45 research outputs found

    280. Combination of Low-Dose Gene Therapy and Monthly Enzyme Replacement Therapy Improves the Phenotype of a Mouse Model of Lysosomal Storage Disease

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    Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is the current standard of care for Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (MPS VI) that is caused by deficiency of arylsulfatase B (ARSB), which results in widespread accumulation and excretion of toxic glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). However, ERT is associated with inconvenient multiple and costly administrations and fails to ameliorate cardiac, visual and bone abnormalities.To overcome ERT limitations, we developed a successful gene therapy approach based on a single administration of AAV2/8 that targets liver of MPS VI animal models. Importantly, we showed that a single systemic administration of AAV2/8 at high doses (2×10e12 gc/kg) is at least as effective as the current ERT therapeutic regimen based on weekly infusions of recombinant human ARSB (rhARSB). If this translates to humans, gene therapy could replace ERT for MPS VI. However, the administration of high doses of AAV2/8 requires a challenging and costly production process, and results in cell-mediated immune responses that eliminate transduced hepatocytes. Similarly, weekly ERT infusions are costly and require high patient compliance.We therefore evaluated in a mouse model of MPS VI whether the combination of low doses of AAV2/8 at 6×10e11 or 2×10e11 gc/kg with a rarified ERT schedule (1mg/kg once a month) may be as effective as the single treatments at high doses or frequent regimen.Significant increase of ARSB activity was found in liver of all treated mice. Detectable but low activity was variably observed in spleen and kidney and was associated with significant reduction of tissue GAGs, regardless of treatment and ARSB activity levels, similarly to what observed in mice treated with high doses of AAV2/8 or weekly ERT. This supports previous data indicating that low enzymatic levels improve MPS VI visceral phenotype. Evaluation of GAG storage in myocardium and heart valves is in progress.Urinary GAG, which are a sensitive biomarker of systemic clearance of lysosomal storage and, thus of therapeutic efficacy, are slightly reduced in mice treated with either monthly ERT or 2×10e11 gc/kg of AAV2/8. The reduction is more consistent at 6×10e11 gc/kg. Importantly, urinary GAG decreased more in mice receiving the combined therapy than in those receiving single treatments. In particular, urinary GAG reduction in mice treated with both 6×10e11 gc/kg of AAV2/8 and monthly ERT was comparable to that obtained following administration of either high doses of AAV2/8, i.e 2×10e12 gc/kg, or weekly ERT.The data collected so far show similar efficacy between low-dose gene therapy combined with rarified ERT and the corresponding single treatments at high doses or frequent regimen. This should increase the safety and reduce the risks and costs associated with both therapeutic approaches

    AAV-mediated transcription factor EB (TFEB) gene delivery ameliorates muscle pathology and function in the murine model of Pompe Disease

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    Pompe disease (PD) is a metabolic myopathy due to acid alpha-glucosidase deficiency and characterized by extensive glycogen storage and impaired autophagy. We previously showed that modulation of autophagy and lysosomal exocytosis by overexpression of the transcription factor EB (TFEB) gene was effective in improving muscle pathology in PD mice injected intramuscularly with an AAV-TFEB vector. Here we have evaluated the effects of TFEB systemic delivery on muscle pathology and on functional performance, a primary measure of efficacy in a disorder like PD. We treated 1-month-old PD mice with an AAV2.9-MCK-TFEB vector. An animal cohort was analyzed at 3 months for muscle and heart pathology. A second cohort was followed at different timepoints for functional analysis. In muscles from TFEB-treated mice we observed reduced PAS staining and improved ultrastructure, with reduced number and increased translucency of lysosomes, while total glycogen content remained unchanged. We also observed statistically significant improvements in rotarod performance in treated animals compared to AAV2.9-MCK-eGFP-treated mice at 5 and 8 months. Cardiac echography showed significant reduction in left-ventricular diameters. These results show that TFEB overexpression and modulation of autophagy result in improvements of muscle pathology and of functional performance in the PD murine model, with delayed disease progression

    Liver gene therapy with intein-mediated F8 trans-splicing corrects mouse haemophilia A

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    : Liver gene therapy with adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors is under clinical investigation for haemophilia A (HemA), the most common inherited X-linked bleeding disorder. Major limitations are the large size of the F8 transgene, which makes packaging in a single AAV vector a challenge, as well as the development of circulating anti-F8 antibodies which neutralise F8 activity. Taking advantage of split-intein-mediated protein trans-splicing, we divided the coding sequence of the large and highly secreted F8-N6 variant in two separate AAV-intein vectors whose co-administration to HemA mice results in the expression of therapeutic levels of F8 over time. This occurred without eliciting circulating anti-F8 antibodies unlike animals treated with the single oversized AAV-F8 vector under clinical development. Therefore, liver gene therapy with AAV-F8-N6 intein should be considered as a potential therapeutic strategy for HemA

    Therapeutic homology-independent targeted integration in retina and liver

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    Challenges to the widespread application of gene therapy with adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors include dominant conditions due to gain-of-function mutations which require allele-specific knockout, as well as long-term transgene expression from proliferating tissues, which is hampered by AAV DNA episomal status. To overcome these challenges, we used CRISPR/Cas9-mediated homology-independent targeted integration (HITI) in retina and liver as paradigmatic target tissues. We show that AAV-HITI targets photoreceptors of both mouse and pig retina, and this results in significant improvements to retinal morphology and function in mice with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. In addition, we show that neonatal systemic AAV-HITI delivery achieves stable liver transgene expression and phenotypic improvement in a mouse model of a severe lysosomal storage disease. We also show that HITI applications predominantly result in on-target editing. These results lay the groundwork for the application of AAV-HITI for the treatment of diseases affecting various organs

    O-GlcNAcylation enhances CPS1 catalytic efficiency for ammonia and promotes ureagenesis

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    Life-threatening hyperammonemia occurs in both inherited and acquired liver diseases affecting ureagenesis, the main pathway for detoxification of neurotoxic ammonia in mammals. Protein O-GlcNAcylation is a reversible and nutrient-sensitive post-translational modification using as substrate UDP-GlcNAc, the end-product of hexosamine biosynthesis pathway. Here we show that increased liver UDP-GlcNAc during hyperammonemia increases protein O-GlcNAcylation and enhances ureagenesis. Mechanistically, O-GlcNAcylation on specific threonine residues increased the catalytic efficiency for ammonia of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1 (CPS1), the rate-limiting enzyme in ureagenesis. Pharmacological inhibition of O-GlcNAcase, the enzyme removing O-GlcNAc from proteins, resulted in clinically relevant reductions of systemic ammonia in both genetic (hypomorphic mouse model of propionic acidemia) and acquired (thioacetamide-induced acute liver failure) mouse models of liver diseases. In conclusion, by fine-tuned control of ammonia entry into ureagenesis, hepatic O-GlcNAcylation of CPS1 increases ammonia detoxification and is a novel target for therapy of hyperammonemia in both genetic and acquired diseases

    Impaired parkin-mediated mitochondrial targeting to autophagosomes differentially contributes to tissue pathology in lysosomal storage diseases

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    Dysfunctional mitochondria are a well-known disease hallmark. The accumulation of aberrant mitochondria can alter cell homeostasis, thus resulting in tissue degeneration. Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) are a group of inherited diseases characterized by the buildup of undegraded material inside the lysosomes that leads to autophagic-lysosomal dysfunction. In LSDs, autophagic stress has been associated to mitochondrial accumulation and dysfunction. However, the mechanisms underlying mitochondrial aberrations and how these are involved in tissue pathogenesis remain largely unexplored. In normal conditions, mitochondrial clearance occurs by mitophagy, a selective form of autophagy, which relies on a parkin-mediated mitochondrial priming and subsequent sequestration by autophagosomes. Here, we performed a detailed analysis of key steps of mitophagy in a mouse model of multiple sulfatase deficiency (MSD), a severe type of LSD characterized by both neurological and systemic involvement. We demonstrated that in MSD liver reduced parkin levels resulted in inefficient mitochondrial priming, thus contributing to the accumulation of giant mitochondria that are located outside autophagic vesicles ultimately leading to cytochrome c release and apoptotic cell death. Morphological and functional changes were also observed in mitochondria from MSD brain but these were not directly associated with neuronal cell loss, suggesting a secondary contribution of mitochondria to neurodegeneration. Together, these data shed new light on the mechanisms underlying mitochondrial dysfunction in LSDs and on their tissue-specific differential contribution to the pathogenesis of this group of metabolic disorders

    Disease Rescue and Increased Lifespan in a Model of Cardiomyopathy and Muscular Dystrophy by Combined AAV Treatments

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    The BIO14.6 hamster is an excellent animal model for inherited cardiomyopathy, because of its lethal and well-documented course, due to a spontaneous deletion of delta-sarcoglycan gene promoter and first exon. The muscle disease is progressive and average lifespan is 11 months, because heart slowly dilates towards heart failure.Based on the ability of adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors to transduce heart together with skeletal muscle following systemic administration, we delivered human delta-sarcoglycan cDNA into male BIO14.6 hamsters by testing different ages of injection, routes of administration and AAV serotypes. Body-wide restoration of delta-SG expression was associated with functional reconstitution of the sarcoglycan complex and with significant lowering of centralized nuclei and fibrosis in skeletal muscle. Motor ability and cardiac functions were completely rescued. However, BIO14.6 hamsters having less than 70% of fibers recovering sarcoglycan developed cardiomyopathy, even if the total rescued protein was normal. When we used serotype 2/8 in combination with serotype 2/1, lifespan was extended up to 22 months with sustained heart function improvement.Our data support multiple systemic administrations of AAV as a general therapeutic strategy for clinical trials in cardiomyopathies and muscle disorders

    Low-dose Gene Therapy Reduces the Frequency of Enzyme Replacement Therapy in a Mouse Model of Lysosomal Storage Disease

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    Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is the standard of care for several lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs). ERT, however, requires multiple and costly administrations and has limited efficacy. We recently showed that a single high dose administration of adeno-associated viral vector serotype 8 (AAV2/8) is at least as effective as weekly ERT in a mouse model of mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (MPS VI). However, systemic administration of high doses of AAV might result in both cell-mediated immune responses and insertional mutagenesis. Here we evaluated whether the combination of low doses of AAV2/8 with a less frequent (monthly) than canonical (weekly) ERT schedule may be as effective as the single treatments at high doses or frequent regimen. A greater reduction of both urinary glycosaminoglycans, considered a sensitive biomarker of therapeutic efficacy, and storage in the myocardium and heart valves was observed in mice receiving the combined than the single therapies. Importantly, these levels of correction were similar to those we obtained in a previous study following either high doses of AAV2/8 or weekly ERT. Our data show that low-dose gene therapy can be used as a means to rarify ERT administration, thus reducing both the risks and costs associated with either therapies.Molecular Therapy (2016); doi:10.1038/mt.2016.181