12 research outputs found

    Computational strategies for the preconditioned conjugate gradient method applied to ssSNPBLUP, with an application to a multivariate maternal model

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    Background: The single-step single nucleotide polymorphism best linear unbiased prediction (ssSNPBLUP) is one of the single-step evaluations that enable a simultaneous analysis of phenotypic and pedigree information of genotyped and non-genotyped animals with a large number of genotypes. The aim of this study was to develop and illustrate several computational strategies to efficiently solve different ssSNPBLUP systems with a large number of genotypes on current computers. Results: The different developed strategies were based on simplified computations of some terms of the preconditioner, and on splitting the coefficient matrix of the different ssSNPBLUP systems into multiple parts to perform its multiplication by a vector more efficiently. Some matrices were computed explicitly and stored in memory (e.g. the inverse of the pedigree relationship matrix), or were stored using a compressed form (e.g. the Plink 1 binary form for the genotype matrix), to permit the use of efficient parallel procedures while limiting the required amount of memory. The developed strategies were tested on a bivariate genetic evaluation for livability of calves for the Netherlands and the Flemish region in Belgium. There were 29,885,286 animals in the pedigree, 25,184,654 calf records, and 131,189 genotyped animals. The ssSNPBLUP system required around 18 GB Random Access Memory and 12 h to be solved with the most performing implementation. Conclusions: Based on our proposed approaches and results, we showed that ssSNPBLUP provides a feasible approach in terms of memory and time requirements to estimate genomic breeding values using current computers.</p

    Assessing the contribution of breeds to genetic diversity in conservation schemes

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    The quantitative assessment of genetic diversity within and between populations is important for decision making in genetic conservation plans. In this paper we define the genetic diversity of a set of populations, S, as the maximum genetic variance that can be obtained in a random mating population that is bred from the set of populations S. First we calculated the relative contribution of populations to a core set of populations in which the overlap of genetic diversity was minimised. This implies that the mean kinship in the core set should be minimal. The above definition of diversity differs from Weitzman diversity in that it attempts to conserve the founder population (and thus minimises the loss of alleles), whereas Weitzman diversity favours the conservation of many inbred lines. The former is preferred in species where inbred lines suffer from inbreeding depression. The application of the method is illustrated by an example involving 45 Dutch poultry breeds. The calculations used were easy to implement and not computer intensive. The method gave a ranking of breeds according to their contributions to genetic diversity. Losses in genetic diversity ranged from 2.1% to 4.5% for different subsets relative to the entire set of breeds, while the loss of founder genome equivalents ranged from 22.9% to 39.3%

    Population structure and genetic diversity of Sudanese native chickens

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    The objectives of this study were to analyze genetic diversity and population structure of Sudanese native chicken breeds involved in a conservation program. Five Sudanese native chicken breeds were compared with populations studied previously, which included six purebred lines, six African populations and one Sudanese chicken population. Twenty-nine (29) microsatellite markers were genotyped individually in these five populations. Expected and observed heterozygosity, mean number of alleles per locus and inbreeding coefficient were calculated. A model based cluster analysis was carried out and a Neighbor net was constructed based on marker estimated kinships. Two hundred and one alleles were detected in all populations, with a mean number of 6.93 ± 3.52 alleles per locus. The mean observed and expected heterozygosity across 29 loci was 0.524 and 0.552, respectively. Total inbreeding coefficient (FIT) was 0.069±0.112, while differentiation of subpopulations (FST 0.026±0.049) was low indicating the absence of clear sub-structuring of the Sudanese native chicken populations. The inbreeding coefficient (FIS) was 0.036±0.076. STRUCTURE software was used to cluster individuals to 2 ≀ k ≀ 7 assumed clusters. Solutions with the highest similarity coefficient were found at K=5 and K=6, in which Malawian, Zimbabwean, and purebred lines split from Sudanese gene pool. The six Sudanese native chicken populations formed one heterogeneous cluster. We concluded that Sudanese native chickens are highly diverse, and are genetically separated from Malawian, Zimbabwean chickens and six purebred lines. Our study reveals the absence of population sub-structuring of the Sudanese indigenous chicken populations.Key words: Genetic diversity, microsatellites, population structure, Sudanese native chickens

    Invited review: Reliability computation from the animal model era to the single-step genomic model era

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    The calculation of exact reliabilities involving the inversion of mixed model equations poses a heavy computational challenge when the system of equations is large. This has prompted the development of different approximation methods. We give an overview of the various methods and computational approaches in calculating reliability from the era before the animal model to the era of single-step genomic models. The different methods are discussed in terms of modeling, development, and applicability in large dairy cattle populations. The paper also describes the problems faced in reliability computation. Many details dispersed throughout the literature are presented in this paper. It is clear that a universal solution applicable to every model and input data may not be possible, but we point out several efficient and accurate algorithms developed recently for a variety of very large genomic evaluations

    Technical note : Genetic groups in single-step single nucleotide polymorphism best linear unbiased predictor

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    Genetic groups, also called unknown or phantom parents groups, are often used in dairy cattle genetic evaluations to account for selection that cannot be accounted for by known genetic relationships. With the advent of genomic evaluations, the theory of genetic groups was extended to the so-called single-step genomic BLUP (ssGBLUP). In short, genetic groups can be fitted in ssGBLUP through regression effects, or by including them in the pedigree and computing the adequate combined pedigree and genomic relationship matrix. In this study, we applied the so-called Quaas and Pollak transformation to a system of equations for single-step SNP BLUP (ssSNPBLUP), such that genetic groups can thereafter be included in the pedigree. The example in this study showed that including the genetic groups in the pedigree for ssSNPBLUP allowed reduced memory burden and computational costs in comparison to genetic groups fitted as covariates.</p

    Deflated preconditioned conjugate gradient method for solving single-step BLUP models efficiently

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    Background:The single-step single nucleotide polymorphism best linear unbiased prediction (ssSNPBLUP) method, such as single-step genomic BLUP (ssGBLUP), simultaneously analyses phenotypic, pedigree, and genomic informa-tion of genotyped and non-genotyped animals. In contrast to ssGBLUP, SNP effects are fitted explicitly as random effects in the ssSNPBLUP model. Similarly, principal components associated with the genomic information can be fitted explicitly as random effects in a single-step principal component BLUP (ssPCBLUP) model to remove noise in genomic information. Single-step genomic BLUP is solved efficiently by using the preconditioned conjugate gradi-ent (PCG) method. Unfortunately, convergence issues have been reported when solving ssSNPBLUP by using PCG. Poor convergence may be linked with poor spectral condition numbers of the preconditioned coefficient matrices of ssSNPBLUP. These condition numbers, and thus convergence, could be improved through the deflated PCG (DPCG) method, which is a two-level PCG method for ill-conditioned linear systems. Therefore, the first aim of this study was to compare the properties of the preconditioned coefficient matrices of ssGBLUP and ssSNPBLUP, and to document convergence patterns that are obtained with the PCG method. The second aim was to implement and test the effi-ciency of a DPCG method for solving ssSNPBLUP and ssPCBLUP.Results:For two dairy cattle datasets, the smallest eigenvalues obtained for ssSNPBLUP (ssPCBLUP) and ssGBLUP, both solved with the PCG method, were similar. However, the largest eigenvalues obtained for ssSNPBLUP and ssPCB-LUP were larger than those for ssGBLUP, which resulted in larger condition numbers and in slow convergence for both systems solved by the PCG method. Different implementations of the DPCG method led to smaller condition num-bers, and faster convergence for ssSNPBLUP and for ssPCBLUP, by deflating the largest unfavourable eigenvalues.Conclusions:Poor convergence of ssSNPBLUP and ssPCBLUP when solved by the PCG method are related to larger eigenvalues and larger condition numbers in comparison to ssGBLUP. These convergence issues were solved with a DPCG method that annihilates the effect of the largest unfavourable eigenvalues of the preconditioned coefficient matrix of ssSNPBLUP and of ssPCBLUP on the convergence of the PCG method. It resulted in a convergence pattern, at least, similar to that of ssGBLUP.greenNumerical Analysi

    A second-level diagonal preconditionerfor single-step SNPBLUP

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    BackgroundThe preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method is an iterative solver of linear equations systems commonly used in animal breeding. However, the PCG method has been shown to encounter convergence issues when applied to single-step single nucleotide polymorphism BLUP (ssSNPBLUP) models. Recently, we proposed a deflated PCG (DPCG) method for solving ssSNPBLUP efficiently. The DPCG method introduces a second-level preconditioner that annihilates the effect of the largest unfavourable eigenvalues of the ssSNPBLUP preconditioned coefficient matrix on the convergence of the iterative solver. While it solves the convergence issues of ssSNPBLUP, the DPCG method requires substantial additional computations, in comparison to the PCG method. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to develop a second-level preconditioner that decreases the largest eigenvalues of the ssSNPBLUP preconditioned coefficient matrix at a lower cost than the DPCG method, in addition to comparing its performance to the (D)PCG methods applied to two different ssSNPBLUP models.ResultsBased on the properties of the ssSNPBLUP preconditioned coefficient matrix, we proposed a second-level diagonal preconditioner that decreases the largest eigenvalues of the ssSNPBLUP preconditioned coefficient matrix under some conditions. This proposed second-level preconditioner is easy to implement in current software and does not result in additional computing costs as it can be combined with the commonly used (block-)diagonal preconditioner. Tested on two different datasets and with two different ssSNPBLUP models, the second-level diagonal preconditioner led to a decrease of the largest eigenvalues and the condition number of the preconditioned coefficient matrices. It resulted in an improvement of the convergence pattern of the iterative solver. For the largest dataset, the convergence of the PCG method with the proposed second-level diagonal preconditioner was slower than the DPCG method, but it performed better than the DPCG method in terms of total computing time.ConclusionsThe proposed second-level diagonal preconditioner can improve the convergence of the (D)PCG methods applied to two ssSNPBLUP models. Based on our results, the PCG method combined with the proposed second-level diagonal preconditioner seems to be more efficient than the DPCG method in solving ssSNPBLUP. However, the optimal combination of ssSNPBLUP and solver will most likely be situation-dependent.greenNumerical Analysi

    Convergence behavior of single-step GBLUP and SNPBLUP for different termination criteria

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    BackgroundThe preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method is the current method of choice for iterative solving of genetic evaluations. The relative difference between two successive iterates and the relative residual of the system of equations are usually chosen as a termination criterion for the PCG method in animal breeding. However, our initial analyses showed that these two commonly used termination criteria may report that a PCG method applied to a single-step single nucleotide polymorphism best linear unbiased prediction (ssSNPBLUP) is not converged yet, whereas the solutions are accurate enough for practical use. Therefore, the aim of this study was to propose two termination criteria that have been (partly) developed in other fields, but are new in animal breeding, and to compare their behavior to that of the two termination criteria widely used in animal breeding for the PCG method applied to ssSNPBLUP. The convergence patterns of ssSNPBLUP were also compared to the convergence patterns of single-step genomic BLUP (ssGBLUP).ResultsBuilding upon previous work, we propose two termination criteria that take the properties of the system of equations into account. These two termination criteria are directly related to the relative error of the iterates with respect to the true solutions. Based on pig and dairy cattle datasets, we show that the preconditioned coefficient matrices of ssSNPBLUP and ssGBLUP have similar properties when using a second-level preconditioner for ssSNPBLUP. Therefore, the PCG method applied to ssSNPBLUP and ssGBLUP converged similarly based on the relative error of the iterates with respect to the true solutions. This similar convergence behavior between ssSNPBLUP and ssGBLUP was observed for both proposed termination criteria. This was, however, not the case for the termination criterion defined as the relative residual when applied to the dairy cattle evaluations.ConclusionOur results showed that the PCG method can converge similarly when applied to ssSNPBLUP and to ssGBLUP. The two proposed termination criteria always depicted these similar convergence behaviors, and we recommend them for comparing convergence properties of different models and for routine evaluations.Numerical Analysi