1,985 research outputs found

    Reactant Jetting in Unstable Detonation

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    We note the common existence of a supersonic jet structure locally embedded within a surrounding transonic flow field in the hitherto unrelated phenomena of unstable gaseous detonation and hypervelocity blunt body shock wave interaction. Extending prior results that demonstrate the consequences of reduced endothermic reaction rate for the supersonic jet fluid in the blunt body case, we provide an explanation for observations of locally reduced OH PLIF signal in images of the keystone reaction zone structure of weakly unstable detonations. Modeling these flow features as exothermically reacting jets with similarly reduced reaction rates, we demonstrate a mechanism for jetting of bulk pockets of unreacted fluid with potentially differing kinetic pathways into the region behind the primary detonation front of strongly unstable mixtures. We examine the impact of mono-atomic and diatomic diluents on transverse structure. The results yield insight into the mechanisms of transition and characteristic features of both weakly and strongly unstable mixtures

    Fruitfulness and ordination : ministry effectiveness as a prerequisite for ordination

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    What should professionalism mean in the literacy field?  Quigley cites the results of a survey of literacy practitioners. According to one participant, ‘To act “professionally” in literacy and adult education is to self-educate in professional development.’ Another replied that literacy practitioners act professionally when they view ‘students as most valued clients and attempt to engage their individual needs and goals within a high-quality program of basic skills instruction.’ The theme of caring was one of the strongest points made. Quigley quoted from another survey participant: ‘To act professionally in adult literacy one is service-oriented, friendly and accountable. A professional is ethical (with) strong values, especially those pertaining to literacy and the population one serves’

    Sentencing of indigenous offenders in Victoria

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    It is common knowledge, especially in the context of the findings of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC),\u27 that indigenous persons are over-represented at all stages of the criminal justice system. Unfortunately, little has changed since the RCIADIC and indigenous representation in prisons throughout the states and territories of Australia remains at high levels. What has come to prominence since the RCIADIC, particularly through the findings of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in the 1997 report Bringing Them Home, is the notion of the Stolen Generation. For practitioners with indigenous clients, an important matter that may be put in mitigation is the effect of belonging to the Stolen Generation in terms of offering not only an explanation for offending, but also in terms of submissions put forward on behalf of the client pertaining to disposition. In this context, the Victorian Court of Appeal decision in R v Fuller-Cust is an important one, particularly the dissenting judgment of Eames J. His Honour, in a persuasive and well-reasoned judgment, suggests a method of sentencing indigenous offenders that relates questions of Aboriginality, the Stolen Generation and punishment.<br /

    Sounding Girl(y), Girl(y) Sounds: Music and Girlhood in Contemporary French Cinema

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    This thesis explores the relationship between music and girlhood in contemporary French cinema, arguing that music provides a means of navigating the experiences and sensations of girlhood, while also retaining a certain opacity and privacy for the girl subject. Where current postfeminist media studies present a predominantly Anglo-centric approach to the girl figure, this thesis opens up the study of cinematic girlhood representation into a Francophone context. Music, with its ability to transcend linguistic restrictions and slip between the verbal and the non-verbal, is particularly compelling for this analysis, and has typically been ignored, both in studies of girlhood representation, and in French film studies more generally. This thesis therefore identifies and tackles two main gaps in current scholarship. On the one hand, it addresses the need to move beyond the current Anglo-centric approach to the girl figure, demonstrating the need for linguistic and locational diversity within the field. On the other hand, it addresses the lack of scholarly interventions that deal with film music in a specifically French context, extending and enriching the existing field of film music study beyond Hollywood and arguing that music is highly significant to French cinema. Exploring a range of French girlhood films spanning the decade between 2005 and 2015, the thesis develops detailed case studies to highlight specific modes of meaning and identification. These studies bring together work in both film studies and musicology, presenting an interdisciplinary approach to film music that is rarely seen in scholarship. Asking why these two disciplines so rarely speak to each other, the thesis demonstrates the benefits of combining detailed musicological analysis with film theory and cultural studies, in order to fully examine the different layers of meaning that manifest in film music. By exposing these layers of meaning, this thesis maintains that it is important to listen to, as well as watch, the girl figure. Arguing that music enables a means of girlhood expression that escapes the confines of the body and transcends the verbal, this thesis moves beyond current studies of girlhood representation which focus determinedly on the visible, highlighting music’s vital role in making the girl experience accessible and putting forward a theory of girlhood audibility

    Some aspects of adaptation in desert mammals

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    Zoologica Africana 1 (1): 1-

    Mapping Empires, Mapping Bodies: Reflections on the Use and Abuse of Cartography

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    L'exercici del poder es pot mostrar en un ventall infinit de cares, en aquest article se'n presenten dues: el domini territorial i la possessió personal. Amb una sèrie d'exemples cartogràfics il·lustra abastament els usos i els abusos dels mapes al llarg de la història i en especial referència als de l'Imperi Britànic. La comparació entre aquests usos cartogràfics i el domini del propi cos ens planteja fins a quin punt la mateixa cartografia no esdevé una mena de pornografia en el procés de domini imperialista.El ejercicio del poder se puede mostrar en una infinidad de formas, en este artículo se destacan dos: el dominio territorial y la posesión personal. Con una serie de ejemplos cartográficos se ilustra ampliamente los usos y abusos que los mapas han tenido en el curso de la historia con especial énfasis en el imperialismo británico. La comparación entre estos usos cartograficos y aquellos sobre el dominio del propio cuerpo, nos hace plantearnos hasta que punto la cartografía no se convierte en una especie de pornografía en el proceso del dominio imperialista.Power relations could be unfolded in countless ways; in this article two of them are analyzed: territorial domination and personal possession. Using a series of cartographic examples this article presents some of the uses and abuses that the maps have had in the course of history with special emphasis during the British Empire. The comparison between these cartographic examples and those on the dominion of the own body; make us wonder until which point cartography does not become a sort of pornography in the process of the imperialistic domination

    Psychological Factors In HIV-Related Headaches

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    Headache is one of the most commedical complaints reported by individuals suffering from HIV/AIDS, but conflicting data exist regarding their prevalence, prototypical characteristics, and relationship to HIV severity. A well-established field of research indicates a strong association between psychiatric comorbidities/psychological factors and headache disorders, but this association has not been explored frequently among HIV patients with headaches. Data on headache symptoms and psychological factors were collected on 200 HIV/AIDS patients from two outpatient clinics using structured interviews and self-report measures. Of these, 107 patients (53.5%) endorsed problematic headaches, most of which (n = 103; 51.5%) were consistent with characteristics of primary headache disorders. Among those who met criteria for primary headaches, 88 (85.44%) met criteria for migraine, while 15 (14.56%) met criteria for tension-type headache. Severity of HIV (as indicated by CD4 cell counts), but not duration of HIV, was strongly predictive of headache severity, frequency, and disability. Those with headache endorsed higher levels of comorbid depression, anxiety, and stress, as well as higher levels of pain catastrophizing, anxiety sensitivity, and fear of pain than did those without headache. These group differences were not attributable to differences in HIV duration, number of prescribed antiretroviral medications, or demographic differences such as age, gender, or race. The results indicate the presence of two distinct groups of individuals: one that is relatively healthy, both physically and emotionally without the presence of headaches or psychological dysfunction, and one that is relatively unhealthy with frequent disabling headaches and comorbid psychological dysfunction. Implications for treatment and future research are discussed

    The Window to Your Soul

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