014. Since then, our country is a route for migratory birds, with many states still having forests, several arboviruses are found such as WNF, which could become a public health problem. Both horses in the present study showed neurological signs and the horse that recovered had renal failure. Such signs are inconclusive, however, similar to those that occur in humans infected by the virus in its neurotropic form. The emergence of new diseases is an important aspect of public health. The literature is vast regarding the description of the pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis, viral persistence and sequelae of WNF in humans, however, it is scarce regarding the viral persistence and sequelae of the disease in horses. Future studies are needed to understand the post-infection period in horses, as they are the most sensitive animals along with humans to this virus. Here, we report the first confirmed cases of WNF in the city of São Paulo to bring awareness about considering this disease while diagnosing horses with nervous system disorders.Keywords: encephalitis, horses, flavivirus, mosquito.Título: Infecção pelo vírus da Febre do Nilo Ocidental em equinos no Estado de São PauloDescritores: encefalite, equinos, flavivírus, mosquito

    Astrocytic expression of GFAP and serum levels of IL-1β and TNF-α in rats treated with different pain relievers

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    Pro-inflammatory cytokines and glial cells, especially microglial cells, have been implicated in persistent pain sensitization. Less is known about the role of astrocytes in pain regulation. This study aimed to observe the expression of the astrocytic biomarker glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and the serum levels of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) after short-term administration of central pain relievers in rats not submitted to noxious stimuli. Male Wistar rats were divided into five groups, receiving for nine days- (1) amitriptyline (Amt-10 mg/kg/day, by gavage); (2) gabapentin (Gb-60 mg/kg/day, by gavage; (3) methadone (Me-4.5 mg/kg/day, intraperitoneal route [IP]); (4) morphine (Mo-10 mg/kg/day, IP); or (5) 0.9% saline solution, IP. Brain samples were collected for immunohistochemical study of GFAP expression in the mesencephalon and nucleus accumbens (NAc). The area of GFAP-positive cells was calculated using MetaMorph software and serum levels of IL-1β and TNF-α were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Serum TNF-α levels were decreased in the groups treated with Mo, Me and Gb, but not in the Amt-treated group. IL-1β decreased only in rats treated with Me. The astrocytic expression of GFAP was decreased in the brainstem with all drugs, while it was increased in the NAc with Amt, Me and Mo

    Blood-brain barrier breakdown following gliotoxic drug injection in the brainstem of Wistar rats

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    Ethidium bromide (EB) causes local astrocytic disappearance, with glia limitans disruption and supposed blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown The aim of this study was to investigate the BBB integrity after the injection of 0.1% EB (group E) or 0.9% saline solution (group C) into cisterna pontis of Wistar rats. Brainstem fragments were collected from 24 hours to 31 days post-injection for ultrastructural study and GFAP immuno-histochemical staining. Some animals received colloidal carbon ink by intravenous route at the same periods. In rats from group C, there was no sign of astrocyte loss and no leakage of ink from blood vessels in the injection site. In group E, astrocyte disappearance began at 48 hours and some areas were still devoid of astrocytic processes 31 days after. Leakage of carbon particles was seen from 48 hours to 7 days in the EB-induced lesions. Tight junctions did not show any detectable ultrastructural change due to the lack of perivascular astrocytes.O brometo de etídio (BE) determina desaparecimento astrocitário local, com ruptura da glia limitans e suposto dano na barreira hematoencefálica (BBB). Este estudo visou avaliar a integridade da BBB após injeção de solução de BE a 0,1% (grupo E) ou de salina a 0,9% (grupo C) na cisterna pontis de ratos Wistar. Fragmentos do tronco encefálico foram coletados das 24 horas aos 31 dias pós-injeção para estudo ultra-estrutural e marcação imuno-histoquímica para a GFAP. Alguns animais receberam carvão coloidal por via intravenosa nos mesmos períodos. Nos ratos do grupo C, não houve sinal de perda astrocitária, nem extravasamento vascular de carvão no sítio da injeção. No grupo E, o desaparecimento astrocitário começou às 48 horas e algumas áreas estavam ainda destituídas de processos astrocíticos 31 dias após. Extravasamento de partículas de carvão nas lesões foi visto de 48 horas até 7 dias, não sendo detectada qualquer alteração ultra-estrutural das junções oclusivas pela falta de astrócitos perivasculares.58258

    Sexual motivation and performance in sexual naïve and experienced rats treated with ivermectin: an ultrasonic vocalization study

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    In mammals, ivermectin acts as a GABAA receptor agonist and stimulates GABA release. Previous studies showed that ivermectin (IVM) reduces sexual performance, impairing the latency to the first mount and intromission. These parameters are usually considered motivational parameters of sexual behavior. However, IVM increases GABAergic activity leading to motor incoordination. Thus, it is reasonable to propose that IVM affects sexual performance via motor incoordination pathways. The present study analyzed ultrasonic vocalization in rats to verify whether IVM impairs sexual behavior via motivational mechanisms or motor impairment. Because sexual experience attenuates the impairment of motor performance, rats with sexual experience were also studied. Sexually naive and experienced rats were administered a therapeutic IVM dose and saline. The rats were exposed to receptive females, and the latency to the first mount was evaluated, followed by the 50-kHz USV test. IVM treatment in naïve rats increased the latency to first to mount relative to Saline naïve rats, while no differences were observed between saline and experienced rats. In naïve-IVM rats, a reduced frequency and total calls and increased mean time of calls occur relative to SAL-naïve rats. Experienced IVM rats did not show differences in the frequency, mean, and maximal calls close to Saline experienced rats. However, an increase in the total calls and the dominant frequency of calls were observed in IVM-experienced rats compared to Saline experienced rats. A negative and positive correlation occurred between the latency to the first mount and USVs in groups with and without ivermectin exposure. Hence, we propose that ivermectin increased the sexual motivation of rats exposed to a female in estrous based in USVs despite an increased latency to the first mount that occurred. The increased latency to the first mount resulted from motor incoordination, as previously observed and proposed by our group

    Immunohistochemical staining of the macrophagic and astrocytic response in the brainstem of Wistar rats submitted to the ethidium bromide gliotoxic model and treated with cyclophosphamide

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    The gliotoxic ethidium bromide (EB) was used to study morphologically the macrophagic and astrocytic response under immunosuppression by cyclophosphamide (CY). Astrocyte immunoreactivity to glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin (VIM) and macrophagic immunoreactivity to ED1 were investigated after EB injection. Male Wistar rats were injected with 0.9% saline solution (group I), 0.1% BE (group II) and 0.1% EB associated with CY treatment (group III). Brainstem samples were collected from the 1st to the 21st day post-injection for GFAP, VIM and ED1 immunostaining. In groups II and III, it was observed increased immunoreactivity to GFAP and reexpression of VIM. In group II, ED1-positive cells were noted after the 2nd day and in group III, after the 3rd day. On the 14th day post-injection, it was observed a greater quantity of ED1- positive cells in group III than in group II. Apparently, CY did not change the astrocytic response pattern.O gliotóxico brometo de etídio (BE) foi utilizado para o estudo da resposta macrofágica e astrocitária sob imunossupressão com ciclofosfamida (CY). Investigou-se a imunorreatividade astrocitária à proteína glial fibrilar ácida (GFAP) e à vimentina (VIM), e a imunorreatividade macrofágica ao ED1 após injeção do BE. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar adultos injetados na cisterna basal com salina a 0,9% (grupo I), BE a 0,1% (grupo II) e BE a 0,1%, imunossuprimidos com CY (grupo III). Fragmentos do tronco encefálico foram colhidos do 1º ao 21º dia pós-injeção para estudo imuno-histoquímico da GFAP, VIM e ED1. Nos grupos II e III, observou-se imunorreatividade aumentada para GFAP e re-expressão de VIM. No grupo II, células ED1-positivas foram observadas a partir do 2º dia e no grupo III, a partir do 3º dia. Aos 14 dias pós-injeção, havia mais células ED1-positivas no grupo III. A CY aparentemente não alterou a resposta astrocitária.78779