65 research outputs found

    Other pneumoconioses

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    The most prevalent pneumoconioses are silicosis, asbestosis and coal worker's pneumoconiosis. Other pneumoconioses that have distinct clinical, functional and structural repercussions are caused by inhalation of metal powder in fumes from metals or organic salts. The distinction in terms of the chemical form of the inhaled compound is related to the tissue reaction and to the prognosis. Simple pneumoconiosis, siderosis, berylliosis and phosphate rock-related pneumoconiosis, as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease caused by exposure to heavy metals, are succinctly discussed. As an instrument of etiologic investigation of these pneumoconioses, the taking of occupational histories is essential.As pneumoconioses mais prevalentes são a silicose, a asbestose e a pneumoconiose do trabalhador do carvão. Outras pneumoconioses com repercussões clínicas, funcionais e estruturais distintas são causadas pela inalação de poeiras metálicas a partir de fumos metálicos e sais orgânicos. A distinção quanto à forma química do composto inalado tem relação com a reação tecidual e o prognóstico. São apresentadas de forma sucinta a pneumoconiose simples, a siderose, a pneumoconiose por rocha fosfática, e a doença pulmonar crônica pelo berílio e por exposição a metais duros. Uma anamnese ocupacional como instrumento de busca etiológica dessas pneumoconioses é essencial.S54S5

    [other Pneumoconioses].

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    The most prevalent pneumoconioses are silicosis, asbestosis and coal worker's pneumoconiosis. Other pneumoconioses that have distinct clinical, functional and structural repercussions are caused by inhalation of metal powder in fumes from metals or organic salts. The distinction in terms of the chemical form of the inhaled compound is related to the tissue reaction and to the prognosis. Simple pneumoconiosis, siderosis, berylliosis and phosphate rock-related pneumoconiosis, as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease caused by exposure to heavy metals, are succinctly discussed. As an instrument of etiologic investigation of these pneumoconioses, the taking of occupational histories is essential.32 Suppl 2S54-

    Occupational exposure to silica in Brazil in 2001

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the number of Brazilian workers exposed to silica in 2001. METHODS: Information on occupation and industry for the year 2001 was linked through a job exposure matrix (JEM) of 347 job categories in 25 industries. Data on the number of workers were extracted from the National Workforce Database of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. Two experts classified silica exposure according to frequency in four categories, according to weekly proportion of exposure to silica in the work environment. RESULTS: 31,451,594 (85.7%) workers were classified as not exposed; 976,939 (2.65%) as possibly exposed; 2,404,955 (6.52%) as probably exposed; and 2,065,929 (5.6%) as definitely exposed to silica. Industries with a higher prevalence were: construction 65%, quarrying 59%, manufacturing of non metallic mineral products 55%, manufacturing of basic metals 24%, and rent of machinery and other business activities 2%. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of Brazilian workers definitely exposed to silica is higher than the one observed in European countries, where similar studies were conducted.OBJETIVO: Estimar o número de trabalhadores brasileiros expostos à sílica no ano de 2001. MÉTODO: Informações sobre ocupações e setores econômicos foram reunidas em uma matriz de exposição ocupacional (MEO) com 347 categorias ocupacionais por 25 subsetores econômicos. Informações sobre o número de trabalhadores por ocupação foram extraídas da base de dados Relatório Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS) do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego. A exposição à sílica foi avaliada e classificada por dois peritos em quatro categorias, de acordo com a freqüência semanal de exposição no ambiente de trabalho. RESULTADOS: Foram considerados não expostos 31.451.594 trabalhadores (85,7%), possivelmente expostos 976.939 (2,65%), provavelmente expostos 2.404.955 (6,52%) e definitivamente expostos à sílica 2.065.929 (5,6%). Os setores com a maior prevalência de exposição foram: construção civil 65%, extração de pedras 59%, indústria de mineral não metálico 55% e indústria metalúrgica 24%. No setor de serviços de terceiros, a prevalência foi de 2%. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de trabalhadores brasileiros definitivamente expostos à sílica é mais alta do que aquela observada em países europeus, onde estudos semelhantes foram conduzidos.Universidade do Estado do Rio de JaneiroInstituto Nacional do CâncerUniversidade de Federal de São Paulo Departamento de EnfermagemFundacentro Centro Técnico Nacional Divisão MedicinaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade Saúde Pública Departamento de EpidemiologiaSciEL

    A inadequação dos exames radiológicos periódicos indiscriminados em saúde ocupacional: resultados do censo de 1984 em uma empresa de grande porte

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    São aqui relatados os resultados do censo abreugráfico de 1984 de uma empresa de grande porte, isenta de riscos ocupacionais para o aparelho respiratório. Em 5,308 abreugrafias realizadas foram detectados 53 casos de anormalidades abreugráficas (1%), dos quais apenas 4 de tuberculose ativa. O rendimento foi de 0,75/1,000 abreugrafias. O custo médio de detecção de cada caso de tuberculose ativa foi de 256,32 ORTN (ao redor de 1.850 dólares). Foi também constatado um menor comparecimento de funcionários ao exame abreugráfico periódico, 1,6% de ausências em 1982 e 7,8% em 1984, causado provavelmente pelo crescente conhecimento leigo sobre radiações ionizantes, Os resultados são discutidos e é apresentada uma revisão sobre o emprego de exames radiológicos periódicos em saúde ocupacional.This paper reports on the results of the 1984 Minimal Mass Radiography (MMR) screening in a large company with no respiratory harzards are reported. Among 5,308 MMR there were 53(1%) abnormal findings with 4 cases of active pulmonary tuberculosis. The yield from screening was 0.75/1,000 MMR. The mean cost of diagnosing each active case of tuberculosis was around US$ 1,850. An increase in refusal rates to attend the screening, from 1.6% in 1982 to 7.8% in 1984, probably because of the increasing lay knowledge of radiation harzards, was also noted. The results are discussed with a short revision of ionizing radiations and the usefulness of X-ray screenings in occupational health

    Prevention of Asbestos Exposure in Latin America within a Global Public Health Perspective

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    Background: Asbestos consumption in Latin America (LA) amounts to 10% of yearly global production. Little is known about the impact of asbestos exposure in the region. Objective: To discuss scientific and socio-economic issues and conflicts of interest and to summarize epidemiological data of asbestos health effects in LA. Discussion: Recent data on chrysotile strengthened the evidence of its carcinogenicity and showed an excessive risk of lung cancer at cumulative exposure levels as low as 1.5 fibre-years/ml. Technology for substitution is available for all asbestos-containing products and ceasing asbestos production and manufacturing will not result in unemployment and loss of income, except for the mining industry. The flawed arguments used by the industry to maintain its market, both to the public and in courtrooms, strongly relies on the lack of local evidence of the ill effects and on the invisibility of asbestos-related diseases in LA, due to the limited number of studies and the exposed workers’ difficulty accessing health services. The few epidemiological studies available show clear evidence of clusters of mesothelioma in municipalities with a history of asbestos consumption and a forecasted rise in its incidence in Argentina and Brazil for the next decade. In Brazil, non-governmental organizations of asbestos workers were pivotal to counterbalance misinformation and inequities, ending recently in a Supreme Court decision backing an asbestos ban. In parallel, continuous efforts should be made to stimulate the growth of competent and ethical researchers to convey adequate information to the scientific community and to the general public